98 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Persepsi Petani Beras Hitam Lokal di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi petani DIY terhadap beras hitam lokal, faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya, serta mengetahui willingness to accept (WTA) petani. Persepsi petani terhadap beras hitam lokal beserta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi serta WTA dapat menjadi rujukan untuk penyusunan strategi pemasaran. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik purposive dan snowball sampling melalui pemberian kuesioner dan wawancara kepada petani beras hitam di Kabupaten Sleman, Bantul, dan Gunungkidul. Dari hasil analisis data, diketahui bahwa dari aspek biaya produksi, risiko kegagalan, kebutuhan air dan nutrisi, keberlanjutan produksi, kemudahan pemeliharaan, dan umur tanaman beras hitam sama saja dengan varietas beras lain. Sedangkan dari aspek produktivitas beras hitam lebih rendah dibanding dengan varietas beras lainnya. Faktor yang paling memengaruhi persepsi petani adalah faktor harga dengan nilai eigenvalue 3,616, kemudian faktor distribusi (1,669), faktor sosialisasi (1,422), faktor biaya produksi (1,212) serta faktor keunggulan produk (1,060). Dari perhitungan WTA, harga minimum yang petani bersedia terima adalah Rp19.800,00

    Optimization of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Quality Factors in Chilled Box Storage Using Taguchi Method

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    Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) is one of tuna fish species in Indonesia,which is perishable and must be kept its freshness by chilling. Aim of this research were to optimize influenced quality factors and to find the best method for reduce deterioration process. The research was conducted by using Taguchi Method, which was used quality robustness concept and multi-performance characteristics to achieve optimal combination of factors. Controlled factors during chilled storage were; weight ratio of ice and fish (A), box size (B), time replacing ice (C), ice form (D), concentration of added salt (E), fish form (F) and number of fishes per kg (G). Quality responses for assessing the freshness were; peroxide value (POV), water content (WC), pH value, texture and Total Plate Count (TPC). The result showed, increase of peroxide value was affected by A of 26.52% and C of 26.52%. Increase of water content was influenced by F of 37.25%. Fluctuation of pH was affected by G of 59.58%. Decrease of texture was influenced by A of 40.47%. Increase of TPC was influenced by A of 31.20%. Priority Scale of factors during storage were A, E, D, G, F, B, and C. Result of analysis muli-performance characteristics gave a conclusion that factors A1, B1, C1, D2, E2, F2 and G2 are the best chilling storage methods

    Pengembangan Tortila Berkalsium sebagai Alternatif Pangan Diet Casein Free-Gluten Free pada Industri Kecil dengan Metode Value Engineering

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    The number of people with autism increased 56% in 1998 – 2013, and it was a global problem. People with autism need special treatments and CFGF diet (casein free, gluten free) was one of those treatments. That's why, the development The calcium content was expected to substitute the calcium from dairy consumption, which shouldn't be consumed by people with autism. The method used in this product development was value engineering which separated in three steps: information, creativity, and analysis steps. Respectively, this research was also further completed with chemical The goal of this research was to design some product implemented in small scale industry. Respondends and panelist in this research were consisted of students and teachers. They acted as the market of the product, especially as a part of general society. This product were designed to provide CFGF snack for people with autism, and those who need CFGF diet. But this product was not limited to that market, it can be consumed by general society not only for people with autism, hence the students and teachers were used. The research showed that the best concept was a product produced with to get 200 grams of dough. This product concept was also designed to be packed in big size gusset packaging materials and the chips was triangle-shaped with size of feasible to be produced in small scale industry

    Green Catalysts Activities of CaO Nanoparticles From Pinctada Maxima Shell on Alcoholysis Reaction

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    Pinctada maxima shells from West Nusa Tenggara has natural minerals called calcite that can be decomposed into CaO compounds as a green catalyst that heterogeneous, base and environmentally friendly. CaO compounds in the nanometer scale is one option as an alternative substitute or replacement of the use of homogeneous catalysts. The purpose of this study was to test the catalytic activity of CaO compound from the pearl shells (P. maxima) based on particle size. The catalytic activity test has been measured against the percentage of yield of methyl ester produced by alcoholysis reaction. Characterization of nano-CaO compounds has been done using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET), scanning electron microscope energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), transmittance electron microscopy (TEM), while methyl esters has been analyzed using the ASTM method. CaO catalyst on the nanometer-scale have more effective catalytic activity than micrometer scale with the yield percentage of methyl ester obtained are 81,61% and 30,71%, respectively. The results of methyl ester characterization by ASTM method has shown that methyl ester has specification that are close to diesel oil, so it can be used as an alternative or substitution on diesel engine

    Feasibility Analysis of Cassava and Glucose Syrup as Alternatives Raw Materials for Industrial Nata (Case Study at CV. Agrindo Suprafood, Yogyakarta)

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    CV Agrindo Suprafood as one of the largest suppliers of nata de coco in Yogyakarta is only able to meet 40% of market demand due to the limitations of coconut water. An alternative strategy to tackle this problem is by looking for coconut water substitute as raw material for the production of nata. The purpose of this study was to analyze the potential of cassava and glucose syrup as raw material alternative of nata and its feasibility on an industrial scale . Formulation of nata is performed on a pilot plant scale with cassava and glucose syrup as raw material. Cassava glucose and glucose syrup were separately used as a growth medium of Acetobacter xylinum for the production of nata. The physical, chemical, and sensory evaluation as well as technical and financial feasibility analysis were conducted on the nata product. The best formula for production of nata de cassava and nata de glucose was obtained by a combination of glucose, glucose syrup, coconut water, ZA,vinegar, and acetic acid. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that both of nata production were industrially-feasible in terms of both technical and financial analysis. However, based on the financial analysis, nata de glucose was more prospective than nata de cassava

    Pola produksi etilen, respirasi dan sifat sensoris beberapa buah pada kondisi udara terkendali

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    One method to prolong the selflife of fruit is to control the atmosphere at a low temperature. In This research, the composition of the standart atmosphere (CO2 : 02 : N2) was 0,03% : 21% : 78%, and the composition of the control atmosphere of CO2 : 02 : N2 were (0% : 10% : 90%), (0% : 5% : 95%), (5%, 10%, 85%), and (5% : 90%). The research goal was to detect athylene production using a spectometer photoacustic, respiration rate using a respirator, and determine the sensory of fruit. The Fruits used in the research are apple (Mains syvestris Mill.), mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.), guava (Psidium guajava), chico (Manilkara Zapota Linn), avocado (Persea americana Mill.), and banana (Musa paradisiaca). The final results of the research suggested that generally fruits in control atmospheres determine ethylene production and respiration rate are lower than standart. The sensory of fruit in the control atmosphere is the same, too. The quality of fruits is the control atmosphere combinated temperature 10°C was better than the standart. The control atmosphere with composition CO2fi%, 02 5%, N2 90% resulted the best quality fruit

    Peran Perempuan Dalam Ekonomi Keluarga Ter-PHK Untuk Mengatasi Dampak Krisis(Women\u27s Role in The Economy of Laid-off Family to Cope With The Crisis Impact)

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    Menghadapi permasalahan ekonomi keluarga sebagai dampak krisis, perempuan dapat bertindak sebagai satu kekuatan untuk bertahan (survive). Berbagai strategi perempuan menghadapi situasi dipilih sesuai dengan peran perempuan dalam ekonomi keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk (1) menganalisis dampak krisis ekonomi pada keluarga terPHK di DIY, dan (2) menganalisis strategi yang dilakukan perempuan pada keluarga ter-PHK untuk mempertahankan keberlangsungan ekonomi keluarga Penelitian difokuskan pada para ibu dalam keluarga ter-PHK di Kabupaten Sleman dan Kabupaten Bantul, PrOpinsi DIY dengan total responden berjumlah 30. Alat yang digunakan berupa kuesioner yang bersifat terbuka sebagai acuan wawancara semi terstruktur. Analisis dengan statistik deskriptif dilakukan terhadap data yang dikumpulkan pada bulan November 2000, tiga tahun sejak krisis terjadi. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa meskipun perempuan bekerja dan mengelola keuangan keluarga pada lebih banyak keluarga responden, ternyata dalam hal pengambilan keputusan akhir tetap bagian terbesar ada pada laki-laki. Meskipun ditemukan bahwa perempuan memiliki peran penting dalam ekonomi keluarga mengatasi dampak krisis, ternyata setelah krisis justru terjadi penurunan alokasi waktu perempuan untuk mencari nafkah, dan sebaliknya semakin banyak waktu yang dicurahkan untuk pekerjaan domestik

    Analisis preferensi konsumen dan uji mutu mie instant di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Analysis of consumers\u27 preference and quality testing for instant nodle at Yogyakarta special province)

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    The dynamics of societal economy has forced instant noodle producers into a tighter competition. An explosion of instant noodle trade names in the market showed that only a high quality product that could survive in the long term. Therefore, instant noodle producers are challanged to conduct their research and development to improve their position in the market. The aim of this research is to study consumers\u27 preference to conduct quality testing, to find out relationship between preference and quality, and propose product development strategy. Consumers\u27 preference is studied using questionnaires, while instant noodle quality was tested in the laboratory. Based on those two basic informations a product development strategy was proposed. This research indicates that consumer prefers instant noodle due to its taste, easy to make, and affordable for most people. Positive correlation between preference and quality could help producers to develop their products through enhancement of taste, quality and process assurance. Key words : instant noddle, consumers\u27 preference, quality testing

    Kebijakan Perizinan Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru : Studi Kasus Izin Tempat Usaha Reklame di Kota Pekanbaru Dijalan Pangeran Hidayat dan Kh.a Dahlan Tahun 2012-2013

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    Now, Indonesia is doing development in every aspects lad to chane and improvement that may beable to improve public welfare. Realization of the development may be looked at the existence of its dwvwlopmwnt, like housing complex, bridges, roads, harbors and business or enterprises that uses machines with medium interference intensity like printing business in advertisement form. As constitutional state, there are some rules that bind society indevelopin their business. They are licensing business. The business licensing aims to prevent the danger of environment protect the certain objects and desire direct to certain activities such business licenses. The license of business place is one of the instrumnts that are very urgent in the government.In licensing business for advertising field, it is alleged that there are problems that are quite complex. Among them always happens conflict both internally and externally. The issue of licensing place of business is that the complexity of such a complexty of information flow, decision making and so forth. Because of that complexity, the issue of licensing maintenance of business premises causing conflict in the process. According to Robins (Organizational Behavior: 1979) says that the conflict is a process of interaction that occurs due to a discrepancy that occurs due to a discrepancy between the two opinions (point of view) that effects on the parties involved, the effect of positive and neative effects. It is the same as the opinion of Luthan ( Organizational Behaviour: 1981), he states that the conflict is a condition caused by the presence of opposing forces, these forces comes to the existence of human interests (resources). Conflict is closely linked to dissent, competition and differences desires or interests. There are serveral views on the impact of the conflict, including the view that a conflict on interest is a danger that some time may threaten the existence of a current and survival of an institutional or organization. These conflict need to be managed properly and required maximum efforts so that conflicts that occur can be directed to things that are positive
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