129 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan kegiatan wisata halal secara berkelanjutan setelah masa pandemi covid 19 dan peningkatan kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar desa wisata tersebut. Penelitian ini berada di timur kabupaten Lombok Barat letaknya di Kecamatan Kuripan tempatnya di desa Kuripan Selatan. Dalam hal penelitian yang relevan penulis membandingkan dengan jurnal, buku, tesis, dan sebagainya terutama pada hasil penelitian terbaru. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah beberapa stakeholder dan masyarakat yang terlibat dalam kelompok kegiatan keagamaan dengan sistem dari anggota untuk anggota.Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi bahwa kegiatan wisata keagamaan dapat membantu ekonomi masyarakat khususnya di pulau lombok dan wisatawan baik domestik dan internasional. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Prosedur Penelitian merupakan aktivitas ilmiah yang sistematis terarah dan bertujuan. Prosedur atau langkah yang ditempuh dalam penelitian ini. Tahap pra lapangan, tahap pekerjaan lapangan, tahap analisis data. Analisis pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan analisis data,pengumpulan data, reduksi data dan penarikan/verifikasi kesimpulan. Sehingga hasil penelitian berurutan secara jelas dan seksama. Hasil analisis deskriptif kualitatif menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kegiatan keagamaan  yang dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat maupun stakeholder (Pokdarwis) yang terlibat dalam kegiatan keagamaan di desa wisata kuripan selatan. Kata Kunci: atraksi; wisata halal; pasca-pandemi covid-19   Abstract: The purpose of this research is to implement halal tourism activities in a sustainable manner after the COVID-19 pandemic and increase the economic activity of the community around the tourist village. This study is located in the east of West Lombok district, located in Kuripan District, where it is located in the village of South Kuripan. South Kuripan village has a tradition that is a group of religious activities carried out for generations by the community around the southern Kuripan tourist village with a welfare system for members, each group has about twenty-five members.In terms of relevant research, the author compares it with journals, books, theses, theses and so on, especially on the results of the latest research. Understanding halal tourism itself is a tourism that puts forward Islamic Shari'a which has been contained in the Qur'an and As-Sunnah, tourism Halal has a vision that tourism is carried out without violating the values ​​and ethics in Islamic teachings. Thus, halal tourism can be interpreted as tourism that can protect or prevent visitors from committing sins (Adinugraha et al., 2018). The method that the author uses is a method with a qualitative approach.Research data obtained through observation, documentation and interviews. The sample used in this study are several stakeholders and the community who are involved in religious activity groups with a system from member to member. The results of this study are expected to provide information that religious tourism activities can help the community's economy, especially on the island of Lombok and tourists both domestically and internationally. The data obtained were processed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Research procedure is a scientific activity that is systematically directed and purposeful. The procedure or steps taken in this research. Pre-Field Stage, Field Work Stage, Data Analysis Stage. Analysis of the qualitative approach uses data analysis, data collection, data reduction and conclusion drawing/verification. So that the results of sequential research are clear and thorough.The results of the qualitative descriptive analysis indicate that there are religious activities carried out by the community and stakeholders (Pokdarwis) who are involved in religious activities in the southern Kuripan tourist village. In this case, tourism awareness groups need to remind the public to raise awareness of the importance of religious activities carried out, during community involvement and supervision from the Tourism Awareness Group (POKDARWIS) as managers in terms of halal tourism-based religious activities as well as one of the pioneering forms of halal tourism destinations in Indonesia. West Nusa Tenggara. Keywords: attractions; halal tourism; post-covid-19 pandemi


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    Aging of copper alloy was studied at different temperature and times. Tensile test and metallurgical investigation were carried out to study the effect on mechanical properties and the microstructures of copper alloy. It was observed that peak strength was obtained by specimen aged for 4 hours at 450 oC, with yield strength of 542.38 MPa and ultimate tensile strength of 559.69 MPa. Peak strength was achieved with an increased strain field in the structure produced by coherent precipitates. The finer grain structure was observed in this stage which led to strain hardening. Lowest strength was recorded on specimen aged for 8 hours at 450 oC, with yield strength of 441.66 MPa and ultimate tensile strength of 452.24 MPa. The reduction of strength was the effect of overaging, which was due to coarsening of grain structure and elimination of precipitation coherency

    Komunikasi Simbolik Masjid Agung Keraton Buton

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    ABSTRACT  The title of  this study  is the  Communication  Symbolic  of  Grand Mosque  Buton  palace reveal  existence  an  dexpression  collective  Integrative  Awareness  in  Buton Community Social systems. This study aims to  reveal the  symbolic  form of communication and trying  to understand the link ages and symbolic communication Ahmadiyah mosqu eon the expression of the collective consciousness  in the social system   of integrativeculturalSociety of Buton.  The method  of the research is in its implementation  apply multi  dimensional  approach. The poin  the stressedis not just one  approach toscience alone,  but  seeks to unravel the  phenomenon of  symbolic communication  integrity  in  the Great Mosque of  Sultan  Buton  primarily  phenomenological approach  and  ethnographic  approaches.  This study  in  cludes  the type  of qualitative  research-emphasizing  descriptive  observational  participatory,  in-depth  interviews  and  documentation. Mosque of Sultan Buton  is the only  relic of  the Government of the Sultanate of Buton  remaining and still  exists and  functions  today.  Work for the  Buton  mosque  is not just  an artifact  of communication,  but as  a complex  symbol  that communicates therhythmand  momentum of  the movement of history, comparative advantage, productivity, and creativity,  the ability  to transform great  ideas  in the context of  local  socio-cultural, cognitive intelligence, emotive, behavioral, and spiritual depth of intelligence achievement. Key words: communication symbolic, multidimensional approach, grand mosque of Buton palaceABSTRAK Judul penelitian ini adalah Komunikasi Simbolis Masjid Agung Keraton Buton mengungkaEksistensi Masjid dan Ekspresi Kesadaran Integratif Kolekstif dalam sistem Sosial Masyarakat ButoPenelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap bentuk komunikasi simbolik dan mencoba memahami keterkaitaeksisitensi dan komunikasi simbolik  masjid terhadap ekspresi kesadaran  integratif kolektif dalamsistem sosial kultural  masyarakat Buton. Metode penelitian ini dalam implementasinya dilakukan dengan pendekatan multidimensional approach . Titik tekannya tidak hanya satu pendekatan ilmu satetapi berupaya mengungkap keutuhan fenomena komunikasi simbolik di Masjid Agung Keraton Buton terutama menggunakan    pendekatan fenomenologi dan pendekatan etnografi. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif  –  deskriptif yang menekankan observatif partisipatif, wawancamendalam dan dokumentasi.  Masjid Agung Keraton Buton merupakan satu-satunya peninggalanPemerintahan Kesultanan Buton yang masih tersisa dan masih  eksis serta berfungsi sampai sekaranBagi Masyarakat Buton masjid bukan  sekedar artefak komunikasi, tetapi sebagai simbol yang kompleks,  momentum yang mengkomunikasikan ritme gerak sejarah, keunggulan komparatifproduktifitas kreatif, kemampuan mentransformasi gagasan besar dalam konteks sosial kultural lokalkecerdasan kognitif, emotif, behavioral, dan kedalaman prestasi kecerdasan spiritualitas. Kata kunci : komunikasi simbolis, pendekatan multidimensional, masjid agung keraton Buto

    Seaweeds as renewable sources for biopolymers and its composites: a review

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    Background: The rising environmental awareness has driven efforts for the development of renewable materials for various end-use applications. The trend of using biopolymer in combination with organic or non-organic filler has increased rapidly in recent years. Seaweed is a versatile organism that produces various kinds of polysaccharides i.e. agar, carrageenan and alginate that are extensively used in the development of biopolymer. Biopolymers derived from seaweed polysaccharides possess promising features as they are renewable, biodegradable, biocompatible, and environment-friendly. The aims of this paper are to review research related to the seaweed and its biopolymers for various applications. Methods: Research articles related to the seaweed and its biopolymers are reviewed. The summary of seaweed composites and seaweed biopolymers modification are provided. Results: Seaweed has been used for various applications ranging from food, thickening agent, natural medicine, biofuel, biosorbent material, etc. Seaweed was also used as reinforcement to improve the mechanical properties of polymer composites. Various modifications have been done on seaweed biopolymer to improve the properties of the materials such as blending with other polymers, the addition of compatibilizer, and reinforcement with other materials. The potential of seaweed polymers i.e. agar, carrageenan, and alginate in various applications such as packaging and pharmaceutical show promising characteristics for applications. Conclusion: Seaweed is a highly potential source for renewable biopolymers. These biopolymers have shown great characteristics for various applications due to their unique film-forming ability and excellent mechanical properties. These properties can be further improved following various modification techniques i.e. reinforcement and blending. The potential of seaweed as filler in polymer composites provides evidence to improve the thermal, physical, and mechanical properties of the synthetic polymer matrix. It can be concluded that seaweed is a highly potential renewable resource for the development of biocompatible and environmentally friendly materials

    Thermal, mechanical, and physical properties of seaweed/sugar palm fibre reinforced thermoplastic sugar palm Starch/Agar hybrid composites

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of sugar palm fibre (SPF) on the mechanical, thermal and physical properties of seaweed/thermoplastic sugar palm starch agar (TPSA) composites. Hybridized seaweed/SPF filler at weight ratio of 25:75, 50:50 and 75:25 were prepared using TPSA as a matrix. Mechanical, thermal and physical properties of hybrid composites were carried out. Obtained results indi- cated that hybrid composites display improved tensile and flexural properties accompanied with lower impact resistance. The highest tensile (17.74 MPa) and flexural strength (31.24 MPa) was obtained from hybrid composite with 50:50 ratio of seaweed/SPF. Good fibre-matrix bonding was evident in the scan- ning electron microscopy (SEM) micrograph of the hybrid composites’ tensile fracture. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis showed increase in intermolecular hydrogen bonding following the addition of SPF. Thermal stability of hybrid composites was enhanced, indicated by a higher onset degradation temperature (259 ◦C) for 25:75 seaweed/SPF composites than the individual seaweed com- posites (253 ◦C). Water absorption, thickness swelling, water solubility, and soil burial tests showed higher water and biodegradation resistance of the hybrid composites. Overall, the hybridization of SPF with seaweed/TPSA composites enhances the properties of the biocomposites for short-life application; that is, disposable tray, plate, etc

    Budaya Pendidikan Islam di Kesultanan Buton pada Masa Pemerintahan Sultan Muhammad Idrus Kaimuddin (Abad Ke -19 )

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    This study aimed to analyze the network of Islamic education in the Sultanate of Buton during the reign of Sultan Muhammad K. Kaimuddin. In addition, this study was also aimed to determine the factors that support public acceptance of the teachings application of Islam in the Sultanate of Buton during the reign of Sultan Muhammad K. Kaimuddin. The method used in this study was the historical method with a qualitative approach. Data collections techniques used were interviews, the study documentation through texts, literature study and observation. The results showed that: 1) a network of Islamic education in the Sultanate of Buton on 19th century had implemented an education system that integrates the local culture with the values ​​of the Qur'an based Sufism. The education system had been able to provide the ability for the Sultanate to build a political system, governance and security. Islamic education during the Sultanate still clearly visible on the implementation of the attitudes diversity of Buton society capable in integrating the noble values ​​of local with the noble values ​​of the Qur'an that are universal; 2) learning process that starts from the capital city of the Sultanate (the palace) and then spread to Kadie-Kadie onwards to barata region, which was a small kingdoms that had a structure of government and the community itself, take a long time and the process of distribution was quite long. Keywords: cultural education, Islam, Sultanate, ButonPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jaringan pendidikan Islam di Kesultanan Buton selama masa pemerintahan Sultan Muhammad Idrus Kaimuddin. Selain itu, juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mendukung penerimaan masyarakat terhadap penerapan ajaran Islam di Kesultanan Buton selama masa pemerintahan Sultan Muhammad Idrus Kaimuddin. Metode penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode sejarah dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, studi dokumentasi melalui naskah-naskah dan studi kepustakaan serta observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) jaringan pendidikan Islam di Kesultanan Buton pada abad ke-19 telah menerapkan sebuah sistem pendidikan yang mengintegrasikan antara budaya lokal dengan nilai-nilai Al-Qur'an yang berbasis Tasawuf. Sistem pendidikan ini telah mampu memberikan kemampuan bagi Kesultanan untuk membangun sistim politik, pemerintahan dan keamanan. Pendidikan Islam pada masa Kesultananan masih tampak dengan jelas implementasinya yakni pada sikap keberagaman masyarakat Buton yang mampu mengintegrasikan antara nilai-nilai luhur lokal dengan nilai-nilai luhur Al-Qur'an yang bersifat universal; 2) proses pembelajaran yang dimulai dari Ibu Kota Kesultanan (istana) kemudian menyebar ke kadie-kadie dan seterusnya ke wilayah barata, yang merupakan kerajaan-kerajaan kecil yang memiliki struktur pemerintahan dan masyarakat sendiri, memakan waktu yang panjang dan proses penyebarannya cukup lama. Kata kunci: budaya pendidikan, Islam, Kesultanan, Buto

    Effect of agar on physical properties of thermoplastic starch derived from sugar palm tree

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    Modification of thermoplastic starch with other natural polymer is a promising research since the combination of both material will produce a fully green polymer with modified properties. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of agar on physical properties of thermoplastic sugar palm starch (SPS). Various types of thermoplasctic SPS based polymer were prepared by blending SPS and agar with the presence of glycerol as a plasticiser. Agar with various contents (10, 20, 30, and 40 wt%) were mixed with thermoplastic SPS via melt mixing before compression moulded into 3 mm mould plate. The prepared laminates were characterised for the moisture content, density, water absorption, thickness swelling and water solubility. Results showed that incorporation of agar has slightly increased the moisture content and water absorption capacity of the blends. Slight increment in thickness swelling was observed for thermoplastic SPS after incorporation with agar (40 wt%). Water solubility of thermoplastic SPS was slightly increased with incorporation of agar (40 wt%). Similar density was recorded for all ratios of agar, which indicated that the incorporation of agar did not influence the density of thermoplastic SPS. In conclusion, the incorporation of agar has slightly increased the hydrophilic behaviour of thermoplastic SPS

    Characteristics of thermoplastic sugar palm Starch/Agar blend: Thermal, tensile, and physical properties

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    The aim of this work is to study the behavior of biodegradable sugar palm starch (SPS) based thermoplastic containing agar in the range of 10–40 wt%. The thermoplastics were melt-mixed and then hot pressed at 140◦C for 10 min. SEM investigation showed good miscibility between SPS and agar. FT-IR analysis confirmed that SPS and agar were compatible and inter-molecular hydrogen bonds existed between them. Incorporation of agar increased the thermoplastic starch tensile properties (Young’s modulus and tensile strength). The thermal stability and moisture uptake increased with increasing agar content. The present work shows that starch-based thermoplastics with 30 wt% agar content have the highest tensile strength. Higher content of agar (40 wt%) resulted to more rough cleavage fracture and slight decrease in the tensile strength. In conclusion, the addition of agar improved the thermal and tensile properties of thermoplastic SPS which widened the potential application of this eco-friendly material. The most promising applications for this eco-friendly material are short-life products such as packaging, container, tray, et

    Characteristics of Eucheuma cottonii waste from East Malaysia: physical, thermal and chemical composition

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    The aim of this paper was to examine the characteristics of Eucheuma cottonii waste in order to analyse its potential as renewable material. The morphology of Eucheuma cottonii (raw and wastes) was investigated through scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the thermal behaviour through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and the physical properties through FT-IR, XRD, gas pycnometer, particle size analyser, water absorption and moisture content analysis. The chemical compositions were determined by using acid detergent fibre (ADF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) analysis. It was found that Eucheuma cottonii wastes have better thermal stability, higher crude fibre content, lower moisture content and similar density to the raw Eucheuma cottonii, which suggests that these biomass wastes have good potential as renewable filler material

    Effect of seaweed on physical properties of thermoplastic sugar palm starch/agar composites

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the physical properties of thermoplastic sugar palm starch/agar (TPSA) blend when incorporated with seaweed. The ratio of starch, agar, and glycerol for TPSA was maintained at 70:30:30. Seaweed with various contents (10, 20, 30, and 40 wt.%) were mixed with TPSA matrix via melt mixing before compression were molded into 3 mm plate at 140oC for 10 minutes. The prepared laminates were characterized for moisture absorption, water absorption, thickness swelling, water solubility, and density. The results showed that increasing seaweed loading from 0 to 40 wt% has led to a drop in moisture content from 6.50 to 4.96% and 9% reduction of the density. TPSA matrix showed 52.5% water uptake and 32.3% swelling whereas TPSA/seaweed composites (40 wt% loading) showed 97% water uptake and 74.8% swelling respectively. Higher water solubility was also shown by TPSA/seaweed composites (57 wt%) compared to that of the TPSA matrix (26 wt%). After 16 days of storage, the equilibrium moisture content for TPSA and TPSA/seaweed (40 wt% loading) were 23.2 and 25.2% respectively. In conclusion, TPSA/seaweed composites show good environmental friendly characteristics as a renewable material. In future, the properties of this material can be further improved by hybridization with more hydrophobic fillers for better resistance against water