30 research outputs found

    Efeito da termociclagem e da técnica de inserção na infiltração de restaurações em resina composta

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effect on leakage of two incremental filling techniques and two composite resins with different elastic modulus and similar polymerization shrinkage. Eighty Class V cavities (4x4x2mm) were prepared in bovine incisors and were randomly restored with Z-250 (Z) or Durafill VS (D) + Single Bond in axial (a) or oblique (o) increments. The restorations were divided into two groups: Not Aged - N (4-hour-storage in water at 37ºC) and Aged - A (1-week storage in water at 37ºC + 1000 x - 5º-55ºC / 1-min dwell time). The specimens were covered with 2 coats of nail varnish so that only the restoration margins were exposed to silver nitrate 50% (2h) and developed under fluorescent light (8h). After they were sectioned twice in buccal-lingual direction, the four exposed surfaces were digitized (Vidcap) and the silver nitrate penetration was measured (ImageLab) at the incisal and gingival walls. Data were analyzed by a 3-way ANOVA (Resin, Filling Technique and Aging) separately for incisal and gingival walls (alpha=0.05). Resin and Aging were statistically significant either for the incisal and the gingival walls. The microfill composite resin infiltrated more than the hybrid composite. The thermal cycling caused an overall increase in silver nitrate penetration. The filling technique affected leakage depending on the composite resin and aging regimen.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de duas técnicas incrementais de inserção na infiltração de restaurações de resinas compostas com módulos de elasticidade distintos e contração de polimerização semelhante. Para isto, foram preparadas 80 cavidades Classe V (4x4x2 mm) em incisivos bovinos que foram restauradas de modo aleatório com Z-250 (Z) ou Durafill VS (D) + Single Bond em incrementos axiais (a) ou oblíquos (o). As restaurações foram divididas em dois grupos: Não Envelhecidas - N (4 h em água destilada a 37º C) e Envelhecidas - E (1 semana de armazenagem em água a 37º C + 1000 x - 5º-55ºC / 1 min de imersão). Os espécimes foram recobertos com duas camadas de esmalte cosmético de modo que apenas as margens das restaurações ficassem expostas ao nitrato de prata (2h) seguido de imersão em revelador (8h) sob luz fluorescente. Posteriormente, eles foram secionados duas vezes no sentido vestíbulo-lingual, as superfïcies expostas (4) foram digitalizadas (Vidcap) e a penetração do nitrato de prata medido (ImageLab) nas paredes incisal e gengival. Os dados foram analisados por análise de variância de três fatores (Resina, Técnica de Inserção e Envelhecimento) separadamente para as paredes incisal e gengival. Resina e Envelhecimento foram significativos. A resina composta de micropartículas mostrou maior infiltração que a híbrida. A técnica de inserção influenciou a infiltração marginal dependendo da resina e do emprego ou não de ciclos térmicos

    Spatial analysis of urban violence based on emergency room data

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    OBJETIVO: Estimar la intensidad espacial de eventos violentos utilizando metodología estadística basada en ondaletas (wavelets) y en datos de centros de urgencia. MÉTODOS: Fueron analizados datos referentes a víctimas de causas externas atendidas en centros de urgencias municipales localizados en zonas del sur de la ciudad de São Paulo (sudeste de Brasil) en el período de 1/1/2002 a 11/1/2003. Las informaciones fueron adquiridas a partir de registros hospitalarios. Las 3.540 ocurrencias fueron localizadas geográficamente en los casos con dirección incompleta fueron localizados en base en una elección aleatoria uniforme. Procesos puntuales y técnicas de ondaletas fueron utilizados para estimar la intensidad espacial, definida como el número esperado de eventos por unidad de área. RESULTADOS: Del total de ocurrencias georreferenciadas, 59% fueron accidentes y 40% agresiones. La intensidad estimada indica que la distribución espacial de los eventos no es homogénea, concentrándose en dos distritos y tres grandes avenidas localizadas en la zona sur de la ciudad de São Paulo. CONCLUSIONES: La utilización de ondaletas permite obtener el número esperado de eventos y respectiva banda de confianza para cualquier sub-región y, consecuentemente, calcular estimativas de los riesgos de ocurrencia de los eventos de interés, proporcionando subsidios para la definición de políticas para el enfrentamiento de la violencia urbana. Datos hospitalarios combinados con la metodología para estimar la intensidad de ocurrencia probaron ser útiles para estudiar la violencia urbana.OBJETIVO: Estimar a intensidade espacial de eventos violentos utilizando metodologia estatística baseada em ondaletas (wavelets) e em dados de pronto-socorro. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados referentes a vítimas de causas externas atendidas em pronto-socorro municipal localizado na zona Sul da cidade de São Paulo (SP) no período de 1/1/2002 a 11/1/2003. As informações foram obtidas a partir dos registros hospitalares. As 3.540 ocorrências foram localizadas geograficamente e os casos com endereço incompleto foram alocados com base numa escolha aleatória uniforme. Processos pontuais e técnicas de ondaletas foram utilizados para estimar a intensidade espacial, definida como o número esperado de eventos por unidade de área. RESULTADOS: Do total de ocorrências georreferenciadas, 59% foram acidentes e 40% agressões. A intensidade estimada indica que a distribuição espacial dos eventos não é homogênea, concentrando-se em dois distritos e três grandes avenidas localizados na zona Sul da cidade de São Paulo. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização de ondaletas permite obter o número esperado de eventos e respectiva banda de confiança para quaisquer sub-regiões e, conseqüentemente, calcular estimativas dos riscos de ocorrência dos eventos de interesse, fornecendo subsídios para a definição de políticas para o enfrentamento da violência urbana. Dados hospitalares combinados com a metodologia para estimação da intensidade de ocorrência provaram-se úteis para estudar a violência urbana.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the spatial intensity of urban violence events using wavelet-based methods and emergency room data. METHODS: Information on victims attended at the emergency room of a public hospital in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, from January 1, 2002 to January 11, 2003 were obtained from hospital records. The spatial distribution of 3,540 events was recorded and a uniform random procedure was used to allocate records with incomplete addresses. Point processes and wavelet analysis technique were used to estimate the spatial intensity, defined as the expected number of events by unit area. RESULTS: Of all georeferenced points, 59% were accidents and 40% were assaults. There is a non-homogeneous spatial distribution of the events with high concentration in two districts and three large avenues in the southern area of the city of São Paulo. CONCLUSIONS: Hospital records combined with methodological tools to estimate intensity of events are useful to study urban violence. The wavelet analysis is useful in the computation of the expected number of events and their respective confidence bands for any sub-region and, consequently, in the specification of risk estimates that could be used in decision-making processes for public policies

    Tensile bond strength of adhesive systems: effects of primer and thermocycling

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de verificar o efeito do "primer" e dos ciclos térmicos na resistência da união entre adesivos multiuso e esmalte dental, sob ensaios de tração. Os seguintes sistemas adesivos foram aplicados, de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes, na superfície vestibular (sem desgaste) de 96 pré-molares com ou sem a aplicação prévia do "primer": Scotchbond MP, OptiBond FL, Amalgambond Plus e OptiBond - "dual cure". Após a aplicação do sistema adesivo, foi confeccionado um cone de resina composta (Z100, 3M), e fotoativado dentro de um molde metálico. Metade do total de espécimes foi submetida a 3.000 ciclos térmicos (5-37ºC; 37-55ºC, 60 s de imersão); a outra metade permaneceu imersa em água a 37ºC pelo mesmo tempo dispensado no procedimento anterior. Os dados foram submetidos a uma análise de variância (p = 0,05) e nenhum efeito significante foi detectado, indicando que a resistência de união não foi afetada pelo sistema adesivo, pela aplicação do "primer" ou pelos ciclos térmicos.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of primer and thermocycling on the bond strength of multi-purpose adhesive systems applied to enamel, under tensile stress. The following bonding systems were applied, according to the manufacturers' instructions, on unground enamel buccal surfaces of 96 premolars, with or without the application of primer: Scotchbond MP, OptiBond FL, Amalgambond Plus and OptiBond (dual-cure). A composite resin (Z100, 3M) was applied and light-cured in a cast metal hollow cone, which was previously fixed to the enamel surfaces. Half of the sample was subjected to 3,000 thermocycles (5-37ºC; 37-55ºC, dwell time of 60 s), and the other half was stored in water at 37ºC for the same period. The data were treated by means of ANOVA and no significant effects were detected, which indicates that tensile bond strength was not affected by the adhesive systems, application of primer or thermocycling

    Avaliação clínica de um cimento de ionômero de vidro utilizado como selante oclusal: a clinical evaluation

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    Since fluoride’s properties are widely known in the field of Preventive Dentistry, fluoride-releasing materials have been extensively investigated. Among the occlusal sealants, there is great expectation regarding the results that can be achieved with light-curing glass-ionomer cements due to their excellent properties. The aim of this study was to assess the use of one of these cements, Vitremer (3M) as an occlusal sealant. The material was applied using two different techniques; either associated or not with an adhesive system. After 6 and 12 months of observation, an evaluation was performed in 159 teeth to verify its retention as well as the presence of caries lesions. The technique that included the adhesive system showed better retention than the conventional one. Total retention was 84.9% for the experimental technique and 37.2% for the conventional technique after 12 months. There was no difference between bicuspids and molars regarding retention. Caries lesion was observed in a single tooth, for which a total loss of material was observed after one year.Sabendo-se do papel do flúor na Odontologia Preventiva, cada vez mais procuram-se materiais restauradores com propriedades de liberação deste íon. Dentre os selantes oclusais, grande expectativa existe em relação aos cimentos de ionômero de vidro, particularmente os fotopolimerizáveis, por possuírem melhores propriedades. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar um destes cimentos, Vitremer (3M), aplicado em: combinação ou não com um adesivo. A avaliação foi realizada em 159 dentes, 6 e 12 meses após a aplicação do selante, observando-se sua retenção e a presença ou ausência de lesão de cárie. Concluiu-se que a técnica modificada, com adesivo, propiciou significativamente melhor retenção após 6 e 12 meses que a técnica convencional, não havendo diferença entre molares e pré-molares. Apenas um dente do grupo sem adesivo desenvolveu lesão de cárie após a perda do material

    Hepatitis E virus infection increases the risk of diabetes and severity of liver disease in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection

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    OBJECTIVES: Co-infection with hepatitis A or B viruses may aggravate liver injury in patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). However, few studies have assessed co-infection with hepatitis E virus (HEV) and HCV. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the prevalence and impact of HEV infection among Brazilian patients with chronic HCV infection. METHODS: This observational study included adult patients with chronic HCV infection who were naive to antiviral therapy from January 2013 to March 2016. A total of 181 patients were enrolled, and HEV serology and PCR were performed for all patients. RESULTS: Seropositivity for anti-HEV IgG was detected in 22 (12.0%) patients and anti-HEV immunoglobulin M in 3 (1.6%). HEV RNA showed inconclusive results in nine (4.9%) patients and was undetectable in the remaining patients. HEV serology positive patients had more severe liver disease, characterized by liver fibrosis ≥3 versus â‰¤2 (p<0.001), Aspartate Aminotransferase-to-Platelet Ratio Index of ≥1.45 (p=0.003), and Fibrosis-4 score of ≥3.25 (p=0.001). Additionally, the odds of HEV-positive patients developing diabetes mellitus were 3.65 (95% CI 1.40-9.52) times the corresponding odds of HEV-negative patients. A case-control-based histological analysis (n=11 HEV-HCV-positive patients and n=22 HCV-positive patients) showed no significant differences between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: This prevalence is higher than that reported in previous studies of the general population in Brazil. Thus, HEV infection may influence the severity of liver disease and may represent an additional risk of developing diabetes mellitus in patients with HCV infection

    Association of Malaria Infection During Pregnancy With Head Circumference of Newborns in the Brazilian Amazon.

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    Importance: Malaria during pregnancy is associated with adverse events for the fetus and newborn, but the association of malaria during pregnancy with the head circumference of the newborn is unclear. Objective: To investigate the association of malaria during pregnancy with fetal head growth. Design, Setting, and Participants: Two cohort studies were conducted at the general maternity hospital of Cruzeiro do Sul (Acre, Brazil) in the Amazonian region. One cohort study prospectively enrolled noninfected and malaria-infected pregnant women who were followed up until delivery, between January 2013 and April 2015. The other cohort study was assembled retrospectively using clinical and malaria data from all deliveries that occurred between January 2012 and December 2013. Data analyses were conducted from January to August 2017 and revised in November 2018. Clinical data from pregnant women and anthropometric measures of their newborns were evaluated. A total of 600 pregnant women were enrolled through volunteer sampling (prospective cohort study), and 4697 pregnant women were selected by population-based sampling (retrospective cohort study). After application of exclusion criteria, data from 251 (prospective cohort study) and 232 (retrospective cohort study) malaria-infected and 158 (prospective cohort study) and 3650 (retrospective cohort study) noninfected women were evaluated. Exposure: Malaria during pregnancy. Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary end point was the incidence of altered head circumference in newborns delivered from malaria-infected mothers compared with that from noninfected mothers. Secondary end points included measures of placental pathology relative to newborn head circumference. Results: In total, 4291 maternal-child pairs were analyzed. Among 409 newborns in the prospective cohort study, the mothers of 251 newborns had malaria during pregnancy, infected with Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, or both. Among 3882 newborns in the retrospective cohort study, 232 were born from mothers that had malaria during pregnancy. The prevalence of newborns with a small head (19 [30.7%] in the prospective cohort study and 30 [36.6%] in the retrospective cohort study) and the prevalence of microcephaly among newborns (5 [8.1%] in the prospective cohort study and 6 [7.3%] in the retrospective cohort study) were higher among newborns from women infected with P falciparum during pregnancy. Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that P falciparum infection during pregnancy represented a significant risk factor for the occurrence of small head circumference in newborns (prospective cohort study: odds ratio, 3.15; 95% CI, 1.52-6.53; P = .002; retrospective cohort study: odds ratio, 1.91; 95% CI, 1.21-3.04; P = .006). Placental pathologic findings corroborated this association, with more syncytial nuclear aggregates and inflammatory infiltrates occurring in placentas of newborns born with decreased head circumference. Conclusions and Relevance: This study indicates that falciparum malaria during pregnancy is associated with decreased head circumference in newborns, which is in turn associated with evidence of placental malaria