12 research outputs found

    Data_Sheet_1_Precrop Functional Group Identity Affects Yield of Winter Barley but Less so High Carbon Amendments in a Mesocosm Experiment.docx

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    <p>Nitrate leaching is a pressing environmental problem in intensive agriculture. Especially after the crop harvest, leaching risk is greatest due to decomposing plant residues, and low plant nutrient uptake and evapotranspiration. The specific crop also matters: grain legumes and canola commonly result in more leftover N than the following winter crop can take up before spring. Addition of a high carbon amendment (HCA) could potentially immobilize N after harvest. We set up a 2-year mesocosm experiment to test the effects of N fertilization (40 or 160 kg N/ha), HCA addition (no HCA, wheat straw, or sawdust), and precrop plant functional group identity on winter barley yield and soil C/N ratio. Four spring precrops were sown before winter barley (white lupine, faba bean, spring canola, spring barley), which were selected based on a functional group approach (colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi [AMF] and/or N<sub>2</sub>-fixing bacteria). We also measured a subset of faba bean and spring barley for leaching over winter after harvest. As expected, N fertilization had the largest effect on winter barley yield, but precrop functional identity also significantly affected the outcome. The non-AMF precrops white lupine and canola had on average a positive effect on yield compared to the AMF precrops spring barley and faba bean under high N (23% increase). Under low N, we found only a small precrop effect. Sawdust significantly reduced the yield compared to the control or wheat straw under either N level. HCAs reduced nitrate leaching over winter, but only when faba bean was sown as a precrop. In our setup, short-term immobilization of N by HCA addition after harvest seems difficult to achieve. However, other effects such as an increase in SOM or nutrient retention could play a positive role in the long term. Contrary to the commonly found positive effect of AMF colonization, winter barley showed a greater yield when it followed a non-AMF precrop under high fertilization. This could be due to shifts of the agricultural AMF community toward parasitism.</p

    Image_2_Host and abiotic constraints on the distribution of the pine fungal pathogen Sphaeropsis sapinea (= Diplodia sapinea).TIFF

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    Plant fungal pathogens are an increasing emerging threat as climate change progresses. Sphaeropsis sapinea (syn. Diplodia sapinea), the causal fungal agent of Diplodia tip blight, is a major pathogen of pines of forestry and ornamental relevance in Europe and worldwide. Here, we combined molecular-based field surveys in a common-garden setting and across an elevation gradient with historical records, cultivation-based growth experiments and microscopy to report on host and abiotic constraints on the distribution of S. sapinea. Using the arboretum at the Botanical Garden Berlin, Germany, to control for environmental variability, S. sapinea was detected on all seven host Pinus species we studied. However, P. sylvestris is the only species in which the fungus was detected in symptomless needles at the arboretum, and the most frequently recorded host for over a century, suggesting that it is the main, and perhaps, potential original host. In addition, sampling symptomatic needles in four out of the seven same species across a gradient from 200 to 2,100 m of elevation in the French Alps, S. sapinea was not detected at elevation higher than 800 m. Abiotic constraints were also supported by reduced growth of isolates of S. sapinea at low temperature under controlled conditions, but a 35°C prior stress exposure increased the subsequent growth of S. sapinea within its optimal temperature range (20-30°C). Altogether, our study thus not only suggests that S. sapinea is more likely to cause tip blight in P. sylvestris compared to the other species we studied, but also that in the current context of global climate change with predicted temperature increases, the fungus could infect a wider range of pine hosts and locations worldwide.</p

    Data_Sheet_2_Host and abiotic constraints on the distribution of the pine fungal pathogen Sphaeropsis sapinea (= Diplodia sapinea).CSV

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    Plant fungal pathogens are an increasing emerging threat as climate change progresses. Sphaeropsis sapinea (syn. Diplodia sapinea), the causal fungal agent of Diplodia tip blight, is a major pathogen of pines of forestry and ornamental relevance in Europe and worldwide. Here, we combined molecular-based field surveys in a common-garden setting and across an elevation gradient with historical records, cultivation-based growth experiments and microscopy to report on host and abiotic constraints on the distribution of S. sapinea. Using the arboretum at the Botanical Garden Berlin, Germany, to control for environmental variability, S. sapinea was detected on all seven host Pinus species we studied. However, P. sylvestris is the only species in which the fungus was detected in symptomless needles at the arboretum, and the most frequently recorded host for over a century, suggesting that it is the main, and perhaps, potential original host. In addition, sampling symptomatic needles in four out of the seven same species across a gradient from 200 to 2,100 m of elevation in the French Alps, S. sapinea was not detected at elevation higher than 800 m. Abiotic constraints were also supported by reduced growth of isolates of S. sapinea at low temperature under controlled conditions, but a 35°C prior stress exposure increased the subsequent growth of S. sapinea within its optimal temperature range (20-30°C). Altogether, our study thus not only suggests that S. sapinea is more likely to cause tip blight in P. sylvestris compared to the other species we studied, but also that in the current context of global climate change with predicted temperature increases, the fungus could infect a wider range of pine hosts and locations worldwide.</p

    Table_1_Host and abiotic constraints on the distribution of the pine fungal pathogen Sphaeropsis sapinea (= Diplodia sapinea).csv

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    Plant fungal pathogens are an increasing emerging threat as climate change progresses. Sphaeropsis sapinea (syn. Diplodia sapinea), the causal fungal agent of Diplodia tip blight, is a major pathogen of pines of forestry and ornamental relevance in Europe and worldwide. Here, we combined molecular-based field surveys in a common-garden setting and across an elevation gradient with historical records, cultivation-based growth experiments and microscopy to report on host and abiotic constraints on the distribution of S. sapinea. Using the arboretum at the Botanical Garden Berlin, Germany, to control for environmental variability, S. sapinea was detected on all seven host Pinus species we studied. However, P. sylvestris is the only species in which the fungus was detected in symptomless needles at the arboretum, and the most frequently recorded host for over a century, suggesting that it is the main, and perhaps, potential original host. In addition, sampling symptomatic needles in four out of the seven same species across a gradient from 200 to 2,100 m of elevation in the French Alps, S. sapinea was not detected at elevation higher than 800 m. Abiotic constraints were also supported by reduced growth of isolates of S. sapinea at low temperature under controlled conditions, but a 35°C prior stress exposure increased the subsequent growth of S. sapinea within its optimal temperature range (20-30°C). Altogether, our study thus not only suggests that S. sapinea is more likely to cause tip blight in P. sylvestris compared to the other species we studied, but also that in the current context of global climate change with predicted temperature increases, the fungus could infect a wider range of pine hosts and locations worldwide.</p

    Table_2_Evidence for Subsoil Specialization in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi.PDF

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    <p>Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal communities are now known to vary with depth in arable land. Here we use two previously published high-throughput Illumina sequencing data sets, and compare a 52 year long chronosequence of recultivated agriculture fields after a topsoil and subsoil mixing event, with a set of undisturbed topsoil and subsoil samples from a similar field. We show that AM taxa identified as subsoil indicators are exclusively present in early stages of the chronosequence, whereas topsoil indicator taxa can be found across the chronosequence, and that similarities from the chronosequence fields to the subsoil communities decrease with time. Our results provide evidence on the ecological specialization of certain AM fungal taxa to deep soil layers.</p

    Image_1_Host and abiotic constraints on the distribution of the pine fungal pathogen Sphaeropsis sapinea (= Diplodia sapinea).TIF

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    Plant fungal pathogens are an increasing emerging threat as climate change progresses. Sphaeropsis sapinea (syn. Diplodia sapinea), the causal fungal agent of Diplodia tip blight, is a major pathogen of pines of forestry and ornamental relevance in Europe and worldwide. Here, we combined molecular-based field surveys in a common-garden setting and across an elevation gradient with historical records, cultivation-based growth experiments and microscopy to report on host and abiotic constraints on the distribution of S. sapinea. Using the arboretum at the Botanical Garden Berlin, Germany, to control for environmental variability, S. sapinea was detected on all seven host Pinus species we studied. However, P. sylvestris is the only species in which the fungus was detected in symptomless needles at the arboretum, and the most frequently recorded host for over a century, suggesting that it is the main, and perhaps, potential original host. In addition, sampling symptomatic needles in four out of the seven same species across a gradient from 200 to 2,100 m of elevation in the French Alps, S. sapinea was not detected at elevation higher than 800 m. Abiotic constraints were also supported by reduced growth of isolates of S. sapinea at low temperature under controlled conditions, but a 35°C prior stress exposure increased the subsequent growth of S. sapinea within its optimal temperature range (20-30°C). Altogether, our study thus not only suggests that S. sapinea is more likely to cause tip blight in P. sylvestris compared to the other species we studied, but also that in the current context of global climate change with predicted temperature increases, the fungus could infect a wider range of pine hosts and locations worldwide.</p

    Table_1_Evidence for Subsoil Specialization in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi.PDF

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    <p>Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal communities are now known to vary with depth in arable land. Here we use two previously published high-throughput Illumina sequencing data sets, and compare a 52 year long chronosequence of recultivated agriculture fields after a topsoil and subsoil mixing event, with a set of undisturbed topsoil and subsoil samples from a similar field. We show that AM taxa identified as subsoil indicators are exclusively present in early stages of the chronosequence, whereas topsoil indicator taxa can be found across the chronosequence, and that similarities from the chronosequence fields to the subsoil communities decrease with time. Our results provide evidence on the ecological specialization of certain AM fungal taxa to deep soil layers.</p