45 research outputs found

    Topology of the isometry group of the Urysohn space

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    Using classical results of infinite-dimensional geometry, we show that the isometry group of the Urysohn space, endowed with its usual Polish group topology, is homeomorphic to the separable Hilbert space. The proof is basedon a lemma about extensions of metric spaces by finite metric spaces, which wealso use to investigate (answering a question of I. Goldbring) the relationship, when A,B are finite subsets of the Urysohn space, between the group of isometries fixing A pointwise, the group of isometries fixing B pointwise, and the group of isometries fixing the intersection of A and B pointwise

    Isometrisable group actions

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    Given a separable metrisable space X, and a group G of homeomorphisms of X, we introduce a topological property of the action of G on X which is equivalent to the existence of a G-invariant compatible metric on X. This extends a result of Marjanovic obtained under the additional assumption that X is locally compact

    Dynamical simplices and minimal homeomorphisms

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    We give a characterization of sets K of probability measures on a Cantor space X with the property that there exists a minimal homeomorphism g of X such that the set of g-invariant probability measures on X coincides with K. This extends theorems of Akin (corresponding to the case when K is a singleton) and Dahl (when K is finite-dimensional). Our argument is elementary and different from both Akin's and Dahl's

    Extensions of generic measure-preserving actions

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    We show that, whenever Gamma is a countable abelian group and Delta is a finitely-generated subgroup of Gamma, a generic measure-preserving action of Delta on a standard atomless probability space (X,mu) extends to a free measure-preserving action of Gamma on (X,mu). This extends a result of Ageev, corresponding to the case when Delta is infinite cyclic