102 research outputs found

    Variational Inference for Stochastic Block Models from Sampled Data

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    This paper deals with non-observed dyads during the sampling of a network and consecutive issues in the inference of the Stochastic Block Model (SBM). We review sampling designs and recover Missing At Random (MAR) and Not Missing At Random (NMAR) conditions for the SBM. We introduce variants of the variational EM algorithm for inferring the SBM under various sampling designs (MAR and NMAR) all available as an R package. Model selection criteria based on Integrated Classification Likelihood are derived for selecting both the number of blocks and the sampling design. We investigate the accuracy and the range of applicability of these algorithms with simulations. We explore two real-world networks from ethnology (seed circulation network) and biology (protein-protein interaction network), where the interpretations considerably depends on the sampling designs considered

    Sparsity with sign-coherent groups of variables via the cooperative-Lasso

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    We consider the problems of estimation and selection of parameters endowed with a known group structure, when the groups are assumed to be sign-coherent, that is, gathering either nonnegative, nonpositive or null parameters. To tackle this problem, we propose the cooperative-Lasso penalty. We derive the optimality conditions defining the cooperative-Lasso estimate for generalized linear models, and propose an efficient active set algorithm suited to high-dimensional problems. We study the asymptotic consistency of the estimator in the linear regression setup and derive its irrepresentable conditions, which are milder than the ones of the group-Lasso regarding the matching of groups with the sparsity pattern of the true parameters. We also address the problem of model selection in linear regression by deriving an approximation of the degrees of freedom of the cooperative-Lasso estimator. Simulations comparing the proposed estimator to the group and sparse group-Lasso comply with our theoretical results, showing consistent improvements in support recovery for sign-coherent groups. We finally propose two examples illustrating the wide applicability of the cooperative-Lasso: first to the processing of ordinal variables, where the penalty acts as a monotonicity prior; second to the processing of genomic data, where the set of differentially expressed probes is enriched by incorporating all the probes of the microarray that are related to the corresponding genes.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOAS520 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Inferring Multiple Graphical Structures

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    Gaussian Graphical Models provide a convenient framework for representing dependencies between variables. Recently, this tool has received a high interest for the discovery of biological networks. The literature focuses on the case where a single network is inferred from a set of measurements, but, as wetlab data is typically scarce, several assays, where the experimental conditions affect interactions, are usually merged to infer a single network. In this paper, we propose two approaches for estimating multiple related graphs, by rendering the closeness assumption into an empirical prior or group penalties. We provide quantitative results demonstrating the benefits of the proposed approaches. The methods presented in this paper are embeded in the R package 'simone' from version 1.0-0 and later

    Weighted-Lasso for Structured Network Inference from Time Course Data

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    We present a weighted-Lasso method to infer the parameters of a first-order vector auto-regressive model that describes time course expression data generated by directed gene-to-gene regulation networks. These networks are assumed to own a prior internal structure of connectivity which drives the inference method. This prior structure can be either derived from prior biological knowledge or inferred by the method itself. We illustrate the performance of this structure-based penalization both on synthetic data and on two canonical regulatory networks, first yeast cell cycle regulation network by analyzing Spellman et al's dataset and second E. coli S.O.S. DNA repair network by analysing U. Alon's lab data

    Variational inference for sparse network reconstruction from count data

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    In multivariate statistics, the question of finding direct interactions can be formulated as a problem of network inference - or network reconstruction - for which the Gaussian graphical model (GGM) provides a canonical framework. Unfortunately, the Gaussian assumption does not apply to count data which are encountered in domains such as genomics, social sciences or ecology. To circumvent this limitation, state-of-the-art approaches use two-step strategies that first transform counts to pseudo Gaussian observations and then apply a (partial) correlation-based approach from the abundant literature of GGM inference. We adopt a different stance by relying on a latent model where we directly model counts by means of Poisson distributions that are conditional to latent (hidden) Gaussian correlated variables. In this multivariate Poisson lognormal-model, the dependency structure is completely captured by the latent layer. This parametric model enables to account for the effects of covariates on the counts. To perform network inference, we add a sparsity inducing constraint on the inverse covariance matrix of the latent Gaussian vector. Unlike the usual Gaussian setting, the penalized likelihood is generally not tractable, and we resort instead to a variational approach for approximate likelihood maximization. The corresponding optimization problem is solved by alternating a gradient ascent on the variational parameters and a graphical-Lasso step on the covariance matrix. We show that our approach is highly competitive with the existing methods on simulation inspired from microbiological data. We then illustrate on three various data sets how accounting for sampling efforts via offsets and integrating external covariates (which is mostly never done in the existing literature) drastically changes the topology of the inferred network

    Finite-sum optimization: Adaptivity to smoothness and loopless variance reduction

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    For finite-sum optimization, variance-reduced gradient methods (VR) compute at each iteration the gradient of a single function (or of a mini-batch), and yet achieve faster convergence than SGD thanks to a carefully crafted lower-variance stochastic gradient estimator that reuses past gradients. Another important line of research of the past decade in continuous optimization is the adaptive algorithms such as AdaGrad, that dynamically adjust the (possibly coordinate-wise) learning rate to past gradients and thereby adapt to the geometry of the objective function. Variants such as RMSprop and Adam demonstrate outstanding practical performance that have contributed to the success of deep learning. In this work, we present AdaVR, which combines the AdaGrad algorithm with variance-reduced gradient estimators such as SAGA or L-SVRG. We assess that AdaVR inherits both good convergence properties from VR methods and the adaptive nature of AdaGrad: in the case of LL-smooth convex functions we establish a gradient complexity of O(n+(L+nL)/ε)O(n+(L+\sqrt{nL})/\varepsilon) without prior knowledge of LL. Numerical experiments demonstrate the superiority of AdaVR over state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, we empirically show that the RMSprop and Adam algorithm combined with variance-reduced gradients estimators achieve even faster convergence
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