53 research outputs found

    Bovine tuberculosis in wildlife in France. Risk for cattle

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    Tuberculosis (TB) due to M. bovis has been described in wildlife species of many countries, albeit, depending on the situation, being considered as a sentinel or a reservoir of the infection for livestock and/or human. In France, TB has been discovered for the first time, in 2001, in wild ungulates of the Brotonne Forest (Normandy). Since then, passive and active surveillance for the disease has been implemented in several regions, and later expanded to the whole country through the Sylvatub surveillance program since 2011. Firstly described in wild boar and red deer, it has also been detected in 2009 in badgers of Côte d’Or, then in 2010 in Dordogne and Charente. The presence of high density populations of wild animals and some practices as artificial feeding, which lead to non-natural high concentrations of animals, are major factors of emergence and persistence of TB in wildlife. In several French regions, M. bovis would be circulating in a multi-host system including bovines (and pigs, in Corsica only), several wildlife species and their environment which thus complicates the epidemiology and sanitary management of the diseaseLa tuberculose à Mycobacterium bovis (TB) est décrite dans la faune sauvage de plusieurs pays, celle-ci pouvant être, selon les cas, sentinelle ou réservoir de l’infection pour les bovins et/ou l’homme. En France, la TB a été découverte en 2001 chez des ongulés sauvages en forêt de Brotonne (Normandie). Depuis cette date, une surveillance événementielle et programmée de la maladie a été mise en place dans plusieurs départements, puis étendue de façon harmonisée à tout le territoire français métropolitain grâce à la mise en place du dispositif Sylvatub depuis 2011. D’abord décrite chez les cerfs et les sangliers, la TB a été détectée chez le blaireau en 2009 en Côte d’Or, puis en 2010 en Dordogne et en Charente. La présence de fortes densités d’animaux sauvages et entre autres la pratique de l’agrainage, qui provoque des concentrations artificielles d’animaux, sont des facteurs majeurs d’émergence et de persistance de la TB dans les populations sauvages. Dans plusieurs régions de France, M. bovis semble circuler dans un système multi-hôtes comprenant les bovins (et les porcs en Corse uniquement), plusieurs espèces sauvages et leur environnement ce qui complique l’épidémiologie et la gestion sanitaire de la maladi

    Omics technologies provide new insights into the molecular physiopathology of equine osteochondrosis

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    Background: Osteochondrosis (OC(D)) is a juvenile osteo-articular disorder affecting several mammalian species. In horses, OC(D) is considered as a multifactorial disease and has been described as a focal disruption of endochondral ossification leading to the development of osteoarticular lesions. Nevertheless, OC(D) physiopathology is poorly understood. Affected horses may present joint swelling, stiffness and lameness. Thus, OC(D) is a major concern for the equine industry. Our study was designed as an integrative approach using omics technologies for the identification of constitutive defects in epiphyseal cartilage and/or subchondral bone associated with the development of primary lesions to further understand OC(D) pathology. This study compared samples from non-affected joints (hence lesion-free) from OC(D)-affected foals (n = 5, considered predisposed samples) with samples from OC-free foals (n = 5) considered as control samples. Consequently, results are not confounded by changes associated with the evolution of the lesion, but focus on altered constitutive molecular mechanisms. Comparative proteomics and micro computed tomography analyses were performed on predisposed and OC-free bone and cartilage samples. Metabolomics was also performed on synovial fluid from OC-free, OC(D)-affected and predisposed joints. Results: Two lesion subtypes were identified: OCD (lesion with fragment) and OC (osteochondral defects). Modulated proteins were identified using omics technologies (2-DE proteomics) in cartilage and bone from affected foals compare to OC-free foals. These were associated with cellular processes including cell cycle, energy production, cell signaling and adhesion as well as tissue-specific processes such as chondrocyte maturation, extracellular matrix and mineral metabolism. Of these, five had already been identified in synovial fluid of OC-affected foals: ACTG1 (actin, gamma 1), albumin, haptoglobin, FBG (fibrinogen beta chain) and C4BPA (complement component 4 binding protein, alpha). Conclusion: This study suggests that OCD lesions may result from a cartilage defect whereas OC lesions may be triggered by both bone and cartilage defects, suggesting that different molecular mechanisms responsible for the equine osteochondrosis lesion subtypes and predisposition could be due to a defect in both bone and cartilage. This study will contribute to refining the definition of OC(D) lesions and may improve diagnosis and development of therapies for horses and other species, including humans

    The Femme Fatale in Vogue:Femininity Ideologies in Fin-de-siècle America

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    This article explores how marketing influences ideologies of femininity. Tracing the evolution of femme fatale images in Vogue magazine in 1890s America, we develop a typology around four archetypal forms of the femme fatale that prevailed during this period. In doing so we respond to calls for more critical historical analyses on femininity. While studies on masculinity ideologies proliferate, there is a paucity of research on dissonant representations of femininity in popular culture media. The femme fatale, often a self-determined seductress who causes anguish to the men who become involved with her, is an intriguing and enduring challenge to traditional notions of femininity. Thus, in studying the femme fatale in her historical context and revealing the multiplicity of feminine ideologies contained within this trope, we contribute to a deeper understanding of marketing’s role in both reflecting and reinforcing societal assumptions, attitudes and problematics around gender norms.</p

    Perfectionnisme, rumination et regulation des comportements alimentaires : les hommes et les femmes sont-ils egaux face aux processus psychologiques impliques dans l'insatisfaction corporelle ?

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    L'insatisfaction corporelle, définie comme la différence entre le corps perçu et le corps idéal (Cash, 2002), a été mise en évidence comme facteur de risque de nombreux troubles et symptômes psychopathologiques. Ainsi, l’une des priorités de la recherche sur l’insatisfaction corporelle est d’identifier les processus psychologiques impliqués dans le développement et le maintien de l’insatisfaction corporelle. L'analyse de la littérature sur l’insatisfaction corporelle, la rumination, le perfectionnisme et l’autorégulation a révélé plusieurs résultats intéressants ainsi qu’un manque d’information dans ce domaine. La plupart des recherches sur le rôle de ces processus dans l'insatisfaction corporelle sont transversales. Ainsi, il a été avancé que davantage de recherche était nécessaire pour examiner les facteurs de risque causaux impliqués dans l'insatisfaction corporelle (Watson et al., 2016). Les objectifs de cette recherche étaient de développer et tester plusieurs instruments de mesure (questionnaire, tâches implicites et comportementales) et protocoles (conception longitudinale, inductions expérimentales) afin d'explorer les relations causales entre perfectionnisme, rumination, autorégulation et insatisfaction corporelle en tenant compte des différences entre hommes et femmes. Les résultats suggèrent des cercles vicieux entre insatisfaction corporelle, rumination et perfectionnisme, ainsi que des différences entre hommes et femmes sur les relations entre ces processus et l'insatisfaction corporelle. De plus, nos résultats concernant les outils de mesure implicites et comportementaux du perfectionnisme comme alternatives aux mesures classiques d’auto-évaluation sont encourageants. Un modèle présentant la manière dont ces cercles vicieux pourraient contribuer à l'insatisfaction corporelle est proposé et des orientations futures sont explorées dans la discussion générale.Body dissatisfaction, defined as the difference between the perceived and the desired body (Cash, 2002), has been highlighted as a risk factor of numerous psychopathological disorders and symptoms. Thus, one of the priorities in body dissatisfaction research is to identify psychological processes involved in the development and maintenance of body dissatisfaction. The overview of the literature about body dissatisfaction, rumination, perfectionism, and self-regulation revealed several interesting results and also a lack of information in this field. Most of the research on the role of these processes in body dissatisfaction is cross-sectional. Thus, it has been brought forward that more research is needed to examine the causal risk factors involved in body dissatisfaction (Watson et al., 2016). The objectives of this research were to develop and test several measurement instruments (i.e., questionnaire, implicit and behavioural tasks) and protocols (i.e., longitudinal design, experimental inductions) to explore the causal relationships between perfectionism, rumination, self-regulation and body dissatisfaction, while taking into account gender differences. The results suggest vicious circles between body dissatisfaction, rumination, and perfectionism, and differences between men and women on the relationships between those processes and body dissatisfaction. More, our results about implicit and behavioural measurement instruments of perfectionism as alternative to the classical self-report measures are encouraging. A model presenting how all these vicious circles could contribute to body dissatisfaction is proposed and futures directions are explored in the general discussion

    Differential expression of microRNAs in synovial fluid as biomarkers of osteochondrosis in equine hock joints

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    Differential expression of microRNAs in synovial fluid as biomarkers of osteochondrosis in equine hock joints. 35. Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG
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