17 research outputs found

    Growth Variation of Ebony (Diospyros Pilosanthera Blanco.) for 2 Years Old in Arboretum of Manado Forestry Research Institute

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    AbstractOne commercial tropical species in North Sulawesiis ebony (Diospyrospilosanthera Blanco). This species is called Boniok by local people in Bolaang Mongondow. This species has wide distribution in Southeast Asiain cluding Indo-China, Burma, Thailand, PeninsularMalaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo(Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, West, Central and East Kalimantan), Philippines, Celebes, the Moluccas and New Guinea. This species isone of commercial timber that has been exploited since long timeago and not equal to their natural regeneration, thus, causing their population decrease and are rarely found in the forest in North Sulawesi Province and Gorontalo Province. Nowadays, information about the number of their population in North Sulawesi Province and Gorontalo Province are not available. One of efforts to save this species is by doing exitu conservation. This studyaims to determine the growth of exitu conservation plant of ebony(D. pilosanthera) at 2 years old in Arboretum of Manado Forestry Research Institute. This study was done by randomized block design using 5 replications. Each replication consisted of 10 individuals and the number of samples used were 50 individuals. Spacing used is 3mx 3m. Treatment applied was dosage of fertilizes using Nitrogen, Phosphate and Kalium (NPK). Replication of treatments consists of 5 group i.e group 1(A0) was using 100gr/plant, group 2(A1) 200 gr/plant, group 3(A2) 300gr/plant, group 4 (A3) 400gr/plant and groups 5(A4) 500gr/plant. The results showed that their life percentage rate in 2years were 98.00%. The life percentage of ebony(D. pilosanthera) was high and indicates that these plants canada ptand grow wellout of their naturalhabit at. The results showed that statistical analysis at 95% interval confidence indicates that there is no significant difference between the treat mentsused in this research and the growth of its height and diameter. Otherwise, there is no significant difference betwen treatments, but they have difference growth permormance, while the best growth of height was shown by treatment A1 (200 gr/plant) with the average of 3.350 m and the lowest was shown by treatment A0(100gr/plant) with average height of 2.913m.The best diameter growth was shown by treatment A4(500gr/plant) with average 3.840 cm and the lowest was shown by treatment A0(100gr/plant) with average 2.933cm. These results indicate that increasing fertilizer dosage had no effect on height growth of young plants of ebony(D. pilosanthera) at 2 years old in Arboretum of Manado Forestry Research Institute, but had effects ondiameter growth, although not significant between group of treatments


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    Biological diversity was an invaluable asset because it had amazing potency. The uniqueness of nature and its climate had put Indonesia as megabiodiversity country. In other side, high exploration of resources and policies have a little concern on ecology and biodiversity preservation had threatened sustainability of species. Regulation of Forestry Minister number 324/2010 stated Tulobolo-Pinogu Resort of Boganinani Wartabone National Park as a limited production forest. According Government Regulation Number 7/1999, ebony (Diospyros spp.) was protected species. The objective of this research was to inventory all of tree species in Tulabolo-Pinogu especially eboni as to attempt of biodiversity conservation. This study used transect lines method with 3 hectare sampling area. This research found 6 species of ebony, 3 has been reported that D. buxifolia, D. minahassae and D. korthalsiana, 3 newly reporte D. cauliflora, D. malabarica and D. pilosanthera. All of ebony were found is very limited and vulnerable

    Kandungan Bahan Aktif Dan Toksisitas Tumbuhan Hutan Asal Sulawesi Utara Yang Berpotensi Sebagai Obat

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    Pemanfaatan plasma nutfah sebagai sumber bahan obat merupakan bentuk kearifan tradisional yang diadopsi oleh masyarakat pada daerah tertentu dan identik dengan warisan turun-temurun. Makalah ini mendeskripsikan aspek etnobotani masyarakat Sulawesi Utara (Suku Minahasa, Mongondow dan Sangihe) dalam memanfaatkan sumberdaya alam hayati dari beberapa spesies tumbuhan hutan untuk pengobatan penyakit kanker secara tradisional, yang kemudian dibuktikan secara ilmiah melalu identifikasi kandungan bahan aktif dan toksisitasnya menggunakan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat lokal Sulawesi Utara telah memanfaatkan bagian tertentu (seperti batang, kulit dan daun) dari 14 jenis tumbuhan hutan dalam pengobatan anti kanker dan penyakit lainnya. Ekstrak herbal dari kulit lawang (Cinnamomum cullilawan Bl) diidentifikasi mengandung senyawa alkaloid, sedangkan senyawa flavonoid terdeteksi pada ekstrak daun lingkube (Dischidia imbricata Steud) daun yantan (Blumea chinensis Dc), kulit ketapang (Terminalia catappa L), kulit kayu manumpang (Loranthus globulus Jacq), batang tanduk rusa, akar kayu gimto (Ligodyum sp.) akar rumput balsam ( Polygala paniculata L) dan akar cakar kucing (Acalypha indica L). Daun luhu (Crotalaria retusa L) dan kuhung-kuhung (Crotalaria striata Dc) mengandung senyawa steroid dan tanin. Sebanyak 9 dari 12 ekstrak n-butanol mampu memberikan efek toksik terhadap larva Artemia salina Leach yang ditandai melalui nilai LC50 kurang dari 1000 ppm. Nilai LC50 terkecil didapatkan dari ekstrak petroleum eter daun kuhung-kuhung (Crotalaria striata Dc) sebesar 68,33ppm dimana nilai ini mendekati standar efektifitas komponen bioaktif untuk melawan sel kanker berdasarkan kategori National Cancer Institute Amerika

    Prospek Pengembangan Cempaka di Sulawesi Utara

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    vi, 28 hlm, 25,5 c

    Birds Diversity in Tayawi’s Watersheed Area Aketajawe-Lolobata National Park (Keragaman Jenis Burung di DAS Tayawi Taman Nasional Aketajawe-Lolobata)

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    Aketajawe-Lolobata National Park was selected as one of conservation areas in Indonesia due to its important roles to preserve wildlife natural resources and its unique ecosystem. Our research on fauna diversity was designed to identify bird species diversity that inhabited Tayawi’s watershed within the Aketajawe-Lolobata National Park in North Maluku. We explored the area by using transect method; species identification was carried out by visual and vocal encounter. Fifty five bird species were identified and they belong to 25 families. Among them, 17 species were identified as endemic to Maluku and Halmahera islands. Based on our analysis and field observation, these areas had low fauna diversity. We suspected that illegal logging and hunting might have caused a rapid decrease of the bird population in Tayawi’s watershed area. These can be a serious threat if it is not well-anticipated. Therefore, urgent need is required to discontinue the activities of illegal logging and hunting

    Diversity of Medicinal Plants on Coastal Forest in Tangkoko Natural Reserve

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the potential diversity of medicinal plants in the coastal forests of Tangkoko Nature Reserve. The research was conducted in August and September 2009. The data were obtained through deep interviews with people who use herbs from the Tangkoko coastal forest. Field observations carried out to see what kind of herbs that are known by a list of medicinal plant species interviews. Data were analyzed descriptively and presented in tabular form or image. The results showed there are at least 45 species from Tangkoko coastal forest used in traditional medicine in community village of Batu Putih. Forty-five plant species were grouped into 31 Family which types of Family Euphorbiaceae had the highest number of species are 6 types. Based on habitus, known 25 species classified as trees, 10 species of shrubs, 7 types of herb and 3 types included in the vines. The several types of medical plants are often used consist of Epipremium elegans Engl used for injury., Ear inflammation using Canarium asperum Benth, thrush using Adenostema sp., kidney using Arenga pinata Wurmb Merr, or Callophyllum inophyllum L.), and herb for the treatment of postpartum (Eltingera rosea BLBurtt & RMSm.)


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    Tangale Nature reserve is a conservation area located in Gorontalo that have the biodiversity typical of Wallacea bioregion including macroscopic fungi. The purpose of this study was to identify the fungal species diversity found in the Tangale Nature reserve as well as its potential use, considering that the information on species diversity of fungi in the Wallacea region is very limited. This research was conducted using the cruise method by identifying macroscopic fungi along the hiking trail of Tangale Nature Reserve. The macroscopic fungi were observed for its morphological characteristic include the colour, diameter, surface of the veil, the shape of the stem, the length and diameter of the stem, the lamella, including ring and pore, type of lamella and the type of volva. The research recorded the substrates and the location where the fungus was found. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitative. The results of the research identified 28 species of macroscopic fungi that included to the division Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. It belongs to 16 families and 8 orders  are Pezizales, Agaricales, Auriculariales, Boletales, Cantharellales, Gomphales, Polyporales, dan Russulales. Based on place to grow as much as 57,14% were found growing on decaying wood and 42,86% found growing in the soil/litter. Based on the potential of use, it has identified four species of mushrooms potentially as edible mushroom are Pleurotus ostreatus,  Auricularia auricula, Ramaria formosa, and Polyporus arcularius. 11 species of mushrooms potentially as medicinal mushroom are Calvatia craniiformis, Scleroderma citrinum, Lenzites betulina, Microporus flabelliformis, Coriolus versicolor, Microporus xanthopus, and Albatrellus confluens. 

    Diversity of Medicinal Plants on Coastal Forest in Tangkoko Natural Reserve

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the potential diversity of medicinal plants in the coastal forests of Tangkoko Nature Reserve. The research was conducted in August and September 2009. The data were obtained through deep interviews with people who use herbs from the Tangkoko coastal forest. Field observations carried out to see what kind of herbs that are known by a list of medicinal plant species interviews. Data were analyzed descriptively and presented in tabular form or image. The results showed there are at least 45 species from Tangkoko coastal forest used in traditional medicine in community village of Batu Putih. Forty-five plant species were grouped into 31 Family which types of Family Euphorbiaceae had the highest number of species are 6 types. Based on habitus, known 25 species classified as trees, 10 species of shrubs, 7 types of herb and 3 types included in the vines. The several types of medical plants are often used consist of Epipremium elegans Engl used for injury., Ear inflammation using Canarium asperum Benth, thrush using Adenostema sp., kidney using Arenga pinata Wurmb Merr, or Callophyllum inophyllum L.), and herb for the treatment of postpartum (Eltingera rosea BLBurtt & RMSm.)