8 research outputs found

    Effect of Trace Elements Accumulation on Mangrove Ecosystem and Their Interaction with Humic Substances: The Case of Nickel and Iron

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    Mangroves are areas of permanent preservation, but anthropogenic interference in this ecosystem (for example the launching of pollutants from industrial, mining, fertilizer by farmers, sewage) is increasing startlingly. Preserve and look for ways to bioremediate mangroves is fundamental, since these maintain the productivity of coastal ecosystems and is thus regarded as a natural nursery. The need to study the mangroves has been growing in recent years, particularly in respect to the environmental characteristics of this ecosystem. This chapter aimed to draw a parallel between the damage that can be caused by the trace elements nickel and iron on the mangrove ecosystem, more specifically affecting the nutrition of mangrove plants, in addition to showing possible effects of the interaction of these metals with humic substances of organic matter acting on the mitigation of stresses caused to the ecosystem under study. Through surveys of the information covered in this chapter, it can be observed that the presence of trace elements such as Iron and Nickel at high levels can cause eminent stress to the plant structure within the scope of its sedimentary physiology and biochemistry. It is necessary to subsidize further studies so that it is explicit and approved by the scientific community that, this environment, which is sensitive and important, the basis for various trophic levels, needs greater attention from government officials for its preservation, as well as the restoration of those many mangroves that are polluted by being close to urban places, receiving an exacerbated supply of pollutants

    Microbiological monitoring in two areas with different levels of conservation in the mangroves of an Ecological Station, Vitoria, ES

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    Mangroves are classified as permanent preservation areas and regarded as natural nurseries. However, they have suffered several anthropogenic stresses, resulting in their decline. In the light of that, comes the importance of researching their environmental characteristics and revealing possible factors that have led to the degradation of this important ecosystem. The aim of this study was to evaluate the environmental quality of different areas in the mangroves of Ilha do Lameirão Ecological Station through microbiological analyzes of sediment and interstitial water along ten (10) sites, distributed in two areas with different conservation levels (Canal dos Escravos (CE) and Maria Ortiz (MO)) between 2010 and 2012. The microbiological analyzes revealed that MO region, in all seasons of the year, achieved total coliform and thermo-tolerant coliform values above those permitted by the CONAMA Resolution 357/05, fitting the Class 2 conservation standard. The presence of high levels of total and thermo-tolerant coliforms in MO is a strong indicator of impacts originated from the human population and, consequently, the decline of the mangrove itself and the health of human communities surrounding that area.

    Ácidos húmicos de vermicomposto estimulam o crescimento in vitro de plântulas de Cattleya warneri(Orchidaceae)

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    ResumoA Cattleya warneri var. concolor(Orchidaceae) é uma planta epífita ameaçada de extinção com potencial econômico ornamental. Este trabalho objetivou estudar o crescimentoin vitro de plântulas da espécie supracitada em diferentes doses de ácidos húmicos (AH) isolados de vermicomposto. A avaliação do crescimento promovido pelos AH foi realizada por meio das variáveis número de folhas e raízes, massas frescas e secas das folhas e de raízes e de estimativas da atividade da enzima H+-ATPase. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o material húmico obtido foi capaz de incrementar o crescimento da planta estudada e promover estímulos associados à atividade da referida enzima. Estabelece-se assim, um bioestimulante eficiente visando a produção de mudas deCattleya warneri var. concolor