2 research outputs found

    Environmental education for the younger generation at the Taman Keanekaragam Hayati Subang

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    Integrasi kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah dan pendidikan lingkungan dinilai mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan perilaku yang positif terhadap lingkungan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran Taman keanekaragaman hayati (Taman kehati) Subang dalam mendukung kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan siswa SMK Tri Surya Bangsa, Subang. Kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2020 dan diikuti oleh perwakilan siswa kelas X, XI, and XII sejumlah 10 orang dan 2 orang guru pendamping dengan metode penyampaian materi, praktik, dan permainan. Materi yang disampaikan meliputi budidaya organik, konservasi keanekaragaman hayati, persemaian dan pembuatan pupuk kompos, sumber air cipondoh, serta konservasi tanah dan air. Evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa siswa menilai Taman kehati memiliki jenis tanaman yang beragam dan sangat sesuai untuk mendukung kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan di sekolah. Siswa menilai bahwa kunjungan ke Taman kehati memberikan pengalaman baru yang dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan sumberdaya alam yang ramah lingkungan. Penyampaian materi dengan kombinasi kunjungan lapangan, praktik, dan permainan membuat materi yang disampaikan mudah dimengerti dan dapat dipraktikkan sehari hari. Berdasarkan hasil capaian kegiatan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa dan guru secara umum menilai bahwa Taman Kehati dapat mendukung integrasi pembelajaran di sekolah dan pendidikan lingkungan. Siswa sangat puas dengan kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan di Taman Kehati Subang.The integration of learning activities in schools and environmental education is considered capable of increasing students’ knowledge, understanding, and positive behavior towards the environment. The aim of the environmental education program at Taman Kehati Subang was to investigate its role in supporting environmental education activities of the students of SMK Tri Surya Bangsa, Subang. It was conducted on August 21, 2020 and was attended by 10 representatives’ students of class X, XI, and XII and 2 accompanying teachers. Outdoor activities, games, and field practice were used to deliver the material. It includes organic cultivation, biodiversity conservation, nurseries and compost making, cipondoh water sources, and soil and water conservation. Our evaluation showed that students hold high agreement that Taman Kehati has various types of plants and suitable to support environmental education activities in schools. Students assessed that a visit to Taman Kehati provided new experiences that could increase their knowledge of environmentally natural resource management. Delivering material with a combination of outdoor activities, field practice, and games makes them easy to be understood and can be practiced daily. It can be concluded that students and teachers generally consider that Taman Kehati is suitable to support the integration of learning in schools and environmental education. Students were very satisfied with the environmental education activities at Taman Kehati, Suban

    Understanding Resident Intention and Behavior toward Water Conservation Initiative in the Upstream of West Java, Indonesia

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    Upstream areas have long been targeted as the priority of water conservation initiatives. While earlier studies often considered underlying socio-psychological factors determining residents’ intention and behaviors in water conservation, studies that focused on the resident’s intention and behavior in upstream areas, where water is abundant, remain underexplored. The current study used socio-psychological constructs of the theory of planned behavior (TPB), i.e., subjective norm, attitudes toward behavior, and perceived behavioral control, to analyze the determinants of water conservation intention and behavior in two villages upstream of West Java (i.e., Cibeusi and Sanca villages), Indonesia. A total of 200 usable questionnaires were retrieved. Structural equation modeling was used to determine the linkages and strength of relationships among constructs. There was evidence that residents perceived behavioral control exerted the most significant influence on residents’ water conservation intention and behavior. Moreover, perceived behavioral control was an effective mediator of the linkage between attitude and residents’ intention and behavior. The findings confirmed the suitability of TPB in explaining interrelationships among determinant factors that explain residents’ intention and behavior, albeit with different mechanisms and effects. The study implied that increasing awareness of the value of water conservation would significantly affect residents’ attitudes, which subsequently increased their willingness to perform water conservation efforts. © 2022 The Author(s)