107 research outputs found

    Updating, Self-Confidence and Discrimination

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    In a laboratory experiment, we show that subjects incorporate irrelevant group information into their evaluations of individuals. Individuals from on average worse performing groups receive lower evaluations, even if they are known to perform equally well as individuals from better performing groups. Our experiment leaves room neither for statistical nor taste-based discrimination. The discrimination we find is rather due to conservatism in updating beliefs. This conservatism is more pronounced in females. Furthermore, self-confident male evaluators overvalue male performers. Additionally, we use our data to simulate a job promotion ladder: Few rounds of moderate discrimination virtually eliminate females in higher positions.updating, conservatism, gender, discrimination, self-confidence

    Product kernels are efficient and flexible tools for high-dimensional scattered interpolation

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    This work concerns the construction and characterization of product kernels for multivariate approximation from a finite set of discrete samples. To this end, we consider composing different component kernels, each acting on a low-dimensional Euclidean space. Due to Aronszajn (1950), the product of positive semi-definite kernel functions is again positive semi-definite, where, moreover, the corresponding native space is a particular instance of a tensor product, referred to as Hilbert tensor product. We first analyze the general problem of multivariate interpolation by product kernels. Then, we further investigate the tensor product structure, in particular for grid-like samples. We use this case to show that the product of strictly positive definite kernel functions is again strictly positive definite. Moreover, we develop an efficient computation scheme for the well-known Newton basis. Supporting numerical examples show the good performance of product kernels, especially for their flexibility

    Schutzgebiete nach Wasserrecht

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    Wasserschutzgebiete dienen zum Schutz von GewĂ€ssern vor schĂ€dlichen EinflĂŒssen, insbesondere dem Trinkwasserschutz. Liegen die Voraussetzungen fĂŒr die Festsetzung der Gebiete vor, können in ihnen bestimmte Ge- und Verbote angeordnet werden. Aufgrund ihrer Raumbedeutsamkeit werden Wasserschutzgebiete in die RaumordnungsplĂ€ne ĂŒbernommen

    Mechanisms altering airway smooth muscle cell Ca(2+) homeostasis in two asthma models

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    Background: Asthma is characterized by airway remodeling, altered mucus production and airway smooth muscle cell (ASMC) contraction causing extensive airway narrowing. In particular, alterations of ASMC contractility seem to be of crucial importance. The elevation of the cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration is a key event leading to ASMC contraction and changes in the agonist- induced Ca(2+) increase in ASMC have been reported in asthma. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate mechanisms underlying these changes. Methods: Murine tracheal smooth muscle cells (MTSMC) from T- bet KO mice and human bronchial smooth muscle cells (HBSMC) incubated with IL-13 and IL-4 served as asthma models. Acetylcholine- induced changes in the cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration were recorded using fluorescence microscopy and the expression of Ca(2+) homeostasis regulating proteins was investigated with Western blot analysis. Results: Acetylcholine- induced Ca(2+) transients were elevated in both asthma models. This correlated with an increased Ca(2+) content of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). In MTSMC from T-bet KO mice, the expression of the SR Ca(2+) buffers calreticulin and calsequestrin was higher compared to wild- type mice. In HBSMC incubated with IL-13 or IL-4, the expression of ryanodine receptors, inositol-3-phosphate receptors and sarcoplasmic/ endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+ ATPases 2 was increased compared to HBSMC without incubation with interleukins. The enlarged acetylcholine- induced Ca(2+) transients could be reversed by blocking inositol-3- phosphate receptors. Conclusions: We conclude that in the murine asthma model the SR Ca(2+) buffer capacity is increased, while in the human asthma model the expression of SR Ca(2+) channels is altered. The investigation of the Ca(2+) homeostasis of ASMC has the potential to provide new therapeutical options in asthma. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Updating, self-confidence and discrimination

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    In a laboratory experiment, we show that subjects incorporate irrelevant group information into their evaluations of individuals. Individuals from on average worse performing groups receive lower evaluations, even if they are known to perform equally well as individuals from better performing groups. Our experiment leaves room neither for statistical nor taste-based discrimination. The discrimination we find is rather due to conservatism in updating beliefs. This conservatism is more pronounced in females. Furthermore, self-confident male evaluators overvalue male performers. Additionally, we use our data to simulate a job promotion ladder: Few rounds of moderate discrimination virtually eliminate females in higher positions

    In-Vivo-Testung ungesinterter, nanokristalliner Knochenaufbaumaterialien auf Hydroxylapatit-Basis bei der Reossifikation von Unterkieferdefekten kritischer GrĂ¶ĂŸe: Eine vergleichende tierexperimentelle Kurzzeitstudie am Miniaturschwein

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    Bei der 5-wöchigen In-vivo-Testung der Knochenaufbaumaterialien OstimÂź (Heraeus-Kulzer, Hanau) und NanoBoneÂź (Artoss, Rostock) an Mandibuladefekten kritischer GrĂ¶ĂŸe (>5cmÂł) wurde bei OstimÂź signifikant mehr Knochen gebildet. Dieser besaß signifikant mehr erweiterte MarkrĂ€ume als bei NanoBoneÂź. Hier waren hingegen das noch vorhandene Biomaterial (7% resp. 0,2%) sowie differenziertes Bindegewebe (29% resp. 12%) signifikant erhöht. Das granulĂ€ren NanoBoneÂź zeigte im Vergleich zum pastösen OstimÂź eine der Knochenneubildung angepasstere Degradation durch Osteoklasten sowie höhere PrimĂ€rstabilitĂ€t.In the examination of the bone substitutes OstimÂź (Heraeus-Kulzer,Hanau) and NanoBoneÂź (Artoss,Rostock) in critical size defects set in the mandible OstimÂź stimulates the ossification significantly more than NanoBoneÂź. OstimÂź showed many cavities in the newly formed bone-structure due to its very fast resorption-rate- only 0,2% of the material were left versus 7% in the NanoBoneÂź-group. The degradation of the pasty OstimÂź is too fast compared to the rebuild of bone. In contrast the granulated NanoBoneÂź is more stabile and degraded within the natural bone-remodeling- process by osteoclasts

    Je schneller, desto besser? – Chancen und Risiken beschleunigter Verfahren in der Bauleitplanung

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    Die Ausweitung des beschleunigten Verfahrens nach § 13a BauGB auf den Außenbereich (§ 13b) macht eine grundsĂ€tzliche Diskussion und Bewertung des Verfahrens und seiner Wirkung auf die Siedlungsentwicklung erforderlich. Der Beitrag verbindet hierzu die Analyse der planungsrechtlichen Verfahrensgrundlagen mit der praktischen Anwendung in der Bauleitplanung im Großraum MĂŒnchen. Aus den betrachteten FĂ€llen geht hervor, dass ökologische Risiken zwar durch andere fachrechtliche Bestimmungen teilweise etwas abgemildert werden können, dass aber eine sich abzeichnende SchwĂ€chung der Steuerungswirkung der FlĂ€chennutzungsplanung ein grundsĂ€tzliches Risiko fĂŒr die nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung darstellt
