26 research outputs found

    BKV-infection in kidney graft dysfunction

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    AbstractIntroductionBKV nephropathy (BKN) causes kidney graft loss, whose specific diagnosis is invasive and might be predicted by the early detection of active viral infection.ObjectiveDetermine the BKV-infection prevalence in late kidney graft dysfunction by urinary decoy cell (DC) and viral DNA detection in urine (viruria) and blood (viremia; active infection).MethodsKidney recipients with >1 month follow-up and creatinine >1.5mg/dL and/or recent increasing >20% (n=120) had their urine and blood tested for BKV by semi-nested PCR, DC searching, and graft biopsy. PCR-positive patients were classified as 1+, 2+, 3+. DC, viruria and viremia prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratio (LR) were determined (Table 2×2). Diagnosis efficacy of DC and viruria were compared to viremia.ResultsDC prevalence was 25%, viruria 61.7%, and viremia 42.5%. Positive and negative patients in each test had similar clinical, immunossupressive, and histopathological characteristics. There was no case of viremia with chronic allograft nephropathy and, under treatment with sirolimus, patients had a lower viruria prevalence (p=0.043). Intense viruria was the single predictive test for active infection (3+; LR = 2.8).1,6-4,9ConclusionDC, BKV-viruria and -viremia are commun findings under late kidney graft dysfunction. Viremia could only be predicted by intense viruria. These results should be considered under the context of BKN confirmation

    The Halifax flow Crossmatch Protocol Results According to the Class and MFI of the DSA

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    Introduction: The main strategy to reduce the immunogenicity of transplanted grafts is to seek maximum compatibility betweenalloantigens in the donor-recipient pair. It is understood that the virtual crossmatch (VXM) can be a good tool in the evaluation of the donor / recipient pair and that a broader application of these protocols will improve the pre-transplant immunological risk assessment. The aim of this study was to correlate the physical flow crossmatches results, looking at different mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) values of the donor specific antibodies (DSA), and the probability of a positive crossmatch. We also aimed to validate this tool using a well standardized flow crossmatch protocol. Methods: We performed a total of 15,217 FCXM between 2015 and 2019. All were tested by the Halifax Flow Cytometer Crossmatch (FCXM) protocol, with cells from deceased donors and serum from renal recipients. For this analysis we selected only samples that had one or two DSA per locus (N = 1,081), when the MFI was above 1,000, and they were divided according to the allelic group recognized by the antibody (anti-HLA-A, B, C, DR or DQ) looking at the probability of a positive crossmatch with different MFI values of the DSAs. Combinations among them were alsoanalyzed in the same way (N=175). Results: In the presence of an exclusive DSA against the allelic groups A, B and DR, with an index MFI above 5,000, all the FCXM were positives. With exclusively antibodies against groups C or DQ, all cases with DSAsabove 15,000 MFIs were positives. With two or more DSAs anti A and/or B, and/or DR, when their MFIs sums exceeded 5,000,all FCXM results against B cells were positive. The presence of anti-Class I DSAs (A, B and A+B), regardless of the MFI value, was responsible for 71% (N=424 of 601) of the T cell positivity and 77% (N=460 of 661) in the B cell crossmatches. The presence of only anti-Class II DSAs (DR and DQ) accounted for 55% (N=168 of 303) of FCXM positivity in B cells. The overall mean of the MFI of the DSAs was higher in the FCXM positive group when compared to negative crossmatch. The group with sum of DSAs A (N=217) showed that when the sum was 4,000 MFI or higher, there was a 24 times higher probability for a positive B cell crossmatch when compared with lowers MFIs. Conclusions: Our results show a strong association between the DSA MFI and the FCXM result. The data here presented confirm the results of our previous studies, justifying the VXMstandard used by our center, proving to be a good tool to streamline the selection of transplant recipients and facilitate the sharing of organs from national donors

    Activos y desarrollo territorial : estudio conjunto de indicación geográfica de hierba-mate en polo ervateiro Alto Taquari - RS

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    A Indicação Geográfica (IG) é uma maneira de reconhecer a qualidade e notoriedade de um produto ou serviço oferecido em uma região específica. Esse reconhecimento considera questões ambientais específicas, bem como o histórico e cultura das pessoas deste loc al e o “saber fazer”. Atreladas a esta discussão estão as temáticas de território, identidade, ativos e desenvolvimento territorial. Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir a inter - relação entre territórios simbólico - cultural e funcional, propostos por Ha sbaert, no contexto da articulação pela Indicação Geográfica (IG) da erva - mate no polo ervateiro do Alto Taquari – RS e a problematização desse processo. Para que fosse cumprido o objetivo proposto, realizou - se estudo qualitativo de natureza exploratória e documental, através de revisão bibliográfica dos principais autores que discutem o tema, utilizando - se de técnicas observação e de entrevistas com informantes qualificados envolvidos no processo de implantação da IG na região. Observa - se que o processo de indicação geográfica no Alto Taquari é recente e incipiente, passando por um processo de amadurecimento. Constatou - se que no Alto Taquari dois territórios coexistem, o território simbólico - cultural e o território funcional. Entretanto são necessários estu dos posteriores com maior detalhamento para reforçarem a validação dessa pressuposição inicial.The GeographicalIndication (GI) is a waytorecognizethequalityandreputationof a productors erviceoffered in a specific region. Thisrecognitionconsidersspecificenvironmentalissues as well as thehistoryandcultureofthepeopleofthisplaceandthe "know - how". Linkedtothisdiscussion are theissuesofterritory, identity, assetsand territorial development. Th isworkaimstodiscusstheinterrelationshipbetweensymbolic - cultural andfunctionalareasproposedbyHasbaert in thecontextofthe joint bytheGeographicalIndication (GI) ofyerba mate in ervateiro Polo Alto Taquari - RS andthequestioningofthisprocess. Tofulfilltheprop osedobjectivewasrealizedqualitativestudyofexploratoryand documental nature, basedon a reviewofthemainauthorswhodiscussthesubject, usingtechniquesobservationand interviews withqualifiedinformantsinvolved in the IG implementationprocess in region. It isobser vedthatthegeographicalindicationprocess in Alto Taquari isrecentandincipient, through a maturingprocess. It wasfoundthat in Alto Taquari twoterritoriescoexist, thesymbolic - cultural territoryandthefunctionalterritory. Howeverfurtherstudies are needed in gre aterdetailwouldreinforcethevalidationofthisinitialpresupposition.La Indicación Geográfica (IG) es una forma de reconocer la calidad y la reputación de un producto o servicio que se ofrece en una región específica. Este reconocimiento considera temas ambientales específicos, así como la historia y la cultura de la gente de este lugar y el "know - how". Acoplados a esta discusión son los temas de territorio, la identidad, los activos y el desarrollo territorial. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo discutir la interrelación entre las áreas - simbólicos culturales y funcionales propuestas por Hasbaert en el contexto de la articulación por la Indicación Geográfica (IG) de la yerba mate en ervateiro Polo Alto Tacuarí - RS y el cuestionamiento de este proceso. Para cumplir con el objetivo propuesto se realizó estudio cualitativo de carácter exploratorio y documental, basado en una revisión de los principales autores que tratan sobre el tema, utilizando técnicas de observación y entrevistas a informantes calificados que participan en el proceso de implementación de IG región. Se observa que el proceso de indicación geográfica en Alto Tacuarí es reciente e incipiente, a través de un proceso de maduración. Se encont ró que en Alto Tacuarí coexisten dos territorios, el territorio simbólico - cultural y el territorio funcional. Sin embargo se necesitan más estudios con mayor detalle reforzaría la validación de esta suposición inicial

    STING Millennium Suite: integrated software for extensive analyses of 3d structures of proteins and their complexes

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    BACKGROUND: The integration of many aspects of protein/DNA structure analysis is an important requirement for software products in general area of structural bioinformatics. In fact, there are too few software packages on the internet which can be described as successful in this respect. We might say that what is still missing is publicly available, web based software for interactive analysis of the sequence/structure/function of proteins and their complexes with DNA and ligands. Some of existing software packages do have certain level of integration and do offer analysis of several structure related parameters, however not to the extent generally demanded by a user. RESULTS: We are reporting here about new Sting Millennium Suite (SMS) version which is fully accessible (including for local files at client end), web based software for molecular structure and sequence/structure/function analysis. The new SMS client version is now operational also on Linux boxes and it works with non-public pdb formatted files (structures not deposited at the RCSB/PDB), eliminating earlier requirement for the registration if SMS components were to be used with user's local files. At the same time the new SMS offers some important additions and improvements such as link to ProTherm as well as significant re-engineering of SMS component ConSSeq. Also, we have added 3 new SMS mirror sites to existing network of global SMS servers: Argentina, Japan and Spain. CONCLUSION: SMS is already established software package and many key data base and software servers worldwide, do offer either a link to, or host the SMS. SMS (Sting Millennium Suite) is web-based publicly available software developed to aid researches in their quest for translating information about the structures of macromolecules into knowledge. SMS allows to a user to interactively analyze molecular structures, cross-referencing visualized information with a correlated one, available across the internet. SMS is already used as a didactic tool by some universities. SMS analysis is now possible on Linux OS boxes and with no requirement for registration when using local files

    Sistematization of Assistance in Nursing in a Post Anesthesic Recovering Unit, Experience Report

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    Objetivo: descrever o processo de implementação da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem (SAE) em uma Unidade de Recuperação Pós-Anestésica de um hospital geral. Metodologia: Refere-se a um relato de experiência que emergiu da atuação como enfermeiro na respectiva unidade, aliado à inserção no curso de pós-graduação lato sensu em Enfermagem em Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material de Esterilização em uma universidade privada. do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Resultados:A implementação da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem é um processo que exige mudança de cultura a partir do antigo paradigma de prática da Enfermagem que, por vezes, reluta em registrar suas ações. Nesse sentido, o enfermeiro desempenha um papel importante que vai desde a ampliação do conhecimento científico, seguido de ações educativas direcionadas à equipe de enfermagem, até a implementação, acompanhamento e avaliação da qualidade da assistência ao paciente, estendida aos familiares. Considerações finais:durante a implementação da sistematização da assistência de enfermagem surgiram diversas dificuldades dos enfermeiros em relação à execução, conhecimento e quantidade de pessoal. Além disso, evidenciou-se que o uso das tecnologias da informação pode ser utilizado como um fator facilitador na operacionalização das ações cotidianas do enfermeiro e, desta forma, contribuir para diminuir possíveis erros e obter maior confiabilidade ao cuidar. Evidenciou-se gradativo empoderamento dos enfermeiros durante a implementação da assistência, e este, além de contribuir para a ampliação da qualidade e segurança dos pacientes, aumentou seu reconhecimento pelos pacientes atendidos

    STING Report: convenient web-based application for graphic and tabular presentations of protein sequence, structure and function descriptors from the STING database

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    The Sting Report is a versatile web-based application for extraction and presentation of detailed information about any individual amino acid of a protein structure stored in the STING Database. The extracted information is presented as a series of GIF images and tables, containing the values of up to 125 sequence/structure/function descriptors/parameters. The GIF images are generated by the Gold STING modules. The HTML page resulting from the STING Report query can be printed and, most importantly, it can be composed and visualized on a computer platform with an elementary configuration. Using the STING Report, a user can generate a collection of customized reports for amino acids of specific interest. Such a collection comes as an ideal match for a demand for the rapid and detailed consultation and documentation of data about structure/function. The inclusion of information generated with STING Report in a research report or even a textbook, allows for the increased density of its contents. STING Report is freely accessible within the Gold STING Suite at http://www.cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br, http://www.es.embnet.org/SMS/, http://gibk26.bse.kyutech.ac.jp/SMS/ and http://trantor.bioc.columbia.edu/SMS (option: STING Report)

    The effects of constant and alternating temperatures on the reproductive potential, life span, and life expectancy of Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    O desenvolvimento ovariano, ovoposição, eclosão larval, atividade de ornitina descarboxilase (ODC), medidas de largura, comprimento e área do ovário, testículo e apódema ejaculatório e número de espermatozóides de Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) foram analisados em temperaturas alternadas (20º/6oC e 20º/13oC) e constantes (6oC e 25oC). A longevidade e a expectativa de vida também foram analisadas em ambos os sexos. Todos os resultados sugerem que a temperatura baixa e principalmente as temperaturas alternadas afetam não somente o potencial reprodutivo de machos e fêmeas, mas também sua longevidade e expectativa de vida, prolongando-as. Essas mudanças podem ser uma poderosa estratégia usada por A. fraterculus para sobreviver às condições estressantes de temperatura observadas no inverno na região produtora de maçãs, tornando-as capazes de aumentar sua densidade populacional e causar dano à maçã no início da primavera.Ovarian development, oviposition, larval eclosion, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity, ovarian, testis and ejaculatory apodeme measurements (length, width, and area), and the number of spermatozoa of Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) were analyzed at alternating (20º/6ºC and 20º/13oC) and constant (6oC; 25oC) temperatures. Life span and life expectancy were also analyzed for both genders. All the results suggest that temperature, especially alternating temperatures, increase not only male and female reproductive potential but also their life span and life expectancy. These changes can be a powerful strategy triggered by A. fraterculus as a means to survive the stressful temperature conditions found in winter in the apple production region in Brazil, enabling this species to increase its population density and cause apple damage when spring begins