469 research outputs found

    Urgensi Penerapan Good Corporate Governance pada Perusahaan Asuransi di Indonesia

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    Good Corporate Governance is very important for the industry to protect the interest of investors and policyholders. The crisis of public confidence illustrates the existence of doubt about the governance of insurance company. Complaints about cases related to the insurance industry are still often heard today. The share of the Islamic non-bank financial market is still below 5 percent when compared to conventional. The poor implementation of good corporate governance (GCG) is the culprit. By using a literature study, this research aims to analyze the importance of advancing the insurance industry by implementing a good corporate governance system. The results of the study show that it is true that in general cases of default and other complaints related to insurance are caused by the only management of the governance system at the insurance company so that it affects actions the violate the principle of good corporate governance, namely deviating from the provisions of the TARIF (Transparancy, Accountable, Responsibelty, Indenpendency, Fairness)

    Derechos sucesorales de los hijos de crianza desde una perspectiva igualitaria

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    La Corte Constitucional Colombiana ha admitido la existencia de diferentes tipos de familia enel país, que independientemente de su origen, merecen la protección estatal. En el presente artículo desarrollamos el reconocimiento dado a las familias de crianza en el derecho de sucesiones, pues al derivarse de lazos de afecto, respeto, comprensión y protección y no por lazos de consanguinidad o vínculos jurídicos, no se encuentra regulada y por lo mismo, el reconocimiento de derechos en la materia es escaso. A pesar de que la Constitución Política señala que debe ser garantizada la protección integral de la familia, el legislador no se ha preocupado por regular la materia en el campo sucesoral, sin tener en cuenta la realidad social y la desigualdad que se presenta frente a los tipos de familia convencionales.Universidad Libre – Facultad de Derecho -- Especialización en derecho de familiaThe Colombian Constitutional Court has admitted the existence of different types of family in the country, which regardless of their origin, deserve state protection. In this article we develop the recognition given to foster families in inheritance law, since as it derives from ties of affection, respect, understanding and protection and not from consanguinity ties or legal ties, it is not regulated andtherefore,the recognition of rights in the matter is scarce.Despite the fact that the Political Constitution states that the integral protection of the family must be guaranteed, the legislator has not been concerned with regulating the matter in the succession field, without taking into account the social reality and the inequality that occurs in the face of the conventional family types

    Changes in roughness of denture base and reline materials by chemical disinfection or microwave irradiation: Surface roughness of denture base and reline materials

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    OBJECTIVE: The effect of disinfection by immersion in sodium perborate solution and microwave irradiation on surface roughness of one denture base resin (Lucitone 550 -L), 3 hard chairside reline resins (Tokuyama Rebase II-TR, New Truliner-NT, Ufi Gel hard-UH) and 3 resilient reline materials (Trusoft-T; Sofreliner-S, Dentusil-D) was evaluated. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty specimens of each material were made and divided into 3 groups: Control - not disinfected; P - daily disinfection by immersing in sodium perborate solution (3.8%); MW - microwave disinfection (6 min/650 W). Roughness measurements were made after polymerization (baseline) and after 1, 3 and 28 days. Roughness differences relative to the baseline readings were analyzed by Student's t-test (P=0.05). RESULTS: At baseline, Trusoft showed the highest (

    Galaxy Clustering in the Mira-Titan Universe I: Emulators for the redshift space galaxy correlation function and galaxy-galaxy lensing

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    We construct accurate emulators for the projected and redshift space galaxy correlation functions and excess surface density as measured by galaxy-galaxy lensing, based on Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) modeling. Using the complete Mira-Titan suite of 111 NN-body simulations, our emulators vary over eight cosmological parameters and include the effects of neutrino mass and dynamical dark energy. We demonstrate that our emulators are sufficiently accurate for the analysis of the BOSS DR12 CMASS galaxy sample over the range 0.5 < r < 50 Mpc/h. Furthermore, we show that our emulators are capable of recovering unbiased cosmological constraints from realistic mock catalogs over the same range. Our mock catalog tests show the efficacy of combining small scale galaxy-galaxy lensing with redshift space clustering and that we can constrain the growth rate and \sigma_8 to 7% and 4.5% respectively for a CMASS-like sample using only the measurements covered by our emulator. With the inclusion of a CMB prior on H_0, this reduces to a 2% measurement on the growth rate.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figures, revised to match published versio

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Sortir Berdasarkan Warna Permen

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    Abstak Di era globalisasi yang sekarang ini perkembangan teknologi juga semakin pesat. Hampir semua peralatan rumah tangga maupun peralatan industri sudah menggunakan sistem kendali elektronik dalam pengerjaannya. Sistem kendali merupakan suatu sistem yang keluarannya dikendalikan oleh suatu nilai tertentu yang telah di tetapka oleh user untuk merubah beberapa ketentuan yang telah di tetapkan dari masukkan ke sistem. Pada penelitian ini akan melakukan perancangan alat sortasi warna permen menggunakan Arduino nano dan sensor TCS3200. Arduino nano dan sensor TCS3200 merupakan serangkaian komponen yang berbeda. Arduino merupakan board mikrokontroler yang mempunyai bahasa pemrograman sendiri dan bersifat open source baik papan mikrokontroler maupun bahasa pemrogramannya. Di antar jenis-jenis arduino yang tersedia, nano merupakan salahsatu jenis Arduino yang mempunyai desain yang minimalis. Pada tahapan penelitian, dimana pada tahap perancangan dan implementasi sistem apabila berhasil maka akan berlanjut ke pengujian sistem, namun apabila perancangan dan implementasi sistem tidak berhasil atau gagal maka akan di lakukan peninjauan kembali ke tahap perancangan dan implementasi sistem. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Sensor untuk menentukan warna permen, yang nantinya permen akan di masukkan ke dalam sebuah wadah pada sistem, kemudian akan berjalan melewati sensor, dan nantinya sensor akan menentukan warna permen tersebut dan menempatkan permen sesuai dengan warnanya. Berdasarkan perancangan, pengujian, dan analisis atau evaluasi sistem, terdapat kendala atau bisa di katakan kegagalan dalam pengujian sistem. Setelah sistem di jalankan ternayata servo tidak berjalan sesuai keingian. Servo bergerak atau berputar agak cepat sehingga tidak sesuai dengan harapan. Jadi untuk percobaan selanjutnya akan menggunakan servo yang sesuia, agar perputaran servo sesuai dengan keinginan. Atau bisa langsung mengganti servo, ketika servo yang digunakan tidak sesuai. Kata Kunci : Sistem Sortir, Arduino, SensorTCS320