1,406 research outputs found

    On the geometry of Abel maps for nodal curves

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    In this paper we give local conditions to the existence of Abel maps for nodal curves that are limits of Abel maps for smooth curves. We use this result to construct Abel maps for any degree for nodal curves with two components.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur

    Gonality of curves whose normalizations are one or two copies of P1\mathbb P^1

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    We study the gonality of curves CC over C\mathbb C whose normalization is composed of one or two copies of P1\mathbb P^1. In the first case, CC is a nodal curve with g(C)g(C) nodes, and in the second case CC is a so-called binary curve. In any case we show that the usual bound gon(C)g(C)+32\mathrm{gon}(C)\leq\lfloor\frac{g(C)+3}{2}\rfloor holds if g(C)2g(C)\geq 2, with equality holding generically.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Comments welcome. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2003.0933

    Análise de diferentes intervenções terapêuticas no equilíbrio em indivíduos com doença de Parkinson: revisão sistemática

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaIntrodução: A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma doença do movimento crónica progressiva dos gânglios da base que afeta a funcionalidade do indivíduo. Objetivo: Analisar as diferentes intervenções terapêuticas no equilíbrio em pacientes com DP. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados, Pubmed/Medline e B-on, para verificar os estudos randomizados controlados que abordassem as diferentes intervenções terapêuticas no equilíbrio em doentes de Parkinson. Resultados: Na revisão foram incluídos 10 estudos randomizados controlados com qualidade metodológica de 6,1 em 10 na escala de PEDro. Os estudos abordam a aplicação de programas de exercícios individualizados, a intervenção no domicílio, a realidade virtual, os jogos Wii, o Tai-Chi e o Tango. Conclusão: Conclui-se que os diferentes programas de exercícios terapêuticos em pacientes com DP são eficazes no equilíbrio e na estabilidade postural. Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic progressive disease of the movement of the basal ganglia that affects the functioning of the individual. Objective: To analyze the different therapeutic interventions on balance in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods: A research was performed in the databases, Pubmed / Medline and B-on, to check for randomized controlled trials that addressed the different therapeutic interventions on balance in Parkinson's patients. Results: This review included 10 randomized controlled trials with methodological quality of 6.1 in 10 in the PEDro scale. The studies approach the application of individualized exercise programs, intervention at home, virtual reality, games Wii, Tai-Chi and Tango. Conclusion: It is concluded that the different therapeutic exercise programs in patients with PD are effective in balance and postural stability

    The Brazilian Amazon Timber Industry and the International Mechanisms of Timber Trade Control – Combating Illegal Logging and Associated Trade

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    Illegal logging and its associated trade are one of the main causes of degradation of the Amazonian Rainforest in Brazil. They spring from several deficiencies in the regulatory and monitoring systems. The purpose of this work is to recommend mechanisms to overcome these deficiencies to eliminate illegal logging and its associated trade in the long-term and to enhance the appreciation of the standing forests and the sustainable use of their natural resources. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the Brazilian tropical timber market’s trends, and briefly describes the main stages of timber supply chain to build familiarity with the activities surrounding it. Chapter 2 presents the aspects of the Brazilian federal environmental regulatory system of timber supply chain that are essential for further analysis of illegal undertakings. Chapter 3 provides information on the factual aspects of illegal logging and associated trade in the Amazon. It analyzes the sector’s features and deficiencies and examines how effective the enforcement of the Brazilian environmental law has been to date. Chapter 4 describes the international mechanisms of timber trade control in use worldwide. It focuses on those systems that are the most effective and have beneficial impact – or potential beneficial impact if better promoted – on the Brazilian timber industry. Finally, chapter 5 recommends a multi-faceted approach to be implemented by the Brazilian Government with the cooperation of the international community, non-profit organizations, and the private sector. It suggests strategies to promote effective international timber trade control mechanisms within the Brazilian Amazon timber industry, and to adapt effective tools provided by those mechanisms to the Brazilian environmental regulatory system. These strategies include instruments from the United States Lacey Act and the European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade Action Plan, forest certification schemes, and the International Forest Regime. This work also provides recommendations to improve the efficiency of control mechanisms that are currently but poorly implemented in Brazil

    Programação Robusta de Energia para Edifícios Inteligentes considerando a Incerteza em Veículos Eléctricos

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    Nos últimos anos, o consumo de energia tem aumentado juntamente com o crescimento económico e populacional, onde os edifícios representam um dos principais consumidores. Contudo, surgem preocupações a nível ambiental as quais inspiram governos a concentrarse na concepção de edifícios inteligentes com sistemas de gestão de energia que controlam as fontes de energia renováveis. No entanto, um fator importante a considerar ao lidar com os recursos energéticos é a natureza incerta do seu comportamento. De forma a dar resposta a este desafio, esta tese consiste em propor uma programação ótima dos recursos energéticos baseado na otimização robusta, tendo em conta as incertezas associadas aos veículos elétricos. A otimização robusta é uma abordagem inovadora e eficaz para resolver problemas de otimização que envolvem incerteza, uma vez que encontra a melhor solução entre os piores cenários possíveis. Inicialmente é formulada uma técnica de Redes Neuronais Artificiais, de modo a lidar com as incertezas. Posteriormente, um problema de Programação Linear Binária é estipulado para reduzir os custos energéticos do edíficio sem considerar incertezas. Numa fase final, o modelo determinístico é transformado num problema robusto, assegurando imunidade contra a incerteza associada aos veículos elétricos. De modo a simular o modelo de Otimização Robusta foram implementados três cenários diferentes de programação energética com um horizonte de tempo curto. Os resultados apresentaram uma redução de 14.86% no caso do estado da carga inicial, de 6.75% para a hora de chegada e de 14.18% para a hora de partida, revelando que o modelo implementado permite minimizar os custos totais de eletricidade de um edifício, bem como reduzir os problemas associados à incerteza dos veículos elétricos. Além disso, é demonstrado o ajustamento da técnica de otimização robusta de acordo com vários níveis de robustez.In recent years, electricity consumption has increased along with economic and population growth, with buildings representing one of the main consumers. However, environmental concerns are emerging and inspiring governments to focus on designing intelligent buildings with energy management systems that control renewable energy sources. However, an important factor to consider when dealing with energy resources is the uncertain nature of their behavior. To address this challenge, this thesis proposes optimal scheduling of energy resources based on robust optimization, taking into account the uncertainties associated with electric vehicles. Robust optimization is an innovative and effective approach for solving optimization problems involving uncertainty since it finds the best solution among the worst-case scenarios. Initially, an Artificial Neural Networks technique is formulated to deal with uncertainties. Afterward, a Binary Linear Programming problem is stipulated to reduce the energy costs of the building without considering uncertainties. In the final step, the deterministic model is transformed into a robust problem, ensuring immunity against the uncertainty related to electric vehicles. To simulate the Robust Optimization model, three different energy scheduling scenarios with a short time horizon were implemented. The results showed a reduction of 14.86% for the initial State Of Charge (SoC), 6.75% for the arrival time, and 14.18% for the departure time, revealing that the implemented model allows for minimizing the total electricity costs of a building, as well as reducing the problems associated with the uncertainty of electric vehicles. In addition, the adjustment of the robust optimization technique according to various levels of robustness is demonstrated