21 research outputs found

    Diaqua­bis­(propane-1,3-diamine)­copper(II) bis­[diamminetetra­kis­(thio­cyanato-κN)chromate(III)] dimethyl sulfoxide octa­solvate

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    The ionic title complex, [Cu(C3H10N2)2(H2O)2][Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2]·8C2H6OS, consists of complex [Cu(dipr)2(H2O)2]2+ copper cations (dipr is propane-1,3-diamine), complex [Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2]− anions and uncoord­inated solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) mol­ecules. All the metal atoms lie on crystallographic centers of symmetry. The cations are connected to the anions through N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the NH3 mol­ecules of the anion and the water mol­ecules of the cation. The DMSO mol­ecules are involved in hydrogen-bonded linkage of the [Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2]− anions into supra­molecular chains through bridging O atoms. A network of hydrogen bonds as well as short S⋯S contacts [3.5159 (12) and 3.4880 (12) Å] between the NCS groups of the complex anions link the mol­ecules into a three-dimensional supra­molecular network

    Tris(2,2′-bipyridine)copper(II) pentacyanidonitrosoferrate(II) methanol disolvate monohydrate

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    The title complex [Cu(C10H8N2)3][Fe(CN)5(NO)]·2CH3OH·H2O, consists of discrete [Cu(bpy)3]2+ cations (bpy is 2,2′-bipyridine), [Fe(CN)5NO]2− anions and solvent molecules of crystallization (two methanol molecules and one water molecules per asymmetric unit). The CuII ion adopts a distorted octahedral environment, coordinated by six N atoms from three bpy ligands. The cation charge is balanced by a nitroprusside counter-anion, which has a slightly distorted octahedral coordination geometry. In the crystal, anions and solvent molecules are involved in O—H...N and O—H...O hydrogen bonds, which form chains along [100]. The cations are located between these chains

    Escherichia coli isolated from cases of colibacillosis in Russian poultry farms (Perm Krai)

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    Escherichia coli strains isolated from case of colibacillosis in Russian poultry farms in the region of Perm Krai were analyzed for their sensitivity to main antibiotics and bacteriocins. Sensitivity profiles for 9 antibiotics and 20 bacteriocins were determined with the disc diffusion method and the overlay test, respectively. Further, with the PCR the presence of several bla and integron 1 genes was revealed and the phylogenetic group for each strain determined. Among the 28 studied E. coli strains 85.7% were resistant to at least three antibiotics, 53.6% to five or more drugs, and 10.7% to eight antibiotics. PCR revealed that the blaTEM_{TEM} gene was harbored by 71.4% of strains and the blaCTXM_{CTX-M} gene by 53.6% of strains. The class 1 integrons were found in 28.6% of strains. All of the studied strains were insensitive to ten or more bacteriocins. More than 90% of the studied strains were insensitive to pore-forming colicins of group A and B colicins, while 60.7% were insensitive to colicins with DNase and RNase activity. All of the analyzed strains were insensitive to at least two of the tested microcins. Neither the antibiotic resistance profile nor the bacteriocin resistance profile correlated with phylogenetic group of the strains. Thus, the studied strains were shown to possess high levels of multiple resistance to antibiotics and insensitivity to bacteriocins

    Bis[N-(2-aminoethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine-κ3N,N′,N′′]copper(II) tris[diamminetetrakis(thiocyanato-κN)chromate(III)] thiocyanate dimethyl sulfoxide tetradecasolvate monohydrate

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    The ionic title complex, [Cu(C4H13N3)2]2[Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2]3(NCS)·14C2H6OS·H2O, consists of complex [Cu(dien)2]2+ cations [dien is N-(2-aminoethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine], complex [Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2]− anions, an NCS− counter-anion and uncoordinated dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and water solvent molecules. One of the Cr atoms lies on an inversion center, while the second Cr atom and the Cu atom lie in general positions. The thiocyanate counter-anion and water molecule are disordered over two positions close to an inversion center. There are several types of hydrogen-bond interactions present in the title compound, which connect the complex cations and anions into bulky [Cu2Cr3] polynuclear species. The four NH3 groups of the complex anions and six bridging DMSO O atoms link the three complex anions via hydrogen bonding into the anionic polynuclear species [Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2]3·6DMSO. The last one is connected by four bridging DMSO O atoms with the two complex copper cations through N—H... O hydrogen bonds between the terminal NH3 groups of the anionic polynuclear species and the NH and NH2 groups of the dien ligand. One additional DMSO molecule is connected via hydrogen bonding to one of the terminal NH3 groups of the anionic polynuclear species. Another DMSO molecule is connected via hydrogen bonding to each Cu(dien)2]2+ cation

    Bis[ N

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    Bis(2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline)copper(I) pentacyanidonitrosoferrate(II)

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    The asymmetric unit of the title complex [Cu(C14H12N2)2]2[Fe(CN)5(NO)], consists of a [Cu(dmp)2]+ cation (dmp is 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline) and half an [Fe(CN)5(NO)]2− anion. The anion is disordered across an inversion center with the FeII ion slightly offset (ca 0.205Å) from the inversion center in the direction of the disordered trans-coordinating CN/NO ligands. The anion has a distorted octahedral coordination geometry. The CuI ion is coordinated by two phenanthroline ligands in a distorted tetrahedral geometry. The dihedral angle between the phenanthroline ligands is 77.16 (4) Å. In the crystal, the cations are connected to the anions by weak C—H...N hydrogen bonds. In addition, weak π–π stacking interactions are observed, with centroid–centroid distances in the range 3.512 (3)–3.859 (3) Å