12 research outputs found

    Non-nutritional “paramedical” usage of human milk — knowledge and opinion of breastfeeding mothers in Poland

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    Objectives: The objective of this study is to understand knowledge, attitudes and practices of non-nutritional breast milkuse among lactating women in respect of skin diseases and other frequent ailments.Material and methods: The study, in the form of a questionnaire, spread on social media, was targeted at breastfeedingwomen. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding the knowledge of non-nutritional usage of human milk, its usein practice, subjective opinion on the observed results and inclination towards future use. Chi-square tests and c-Pearsoncoefficients were used for statistical calculations.Results: A total of 1187 responses were acted upon. In the study group, 879 women claimed to have knowledge ofnon-nutritional use of human milk in respect of skin and most common ailments, whilst 688 of them claimed to use at leastone usage. The most frequently, breast milk was used for: care of cracked nipples, care of healthy skin, treatment of diaperdermatitis and treatment of neonatal acne. A correlation between duration of breastfeeding (p < 0.05) and gestational age(p < 0.05) and practical use of non-nutritional human milk was found.Conclusions: The study showed a great enthusiasm of mothers in respect of using breast milk for non-nutritional purposes,including the treatment of skin diseases and other common ailments. However, given the scant studies determining possibleconcerns surrounding these methods, there is a requirement for parental education with emphasis on the need forprompt medical examination and pertinent treatment


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    The coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory disease with a high capacity to spread. Its prevention consists of respecting social distance, wearing a mask and performing adequate hygiene of hands and surfaces, which resulted in an increase in the amount of household solid waste generated during the period of social isolation. The objective of this study is to identify the knowledge of residents of Curitiba on the management of waste contaminated or potentially contaminated by SARS-CoV-2 through an exploratory-descriptive research with a quantitative approach with 420 participants. It was found that the population's lack of knowledge about the measures contained in the municipal protocol for the prevention of contamination by the coronavirus results in an inadequate disposal of masks, gloves, handkerchiefs and napkins, even those used in a preventive way, and incorrect storage of waste from suspected cases or confirmed cases of COVID-19, which increases the risk of contamination for both the population and public servants in public cleaning.O coronavírus (COVID-19) é uma doença de acometimento respiratório com alta capacidade de disseminação. Sua prevenção consiste em respeitar o distanciamento social, usar máscara e realizar a higienização adequada de mãos e superfícies, o que resultou em um aumento na quantidade de resíduos sólidos domiciliares gerados durante o período de isolamento social. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar o conhecimento de residentes de Curitiba sobre o manejo de resíduos contaminados ou potencialmente contaminados por SARS-CoV-2 por meio de uma pesquisa exploratória-descritiva com abordagem quantitativa com 420 participantes. Foi constatado que o desconhecimento da população acerca das medidas contidas no protocolo municipal para a prevenção da contaminação pelo coronavírus resulta em um descarte inadequado de máscaras, luvas, lenços e guardanapos, mesmo os usados de forma preventiva, e armazenamento incorreto dos resíduos de casos suspeitos ou confirmados de COVID-19, o que eleva o risco de contaminação tanto para a população como para os servidores públicos na limpeza pública

    Earth as a Tool for Astrobiology—A European Perspective

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    Cybersecurity in Healthcare. Polish Case Against the World Trends

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    Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest próba usystematyzowania wiedzy o data breach występujących w ochronie zdrowia i fluktuacjach, jakim podlega ono w czasie. Omówione zostały standardy administrowania danymi medycznymi oraz najczęstsze przyczyny ich wycieku. Analizie poddana została literatura traktująca o cyberbezpieczeństwie sektora ochrony zdrowia. Cyberataki są obecnie bardziej wyrafinowane i lepiej finansowane, rośnie również ich liczba. Jedną z przyczyn jest wzrastającą wartość danych medycznych na czarnym rynku, natomiast w warunkach polskich jest to przede wszystkim niska świadomość zagrożeń, skutkująca lekceważącym podejściem do raportowania incydentów, niewystarczające kwalifikacje personelu medycznego w obrębie cyberhigieny oraz nieprzejrzystość polityki informacyjnej służb. W obliczu aktualnie występującej pandemii COVID-19 i coraz szybciej postępującej cyfryzacji branży medycznej, problem tenmoże dodatkowo narastać. Niezbędne jest nawiązanie dialogu między ekspertami od spraw cyberbezpieczeństwa a specjalistami związanymi z branżą medyczną.The subject of this article is an attempt to systematize the knowledge about the data breach phenomenon and its fluctuations in time. Medical data administration standards and the most common causes of their leakage were discussed. The literature on cybersecurity in the healthcare sector was analyzed. Cyberattacks are now more sophisticated and better financed, and their number is growing. One of the reasons is the increasing value of medical data on the black market. At the same time, in Poland, the awareness of threats is primarily low, resulting in a disrespectful approach to reporting incidents, insufficient qualifications of medical personnel in the field of cyber hygiene, and the non-transparency of the information policy of the services. In the face of the current COVID-19 pandemic and the increasingly faster digitisation of the medical industry, this problem may increase further. It is necessary to establish a dialogue between cybersecurity experts and specialists related to the medical industry.

    Non-Nutritional Use of Human Milk Part 1: A Survey of the Use of Breast Milk as a Therapy for Mucosal Infections of Various Types in Poland

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    The use of home remedies for the treatment of moderately severe ailments is a common practice in the Polish population. Currently, the topic of the potential non-nutritional properties of human milk is attracting the attention of breastfeeding mothers. This study was aimed at understanding lactating women’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices of non-nutritional breast milk on mucous membranes. The study was conducted among lactating women, who filled out a questionnaire consisting of questions about their knowledge and experiences with non-nutritional use of human milk. Statistical calculations were conducted with chi-square test and c-Pearson coefficient. A total of 1187 women were acted on, whereby 768 of respondents claimed to have knowledge of the non-nutritional use of human milk on mucous membranes, whilst 404 of them claimed that they had used at least one method. Among the most frequently used methods were the treatment of rhinorrhea, lacrimal canaliculi obstruction, and conjunctivitis. A correlation between length of breastfeeding (p < 0.001) and knowledge of non-nutritional human milk usage in prophylaxis and treatment of mucous membrane inflammation was found. Breastfeeding duration (p < 0.001) and parity (p < 0.005) were correlated with the application of those methods in practice. Due to a high propensity to testing those methods, parents’ education in the field of possible risks and importance of medical consultations is necessary

    Assessment of life quality and health perception among recovered COVID-19 patients: multivariate analysis – own material and a review of previous reports on life quality assessment among convalescents

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    Background The SARS-CoV-2 virus, causing acute respiratory disease, is responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in early 2020. In addition to symptoms typical of respiratory tract infections, the virus causes a number of non-specific, often long-lasting effects that hinder the daily functioning of individuals. The aim of the study was a subjective assessment of life quality and health perception among recovered COVID-19 patients. Material and Methods The study included 337 subjects who had been infected with SARS-CoV-2 confirmed by a positive RT-PCR test. The study participants were of legal age. The convalescents completed a questionnaire that contained 26 questions about gender, height, body weight, blood type, general and specific symptoms, comorbidities, hospital stay and duration of specific symptoms, the severity of which was assessed on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The subjects determined whether the COVID-19 infection influenced their health perception and life quality. Results According to 46% of the respondents, COVID-19 had an impact on their quality of life and health. The chance for patients to notice the negative effects of COVID-19 on their current health status and life quality increased with each subsequent symptom of the disease by 49%, with each day of its occurrence by 3%, and with each VAS point of the severity of all infection symptoms by 30%. Conclusions The study shows that COVID-19 disease affects life quality and overall health perception after recovery. Significant impact of COVID-19 on the quality of life should be a signal to create mental support and rehabilitation programs for convalescents to minimize discomfort and shorten the duration of absenteeism from work. Med Pr. 2022;73(6):449–5