4,064 research outputs found

    Does parental financial assistance assist young adults to be financially healthy? Effects of parent-child relationship qualities on financial outcomes and happiness

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    Many parents provide financial support for young adult children (Padilla-Walker, 2012). This financial support could help or hinder young adults\u27 financial wellbeing. This current study investigates young adults\u27 financial outcomes (e.g., financial responsibility, money management behavior and worry about money) as mediators of the associations between qualities of parent-child relationships (e.g., closeness with father, closeness with mother, spending time with father, and spending time with mother) and young adults\u27 overall happiness. The role of parental financial support was tested as a moderator of all significant pathways. Data from the Transition into Adulthood data set of the 2011 Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID 2011), a nationally representative US sample were analyzed for this study. The respondents included in the analysis ranged from 17 to 27 years of age (N = 1,907). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used with M-plus software to test the model comparing young adults who received parental financial assistance to those who did not. The results indicate that financial behaviors mediated the associations between the quality of young adults\u27 relationships with their parents and overall happiness. In particular, less worry about money and close relationships with their fathers significantly affected young adults\u27 overall happiness regardless of receiving financial support from their parents. In addition, the SEM model is significantly different depending on whether or not young adults receive financial support from their parents. Young adults\u27 money management behaviors affected overall happiness only when they did not receive financial support from their parents. Young adults who had close relationships with their mothers showed less worry about money only when they did not receive parental financial assistance. Results from this study provide insight that the parents\u27 financial assistance may not help young adults strive for financial well-being arising from their own financial behaviors

    Financial Socialization of College Students: Domain-General and Domain-Specific Perspectives

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    This study investigated the association of domain-general and domain-specific parenting practices with college students’ financial attitudes and behaviors. Data came from a survey of college students (n = 585, 156 males) aged 19–32 attending a Midwestern University. Parents’ financial behaviors significantly predicted college students’ financial attitudes. Path analysis indicated that college students’ financial attitudes mediated the association between their perceptions of parents’ financial behaviors and their own financial behaviors. Parental avoidance of financial conversation was inversely associated with college students’ financial attitudes, and parental disclosure of financial information was positively associated with college students’ financial attitudes. Family communication pattern significantly predicted college students’ financial attitudes and moderated the association between parents’ financial behaviors and college students’ financial attitudes. These findings underscore the importance of examining both domain-general and domain-specific parenting practices in socialization and indicate that parental explicit financial communication may amplify or attenuate the influence of parental modeling

    A combined microfinance and training intervention can reduce HIV risk behaviour in young female participants.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess effects of a combined microfinance and training intervention on HIV risk behavior among young female participants in rural South Africa. DESIGN: : Secondary analysis of quantitative and qualitative data from a cluster randomized trial, the Intervention with Microfinance for AIDS and Gender Equity study. METHODS: Eight villages were pair-matched and randomly allocated to receive the intervention. At baseline and after 2 years, HIV risk behavior was assessed among female participants aged 14-35 years. Their responses were compared with women of the same age and poverty group from control villages. Intervention effects were calculated using adjusted risk ratios employing village level summaries. Qualitative data collected during the study explored participants' responses to the intervention including HIV risk behavior. RESULTS: After 2 years of follow-up, when compared with controls, young participants had higher levels of HIV-related communication (adjusted risk ratio 1.46, 95% confidence interval 1.01-2.12), were more likely to have accessed voluntary counseling and testing (adjusted risk ratio 1.64, 95% confidence interval 1.06-2.56), and less likely to have had unprotected sex at last intercourse with a nonspousal partner (adjusted risk ratio 0.76, 95% confidence interval 0.60-0.96). Qualitative data suggest a greater acceptance of intrahousehold communication about HIV and sexuality. Although women noted challenges associated with acceptance of condoms by men, increased confidence and skills associated with participation in the intervention supported their introduction in sexual relationships. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to impacts on economic well being, women's empowerment and intimate partner violence, interventions addressing the economic and social vulnerability of women may contribute to reductions in HIV risk behavior

    Intrinsic Absorption in the Spectrum of NGC 7469: Simultaneous Chandra, FUSE, and STIS Observations

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    We present simultaneous X-ray, far-ultraviolet, and near-ultraviolet spectra of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 obtained with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, and the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. Previous non-simultaneous observations of this galaxy found two distinct UV absorption components, at -560 and -1900 km/s, with the former as the likely counterpart of the X-ray absorber. We confirm these two absorption components in our new UV observations, in which we detect prominent O VI, Ly alpha, N V, and C IV absorption. In our Chandra spectrum we detect O VIII emission, but no significant O VIII or O VII absorption. We also detect a prominent Fe K alpha emission line in the Chandra spectrum, as well as absorption due to hydrogen-like and helium-like neon, magnesium, and silicon at velocities consistent with the -560 km/s UV absorber. The FUSE and STIS data reveal that the H I and C IV column densities in this UV- and X-ray- absorbing component have increased over time, as the UV continuum flux decreased. We use measured H I, N V, C IV, and O VI column densities to model the photoionization state of both absorbers self-consistently. We confirm the general physical picture of the outflow in which the low velocity component is a highly ionized, high density absorber with a total column density of 10^20 cm^-2, located near the broad emission line region, although due to measurable columns of N V and C IV, we assign it a somewhat smaller ionization parameter than found previously, U~1. The high velocity UV component is of lower density, log N=18.6, and likely resides farther from the central engine as we find its ionization parameter to be U=0.08.Comment: Minor correction to abstract; STScI eprint #1683; 50 pages, incl. 19 figures, 4 tables; Accepted to Ap

    A Toxicogenomic Comparison of Primary and Photochemically Altered Air Pollutant Mixtures

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    Background: Air pollution contributes significantly to global increases in mortality, particularly within urban environments. Limited knowledge exists on the mechanisms underlying health effects resulting from exposure to pollutant mixtures similar to those occurring in ambient air. In order to clarify the mechanisms underlying exposure effects, toxicogenomic analyses are used to evaluate genomewide transcript responses and map these responses to molecular networks

    Comprehensive care and HIV prophylaxis after sexual assault in rural South Africa: the Refentse intervention study.

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    PROBLEM: Although international guidelines specify the central role of the health sector in providing comprehensive care, including HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), after sexual assault, in both industrialised and developing countries there are many challenges to providing timely and comprehensive services. DESIGN: A nurse driven model of post-rape care was integrated into existing hospital services; the before and after study design evaluated impacts on quality of care, reviewing 334 hospital charts and conducting interviews with 16 service providers and 109 patients. SETTING: 450 bed district hospital in rural South Africa. KEY MEASURES FOR IMPROVEMENT: Quality of care after rape (forensic history and examination, provision of emergency contraception, prophylaxis for sexually transmitted infections, referrals); provision of HIV counselling and testing and provision and completion of full 28 day course of PEP; and service utilisation (number of service providers seen on first visit and number of rape cases presenting to hospital per month). STRATEGIES FOR CHANGE: After completing baseline research, we introduced a five part intervention model, consisting of a sexual violence advisory committee, hospital rape management policy, training workshop for service providers, designated examining room, and community awareness campaigns. Effect of change Existing services were fragmented and of poor quality. After the intervention, there were considerable improvements in clinical history and examination, pregnancy testing, emergency contraception, prophylaxis for sexually transmitted infections; HIV counselling and testing, PEP, trauma counselling, and referrals. Completion of the 28 day course of PEP drugs increased from 20% to 58%. LESSONS LEARNT: It is possible to improve the quality of care after sexual assault, including HIV prophylaxis, within a rural South African hospital at modest cost, using existing staff. With additional training, nurses can become the primary providers of this care

    Genuine Dyons in Born-Infeld Electrodynamics

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    Study of magnetic monopoles in the original version of Born-Infeld (BI) electrodynamics is performed. It then is realized that interesting new physics emerge and they include exotic behavior of radial electric monopole field such as its regularity as r0r\to 0 and its changing behavior with the absence or presence of the radial magnetic monopole field. This last point has been interpreted as the manifestation of the existence of point-like dyons in abelian BI theory. Two pieces of clear evidences in favor of this dyon interpretation are provided. It is also demonstrated that despite these unique features having no analogues in standard Maxwell theory, the cherished Dirac quantisation condition remains unchanged. Lastly, comments are given concerning that dyons found here in the original version of BI electrodynamics should be distinguished from the ones with the same name or BIons being studied in the recent literature on D-brane physics.Comment: 19 pages, Revtex, references added, no other change

    Impairments of auditory scene analysis in Alzheimer's disease

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    Parsing of sound sources in the auditory environment or ‘auditory scene analysis’ is a computationally demanding cognitive operation that is likely to be vulnerable to the neurodegenerative process in Alzheimer’s disease. However, little information is available concerning auditory scene analysis in Alzheimer's disease. Here we undertook a detailed neuropsychological and neuroanatomical characterization of auditory scene analysis in a cohort of 21 patients with clinically typical Alzheimer's disease versus age-matched healthy control subjects. We designed a novel auditory dual stream paradigm based on synthetic sound sequences to assess two key generic operations in auditory scene analysis (object segregation and grouping) in relation to simpler auditory perceptual, task and general neuropsychological factors. In order to assess neuroanatomical associations of performance on auditory scene analysis tasks, structural brain magnetic resonance imaging data from the patient cohort were analysed using voxel-based morphometry. Compared with healthy controls, patients with Alzheimer's disease had impairments of auditory scene analysis, and segregation and grouping operations were comparably affected. Auditory scene analysis impairments in Alzheimer's disease were not wholly attributable to simple auditory perceptual or task factors; however, the between-group difference relative to healthy controls was attenuated after accounting for non-verbal (visuospatial) working memory capacity. These findings demonstrate that clinically typical Alzheimer's disease is associated with a generic deficit of auditory scene analysis. Neuroanatomical associations of auditory scene analysis performance were identified in posterior cortical areas including the posterior superior temporal lobes and posterior cingulate. This work suggests a basis for understanding a class of clinical symptoms in Alzheimer's disease and for delineating cognitive mechanisms that mediate auditory scene analysis both in health and in neurodegenerative disease

    Diet-Induced Alterations in Gut Microflora Contribute to Lethal Pulmonary Damage in TLR2/TLR4-Deficient Mice

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    SummaryChronic intake of Western diet has driven an epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome, but how it induces mortality remains unclear. Here, we show that chronic intake of a high-fat diet (HFD), not a low-fat diet, leads to severe pulmonary damage and mortality in mice deficient in Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 (DKO). Diet-induced pulmonary lesions are blocked by antibiotic treatment and are transmissible to wild-type mice upon either cohousing or fecal transplantation, pointing to the existence of bacterial pathogens. Indeed, diet and innate deficiency exert significant impact on gut microbiota composition. Thus, chronic intake of HFD promotes severe pulmonary damage and mortality in DKO mice in part via gut dysbiosis, a finding that may be important for immunodeficient patients, particularly those on chemotherapy or radiotherapy, where gut-microbiota-caused conditions are often life threatening