14 research outputs found

    The taxonomic placement of the Miocene Patagonian frog <i>Wawelia gerholdi</i> (Amphibia: Anura)

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    <p>Nicoli, L. Muzzopappa, P. & Faivovich, J., July 2016 The taxonomic placement of the Miocene frog <i>Wawelia gerholdi</i> (Amphibia: Anura). <i>Alcheringa 40</i>, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518.</p> <p>The Miocene frog <i>Wawelia gerholdi</i>, from northern Patagonia, was previously attributed to Ceratophryidae, the clade of extant South American horned frogs, making it one of the oldest records known for this group. However, the only known specimen has juvenile traits and is strongly similar to the australobatrachian <i>Calyptocephalella</i>. We re-examined the morphology of <i>W. gerholdi</i> and provide additional anatomical information and comparisons with juvenile individuals of Ceratophryidae and <i>Calyptocephalella gayi</i>, the only extant species of <i>Calyptocephalella</i>. We reject a close relationship between <i>W. gerholdi</i> and Ceratophryidae. Furthermore, the holotype is indistinguishable from juveniles of <i>C. gayi</i> and shares with all the species of this genus a character state combination that seems unique among anurans. Therefore, we consider <i>Wawelia</i> to be a junior synonym of <i>Calyptocephalella</i>. The problematic taxonomic status of numerous fossil species of <i>Calyptocephalella</i>, together with its untested monophyly, also prompts us to provisionally consider the extinct species as a <i>species inquirenda</i> included in this genus, pending a comprehensive revision of all available remains.</p> <p><i>Laura Nicoli [</i>[email protected]<i>] and Julián Faivovich [</i>[email protected]<i>], División Herpetología, and Paula Muzzopappa [</i>[email protected]<i>], Sección Paleontología de Vertebrados, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘Bernardino Rivadavia’-CONICET, Av. Angel Gallardo 470, C1405DJR, Buenos Aires, Argentina.</i></p

    Geographic distribution of <i>Dendropsophus bromeliaceus</i> sp. nov..

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    <p>Populations of the new species (red stars) and the city center of Municipality of Santa Teresa (yellow circle), southeastern Brazil. BA (State of Bahia), ES (State of Espírito Santo), MG (State of Minas Gerais), and RJ (State of Rio de Janeiro).</p

    <i>Dendropsophus bromeliaceus</i> sp. nov. in life.

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    <p>(A) froglet (MNRJ 85855), and (B and C) male paratopotype (MBML 7712).</p

    Calls of <i>Dendropsophus bromeliaceus</i> sp. nov..

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    <p>(A) Advertisement call and (B) territorial call with spectrogram (above) and oscillogram (below) (MNVOC 048/01-06). Air temperature was around 23.2°C.</p


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    The compressed file contains the TNT file containing the matrix used for phylogenetic analyses and two fasta files containing the alignments, used to produce the matrix. The source data are fragments of the 12S and 16S ribosomal genes

    Optimization of the basic number (right) and the position of NORs (left) in Cophomantini on a condensed phylogenetic hypothesis resulting from the analyses of Faivovich et al. [21] and Duellman et al. [7].

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    <p>Optimization of the basic number (right) and the position of NORs (left) in Cophomantini on a condensed phylogenetic hypothesis resulting from the analyses of Faivovich et al. [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0192861#pone.0192861.ref021" target="_blank">21</a>] and Duellman et al. [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0192861#pone.0192861.ref007" target="_blank">7</a>].</p

    Karyotypes of three species of <i>Hyloscirtus</i>.

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    <p><i>Hyloscirtus alytolylax</i> (left), <i>H</i>. <i>palmeri</i> (center), and <i>H</i>. <i>larinopygion</i> (right). <b>A, B.</b> Giemsa staining. <b>C, D.</b> C-bands. <b>E, F.</b> CMA<sub>3</sub>. <b>G, H.</b> DAPI. Squares show NOR-bearing chromosome pairs as stained by the silver impregnation technique (<b>I</b>), and with FISH using a 18S DNA probe (<b>II</b>).</p