18 research outputs found

    The Tension on dsDNA Bound to ssDNA/RecA Filaments May Play an Important Role in Driving Efficient and Accurate Homology Recognition and Strand Exchange

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    It is well known that during homology recognition and strand exchange the double stranded DNA (dsDNA) in DNA/RecA filaments is highly extended, but the functional role of the extension has been unclear. We present an analytical model that calculates the distribution of tension in the extended dsDNA during strand exchange. The model suggests that the binding of additional dsDNA base pairs to the DNA/RecA filament alters the tension in dsDNA that was already bound to the filament, resulting in a non-linear increase in the mechanical energy as a function of the number of bound base pairs. This collective mechanical response may promote homology stringency and underlie unexplained experimental results

    RecA homology search is promoted by mechanical stress along the scanned duplex DNA

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    A RecA–single-stranded DNA (RecA–ssDNA) filament searches a genome for sequence homology by rapidly binding and unbinding double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) until homology is found. We demonstrate that pulling on the opposite termini (3′ and 5′) of one of the two DNA strands in a dsDNA molecule stabilizes the normally unstable binding of that dsDNA to non-homologous RecA–ssDNA filaments, whereas pulling on the two 3′, the two 5′, or all four termini does not. We propose that the ‘outgoing’ strand in the dsDNA is extended by strong DNA–protein contacts, whereas the ‘complementary’ strand is extended by the tension on the base pairs that connect the ‘complementary’ strand to the ‘outgoing’ strand. The stress resulting from different levels of tension on its constitutive strands causes rapid dsDNA unbinding unless sufficient homology is present

    Effect of Polymer Hydration State on In-Gel Immunoassays.

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    Integrated electrophoretic cytometry separations and immunoassays for proteins and their complexes

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    Protein complexes, such as filamentous actin (F-actin) complexes, regulate key cell processes such as cell motility and division. Disruption of F-actin result in highly motile and invasive cancer cells. Cancer therapeutics have thus aimed to maintain F-actin, but cell-to-cell variation in F-actin levels in response to such therapeutics necessitate single-cell measurements of dynamic actin protein complexes, including the binding actin binding proteins that determine actin polymerization state. Protein complex levels cannot be inferred from an immunoassay, as most lack selective antibodies. Size-based separations of such protein species provide selectivity when coupled with an immunoassay for protein detection and quantitation. While this selectivity has been demonstrated at the single-cell level by the introduction of electrophoretic (EP) cytometry in our lab, we sought to establish a single-cell electrophoretic assay for protein complex identification and quantitation. In order to understand the regulation of actin polymerization and depolymerization in heterogeneous cells requires four key separation assay features: i) quantifiable technical variation to discern biological variation in the cell population ii) sufficient analytical sensitivity to detect F-actin bound actin binding proteins, iii) high-selectivity separations to detect actin and its binding proteins, and iv) sample preparation with assay stage-optimized buffers to isolate dynamic complexes without disrupting the complexes. We will share our studies to elucidate chemical and physical underpinnings of each of these needed features. First, we will describe algorithm development and applications to establish a technical variation threshold and protein sizing standards for electrophoretic (EP) cytometry to distinguish biological variation of protein expression and size in single cells. Next, we will discuss the impact of in-gel immunoassay performance and open microfluidic device design on analytical sensitivity. Given fundamental tradeoffs between in-gel immunoassay sensitivity and separation performance, we consider alternative sieving matrices tuned to separate proteins in specific molecular weight ranges. We then describe unique impacts of Joule heating on separation performance in open microfluidic electrophoresis. Joule heating is mitigated with a buffer exchange approach that reduces variation in separation performance and introduces assay stage-optimized buffers without further protein loss. Finally, we will discuss the design of EP cytometry to fractionate actin protein complexes from single cells with assay stage-optimized buffers. The microscale device achieves rapid, arrayed on-chip sample preparation and EP fractionation without perturbing complexes. We demonstrated F-actin separations from monomeric actin, and the measurement of F-actin binding proteins that regulate actin polymerization. We anticipate the single-cell protein complex measurements described here will be broadly applicable to protein complexes that drive human health

    Effect of Polymer Hydration State on In-Gel Immunoassays

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    Applications as diverse as drug delivery and immunoassays require hydrogels to house high concentration macromolecular solutions. Yet, thermodynamic partitioning acts to lower the equilibrium concentration of macromolecules in the hydrogel, as compared to the surrounding liquid phase. For immunoassays that utilize a target antigen immobilized in the hydrogel, partitioning hinders introduction of detection antibody into the gel and, consequently, reduces the in-gel concentration of detection antibody, adversely impacting assay sensitivity. Recently, we developed a single-cell targeted proteomic assay with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of single cell lysates followed by an in-gel immunoassay. In the present work, we overcome partitioning that both limits analytical sensitivity and increases consumption of costly detection antibody by performing the immunoassay step after dehydrating the antigen-containing polyacrylamide gel. Gels are rehydrated with a solution of detection antibody. We hypothesized that matching the volume of detection antibody solution with the hydrogel water volume fraction would ensure that, at equilibrium, the detection antibody mass resides in the gel and not in the liquid surrounding the gel. Using this approach, we observe (compared with antibody incubation of hydrated gels): (i) 4–11 fold higher concentration of antibody in the dehydrated gels and in the single-cell assay (ii) higher fluorescence immunoassay signal, with up to 5-fold increases in signal-to-noise-ratio and (iii) reduced detection antibody consumption. We also find that detection antibody signal may be less well-correlated with target protein levels (GFP) using this method, suggesting a trade-off between analytical sensitivity and variation in immunoprobe signal. Our volume-matching approach for introducing macromolecular solutions to hydrogels increases the local in-gel concentration of detection antibody without requiring modification of the hydrogel structure, and thus we anticipate broad applicability to hydrogel-based assays, diagnostics, and drug delivery

    Joule Heating-Induced Dispersion in Open Microfluidic Electrophoretic Cytometry

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    While protein electrophoresis conducted in capillaries and microchannels offers high-resolution separations, such formats can be cumbersome to parallelize for single-cell analysis. One approach for realizing large numbers of concurrent separations is open microfluidics (i.e., no microchannels). In an open microfluidic device adapted for single-cell electrophoresis, we perform 100s to 1000s of simultaneous separations of endogenous proteins. The microscope slide-sized device contains cells isolated in microwells located in a ∼40 μm polyacrylamide gel. The gel supports protein electrophoresis after concurrent in situ chemical lysis of each isolated cell. During electrophoresis, Joule (or resistive) heating degrades separation performance. Joule heating effects are expected to be acute in open microfluidic devices, where a single, high-conductivity buffer expedites the transition from cell lysis to protein electrophoresis. Here, we test three key assertions. First, Joule heating substantially impacts analytical sensitivity due to diffusive losses of protein out of the open microfluidic electrophoretic (EP) cytometry device. Second, increased analyte diffusivity due to autothermal runaway Joule heating is a dominant mechanism that reduces separation resolution in EP cytometry. Finally, buffer exchange reduces diffusive losses and band broadening, even when handling single-cell lysate protein concentrations in an open device. We develop numerical simulations of Joule heating-enhanced diffusion during electrophoresis and observe ∼50% protein loss out of the gel, which is reduced using the buffer exchange. Informed by analytical model predictions of separation resolution (with Joule heating), we empirically demonstrate nearly fully resolved separations of proteins with molecular mass differences of just 4 kDa or 12% (GAPDH, 36 kDa; PS6, 32 kDa) in each of 129 single cells. The attained separation performance with buffer exchange is relevant to detection of currently unmeasurable protein isoforms responsible for cancer progression