19 research outputs found

    Galois triangle theory for direct summands of modules

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    Linear forms on free modules over certain local ring

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    Congruences in ordered sets and LU compatible equivalences

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    summary:A concept of equivalence preserving upper and lower bounds in a poset PP is introduced. If PP is a lattice, this concept coincides with the notion of lattice congruence

    A remark on spaces over a special local ring

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    summary:This paper deals with A-spaces in the sense of McDonald over linear algebras A of a certain type. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a submodule to be an A-space are derived

    On Hall planar ternary rings with ordered carrier sets

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    Inertial law of quadratic forms on modules over plural algebra

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    summary:Quadratic forms on a free finite-dimensional module are investigated. It is shown that the inertial law can be suitably generalized provided the vector space is replaced by a free finite-dimensional module over a certain linear algebra over R\R ( real plural algebra) introduced in [1]

    Geometry of Cyclic and Anticylic Algebras

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    summary:The article deals with spaces the geometry of which is defined by cyclic and anticyclic algebras. Arbitrary multiplicative function is taken as a fundamental form. Motions are given as linear transformation preserving given multiplicative function

    Inertial law of symplectic forms on modules over plural algebra

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    summary:In this paper the problem of construction of the canonical matrix belonging to symplectic forms on a module over the so called plural algebra (introduced in [5]) is solved

    Galois triangle theory for direct summands of modules

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