212 research outputs found

    Tilasto: metsÀmaan omistus 2013

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    Suomen virallinen tilastoKuolinpesien metsÀnomistus vÀhenee tasaisesti Yksityishenkilöt omistivat Luonnonvarakeskuksen julkaisemien tietojen mukaan vuoden 2013 lopussa yhteensÀ 376 000 vÀhintÀÀn yhden hehtaarin metsÀtilakokonaisuutta. MetsÀÀ omistavien kuolinpesien mÀÀrÀ on vÀhentynyt vuoden 2006 jÀlkeen seitsemÀssÀ vuodessa 3 800 metsÀtilalla (8 %) ja niihin kuuluvan metsÀmaan ala 160 000 hehtaarilla. KuolinpesiÀ on muutettu erityisesti verotusyhtymiksi, joiden mÀÀrÀ on kasvanut kaikkiaan 7 700 metsÀtilalla (16 %) ja 254 000 hehtaarilla.201

    Studying corporate texts - critical discourse analysis of Finnish companies' discourses on growth in Russia

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    Objective of the study The objective of this study was to find out how Finnish companies justify and legitimize seeking growth in Russia, and how they then communicate their performance and future outlook therein. As a cross-disciplinary study, it aimed to understand and bring forward the underlying motives of using language for the ‘justification’ and ‘naturalization’ of the companies’ activities in Russia. To reach this purpose, the thesis combined methods and theories from accounting research, management and organization studies, international business studies, business communication and linguistics. Methodology In order to find the answer to the main research question, a qualitative critical discourse analysis methodology was applied on five CEO’s letters to shareholders (years 2007-2011) of five large Finnish companies that have established operations in Russia. In the spirit of critical discourse analysis the thesis does not see language merely as a conveyer of messages that reflect reality – instead, it views language as a force capable of (re-)creating social reality. The study was broken into two parts: first, an overall analysis was conducted on the textual material to see which discourses and other phenomena arise from it and, second, these specific discourses and other phenomena were then analyzed in more detail. Key findings The study found that top management, having the incentives to do so, frequently engages in self-serving behavior in their discourses in order to manage the perception the external audience has about their company. This behavior manifests itself in the management’s use of language in creating a ‘positive discursive reality’ surrounding the company and results from the pressure of shareholders’ growth expectations and a simultaneous failure to meet them. Thus, the management is pressurized into presenting their activities in Russia in a positive light and in conjunction with growth even though the ‘reality’ may differ from this ‘discursive reality’ communicated by the management. Keywords Discourse, critical discourse analysis, growth, Russia, performanc

    The General Data Protection Regulation: Requirements, Architectures, and Constraints

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    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union is the most famous recently enacted privacy regulation. Despite of the regulation's legal, political, and technological ramifications, relatively little research has been carried out for better understanding the GDPR's practical implications for requirements engineering and software architectures. Building on a grounded theory approach with close ties to the Finnish software industry, this paper contributes to the sealing of this gap in previous research. Three questions are asked and answered in the context of software development organizations. First, the paper elaborates nine practical constraints under which many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often operate when implementing solutions that address the new regulatory demands. Second, the paper elicits nine regulatory requirements from the GDPR for software architectures. Third, the paper presents an implementation for a software architecture that complies both with the requirements elicited and the constraints elaborated.Comment: Forthcoming in the 27th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'19), Jeju Island, IEE

    A Case Study on Software Vulnerability Coordination

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    Context: Coordination is a fundamental tenet of software engineering. Coordination is required also for identifying discovered and disclosed software vulnerabilities with Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). Motivated by recent practical challenges, this paper examines the coordination of CVEs for open source projects through a public mailing list. Objective: The paper observes the historical time delays between the assignment of CVEs on a mailing list and the later appearance of these in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). Drawing from research on software engineering coordination, software vulnerabilities, and bug tracking, the delays are modeled through three dimensions: social networks and communication practices, tracking infrastructures, and the technical characteristics of the CVEs coordinated. Method: Given a period between 2008 and 2016, a sample of over five thousand CVEs is used to model the delays with nearly fifty explanatory metrics. Regression analysis is used for the modeling. Results: The results show that the CVE coordination delays are affected by different abstractions for noise and prerequisite constraints. These abstractions convey effects from the social network and infrastructure dimensions. Particularly strong effect sizes are observed for annual and monthly control metrics, a control metric for weekends, the degrees of the nodes in the CVE coordination networks, and the number of references given in NVD for the CVEs archived. Smaller but visible effects are present for metrics measuring the entropy of the emails exchanged, traces to bug tracking systems, and other related aspects. The empirical signals are weaker for the technical characteristics. Conclusion: [...
