3 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Waktu Aktivasi dan Adsorpsi dalam Pemanfaatan Karbon Aktif dari Serutan Kayu menjadi Adsorben Limbah Cair

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    ABSTRAKIndustri pemanfaatan kayu cukup sering ditemukan di Indonesia, namun limbah yang dihasilkan tidak diolah dan hanya dibuang ke lingkungan. Limbah serutan kayu yang mengandung rantai karbon dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi karbon aktif. Pengaruh kualitas karbon aktif dari serutan kayu ini diuji berdasarkan waktu aktivasi dan daya adsorpsi limbah cair. Karbon aktif dibuat melalui pirolisis hingga mencapai suhu 5000C dengan ukuran 100-150 mesh dan diaktivasi dengan H3PO4 10% selama 6 jam, 12 jam, dan 18 jam. Karbon aktif yang dihasilkan digunakan sebagai adsorben dan diujikan pada limbah cair zat warna tekstil Sumikaron Yellow Brown S-2RL. Adsorpsi dilakukan dengan variasi waktu 1 jam, 2 jam dan 3 jam. Selanjutnya larutan zat warna yang telah dijerap oleh karbon aktif dianalisa menggunakan spektrofotometer dengan panjang gelombang 480nm. Berdasarkan absorbansi atau konsentrasi (%) pengurangan warna yang dihitung menggunakan anova dengan software Minitab 17, pengaruh yang lebih signifikan dalam pemanfaatan karbon aktif dari serutan kayu yaitu pada waktu aktivasi 12 jam dan waktu adsorpsi 3 jam. Karbon aktif dari limbah serutan kayu mampu mengurangi limbah cair zat warna sebesar 98,2519%. Hasil uji pendahuluan dengan menghitung bilangan iod dari adsorben karbon aktif yang telah diaktivasi selama 12 jam menjadi kondisi terbaik dengan menjerap iod sebanyak 144,8961 mg/g.Kata Kunci: limbah cair, karbon aktif, serutan kayu, MinitabABSTRACTThe wood utilization industry is quite often found in Indonesia, but the waste produced is not processed and is only disposed of into the environment. Wood shavings containing carbon chains can be used as activated carbon. The effect of the quality of activated carbon from wood shavings was tested based on the activation time and adsorption liquid waste’s capacity. Activated carbon is made through pyrolysis to reach a temperature of 5000C with a size of 100-150 mesh and activated with 10% H3PO4 for 6 hours, 12 hours, and 18 hours. The activated carbon produced was used as an adsorbent and tested on the liquid waste of textile dye Sumikaron Yellow Brown S-2RL. Adsorption is carried out with variations of 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours. Furthermore, the dye solution that has been absorbed by activated carbon is analyzed using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 480nm. Based on the absorbance or concentration (%) of color reduction calculated using anova with Minitab 17 software, a more significant effect on the utilization of activated carbon from wood shavings is the activation time of 12 hours and the adsorption time of 3 hours. Activated carbon from wood shavings waste is able to reduce dye wastewater by 98.2519%. The results of the preliminary test by calculating iodine number from the adsorbent of activated carbon which has been activated for 12 hours are the best conditions by absorbing iodine is 144.8961 mg/g.Keywords: liquid waste, activated carbon, wood shavings, Minita

    Fixed Bed Adsorption of Natural Organic Matter Using Ozonated Carbon Active

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    Nowadays water, one the most important substance in human life, are being much polluted by not only industrial activities but also caused by human activities and natural polluted material. One of the natural impurities that commonly occur in water is Natural Organic Matter (NOM). NOM are extracted organic compounds from soils, plants, or decomposed animals that infiltrate into the water body when the water contacts with those materials. Thus, the presence of NOM in water body is inevitable. Many techniques have been applied to remove this impurity such as coagulation, flocculation, and filtration. In this research, NOM were controlled using ozonated activated carbon in a fixed bed adsorption system. There were two parameters studied that are activated carbon ozonation time that ranging from 5 - 25 minutes and the fixed bed height of 1 - 7.5 cm. Interestingly, the investigation showed that the optimum condition for the bed height was obtained at 6 cm whilst the optimum carbon active ozonation time was at 5 minute. The experiment was concordant with the conducted BET analysis that showed the highest activated carbon surface area at 5 minute compared to other ozonation time. The ozonated activated carbon was also found to be have slightly better adsorption performance compared to unozonated activated carbon bought from the market with capacity of ozonated activated carbon adsorption was found to be 6.12 Ï° 10-3 mg/g

    Fixed Bed Adsorption of Natural Organic Matter Using Ozonated Carbon Active

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    Nowadays water, one the most important substance in human life, are being much polluted by not only industrial activities but also caused by human activities and natural polluted material. One of the natural impurities that commonly occur in water is Natural Organic Matter (NOM). NOM are extracted organic compounds from soils, plants, or decomposed animals that infiltrate into the water body when the water contacts with those materials. Thus, the presence of NOM in water body is inevitable. Many techniques have been applied to remove this impurity such as coagulation, flocculation, and filtration. In this research, NOM were controlled using ozonated activated carbon in a fixed bed adsorption system. There were two parameters studied that are activated carbon ozonation time that ranging from 5 - 25 minutes and the fixed bed height of 1 - 7.5 cm. Interestingly, the investigation showed that the optimum condition for the bed height was obtained at 6 cm whilst the optimum carbon active ozonation time was at 5 minute. The experiment was concordant with the conducted BET analysis that showed the highest activated carbon surface area at 5 minute compared to other ozonation time. The ozonated activated carbon was also found to be have slightly better adsorption performance compared to unozonated activated carbon bought from the market with capacity of ozonated activated carbon adsorption was found to be 6.12 Ï° 10-3 mg/g