40 research outputs found

    Sediment resuspension as a water quality regulator in lakes

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    Sediment resuspension, the return of the bottom material into the water column, is an important process that can have various effects on a lake ecosystem. Resuspension caused by wind-induced wave disturbance, currents, turbulent fluctuations and bioturbation affects water quality characteristics such as turbidity, light conditions, and concentrations of suspended solids (SS) and nutrients. Resuspension-mediated increase in turbidity may favour the dominance of phytoplankton over macrophytes. The predator-prey interactions contributing to the trophic state of a lake may also be influenced by increasing turbidity. Directly, the trophic state of a lake can be influenced by the effect of sediment resuspension on nutrient cycling. Resuspension enhances especially the cycling of phosphorus by bringing the sedimentary nutrients back into the water column and may thereby induce switches between phosphorus and nitrogen limitation. The contribution of sediment resuspension to gross sedimentation, turbidity, and concentration of SS and nutrients was studied in a small, deep lake as well as in a multibasin lake with deep and shallow areas. The effect of ice cover on sediment resuspension and thereby on phosphorus concentrations was also studied. The rates of gross sedimentation and resuspen¬sion were estimated with sediment traps and the associations between SS and nutrients were considered. Sediment resuspension, caused by wind activity, comprised most of the gross sedimenta¬tion and strongly contributed to the concentration of SS and turbidity in the lakes studied. Additionally, via the influence on SS, resuspension affected the concentration of total phosphorus (TP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), as well as the total nitrogen to total phosphorus (TN:TP) ratio. Although contrasting results concerning the dependence between the SS and SRP concentrations were observed, it could be concluded that sediment resuspension during strong algal blooms (pH > 9) led to aerobic release of P. The main findings of this thesis were that in the course of the growing season, sediment resuspension coupled with phytoplankton succession led to liberation of P from resuspended particles, which in turn resulted in high TP concentrations and low TN:TP ratios. This development was likely a cause of strong cyanobacterial blooms in midsummer.Järven pohjaan laskeutunut aines, pohjasedimentti, voi sekoittua uudelleen vesimassaan aallokon, erilaisten virtausten ja eliöiden (kalat, pohjaeläimet) vaikutuksesta. Ilmiöllä, jota kutustaan sedimentin resuspendoitumiseksi, voi olla merkittäviä vaikutuksia järviekosysteemiin. Sedimentin sekoittuminen vesimassaan vaikuttaa esimerkiksi veden ravinnepitoisuuksiin sekä kiintoainepitoisuuden ja sameuden nousun kautta valaistusolosuhteisiin. Valaistusolosuhteiden muuttuminen saattaa johtaa leväbiomassan lisääntymiseen vesikasvillisuuden kustannuksella. Myös näön perusteella saalistavien eliöiden ravinnonhankinta voi vaikeutua sameuden kasvaessa. Sedimentin resuspensio vaikuttaa usein myös vesistöjen tärkeän perusravinteen, fosforin kiertoon ja sillä on näin ollen rehevöitymistä edistävä vaikutus. Tämän väitöskirjan osajulkaisuissa tutkittiin kahden eri järven sedimentaatiota (aineksen laskeutumista vesipatsaassa) sekä sedimentin resuspension vaikutusta jär¬vien veden sameuteen, kiintoainepitoisuuteen ja ravinnepitoisuuksiin. Yhdessä osajulkaisussa tutkittiin myös jääpeitteen vaikutusta resuspensioon ja järven fosforipitoisuuksiin. Tutkimusten mukaan suurin osa järvien sedimentaatiosta muodostui sedimentin resuspensiosta. Resuspensiolla oli myös selkeä vaikutus järvien kiintoainepitoisuuksiin ja sameuteen. Kiintoainepitoisuuksien nousu vaikutti lisäksi voimakkaasti ravinnepitoisuuksiin (fosfori, typpi, typpi:fosfori-suhde). Tutkimuksen merkittävin tulos oli, että sedimentin sekoittuessa vesipatsaaseen matalassa ja rehevässä järvessä voimakkaiden leväkukintojen aikaan, sedimenttipartikkeleista vapautui fosforia levien käyttöön. Tämä nosti veden kokonaisfosforipitoisuuksia ja laski typpi:fosfori-suhdetta. Kyseinen kehityskulku oli todennäköisesti keskikesällä havaittujen runsaiden sinileväkukintojen syy. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat myös, että matalassa tuulille alttiissa järvessä sedimentin resuspension aiheuttama ravinnekuormitus voi olla monikertainen ulkoiseen kuormitukseen (jokien tuomat ravinteet) nähden. Toisaalta vähäinenkin ulkoinen kuormitus on tällaisissa järvissä merkittävää, koska kerran järveen joutuneet ravinteet jäävät voimakkaan resuspension johdosta pitkäksi aikaa biologiseen kiertoon

    Effects of hypolimnetic aeration on the quantity and quality of settling material in a eutrophied dimictic lake

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    Effects of hypolimnetic aeration (pumping of epilimnetic water into the hypolimnion) on the quantity of settling material in eutrophied Lake Vesijarvi, Finland were studied by comparing spatially comprehensive gross sedimentation rates as dry and organic matter prior to aeration activity and during two aerated years. Possible changes in the organic matter (as loss on ignition, LOI), carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) contents and changes in the C/N ratio of the settling material and surface sediment were quantified. Thermal stratification broke up earlier due to aeration and was followed by sedimentation peaks. The absolute amount of dry and organic matter as well as C and N settling to the lake bottom were significantly higher in the aerated years. Increased sedimentation rates were especially pronounced in the deep zones indicating enhanced sediment focusing. Increased sedimentation of C and N reflected higher primary production during the aerated years, which most likely was associated with increased temperature and turbulence and the subsequent regeneration and recycling of nutrients in the water body. Aeration seemed to slightly enhance degradation, but contrary to its ultimate aim, it failed to decrease the phosphorus content of the water column and deposits of organic material in the deep zones of the lake.Peer reviewe

    The role of humic substances in sediment phosphorus release in northern lakes

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    phosphorus (P) release are largely unexplored. Here we elucidated the factors behind experimentally-derived sediment release rates of P by diffusion (DF) in four Finnish lakes with a range of colour. Next, we extended our analysis to a larger set of northern lakes for further insights regarding possible implications of organic substances on sediment P release. The significant correlation between pore-water soluble reactive P and dissolved iron, and a positive effect of ironbound sedimentary P (Fe-P) on DF supports the classic paradigm of redox-dependent P release in the four Finnish lakes studied. Nevertheless, the P release from Fe-P may be inhibited by humic substances, as we observed lower Fe-P and negative DF in two humic rich lakes (high DOC). The analysis of a larger set of northern lakes supported the negative effect of humic substances on P release rate (RR) determined by in situ P increases. In this dataset, DOC correlated positively with water colour and negatively with RR. Furthermore, multiple stepwise regression analysis selected sediment total P and organic matter content in sediments (LOI) as the best predictors of RR, similar to a previously published model by Nurnberg (1988). While the model predictions (RRpred) were correlated to RR in the present study, they tended to overestimate RR that was determined in closed experimental systems. The inhibiting effects of humic substances on RR may be manifested in both internal P loading and primary production.Peer reviewe

    Internal phosphorus loading in a small shallow Lake: Response after sediment removal

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    Mankind is taking advantage of numerous services by small shallow lakes such as drinking water supply, irrigation, and recreational function; however, many of these lakes suffer from eutrophication. Given the key role of phosphorus (P) in eutrophication process, one of the effective restoration methods especially for small shallow lakes is removal of sediments enriched with nutrients. In our study, we used interannual, seasonal, and spatial data to examine the changes in sediment P mobility after removal of sediments in 2016 from a 1-ha highly eutrophic lake. We measured the sediment redox potential, analyzed soluble reactive P (SRP) in the pore water and P fractional composition of the surface sediments, and calculated the P diffusive flux in three locations in two continuous years (2017 and 2018) after the excavation. Similar measurements were done before sediment removal at central site of the lake in 2015. Removing nutrient-rich sediment also removed 6400 kg of P, and thus the potential for release of P from sediments decreased on a long-term scale. However, a large pool of releasable P was rebuilt soon after the sediment removal due to high external P loading, resulting in extensive anoxia of sediment surface and associated internal P loading as high as 1450 mg m−2 summer−1. Moreover, the Fe-P and labile P fractions were the most important sources of P release, as evidenced by their considerable seasonal and interannual changes after the sediment removal. The sediment total Fe negatively correlated with sediment P diffusive flux, pore water SRP, and near-bottom water total P and SRP concentrations which indicated a strong linkage between sediment P dynamics and Fe after the restoration. Sediment removal could be a beneficial restoration approach, but the effects on lake water quality remain only short-term unless there is an adequate control on external loading to the lake.Peer reviewe

    Are benthic fluxes important for the availability of Si in the Gulf of Finland?

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    We estimated the efflux of dissolved silicon (DSi) from sediments in the Gulf of Finland and compared it to sedimentation fluxes, burial of Si and existing data on Si loading and stocks, reassessing the reliability of existing Si budgets. Benthic fluxes of DSi measured in situ and in vitro were several times higher than estimates from diffusion calculations. The spatial variability in the open Gulf of Finland was relatively small, while both very high and low fluxes were measured from coastal areas. Fluxes were highest in late summer and lowest in early spring. In our re-assessed budget we present a new lower estimate for Si burial in the sediments, ca. 6 Gmol a(-1) and show that more than half of the sedimentation flux of Si is released back into the water column. Changes in the efficiency of internal DSi recycling may thus affect the prevalence of siliceous phytoplankton within the ecosystem, and the diatom spring bloom may be regulated by the functioning of this internal recycling pump. We also show that the seasonal variation in benthic DSi fluxes and dissolved phosphate fluxes is similar, and that a tentative connection between hypoLxia and high DSi efflux exists. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Vesijärven kehitys neljän vuosikymmenen kunnostustoimenpiteiden aikana

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    The diversion of sewage inputs in the mid-1970s led to an order of magnitude reduction in nutrient loading to Lake Vesijarvi, southern Finland. After the diversion, nutrient concentrations declined, consistent with a simple dilution model, and by the mid-1990s the chlorophyll concentration was reduced by 80%. The favourable development was supported by a 5-year mass removal of planktivorous and benthivorous fish and the stocking of predatory pikeperch (Sander lucioperca(L.)), although the exact mechanisms behind their effects remain obscure. Starting in 2010, oxygen-rich water from the top of the water column was pumped to the deepest parts of the lake, resulting in high deepwater oxygen concentration in winter. In summer, hypoxic or even anoxic conditions could not be avoided, but the duration of the anoxic period was markedly shortened. Because nitrate was never depleted, leaching of total nitrogen from the sediment was reduced and the same was also true for total phosphorus, but only in winter. The oxygenation stabilized deepwater nutrient concentrations to a low level, but this was not reflected in the epilimnetic total nutrient concentration or in a further decrease in the chlorophyll concentration.Peer reviewe

    Benthic fluxes of oxygen and inorganic nutrients in the archipelago of Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea – Effects of sediment resuspension measured in situ

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    Abstract Benthic fluxes of oxygen and dissolved inorganic nutrients; phosphate (DIP), ammonium (NH4), nitrate + nitrite (NOx), and silicate (DSi); and the effects of resuspension on these were studied in situ with the Göteborg benthic landers in the Gulf of Finland archipelago, Baltic Sea. The benthic fluxes were examined at two shallow stations at depths of 7 m and 20 m in May and August 2014. Resuspension altered benthic fluxes of oxygen and nutrients in most of the experiments in August, but not in May, which was mainly due to weaker resuspension treatments in spring. Additionally, the benthic nutrient regeneration rates were higher and redox conditions lower in August when the water was warmer. In August, resuspension increased the benthic oxygen uptake by 33–35%, which was, in addition to stronger resuspension treatment, attributed to higher amounts of dissolved reduced substances in the sediment pore water in comparison to conditions in May. Adsorption onto newly formed iron oxyhydroxides could explain the uptake of DIP by the sediment at the 20 m station and the lowering of the DSi efflux by 31% at the 7 m station during resuspension in August. In addition, resuspension promoted nitrification, as indicated by increased NOx fluxes at both stations (by 30% and 27% at the 7 m and 20 m station, respectively) and a lowered NH4 flux (by 48%) at the 7 m station. Predicted increases in the magnitude and frequency of resuspension will thus markedly affect the transport of phosphorus and silicon and the cycling of nitrogen in the shallow areas of the Gulf of Finland.Peer reviewe