1,003 research outputs found

    Superdiffusion in a class of networks with marginal long-range connections

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    A class of cubic networks composed of a regular one-dimensional lattice and a set of long-range links is introduced. Networks parametrized by a positive integer k are constructed by starting from a one-dimensional lattice and iteratively connecting each site of degree 2 with a kkth neighboring site of degree 2. Specifying the way pairs of sites to be connected are selected, various random and regular networks are defined, all of which have a power-law edge-length distribution of the form P>(l)lsP_>(l)\sim l^{-s} with the marginal exponent s=1. In all these networks, lengths of shortest paths grow as a power of the distance and random walk is super-diffusive. Applying a renormalization group method, the corresponding shortest-path dimensions and random-walk dimensions are calculated exactly for k=1 networks and for k=2 regular networks; in other cases, they are estimated by numerical methods. Although, s=1 holds for all representatives of this class, the above quantities are found to depend on the details of the structure of networks controlled by k and other parameters.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    A new method for hardness determination from depth sensing indentation tests

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    A new semiempirical formula is developed for the hardness determination of the materials from depth sensing indentation tests. The indentation works measured both during loading and unloading periods are used in the evaluation. The values of the Meyer hardness calculated in this way agree well with those obtained by conventional optical observation, where this latter is possible. While the new hardness formula characterizes well the behavior of the conventional hardness number even for the ideally elastic material, the mean contact pressure generally used in hardness determination differs significantly from the conventional hardness number when the ideally elastic limiting case is being approached

    Anomalous diffusion in disordered multi-channel systems

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    We study diffusion of a particle in a system composed of K parallel channels, where the transition rates within the channels are quenched random variables whereas the inter-channel transition rate v is homogeneous. A variant of the strong disorder renormalization group method and Monte Carlo simulations are used. Generally, we observe anomalous diffusion, where the average distance travelled by the particle, []_{av}, has a power-law time-dependence []_{av} ~ t^{\mu_K(v)}, with a diffusion exponent 0 \le \mu_K(v) \le 1. In the presence of left-right symmetry of the distribution of random rates, the recurrent point of the multi-channel system is independent of K, and the diffusion exponent is found to increase with K and decrease with v. In the absence of this symmetry, the recurrent point may be shifted with K and the current can be reversed by varying the lane change rate v.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    On maps preserving connectedness and /or compactness

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    We call a function f:XYf: X\to Y PP-preserving if, for every subspace AXA \subset X with property PP, its image f(A)f(A) also has property PP. Of course, all continuous maps are both compactness- and connectedness-preserving and the natural question about when the converse of this holds, i.e. under what conditions is such a map continuous, has a long history. Our main result is that any non-trivial product function, i.e. one having at least two non-constant factors, that has connected domain, T1T_1 range, and is connectedness-preserving must actually be continuous. The analogous statement badly fails if we replace in it the occurrences of "connected" by "compact". We also present, however, several interesting results and examples concerning maps that are compactness-preserving and/or continuum-preserving.Comment: 8 page

    Scaling behavior of the contact process in networks with long-range connections

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    We present simulation results for the contact process on regular, cubic networks that are composed of a one-dimensional lattice and a set of long edges with unbounded length. Networks with different sets of long edges are considered, that are characterized by different shortest-path dimensions and random-walk dimensions. We provide numerical evidence that an absorbing phase transition occurs at some finite value of the infection rate and the corresponding dynamical critical exponents depend on the underlying network. Furthermore, the time-dependent quantities exhibit log-periodic oscillations in agreement with the discrete scale invariance of the networks. In case of spreading from an initial active seed, the critical exponents are found to depend on the location of the initial seed and break the hyper-scaling law of the directed percolation universality class due to the inhomogeneity of the networks. However, if the cluster spreading quantities are averaged over initial sites the hyper-scaling law is restored.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Two improvements on Tkačenko's addition theorem

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    summary:We prove that (A) if a countably compact space is the union of countably many DD subspaces then it is compact; (B) if a compact T2T_2 space is the union of fewer than N(R)N(\Bbb R) = \operatorname{cov} (\Cal M) left-separated subspaces then it is scattered. Both (A) and (B) improve results of Tkačenko from 1979; (A) also answers a question that was raised by Arhangel'ski\v{i} and improves a result of Gruenhage