1,018 research outputs found


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    Strengthening the global cruise market is in the upward trend as evidenced by the continued growth in the number of passengers on the cruising market. The source market, which is dominating by the demand for cruising, is North America, followed by the European market. In addition to the European market intensifying its increase in demand in the last few years, compared to other markets, passenger flows on cruises in Europe is constantly increasing its share in the global passenger flows on the world cruise market. Consequently, in this paper, the main features and trends in passengers flows on the world market and Mediterranean cruises are analyzed, within which a specific attention is given in analyzing passenger flows in the developing Mediterranean or Adriatic market. In accordance with the analyzed data, significant conclusions have been brought about the present state and future prospects of the global passenger flows on the Mediterranean area, as well as the prospects of development of the Adriatic market within the Mediterranean cruise market

    Structural analysis of cruise passenger traffic in the world and in the Republic of Croatia

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    Passenger traffic in the market of cruising, according to present growth rate, in the global and regional scale is an important accelerator of growth in passenger traffic in the world, of maritime passenger transport, and thus economic growth and development. Accordingly, the main problem of this study is the analysis of passenger traffic in cruises in the world and in the Republic of Croatia. In connection with this, the basic aim of the research is the structural analysis of the defined research problem, that by the analysis of specific quantitative indicators defines the main characteristics and patterns in the performance of passenger traffic on a cruise, specifying: the worldā€™s leading groups and companies in the cruise market, the structure of passengers on a cruise with respect of various criteria (origin, socio-demographic criteria), the leading emitting and receptive cruise regions, including the leading cruise destinations and the ports in the world and in the Republic of Croatia

    Proračun i oblikovanje medicinske komore barokomore

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    Hiperbarična oksigenacija (HBOT) je znanstveno utemeljena metoda liječenja u hiperbaričnoj komori disanjem kisika pod povećanim tlakom. Tretman se provodi, ovisno o bolesti, najčeŔće na tlaku 2,0 do3,0 bara u trajanju od 60 minuta jednom dnevno tijekom dva do Å”est tjedana. često se za vrijeme tretmana u barokomoru, koja je s pacijentima i liječnikom pod tlakom, treba unijeti potreban lijek, hrana, voda, neki dio opreme ili medicinski instrument, a da se terapija ne prekida. Zato se na komori nalazi mala komunikacijska komora (medicinska komora). U ovome radu opisano je oblikovanje te komore. Komora se sastoji od plaÅ”ta i dvaju vrata. Vanjska vrata izrađena su u bajunet izvedbi dok su unutarnja vrata osigurana zasunom. Å”arniri na vratima izvedeni su plivajuće radi automatskog brtvljenja. Medicinska komora veže se na barokomoru zavarivanje

    Izrada varijantnog modela proizvoda i sučelja za upravljanje varijantnim modelom proizvoda

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    U ovom radu opisana je izrada varijantne konstrukcije kućiÅ”ta podpultnog rashladnog uređaja za pivo. Varijantna konstrukcija kućiÅ”ta izrađena je sa svrhom ubrzanja procesa izrade novih 3D modela i tehničke dokumentacije, koje bi kupac mogao naručiti. Time je postignuta veća učinkovitost konstrukcijskog ureda, te je omogućena brza izrada modela različitih veličina. Sam proces izrade varijantne konstrukcije proveden je u nekoliko koraka. Najprije je napravljena analiza postojeće dokumentacije čime su utvrđeni parametri koji se moraju mijenjati i pravila koja se moraju poÅ”tivati pri modeliranju dijelova. Zatim se pristupilo modeliranju dijelova, a potom njihovom sklapanju vodeći računa o pravilima definiranim prilikom analize postojeće dokumentacije. Varijantna konstrukcija izrađena je koristeći 3D CAD program Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0, a svu dokumentaciju ustupila je tvrtka Oprema-uređaji d.d

    Multi-criteria Optimization of Motorways of the Sea in the Function of the Environment Protection: Case Study of Croatia

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    The transport system causes extremely harmful consequencesĀ for society and the environment. It is manifestedĀ through the increased emission of harmful exhaust gases,Ā traffic congestions, traffic accidents, increased level ofĀ noise, higher levels of stress and various diseases of all participantsĀ of the transport system and society in general. TheĀ implementation and modernization of intermodality throughĀ the Motorways of the Sea (MoS) as its ecological and socio-economic sustainable subsystem is the efficient way ofĀ reducing the above mentioned consequences. Further sustainableĀ development of MoS can be observed according toĀ the ecological and socio-economic criteria and sub-criteriaĀ set out in this paper in order to keep it in direct function ofĀ protecting the society and preserving the environment.</p

    Public Administration: Main Factor in Successful Management of Coastal Area Development in Republic of Croatia

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    The modern society requires a rational, professional, stable and socially accountable public administration that serves its citizens. Analysis of the status and functioning of the Croatian public administration shows that there are still many shortcomings and problems that must be solved. This paper outlines the basic characteristics of public administration as a set of structures and processes aiming to start and implement the policies in accordance with the public interest. Also, it explores the way and the level of success of managing the common good, with special attention given to the management of the coastal area, whereas the management of the coastal area is defined as an activity comprising different levels of management ā€“ local, regional, national and international. The author stresses the need to coordinate the different levels and emphasize the importance of organizing the work process and the capabilities of the managing structure. This is necessary because the public administration often makes decisions directly influencing the citizensā€™ quality of life on a local and individual level. Given that the public administration has a great amount of power in all countries, it must be controlled. The author states that beside self control of public administration it is also needed to conduct the additional control. That kind of control is necessary due to the inestimable value of Croatiaā€™s coastal and other resources. Based on the results of the research the author suggests measures to improve a continued and efficient control

    Uloga motivacije i rodnih stereotipa u objaŔnjenju namjere odabira studija u stereotipno muŔkom području

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    Cilj istraživanja je objasniti rodne razlike u odabiru studija u stereotipno muÅ”kom obrazovnom području. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja pokazuju da su žene podzastupljene na većini tehničkih studija te da adolescenti/ce imaju stereotipne predodžbe o tehničkim zanimanjima i prirodnim znanostima, a posebno fizici, kao primjerenijima za muÅ”karce. U istraživanju su se željele provjeriti pretpostavke modela očekivanja i vrijednosti Eccles i suradnika/ca o faktorskoj strukturi motivacijskih koncepata u domeni fizike, rodnim razlikama u motivaciji i stereotipima te o ulozi motivacije i stereotipa u objaÅ”njenju namjere odabira studija na kojem je fizika važna. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 349 učenika/ca trećih razreda općih gimnazija iz Zagreba i Karlovca (djevojke 68,1%). Ispitani su različiti aspekti motivacije za fiziku (očekivanja uspjeha, procjena vlastitih sposobnosti i subjektivne vrijednosti fizike), stereotipi o fizici i namjera odabira studija na kojem je fizika važna. Rezultati su potvrdili trofaktorsku strukturu subjektivnih vrijednosti, s očekivanim faktorima interesa, osobne važnosti i percipirane korisnosti fizike, a tvrdnje koje ispituju očekivanja uspjeha i percepciju vlastitih sposobnosti u fizici tvorile su jedan faktor. Novonastale skale pokazale su zadovoljavajuću valjanost i pouzdanost. Mladići su imali veću namjeru upisati studij na kojem je fizika bitna, a fiziku su smatrali zanimljivijom i korisnijom za nastavak obrazovanja nego djevojke. Regresijske analize su pokazale da procjene fizike kao zanimljivije i korisnije predviđaju snažniju namjeru odabira studija kod djevojaka i mladića. Odbacivanje stereotipa o fizici kao korisnijoj za mladiće bilo je povezano s većom namjerom odabira tehničkih studija/studija fizike samo na uzorku djevojaka. (IN ENGLISH: The goal of this research is to explain gender differences in the choice of study in a stereotypically male education domain. Previous research has shown that women are underrepresented in the studies of engineering at university and adolescents hold stereotypical feelings about careers in engineering and science, especially physics, as more appropriate for men. The intension of this research was to test the hypothesis of Eccles and her colleaguesā€™ expectancy-value model regarding the factor structure of motivation for physics, gender differences in motivation and stereotypes and the role of motivation and stereotypes when choosing the studies of physics. About 350 third grade high school students from Zagreb and Karlovac participated in the research (68.1% female students). Different aspects of motivation (expectancy of success, self-perception of competence and subjective value of physics), stereotypes about physics and the intention to choose a course of study in which physics is important, were examined. The results confirmed the threefactor structure of subjective values, with the expected factors of interest, attainment value and perceived usefulness of physics. The items measuring expectancy of success and self-perception of competence in physics formed one factor. These new scales had satisfactory validity and reliability. More boys than girls intended to choose studies related to physics and considered physics interesting and useful for further education. Regression analyses showed that perception of physics as interesting and useful predicted stronger intentions to choose studies related to it. Rejection of stereotypes of physics as more useful for boys was connected with stronger intentions to choose engineering or physics studies only on the sample of girls.

    Studentsā€™ gender-related choices and achievement in physics

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    IN ENGLISH: The goal of the research was to explore the role of motivation, gender roles and stereotypes in the explanation of studentsā€™ educational outcomes in a stereotypically male educational domain: physics. Eccles and colleaguesā€™ expectancy-value model was used as a theoretical framework for the research. The research sample included 736 grammar school students from Zagreb, Croatia. The variables explored were expectancy of success, selfconcept of ability and subjective task values of physics, gender roles and stereotypes, and educational outcomes: academic achievement in physics, intention to choose physics at the high school leaving exam, and intention to choose a technical sciences university course. The results showed that girls had a lower self-concept of ability and lower expectancies of success in physics compared to boys, in spite of their higher physics school grades. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that self-concept of physics ability was the strongest predictor of physics school grades, whereas the utility value of physics was the key predictor of educational intentions for both genders. Expectancy of success was one of the key predictors of girlsā€™ educational intentions, as well. Endorsement of a typically masculine gender role predicted girlsā€™ and boysā€™ stronger intentions to choose a stereotypically male educational domain, whereas acceptance of the stereotype about the poorer talent of women in technical sciences occupations predicted girlsā€™ lower educational outcomes related to physics. The practical implication of the research is the need to create gender-sensitive intervention programmes aimed at deconstructing the gender stereotypes and traditional gender roles that restrain students from choosing gender-non-stereotypical careers. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati ulogu motivacije, rodnih uloga i stereotipa u objaÅ”njenju učeničkih obrazovnih postignuća i namjera odabira u stereotipno muÅ”kom obrazovnom području: fizici. Kao teorijski okvir rada koriÅ”ten je model očekivanja i vrijednosti za objaÅ”njenje motivacije za postignućem Eccles i suradnika/ca. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 736 učenika/ca općih gimnazija u Zagrebu. Varijable koje su se ispitale su očekivanje uspjeha, samopoimanje vlastitih sposobnosti i subjektivne vrijednosti u fizici, rodne uloge i stereotipi te obrazovni ishodi: ocjena iz fizike na kraju Å”kolske godine, namjera odabira fizike na državnoj maturi i namjera odabira tehničkog studija. Rezultati su pokazali da djevojke, unatoč boljim ocjenama iz fizike, imaju loÅ”ije procjene svojih sposobnosti i niža očekivanja uspjeha u fizici nego mladići. Hijerarhijske regresijske analize su pokazale da je samopoimanje vlastitih sposobnosti u fizici najsnažniji prediktor ocjene iz fizike, dok je percipirana korisnost fizike najsnažniji prediktor obrazovnih odabira i za mladiće i za djevojke. Očekivanje uspjeha u fizici pokazalo se također snažnim prediktorom obrazovnih odabira djevojaka. Prihvaćanje tipično maskuline rodne uloge predviđalo je snažnije namjere odabira u stereotipno muÅ”kom obrazovnom području kod djevojaka i mladića, dok je prihvaćanje stereotipa o slabijem talentu žena za zanimanja u tehničkim znanostima predviđalo slabije obrazovne ishode djevojaka u području fizike. Praktična implikacija istraživanja je potreba za kreiranjem rodno osjetljivih intervencijskih programa za mlade koji bi za cilj imali dekonstrukciju rodnih stereotipa i tradicionalnih rodnih uloga koji ograničavaju učenike/ce da biraju rodno nestereotipne obrazovne i karijerne putove

    Functioning of the management in ports of nautical tourism of the Republic of Croatia

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    Management of nautical tourism ports, by having general appropriate characteristics as well as characteristics related to business skills, can encourage development of related ports, which may result in direct and indirect impact on economy of the Republic of Croatia. For the purposes of this research work, there has been done a survey regarding management of eighteen (18) nautical tourism ports. The survey included issues such as general characteristics (gender, age), qualifications, as well as specific features like risk appetite, decision-making, use of scientific methods and similar. The research results indicate that nautical tourism management is not prone to risk which is mostly due to managementā€™s age structure; increasing age decreases the desire for taking risks in decision-making. Management uses some group decision-making techniques, thereby it reflects the trust to lower levels in business while at the same time it increases their creativity and work motivation. Since nautical tourism is still in its nascent, the introduction of new scientific methods in decision-making could improve portsā€™ business and give them new directions and alternative directions of perceiving business challenges. The research paper also compares done research with previous similar surveys, but not to those that are directly related nautical tourism ports, all in order to identify changes that have occurred in management functioning over the years

    Å to se mjeri pod pojmom rodnih uloga?: pregled i evaluacija skala rodnih uloga i stavova o rodnim ulogama

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    Cilj ovog rada je izložiti pregled ključnih instrumenata za mjerenje rodnih uloga i stavova o rodnim ulogama te evaluirati te skale uzimajući u obzir njihove psihometrijske karakteristike. Izdvojene su najpopularnije skale stavova o rodnim ulogama Attitudes toward Women Scale (AWS, Spence i Helmreich, 1972) i Sex Role Egalitarianism Scale (SRES, Beere, King, Beere i King, 1984), skale rodnih uloga Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI, Bem, 1974), Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ, Spence, Helmreich i Stapp, 1975) i Sex-Role Behavior Scale (SRBS, Orlofsky, Ramsden i Cohen, 1982), te dvije skale namijenjene djeci i adolescentima Attitudes Toward Women Scale for Adolescents (AWSA, Galambos, Petersen, Richards i Gitelson, 1985) i Children's Personal Attributes Questionnaire (CPAQ, Hall i Halberstadt, 1980). Skale su evaluirane s obzirom na sljedeće kriterije: teorijske postavke na kojima se temelje, podatke o pouzdanosti i valjanosti skale te primjerenosti za ispitivanje rodnih uloga u suvremenom druÅ”tvu. Evaluacija skala je pokazala da većina skala ima zadovoljavajuće razine pouzdanosti, no da je valjanost većine skala problematična budući da se kod većeg broja skala očekivana faktorska struktura nije potvrdila ili su rezultati istraživanja nekonzistentni. Nedostatak većine skala za odrasle jest Å”to su konstruirane na studentskim uzorcima, a skala konstruiranih u 1970-im godinama Å”to su u nekim aspektima svojeg sadržaja zastarjele. Pokazalo se i da je potrebno razviti novu skalu rodnih uloga za adolescente temeljenu na teorijskom promiÅ”ljanju koncepta rodnih uloga u adolescenciji. (IN ENGLISH: The aim of this article is to review the key instruments measuring gender roles and attitudes toward gender roles and to evaluate these scales taking into consideration their psychometric characteristics. The most popular scales are identified; scales measuring attitudes toward gender roles Attitudes toward Women Scale (AWS, Spence & Helmreich, 1972) and Sex Role Egalitarianism Scale (SRES, Beere, King, Beere, & King, 1984), gender roles scales Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI, Bem, 1974), Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ, Spence, Helmreich, & Stapp, 1975) and Sex-Role Behavior Scale (SRBS, Orlofsky, Ramsden, & Cohen, 1982), and two scales intended for children and adolescents Attitudes Toward Women Scale for Adolescents (AWSA, Galambos, Petersen, Richards, & Gitelson, 1985) and Children's Personal Attributes Questionnaire (CPAQ, Hall & Halberstadt, 1980). These scales are evaluated according to the following criteria: the theoretical theses they were based on, information about the scale reliability and validity and the appropriateness of the measurement for contemporary gender roles. Evaluation has shown that most of the scales have satisfactory levels of reliability. However, validity of the scales is problematic given that the expected factor structures for the majority of the scales were not confirmed or that the results of factor analyses were not consistent. The limitation of the majority of the scales is that they were constructed on college student samples, and the problem with the scales constructed in the 1970s is that some aspects of their content are outdated. Research has also shown that there is a need for the construction of a new scale of gender roles for adolescents based on the theoretical consideration of the concept of gender roles in adolescence.
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