2,813 research outputs found

    Teritorialitas Pada Permukiman Suku Bajo Di Desa Tumbak (Studi Kasus Permukiman Diatas Air)

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    Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia dengan pemanfaatan pantainya yang beragam. Untuk dapat memanfaatkan wilayah pesisir dengan lebih bijaksana maka perlu digali pemahaman tentang laut dan pesisir dari suku laut yaitu masyarakat Suku Bajo. Dalam penelitian ini dipilih permukiman diatas air dari suku Bajo di desa Tumbak dengan tujuan menemukenali arti dan elemen teritorialitasnya. Dipakai metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan rasionalistik karena sesuai dengan kondisi dan tujuan penelitian, yakni lebih cenderung terkait masalah sosial. Landasan teoritis dalam penelitian ini berasal dari teori-teori teritorialitas dan semiotika sebagai penanda dan petanda. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi sebagai dasar utama penelitian dan wawancara tak berstruktur dari para narasumber dilengkapi dengan catatan, dan gambar/ foto. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Ada teritorialitas keluarga yang bersifat ganda seperti diaruma, dapurang, bahkan batas (halaman) rumah bersifat primer, sekunder dan publik tergantung dari kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung. Ada teritorialitas tingkat lingkungan/desa yang bersifat ganda seperti dermaga pelabuhan, ladang rumput laut dan rakit tempat mencari ikan. 2) Ditemukan elemen teritorialitas primer keluarga: selasar/dinding samping, tatambe, benteng, area tambatan perahu, karamba, lintasan perahu, tirai, diding, balawa, dodika, lemari, alat memasak, meja dan kursi makan. Elemen teritorialitas sekunder keluarga; jalan, selasar/dinding samping serta tatambe, sofa, meja, kursi, TV, hiasan dinding bernuansa islami, dodika, lemari, alat memasak, meja dan kursi makan, dek bangunan. Elemen teritorialitas publik keluarga: jalan, selasar/dinding samping serta tatambe, benteng, area tambatan perahu, karamba dan lintasan perahu. Elemen teritorialitas primer desa meliputi: piranti menanam rumput laut seperti jangkar, pelampung, tali dan rumput laut, tempat menangkap ikan ditengah laut berupa rakit yang terdiri atas pelampung, rumah jaga, pelampung, tali dan jangkar serta pajeko dan perlengkapan menangkap ikan. Elemen teritorialitas sekunder desa: dermaga dan perahu tertambat, bangunan gedung serbaguna, tempat pemakaman. Elemen teritorialitas publik desa: batas desa, dermaga dan perahu tertambat, masjid, piranti menanam rumput laut seperti jangkar, pelampung, tali. Pemaknaan teritorialitas pada Suku Bajo di Desa Tumbak yang bermukim diatas air sangat dipengaruhi oleh budaya hidup suku laut, yakni perlunya ruang untuk lalulintas dan tempat tambat perahu serta karamba sebagai tempat budidaya ikan juga pandangan kepemilikan bersama terhadap wilayah perairan

    Characterization of transposon insertion mutants in desulfovibrio vulgaris hilderborough by sequencing genomic DNA [abstract]

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    Abstract only availableTn5 transposon mutagenesis occurs by a mechanism in which a segment of DNA (transposon) encoded in a plasmid is inserted into genomic DNA (the target) by a conservative (cut-and-paste) mechanism. When the insertion position is in a coding sequence or regulatory region of DNA, the insertion results in a mutation. The plasmid pRL27 encodes a mini-Tn5 transposon, Tn5 transposase, and kanamycin resistance, (Metcalf, William W. et al, 2002 Arch Microbiol 178 :193-201) and was used to transform Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough by electroporation. Transposon insertion mutants were identified by their ability to grow in the presence of kanamycin. To identify the insertion sites of the transposons, in theory one should be able to sequence from the transposon into chromosomal DNA and identify the mutation site by comparison with the known genome. Unlike sequencing of plasmid DNA or PCR products, direct genomic sequencing has a limited success rate. Direct genomic sequencing is sensitive to DNA quality, interference of secondary DNA structures, salt concentration, and the availability of primer binding sites. Because of these difficulties, in our attempts to identify insertion sites of mini-Tn5, we examined template DNA quality as well as modifying sequencing reaction conditions. Our objective is to develop an effective, reliable method for sequencing genomic DNA to identify where transposon insertion sites have occurred in each mutant.Department of Energy Genomics: Genomes to Life Progra

    Mapping local optical densities of states in silicon photonic structures with nanoscale electron spectroscopy

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    Relativistic electrons in a structured medium generate radiative losses such as Cherenkov and transition radiation that act as a virtual light source, coupling to the photonic densities of states. The effect is most pronounced when the imaginary part of the dielectric function is zero, a regime where in a non-retarded treatment no loss or coupling can occur. Maps of the resultant energy losses as a sub-5nm electron probe scans across finite waveguide structures reveal spatial distributions of optical modes in a spectral domain ranging from near-infrared to far ultraviolet.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Review of Concussion and Return-to-Play Guidelines in Sport

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    Concussion is a form of mild traumatic head injury (TBI) associated with a variety of neurologic signs and symptoms. While historically trivialized in its significance, significant progress has been made in the medical literature and lay understanding of concussion. Severe TBI, long the subject of extensive research, has come under increased scrutiny following experience with blast injuries during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Such experience, grievously earned, has brought significant public attention and funding to the study of head injury. However, for the civilian population, concussion continues to be the most common form of traumatic brain injury, and athletics continues to be the single largest cause of concussion. Concussion in sports has come under substantial scrutiny as a result of widely publicized injuries in major American sports, particularly football and hockey. Media coverage has increased further as understanding of the related yet distinct syndrome of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), formerly known as dementia pugilistica or punch-drunk syndrome , and its proposed mechanism of repeated sub-concussive trauma has increased. While media attention has focused primarily on concussion in professional athletes, the majority of sports-related concussions occur in youth participants.1 With relative unavailability of physicians trained in on-field assessment of concussed athletes relative to professional sports teams, youth athletes are at significant risk for short- and long-term neurologic injury from concussion. This manuscript aims to outline the natural history of sports concussion and review recent updates in on-field assessment and return-to-play guidelines
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