6 research outputs found


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    Industrial revolution 4.0 in the development of instructional media for Japanese  language learning is one of the demands of the era that cannot be avoided anymore. Devices that cannot be released from the students' hands make it seems like it's the only source to search for information or answer in the learning process. Learning Japanese is not only through textbooks, but students are able to develop the teaching materials in the form of narratives of tourism and cultural destinations in the city of Bandung using Japanese. Those narratives about the information of destinations are packaged into a website that can be accessed anytime and anywhere, as an interactive instructional media that can increase motivation and interest about the city of Bandung in Japanese. The development of this website is not only for Japanese learners, but also useful as a source of information for Japanese people who will visit the city of Bandung. The latest information about the city of Bandung using Japanese consists of historical sites, tourist attractions, museums, and culinary. Japanese learners can access them at any time and can be used as a medium for discussion, and learners can explain it again about the city of Bandung to their friends. This innovation of learning media is a solution in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 to improve Japanese language skills both orally and in writing

    Application of Peer Teaching in Training Students to Teach Japanese (Mogi Jugyou) in Microteaching Courses

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    This study aims to describe students' use of the peer teaching method in carrying out Japanese teaching practice (mogi jugyou) in microteaching courses. The peer teaching-learning method is a cooperative learning strategy for mutual respect, mutual understanding of the role given, having active and cooperative tendencies, and provides an assessment or evaluation after the teaching process is complete. This study aims to apply peer teaching in Japanese teaching practice (mogi jugyou) for third-year Japanese language education students in microteaching courses. The research method used was quasi-experimental research carried out on 3rd-degree (6th Semester) students with a total of 32 people. The initial stage is to plan teaching practice activities (mogi jugyou), implementation, and process observation of Japanese language teaching activities (mogi jugyou) in class and from teaching videos. The results of the study conclude that peer teaching is expected to make it easier for students to practice teaching Japanese in front of their classmates. Students were able to participate actively and are able to solve problems together using Japanese language teaching practice (mogi jugyou) during lectures. With peer teaching, students are able to practice teaching effectively, and the objectives and goals of the Japanese language learning materials provided can be achieved. It was also concluded that students have higher confidence when teaching students at schools, especially during PLSP

    Pembinaan Karakter Dan Budaya Jepang Terhadap Tenaga Migran Indonesia Untuk Penguatan Performance Character

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    Jepang tengah menghadapi problematik serius, yaitu, menurunnya populasi produktif atau ageing population, secara masif di masyarakat, yang mengakibatkan aktivitas ekonomi, bisnis, industri, dan teknologi Jepang menjadi tidak optimal. Dari permasalahan tersebut perlu dipandang sebagai potensi dalam mengoptimalkan bonus demografi Indonesia untuk bekerja di Jepang. Namun, hal tersebut tidak akan optimal apabila terdapat persoalan kompleks yang menimpa tenaga migran Indonesia, seperti culture shock, akibat standarisasi atau tuntutan kinerja yang tinggi di Jepang, sehingga mencerminkan kemampuan adaptasi yang kurang, termasuk persoalan mengenai diskriminasi pemenuhan hak dan pelayanan kerja terhadap tenaga migran Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pembinaan karakter dan budaya Jepang kepada calon tenaga migran Indonesia yang berada di Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja Indonesia terhadap problematik culture shock dan diskriminasi berdasarkan fenomena yang terjadi ketika tenaga migran Indonesia yang sedang bekerja di Jepang, supaya terbentuk kapasitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia, yang unggul, berkarakter dan kompetitif. Hasil penelitian ini, berupa pembinaan karakter dan budaya Jepang pada tenaga migran Indonesia untuk penguatan performance character, dilakukan berbasis pendekatan kuantitatif dan pengumpulan datanya, berupa angket. Hasil penelitian, yaitu: 1) culture shock dan penguasaan keterampilan yang beraga menjadi masalah utama tenaga migran Indonesia di Jepang, 2) penguatan performance character berbasis karakter dan budaya Jepang, adalah solusi efektif dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut, dan 3) tenaga migran Indonesia memiliki atensi kuat dalam menerapkan performance characterdalam pekerjaan dan keseharian, karena bersifat holistik dan mampu menjadi modal sosial dalam berkarier, berkompetisi dan hidup di Jepang


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    This research “Effectiveness Of Strategy Quick On The Draw To Increase Japanese Vocabulary Ability” has made for knowing about effectiveness of Strategy Quick On The Draw to increase Japanese vocabulary ability, and to know is this strategy interesting for student. This research use true experiment methode, because this research have two variabel, experiment class and control class as the comparator with pre-test, post-test and non-test (questionnaire). Population of this research taken from two classes of senior high school 15 Bandung they are XI Social 3 (38 persons) as experiment class and XI Social 4 (36 persons) as control class. Treatment is important thing in order to know the differences before and after apply Strategy Quick On The Draw in Japanese vocabulary learning. From data analyze known that t value is 13,3 and db 72. Because of the value of t table for db 72 is not exist , for that db is 70 = 2,00 in significant percentage 5% t table and 2,65 in significant percentage 1% t table. Therefore, the value of t value is higher than t table. That mean variabel X and variabel Y have significant difference. Due that analyze Strategy Quick On The Draw is effective to increase Japanese vocabulary learning against students in Senior High School 15 Bandung


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    The evaluation of Shokyu Kaiwa1 and Shokyu Kaiwa2 courses (basic speaking level 1 and 2) were mainly conducted using role play method, where students in pairs conducted a conversation about a theme within a predetermined duration of time. It is known that this kind of evaluation is considered to be less optimal to explore students' speaking abilities. Conversational material only revolves around simple everyday conversations that have been memorized before, and it is possible that they only memorize certain parts of the conversation. With this background, in this research, a method of evaluation that is approximated to be able to explore the ability to speak more optimally is done through vlog (video blogging) which has recently become a popular thing, especially among young people. This research is a descriptive study, with a sample of the Japanese language students major in the second semester of the year 2018 in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The step taken in this study was stimulating students to prepare what must be discussed first, such as giving a variety of material relating to Japanese culture or Japanese habits. The results of this study showed that the students' speaking ability is increased, and students are conveying the conversation materials more freely. The sentence patterns used by students was not limited to the material that has been taught, but exceeded the sentence patterns given in the second semester. Further, students are able to develop the story materials given previously. Thus, it is known that the use of vlogs in evaluating the learning of the Shokyu Kaiwa course had a positive impact on improving the speaking skills of Japanese Language Education students


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    This study is about the analysis of error regarding the use of Japanese synonym furu, kudaru, oriru, and sagaru by third years students of DPBJ FPBS UPI 2015/2016. The purpose of this study was to determine any errors that occur when using synonym furu, kudaru, oriru, and sagaru in on Japanese Language learner. The method used in this research is descriptive type of survey with the instrument in the form of objective test and questionnaire. Data collection was done by using one shoot models. The sample of this study is the third years students of DPBJ FPBS UPI 2015/2016, with a sample of 60 people. The result of this research shows, the error of use of furu verb are 26,67%, the error of use of kudaru verb are 68,55%, the error of use of oriru verb are 58,52%, and the error of use of sagaru verb are 59,99%. The cause of error on the use of Japanese synonym furu, kudaru, oriru, and sagaru are the lack of understanding of the use, lack of understanding of the differences, a lack of meaning and function of Japanese synonym furu, kudaru, oriru, and sagaru