8,905 research outputs found

    Implications of non-feasible transformations among icosahedral hh orbitals

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    The symmetric group S6S_6 that permutes the six five-fold axes of an icosahedron is introduced to go beyond the simple rotations that constitute the icosahedral group II. Owing to the correspondence h↔dh\leftrightarrow d, the calculation of the Coulomb energies for the icosahedral configurations hNh^N based on the sequence O(5)⊃S6⊃S5⊃IO(5) \supset S_6 \supset S_5 \supset I can be brought to bear on Racah's classic theory for the atomic d shell based on SO(5)⊃SOL(3)⊃ISO(5) \supset SO_L(3) \supset I. Among the elements of S6S_6 is the kaleidoscope operator K{\cal K} that rotates the weight space of SO(5) by π/2\pi/2. Its use explains some puzzling degeneracies in d^3 involving the spectroscopic terms ^2P, ^2F, ^2G and ^2H.Comment: Tentatively scheduled to appear in Physical Preview Letters Apr 5, 99. Revtex, 1 ps figur

    Device measures fluid drag on test vehicles

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    Electromechanical drag balance device measures the aerodynamic drag force acting on a vehicle as it moves through the atmosphere and telemeters the data to a remote receiving station. This device is also used for testing the hydrodynamic drag characteristics of underwater vehicles

    Finite Lifetimes, Borrowing Constraints, and Short-Run Fiscal Policy

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    Recent developments in public finance in the analysis of dynamic government debt policies have emphasized effects on the distribution of real resources across generations. At the same time, macroeconomists have emphasized the importance of the length of the time horizon over which agents optimize their decisions about consumption for judging the effects of fiscal policy on aggregate demand. Much of the discussion of these issues has focused on whether linkages among generations are sufficient to give consumers infinite horizons. To the extent that horizons are finite, debt burdens can be shifted to future generations, and substitutions of debt for taxes have real effects. This paper argues that, as a matter of quantitative significance, theoretical and empirical emphasis on the importance of finite horizons for the analysis of many fiscal policies is misplaced. Studies of the role of finite horizons in determining the effects of short-run fiscal policies on consumption have been conducted largely under the assumption of perfect capital markets. We show that while the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) out of temporary tax changes is nonzero in finite- horizon models, it is not very large. We demonstrate that the MPC is, however, quite sensitive to the importance of restrictions on borrowing in the economy. The clear implication is that shifting emphasis from the length of the planning horizon to the structure of capital markets is an important step for empirical research.

    Inflation, interest rates, and seasonality

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    Inflation (Finance) ; Interest rates ; Seasonal variations (Economics)

    Social Security and Individual Welfare: Precautionary Saving, LiquidityConstraints, and the Payroll Tax

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    Recent advances in the examination of efficiency gains from dynamic tax reforms have used simulation models to isolate intragenerational and/or intergenerational effects. Important considerations having to do with uncertainty or capital market imperfections are frequently missing from such a framework. In this paper, we focus on the welfare gains from introducing social security retirement annuities, given lifetime uncertainty and borrowing restrictions.Our principal findings are four. First, given the considerations mentioned above, "precautionary saving" exceeds life-cycle saving (that would have taken place in the absence of lifetime uncertainty), lending further support to the notion that the perfect-certainty version of the life-cycle model provides an inadequate explanation of observed saving behavior. Second, the introduction of an actuarially fair social security system leads to a significant partial equilibrium increase in lifetime consumption and welfare, accompanied by a reduction in the capital stock.The increase in lifetime welfare is reduced, however,and in many cases eliminated, when borrowing restrictions are imposed.Third, extending the model to general equilibrium, we find that the partial equilibrium gains in lifetime welfare from participation in social security are offset by the interaction of higher steady-state interest rates and binding liquidity constraints. Finally, replacing the proportional payroll tax with a progressive tax (essentially a linear tax with an exemption), we show that age-specific tax schemes can restore much of the potential gain from introducing social security.

    Air frame drag balance Patent

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    Device for measuring drag forces in flight test

    Liquidity Constraints, Fiscal Policy, and Consumption

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    macroeconomics, liquidity constraints, fiscal policy, and consumption

    A pilot level decision analysis of thermionic reactor development strategy for nuclear electric propulsion

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    The development policy for thermionic reactors to provide electric propulsion and power for space exploration was analyzed to develop a logical procedure for selecting development alternatives that reflect the technical feasibility, JPL/NASA project objectives, and the economic environment of the project. The partial evolution of a decision model from the underlying philosophy of decision analysis to a deterministic pilot phase is presented, and the general manner in which this decision model can be employed to examine propulsion development alternatives is illustrated

    Exploiting soliton decay and phase fluctuations in atom chip interferometry of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We show that the decay of a soliton into vortices provides a mechanism for measuring the initial phase difference between two merging Bose-Einstein condensates. At very low temperatures, the mechanism is resonant, operating only when the clouds start in anti-phase. But at higher temperatures, phase fluctuations trigger vortex production over a wide range of initial relative phase, as observed in recent experiments at MIT. Choosing the merge time to maximize the number of vortices created makes the interferometer highly sensitive to spatially varying phase patterns and hence atomic movement.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    More on coupling coefficients for the most degenerate representations of SO(n)

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    We present explicit closed-form expressions for the general group-theoretical factor appearing in the alpha-topology of a high-temperature expansion of SO(n)-symmetric lattice models. This object, which is closely related to 6j-symbols for the most degenerate representation of SO(n), is discussed in detail.Comment: 9 pages including 1 table, uses IOP macros Update of Introduction and Discussion, References adde
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