21 research outputs found

    Podmiot groteskowy w dramatach Olega Bogajewa

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    The article analyses three dramas written by Oleg Bogayev (The Russian National Postal Service. A Room of Laughter for a Lonely Pensioner; Bashmachkin and Sansara). The purpose of the work was primarily to expose various forms, due to which we can talk about the grotesqueness of the subject, i.e. the relationship I – Others, the violation of the boundary between the categories of significant and signified, subject-object relations, the subject of the act of behaviour and the act of speech as well as the occurrence of the Voice as a separate unit from the subject. The author emphasises the fact that the contemporary figure of the subject has been reduced to the language level and experiences a crisis of self-identification, which in turn leads to the crisis of the drama itself. Comic characters balance between the real and the fantastic world. Their statements are often pictures-simulations, heavily saturated with irony, the grotesque and absurdity.The article analyses three dramas written by Oleg Bogayev (The Russian National Postal Service. A Room of Laughter for a Lonely Pensioner; Bashmachkin and Sansara). The purpose of the work was primarily to expose various forms, due to which we can talk about the grotesqueness of the subject, i.e. the relationship I – Others, the violation of the boundary between the categories of significant and signified, subject-object relations, the subject of the act of behaviour and the act of speech as well as the occurrence of the Voice as a separate unit from the subject. The author emphasises the fact that the contemporary figure of the subject has been reduced to the language level and experiences a crisis of self-identification, which in turn leads to the crisis of the drama itself. Comic characters balance between the real and the fantastic world. Their statements are often pictures-simulations, heavily saturated with irony, the grotesque and absurdity

    Komiczno-humorystyczny charakter wypowiedzi w dramatach Olega Bogajewa

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    The aim of this paper is, first of all, to discuss the linguistic sphere in Oleg Bogayev’s comedy works. We would like to pay special attention to the way the characters express themselves. The way Bogayev’s characters create reality is deeply rooted in the spirit of postmodernism, which is reflected primarily in the playwright’s bold experimentation with words, especially in the area of constructed replicas. Language saturated with humour and comical elements can be found in the plays Maria’s field (2004) and Notes of a prosecutor in love (2019). In each of these works, the mode of expression is shaped slightly differently, primarily because of the relationship between the word and the reality presented. They have been constructed according to different genre patterns. The comical and humorous character is most clearly manifested in the former at the linguistic level, while in the latter it is conditioned by the situation. On the one hand, there is humour in Bogayev’s works that can be described as good-natured and comical, directed at human existence and social problems, both as perceived by the author and the characters. On the other hand, there is satirical humour that destabilises the image of the presented world, shattering stereotypes and fixed beliefs. Humour often lurks the tragedy and absurdity of the human world, with all its weaknesses and problems.The aim of this paper is, first of all, to discuss the linguistic sphere in Oleg Bogayev’s comedy works. We would like to pay special attention to the way the characters express themselves. The way Bogayev’s characters create reality is deeply rooted in the spirit of postmodernism, which is reflected primarily in the playwright’s bold experimentation with words, especially in the area of constructed replicas. Language saturated with humour and comical elements can be found in the plays Maria’s field (2004) and Notes of a prosecutor in love (2019). In each of these works, the mode of expression is shaped slightly differently, primarily because of the relationship between the word and the reality presented. They have been constructed according to different genre patterns. The comical and humorous character is most clearly manifested in the former at the linguistic level, while in the latter it is conditioned by the situation. On the one hand, there is humour in Bogayev’s works that can be described as good-natured and comical, directed at human existence and social problems, both as perceived by the author and the characters. On the other hand, there is satirical humour that destabilises the image of the presented world, shattering stereotypes and fixed beliefs. Humour often lurks the tragedy and absurdity of the human world, with all its weaknesses and problems

    The mRNA expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in T regulatory cells in children with type 1 diabetes.

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is caused by the autoimmune-mediated destruction of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. T regulatory cells (Tregs) represent an active mechanism of suppressing autoreactive T cells that escape central tolerance. The aim of our study was to test the hypothesis that T regulatory cells express pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, elements of cytotoxicity and OX40/4-1BB molecules. The examined group consisted of 50 children with T1DM. Fifty two healthy individuals (control group) were enrolled into the study. A flow cytometric analysis of T-cell subpopulations was performed using the following markers: anti-CD3, anti-CD4, anti-CD25, anti-CD127, anti-CD134 and anti-CD137. Concurrently with the flow cytometric assessment of Tregs we separated CD4+CD25+CD127dim/- cells for further mRNA analysis. mRNA levels for transcription factor FoxP3, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines (interferon gamma, interleukin-2, interleukin-4, interleukin-10, transforming growth factor beta1 and tumor necrosis factor alpha), activatory molecules (OX40, 4-1BB) and elements of cytotoxicity (granzyme B, perforin 1) were determined by real-time PCR technique. We found no alterations in the frequency of CD4+CD25highCD127low cells between diabetic and control children. Treg cells expressed mRNA for pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Lower OX40 and higher 4-1BB mRNA but not protein levels in Treg cells in diabetic patients compared to the healthy children were noted. Our observations confirm the presence of mRNA for pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in CD4+CD25+CD127dim/- cells in the peripheral blood of children with T1DM. Further studies with the goal of developing new strategies to potentiate Treg function in autoimmune diseases are warranted

    Rozwój struktur klastrowych w Polsce Wschodniej

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    Polish Abstract: Aksjomatem współczesnych koncepcji rozwoju regionalnego stało się założenie, iž rozwój jest funkcją konkurencyjności. Analizując doświadczenia najwyžej rozwiniętych regionów na świecie można dostrzec ksztaltowanie się w ich ramach specyficznych struktur społeczno-gospodarczych określanych jako klastry czy grona, które w decydującym stopniu przyczyniają się do podnoszenia regionalnej konkurencyjności i w konsekwencji wysokiej dynamiki wzrostu. Rozpatrywanie gospodarki regionalnej z perspektywy klastrów skupia się na powstających powiązaniach pomiędzy przedsiębiorstwami, branžami, sektorami oraz relacjach pomiędzy firmami i instytucjami otoczenia. W ramach koncepcji rozwoju klastrów, przedsiębiorstwa i branże, postrzegane są jako elementy większego systemu, a nie jako wyizolowane podmioty. To nowoczesne podejście implikuje zalecenia pod adresem polityki regionalnej i lokalnej, która powinna obecnie być nastawiona na zwiększanie konkurencyjności regionów poprzez identyfikację najbardziej konkurencyjnych w skali międzynarodowej klastrów i ksztaltowanie warunków sprzyjających ich rozwojowi. Można przyjąć, iż polityka promocji klastrów będzie stawała się najbardziej efektywną formą prowadzenia regionalnej polityki rozwoju. English Abstract: The axiom for contemporary concepts of regional development is the assumption that development is a function of competitiveness. Analyzing the experience of the highest developed regions in the world, one can notice the formation within them of specific socio-economic structures referred to as clusters or clusters that make a decisive contribution to increasing regional competitiveness and, consequently, high growth dynamics. Consideration of the regional economy from the perspective of clusters focuses on the emerging links between enterprises, industries, sectors and relations between companies and institutions of the environment. As part of the cluster development concept, enterprises and industries are perceived as elements of a larger system, and not as isolated entities. This modern approach implies recommendations for regional and local policy, which should now be aimed at increasing the competitiveness of regions by identifying the most internationally competitive clusters and shaping conditions conducive to their development. It can be assumed that the cluster promotion policy will become the most effective form of running a regional development policy

    Rola samorządów gminnych w procesach rozwojowych Polski Wschodniej

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    Polish Abstract: Obszar Polski Wschodniej, obejmujący województwa podlaskie, lubelskie, warmińsko-mazurskie, podkarpackie i świętokrzyskie, pomimo wielu wewnętrznych różnic łączy niski poziom rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego rozpatrywany tak z perspektywy Unii Europejskiej, jak i pozostałej części Polski. Niepokój budzi nie tylko sam poziom rozwoju, ale w szczególności niższa niż w innych częściach kraju dynamika pozytywnych zmian, która sprawia, iż dystans rozwojowy Polski Wschodniej raczej się powiększa. W tej sytuacji problematyka poszukiwania czynników mogących zdynamizować procesy wzrostowe nabiera doniosłego znaczenia. W najnowszych i najbardziej popularnych koncepcjach rozwoju lokalnego i regionalnego nacisk kładzie się na wewnętrzne - endogeniczne czynniki rozwoju. Podkreśla się, że o rozwoju jednostek terytorialnych decydują zasoby wewnętrzne, a w szczególności zdolność do ich mobilizowania i efektywnego wykorzystania. Rolę głównego inicjatora i koordynatora takich procesów przypisuje się przede wszystkim władzom samorządowym - na szczeblu lokalnym samorządowi gminnemu. Przyjmując założenie o trafności powyższego podejścia pojawia się zasadniczy problem: jakie konkretnie działania może i powinien podejmować samorząd gminny na obszarze problemowym, jakim jest Polska Wschodnia, aby zdynamizować procesy rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego? Dotychczas odpowiedzi na tak postawione pytanie poszukiwano głównie w ogólnych koncepcjach zarządzania rozwojem lokalnym oraz w oparciu o badania, ale raczej prowadzone w regionach wyżej rozwiniętych. Tymczasem można mieć wątpliwości: czy poszczególne narzędzia rozwoju lokalnego, skutecznie stosowane na innych bardziej rozwiniętych obszarach, są równie efektywne w regionach słabiej rozwiniętych? Czy w tych warunkach można osiągnąć szybkie tempo rozwoju, dzięki stosowaniu określonych instrumentów zarządzania rozwojem i jakie instrumenty są najlepsze? English Abstract: The area of Eastern Poland, including the Podlaskie, Lubelskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Podkarpackie and Świętokrzyskie Voivodeships, despite many internal differences, combines low level of social and economic development considered from the perspective of the European Union as well as the rest of Poland. Anxiety is not only raised by the level of development itself, but in particular by the dynamics of positive change, which is lower than in other parts of the country, which makes the development distance of Eastern Poland rather larger. In this situation, the issue of searching for factors that can accelerate the processes of growth is of great importance. In the latest and most popular concepts of local and regional development the emphasis is on internal - endogenous development factors. It is emphasized that the development of territorial units is determined by internal resources, in particular the ability to mobilize them and use them effectively. The role of the main initiator and coordinator of such processes is primarily attributed to the local government authorities - at the local level, to the gmina self-government. Assuming the assumption about the accuracy of the above approach, the basic problem arises: what specific actions can and should be taken by the local government in the problem area, which is Eastern Poland, to make the processes of socio-economic development more dynamic? So far, the answers to this question have been sought mainly in general concepts of local development management and research, but rather in more developed regions. Meanwhile, one can have doubts: are individual tools for local development, effectively applied in other more developed areas, equally effective in less developed regions? Is it possible to achieve a fast pace of development in these conditions, thanks to the use of specific development management instruments and which instruments are the best

    Rola samorządów gminnych w procesach rozwojowych Polski Wschodniej

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    Polish Abstract: Obszar Polski Wschodniej, obejmujący województwa podlaskie, lubelskie, warmińsko-mazurskie, podkarpackie i świętokrzyskie, pomimo wielu wewnętrznych różnic łączy niski poziom rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego rozpatrywany tak z perspektywy Unii Europejskiej, jak i pozostałej części Polski. Niepokój budzi nie tylko sam poziom rozwoju, ale w szczególności niższa niż w innych częściach kraju dynamika pozytywnych zmian, która sprawia, iż dystans rozwojowy Polski Wschodniej raczej się powiększa. W tej sytuacji problematyka poszukiwania czynników mogących zdynamizować procesy wzrostowe nabiera doniosłego znaczenia. W najnowszych i najbardziej popularnych koncepcjach rozwoju lokalnego i regionalnego nacisk kładzie się na wewnętrzne - endogeniczne czynniki rozwoju. Podkreśla się, że o rozwoju jednostek terytorialnych decydują zasoby wewnętrzne, a w szczególności zdolność do ich mobilizowania i efektywnego wykorzystania. Rolę głównego inicjatora i koordynatora takich procesów przypisuje się przede wszystkim władzom samorządowym - na szczeblu lokalnym samorządowi gminnemu. Przyjmując założenie o trafności powyższego podejścia pojawia się zasadniczy problem: jakie konkretnie działania może i powinien podejmować samorząd gminny na obszarze problemowym, jakim jest Polska Wschodnia, aby zdynamizować procesy rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego? Dotychczas odpowiedzi na tak postawione pytanie poszukiwano głównie w ogólnych koncepcjach zarządzania rozwojem lokalnym oraz w oparciu o badania, ale raczej prowadzone w regionach wyżej rozwiniętych. Tymczasem można mieć wątpliwości: czy poszczególne narzędzia rozwoju lokalnego, skutecznie stosowane na innych bardziej rozwiniętych obszarach, są równie efektywne w regionach słabiej rozwiniętych? Czy w tych warunkach można osiągnąć szybkie tempo rozwoju, dzięki stosowaniu określonych instrumentów zarządzania rozwojem i jakie instrumenty są najlepsze? English Abstract: The area of Eastern Poland, including the Podlaskie, Lubelskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Podkarpackie and Świętokrzyskie Voivodeships, despite many internal differences, combines low level of social and economic development considered from the perspective of the European Union as well as the rest of Poland. Anxiety is not only raised by the level of development itself, but in particular by the dynamics of positive change, which is lower than in other parts of the country, which makes the development distance of Eastern Poland rather larger. In this situation, the issue of searching for factors that can accelerate the processes of growth is of great importance. In the latest and most popular concepts of local and regional development the emphasis is on internal - endogenous development factors. It is emphasized that the development of territorial units is determined by internal resources, in particular the ability to mobilize them and use them effectively. The role of the main initiator and coordinator of such processes is primarily attributed to the local government authorities - at the local level, to the gmina self-government. Assuming the assumption about the accuracy of the above approach, the basic problem arises: what specific actions can and should be taken by the local government in the problem area, which is Eastern Poland, to make the processes of socio-economic development more dynamic? So far, the answers to this question have been sought mainly in general concepts of local development management and research, but rather in more developed regions. Meanwhile, one can have doubts: are individual tools for local development, effectively applied in other more developed areas, equally effective in less developed regions? Is it possible to achieve a fast pace of development in these conditions, thanks to the use of specific development management instruments and which instruments are the best

    Variants at APOE influence risk of deep and lobar intracerebral hemorrhage

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    Objective Prior studies investigating the association between APOE alleles ε2/ε4 and risk of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) have been inconsistent and limited to small sample sizes, and did not account for confounding by population stratification or determine which genetic risk model was best applied. Methods We performed a large-scale genetic association study of 2189 ICH cases and 4041 controls from 7 cohorts, which were analyzed using additive models for ε2 and ε4. Results were subsequently meta-analyzed using a random effects model. A proportion of the individuals (322 cases, 357 controls) had available genome-wide data to adjust for population stratification. Results Alleles ε2 and ε4 were associated with lobar ICH at genome-wide significance levels (odds ratio [OR] = 1.82, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.50–2.23, p = 6.6 × 10 −10 ; and OR = 2.20, 95%CI = 1.85–2.63, p = 2.4 × 10 −11 , respectively). Restriction of analysis to definite/probable cerebral amyloid angiopathy ICH uncovered a stronger effect. Allele ε4 was also associated with increased risk for deep ICH (OR = 1.21, 95% CI = 1.08–1.36, p = 2.6 × 10 −4 ). Risk prediction evaluation identified the additive model as best for describing the effect of APOE genotypes. Interpretation APOE ε2 and ε4 are independent risk factors for lobar ICH, consistent with their known associations with amyloid biology. In addition, we present preliminary findings on a novel association between APOE ε4 and deep ICH. Finally, we demonstrate that an additive model for these APOE variants is superior to other forms of genetic risk modeling previously applied. ANN NEUROL 2010Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78478/1/22134_ftp.pd

    Atrial fibrillation genetic risk differentiates cardioembolic stroke from other stroke subtypes

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    AbstractObjectiveWe sought to assess whether genetic risk factors for atrial fibrillation can explain cardioembolic stroke risk.MethodsWe evaluated genetic correlations between a prior genetic study of AF and AF in the presence of cardioembolic stroke using genome-wide genotypes from the Stroke Genetics Network (N = 3,190 AF cases, 3,000 cardioembolic stroke cases, and 28,026 referents). We tested whether a previously-validated AF polygenic risk score (PRS) associated with cardioembolic and other stroke subtypes after accounting for AF clinical risk factors.ResultsWe observed strong correlation between previously reported genetic risk for AF, AF in the presence of stroke, and cardioembolic stroke (Pearson’s r=0.77 and 0.76, respectively, across SNPs with p &lt; 4.4 × 10−4 in the prior AF meta-analysis). An AF PRS, adjusted for clinical AF risk factors, was associated with cardioembolic stroke (odds ratio (OR) per standard deviation (sd) = 1.40, p = 1.45×10−48), explaining ∼20% of the heritable component of cardioembolic stroke risk. The AF PRS was also associated with stroke of undetermined cause (OR per sd = 1.07, p = 0.004), but no other primary stroke subtypes (all p &gt; 0.1).ConclusionsGenetic risk for AF is associated with cardioembolic stroke, independent of clinical risk factors. Studies are warranted to determine whether AF genetic risk can serve as a biomarker for strokes caused by AF.</jats:sec

    Abbasid Jumeirah, Dubai. An Overview of the Site and Its Architectural Stucco Decoration

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    Jumeirah (Dubai) is one of the most important sites for the understanding of the Abbasid period in eastern Arabia. At the same time, it is severely understudied and the small number of publications available on the subject situates Jumeirah on the margins of academic debate about the region in the Islamic period. This paper aims to prompt discussion on Jumeirah by presenting an overview of the site, a summary of archaeological research and a preliminary study of the typology of stucco decorations. Some issues regarding problems with the reconstructions and renovations of the buildings are also raised. The study of stuccoes contributes to a better understanding of the site’s chronology, indicating its main phase of occupation to the Abbasid period and the possible existence of an earlier, pre-ninth or early ninth century phase