288 research outputs found

    Using an external exposome framework to examine pregnancy-related morbidities and mortalities: Implications for health disparities research

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    © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Objective: We have conducted a study to assess the role of environment on the burden of maternal morbidities and mortalities among women using an external exposome approach for the purpose of developing targeted public health interventions to decrease disparities. Methods: We identified counties in the 48 contiguous USA where observed low birthweight (LBW) rates were higher than expected during a five-year study period. The identification was conducted using a retrospective space-time analysis scan for statistically significant clusters with high or low rates by a Discrete Poisson Model. Results: We observed statistically significant associations of LBW rate with a set of predictive variables. However, in one of the two spatiotemporal models we discovered LBW to be associated with five predictive variables (teen birth rate, adult obesity, uninsured adults, physically unhealthy days, and percent of adults who smoke) in two counties situated in Alabama after adjusting for location changes. Counties with higher than expected LBW rates were similarly associated with two environmental variables (ozone and fine particulate matter). Conclusions: The county-level predictive measures of LBW offer new insights into spatiotemporal patterns relative to key contributory factors. An external framework provides a promising place-based approach for identifying “hotspots” with implications for designing targeted interventions and control measures to reduce and eliminate health disparities

    Applying an Exposome-Wide (ExWAS) Approach to Cancer Research

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    Traditional research approaches, including genome-wide association studies (GWAS), epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) and Gene × Environment (G × E) studies are limited in their ability to handle the multiplicity of chemical and non-chemical toxicants to which people are exposed in the real world, over their life course, their impact on epigenomics and other biological systems, and their relationship to cancer onset, progression, and outcomes. Exposome-wide association study (ExWAS) provides a new approach for conceptualizing the roles and relationships of multiple chemical and non-chemical exposures in the etiology and progression of cancer at key developmental periods, over the life course, and across generations. ExWAS challenges us to consider the influence of both internal and external environment, chemical and non-chemical stressors, risk and protective factors, and spatial and temporal dimensions of exposures in our models of cancer incidence, outcomes, and disparities. Applying an ExWAS approach to cancer and cancer disparities research supports robust computational models and methods that will allow for analysis of the dynamic and complex interactions between genetics, epigenetics, and exposomics factors. In the coming months, we will spatially and temporally align environmental exposures with SCCS participant data from time of enrollment forward to move us closer to identifying complete exposure pathways that lead to cancer. In the future, we hope to link external sources of exposure to biomarkers of exposure, biomarkers of disease, disease phenotypes, and population level disparities

    Initial characerization of human spermine oxidase

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    The flavoprotein spermine oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of spermine and oxygen to spermidine, 3-aminopropanol, and hydrogen peroxide. To allow mechanistic studies of the enzyme, methods have been developed to obtain large amounts of purified recombinant protein. The enzyme requires co-expression with chaperone proteins GroEL and GroES to remain soluble and active. Purification requires the use of a Ni-NTA and size exclusion column. Human spermine oxidase is a monomer with an extinction coefficient of 14000 M-1cm-1. The kinetic mechanism is ping pong. Therefore, oxygen is bound to the enzyme before spermidine is released. N1-Acetyl spermine is a slow substrate with kcat and kcat/Km values 2 and 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the values for spermine. Spermidine is a competitive inhibitor, and 1,8-diaminooctane (DAO) is an uncompetitive inhibitor. The pH effects indicate that two ionizable groups are present in the kcat/Km profile and one ionizable group is in the kcat profile. The reductive half reaction reveals no phase other than the reduction of the FAD, indicating the probability of a single chemical step. Reduction is not limiting to the overall reaction. Isotope effects were determined; Dkcat at pH 7.5 = 4.1±0.4, pH 8.5 = 2.6±0.01

    Firearms, Youth Homicide, and Public Health

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    Homicide is seven times as common among U.S. non-Hispanic Black as among non-Hispanic White youth ages 15 to 24 years. In 83% of these youth homicides, the murder weapon is a firearm. Yet, for more than a decade, the national public health position on youth violence has been largely silent about the role of firearms, and tools used by public health professionals to reduce harm from other potential hazards have been unusable where guns are concerned. This deprives already underserved populations from the full benefits public health agencies might be able to deliver. In part, political prohibitions against research about direct measures of firearm control and the absence of valid public health surveillance are responsible. More refined epidemiologic theories as well as traditional public health methods are needed if the U.S. aims to reduce disparate Black-White youth homicide rates

    Nivel de Ruido Ambiental por Tráfico Vehicular, en las Avenidas Tupac Amaru y Panamericana Norte, sector del Distrito Independencia - 2023

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    La presente investigación tuvo como propósito central evaluar los niveles de ruido ambiental, por tráfico vehicular en las avenidas Tupac Amaru y Panamericana Norte, sector del distrito Independencia, mediante la contrastación con las normas ECAs para el ruido, identificando las zonas de mayor exposición a este fenómeno y proponiendo las estrategias de mitigación para minimizar sus impactos. El método fue de tipo descriptiva, transversal y observacional aplicada de nivel explicativa; la población y muestra estuvo representada por los niveles de ruido en decibeles (dB) que se producen en las Avenida Túpac Amaru y Panamericana Norte, del distrito Independencia; se utilizó como instrumento de campo las guías de observación, fichas documentales, el sonómetro y cámara fotográfica. Los resultados fueron que, los niveles de ruido tuvieron una media en la Avenida Tupac Amaru de 78.3dB y en la Panamericana Norte fue 76,7dB, superando los valores expresados en los turnos diurno y nocturno de la norma ECA para el ruido; las zonas expuestas a altos niveles de ruido son la comercial y de protección especial; se propusieron estrategias de mitigación enfocadas en la educación ambiental, control y mitigación y la salud con bienestar, con regulaciones, investigación y monitoreos ambientales permanentes cuyas líneas estratégicas fueron la gestión coordinada de contaminación, programas de fortalecimiento, coordinación y gestión interinstitucional con las medidas de control

    The role of patient-centered communication scale in patients’ satisfaction of healthcare providers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Assess the effect of patient-centered communication (PCC) scale on the patient satisfaction of healthcare providers (HCPs). The 2020 Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) was used to analyze the patient’s satisfaction of HCPs. This survey includes 2466 patients’ responses and were analyzed using the multivariable binary Hyperbolastic regression model of type II. The study examines the effects of PCC scale on patients’ satisfaction of HCPs while controlling for pandemic status, employment, education, marital status, race, political views, waiting time status, sex, income, and age. PCC scale was the most significant predictor of patients’ satisfaction of their HCPs (P-value \u3c 0.001) followed by waiting time status (P-value \u3c 0.001), and age (P-value = 0.016). The odds of patient satisfaction with the healthcare provider services were approximately 20% higher prior to the pandemic than during the pandemic (P-value = 0.415). The odds of satisfaction for patients earning 100k+wasapproximatelythreetimesmorethanthosemakinglessthan100k+ was approximately three times more than those making less than 35,000 (P-value = 0.003). PCC scale is a powerful measure that may be used as a metric for patients’ satisfaction of HCPs. Taking steps to improve communication between HCPs and patients is a key factor in patient satisfaction. Concentrating on the seven domains of PCC will result in higher patient satisfaction of HCPs. The improvement in PCC will encourage each patient to disclose vital information about his or her health. This may increase the accuracy of diagnosis, quality of care, and health outcomes. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Policy & Measurement lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework (https://theberylinstitute.org/experience-framework/). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens

    Studio Recital

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    Análisis del orden “Lavado - Maduración” para mejorar los resultados de las condiciones de mango maduro para el proceso IQF

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    La investigación tuvo como propósito analizar el orden de las operaciones de “lavado” y “maduración” de los frutos de mango variedad Edward con la finalidad de mejorar sus condiciones físico-químicas, organolépticas y microbiológicas para su procesamiento y exportación en el formato IQF. El estudio dispuso de un diseño cuasiexperimental dónde se tuvo como muestra 216 unidades de mango para ambas operaciones. Los resultados mostraron que, con el tratamiento dispuesto por los investigadores, (L-M) se tienen resultados favorables, siendo sus porcentajes de mejora 7.19, 12.25, -3.6, 9.5, -33.33, 4.27, 24.5 y 11.1% para los indicadores °Brix, Tensión superficial, %deshidratación, pH, %Acidez, color interno, sabor y aroma correspondientemente. En concreto, imponiendo la secuencia de “lavado – maduración”, se mejoró las condiciones de mango maduro en un 13.22% englobando a sus 8 indicadores en lo que respecta a la dimensión físico-química y organoléptica; del mismo modo se logró alcanzar los parámetros requeridos en el día 7/8 en comparación que la secuencia “maduración – lavado”. Los resultados del análisis microbiológico mostraron que ambos tratamientos se encuentran dentro del parámetro requerido para el acondicionamiento de la materia prima para su procesamiento IQF

    Efectos del uso de nano cenizas de hojas de plátano reciclada en el comportamiento del concreto del pavimento rígido, Piura, 2022

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto de tesis es determinar cuáles son los efectos del uso de nanocenizas de hojas de plátano reciclada en el comportamiento del concreto del pavimento rígido. En nuestro estudio emplearemos una metodología de diseño experimental – cuasi experimental, de tipo aplicada y de nivel explicativo. Nuestro concreto patrón alcanzó a los 28 días, f´c 234.10 kg/cm2 de resistencia a la compresión, un MR= 39.02 kg/cm2, tracción igual a 26.37 kg/cm2, asentamiento igual 4” y una temperatura de 25.50 °C. Al adicionar 5%, 10% y 15% de nano cenizas a la mezcla en resistencia a la compresión, los resultados fueron 217 kg/cm2, 189.4 kg/cm2 y 112.10 kg/cm2, en el caso de flexión MR= 39.50 kg/cm2, MR= 36.20 kg/cm2 y MR= 34.37 kg/cm2. En el caso de resistencia a tracción, 26.37 kg/cm2, 23.43kg/cm2, 21.23 kg/cm2 y 18.56 kg/cm2. Se obtuvo un Slump de 4.13”, 4.43” y 5.08” y una temperatura de 26.17°C, 25.83°C y 25.50°C. Finalmente se concluyó que el uso de nanocenizas de hojas de plátano si influye en el comportamiento del concreto del pavimento rígido