18 research outputs found

    Menghadapi Ajaran Sesat

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    Since the appearance of the church, heresy has also begun to run rampant. The problem the same, also being faced by the church in this century. In Ephesians,  Christians get attacks from both Jewish and Greek traditions at that time. Starting from Gnostic influence is also the god's worship. Then it is necessary to take a stand to see the situation like this, considering that if left unchecked it will damage the faith the church of God at that time. Then through Timothy's letter, Paul wanted to advise how to deal with avoiding superstition, faithful worship, full hope to God, teaches the true teachings and sets an example in the spiritual life. &nbsp

    Studi Literatur Tentang Komersialisasi Teknologi Di Perguruan Tinggi: Proses, Potensi, Model Dan Aktor

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    Perguruan tinggi (PT) merupakan lembaga yang utama dalam inovasi teknologi, namun kurang mampu dalam memanfaatkan inovasi tersebut untuk tujuan komersial. Kendala utamanya adalah kurangnya pemahaman mengenai proses komersialisasi teknologi, cara menilai potensi komersialisasi sebuah teknologi, model-model yang bisa dilakukan dan factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pemilihan sebuah model. Tulisan ini memuat hasil studi literature terkini mengenai komersialisasi teknologi dan wawancara dengan pihak yang relevan dalam pengembangan dan komersialisasi teknologi di Institut Teknologi Bandung untuk memberikan mengenai bagaimana melakukan hal-hal diatas.Perguruan tinggi, inovasi, komersialisasi teknologi, model dan factor komersialisasi teknologi, Institut Teknologi Bandun

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Hamba Tuhan dalam Pertumbuhan Kerohanian Jemaat Gereja GPdI ‘Zion' Krebet, Tembalang, Wlingi - Blitar

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    Ada alasan untuk pertumbuhan gereja di gereja karena kepemimpinan yang dilakukan oleh hamba atau pendeta Tuhan dalam pelayanan mereka dapat membawa pertumbuhan rohani yang baik untuk jemaat. Dan juga karakter yang mendukung dalam kehidupan hamba Tuhan atau pendeta bisa menjadi berkat bagi gereja yang dipimpinnya. Seorang pemimpin adalah orang yang pantas menjadi teladan bagi orang lain karena para pemimpin memiliki karakter yang baik dan merupakan berkat bagi para pemimpin yang dipimpinnya. Melalui penelitian tentang Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Pelayan Tuhan dalam Proyeksi Rohani Gereja Krebet 'Zion' GPdI, Tembalang, Wlingi - Blitar, penulis ingin mengetahui tingkat pengaruhnya

    Memorizing Bible Verses with the Association Method of Quantum Learning in Sunday School

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    In the world of teaching, it takes a variety of creativity, so that students benefit from the learning process. The same thing happened in the Sunday School class held by the church. The core material is certainly from the Bible. This includes memorizing Bible verses from certain parts. Students are required to memorize the verses. Many face failure in the memorization process. They have difficulty remembering the verses. However, there is still an interesting method to make it easier for children to memorize Bible verses, namely by association methods found in quantum learning. The problem is whether the Sunday school teachers understood this association method? With descriptive research methods have found a solution that in the process of memorizing with this association method, can increase the number of verses memorized. This can be shown from the results of evaluations that have been carried out, there is an increase in the number of memorized verses that can be memorized by Sunday school students, which increases to 20 words or about 4%

    Assessment of post-tsunami disaster land use/land cover change and potential impact of future sea-level rise to low-lying coastal areas: A case study of Banda Aceh coast of Indonesia

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    © 2019 The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of the projected sea-level rise to the coastal land use/land cover (LULC) at a disaster-prone coastal area, encompassing an engineering time-scale, based on a couple of sea-level rise scenarios. We investigate the Banda Aceh coast, a low-lying coastal area vulnerable to multiple hazards such as tsunamis and co-seismic land subsidence, which is typical along the Indonesian coastlines. Three sets of multi-temporal Google Earth Engine images acquired in 2004 (pre-tsunami December 2004), 2011 and 2017 were utilized to obtain the areal coverage of various types of LULC. The scenarios of coastal inundation were pre-determined at elevation +1.0 m and +1.5 m projecting the sea-level rise in the next couple centuries. Aquaculture ponds, buildings and bare land are the top three most pre-dominant land covers in Banda Aceh coast. The finding of this study reveals that the aquaculture ponds are at the highest risk to the future sea-level rise, and potentially contribute to the unproductive seawater inundated area. The bare land which has a huge potential to be converted into settlement area (buildings, housing, etc.), experienced remarkable loss due to both future inundation scenarios. The coastal area of Banda Aceh in the next couple of centuries, thus, will be highly vulnerable to the projected sea-level rise, providing the fast-growing and ever-expanding built environment very close to the coastline. A sustainable coastal management taking into account the disaster risk should, therefore, be incorporated within the decision making for the protection of the coastal area

    Koordinasi Social Distancing untuk Masyarakat Guna Mengantisipasi Penyebaran Virus Covid-19 Desa Cicalengka Kecamatan Pagedangan Kabupaten Tangerang

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    Tujuan diadakannya pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi mengenai betapa pentingnya untuk tetap menerapkan social distancing dimasa pandemic covid 19 khususnya bagi warga Desa Cicalengka. Pendekatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini melakukan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode penelitian ini melibatkan secara langsung pelaksana pengabdian pada masyakat sebagai kunci utama. Adapun dalam mengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan pendekatan diskusi. Berdasarkan pada pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini ditemukan hal bahwa social distancing di desa Cicalengka masih belum dapat dilaksanakan secara maksimal. Hal ini didasarkan masih kurangnya kesadaran warga desa untuk menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Untuk itu dengan adanya pengabdian ini diharapkan masyarakat lebih mudah mengetahui dan mengerti apa saja hal-hal yang harus dilakukan ketika masa penerapan Social Distancing