22 research outputs found

    Potencial ornamental de Lapiedra martinezii Lag. (Amaryllidaceae): implicaciones de su revalorización en xerojardinería y en su conservación ex-situ

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    Lapiedra martinezii Lag. (Amaryllidaceae) is an autumn-flowering geophyte that grows in coastal and sublittoral environments. The interest in this species has emerged during recent decades due to its bioactive alkaloid content and its conservational status. The aim of this work was to review the available information on L. martinezii and to assess whether it could be introduced as an ornamental plant in xero-gardening. Therefore, its aesthetic appeal was reviewed and compared to other cultivated and wild plants. Also, information on its ecological and propagation requirements were checked to discern whether it could be adapted under different production systems and culture conditions. In addition, other aspects were also analyzed to identify strengths and limitations of this species for its further revalorization as an ornamental plant. The results obtained suggest that L. martinezii could be a good choice as a foliage plant for growing in gardens as an alpine bulb or pot plant. Moreover, it might be quite well adapted under different production and culture conditions to dry and semi-arid regions. The horticultural traits related to its germination and in vitro multiplication are interesting strengths to bear in mind for its industrial propagation and early domestication. Finally, its introduction in xero-gardening could also help in its ex-situconservation. However, a more in-depth study would be needed to definitively introduce it into the ornamental plant market.Lapiedra martinezii Lag. (Amaryllidaceae) es un geófito bulboso de floración otoñal que vive en ambientes costeros y sublitorales. El interés en esta especie ha crecido durante las últimas décadas debido a su contenido en alcaloides bioactivos y a su estado de conservación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue revisar la información disponible sobre L. martinezii y evaluar si podría ser introducido como planta ornamental en xerojardinería. Por tanto, los caracteres estéticos fueron analizados y comparados con otras plantas cultivadas y silvestres. También, se estudia la información disponible acerca de sus requerimientos ecológicos y de propagación para detector si podría ser adaptada en distintos sistemas de producción y condiciones de cultivo. Además, otros aspectos fueron analizados para identificar tanto las fortalezas como las limitaciones de esta especie en su posterior revalorización como planta ornamental. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que L. martinezii podría ser una buena opción como planta ornamental de follaje para su cultivo en jardines como bulbo de rocalla o planta de maceta. Además, podría adaptarse bastante bien a distintos sistemas de producción y condiciones de cultivo en regiones secas y semiáridas. Las características hortícolas relacionadas con la germinación y multiplicación in vitro son fortalezas interesantes para tener en cuenta en su puesta en cultivo a escala industrial y su domesticación preliminar. Finalmente, la introducción de esta especie en xerojardinería podría también ayudar a su conservación ex situ. Sin embargo, sería deseable una investigación más profunda para su inclusion en el mercado convencional de planta ornamental.Ciencias Experimentale

    Ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, and bioactivities of Hieracium L. and Pilosella Hill (Cichorieae, Asteraceae) species

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: Species of the genera Hieracium and Pilosella have been used in folk medicine for centuries in many parts of the world. The most wiedly used species is P. officinarum Vaill., included in the British and French Pharmacopoeias and sold as part of different commercial products. Aim of the study: This review critically appraises the state-of-art of ethnopharmacology, specialised metabolites, bioactivities, and toxicity of members of Hieracium and Pilosella. Thus, gaps in scientific knowledge can be identified, also focusing on the development of products with pharmacological applications. Materials and methods: Literature data of Hieracium and Pilosella species were mainly retrieved using different electronic databases such as Web of Science, Google Scholar, SciFinder, and PubMed. Other electronic resources included worldwide databases on ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, and phytochemistry as well as government reports. Additionally, ancient texts and local information such as PhD and MSc theses, and books were consulted. Results: A comprehensive analysis of the above mentioned sources revealed that only 34 out of the about 850 described species within the genera Hieracium and Pilosella have been reported in the context of traditional medicinal and ethnobotanical knowledge. The most often mentioned species is P. officinarum which has been widely used due to its diuretic effects. Other popular uses of Hieracium and Pilosella species include the treatment of skin, gastric, and intestinal diseases as well as respiratory and vascular ailments. Moreover, taxa of the two genera have been used as antiobiotics, antiseptics, antidiabetics, tonics, antiepileptics, antiphlogistics, emetics, wound healing drugs, astringents, haemostatics, and detoxificants. Finally, uses as a wild vegetable, fodder, plant for hunting and for charming rituals have also been mentioned. Phytochemical research revealed a richness in phenolic compounds and flavonoids. Moreover, coumarins, sesquiterpene lactones, terpenoids, and phytosterols were found in Hieracium and Pilosella. Experimental research conducted to support traditional uses mainly include in vitro tests, while assays based on in vivo models (including humans) are rather limited. Also, the vast majority of the studies did not identify the compounds responsible for the detected bioactivities. These established bioactivities include antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimycotic, antiviral, cytotoxic and antiproliferative, diuretic, gastroprotective, antiepileptic, hypotensive, anti-obesity, arthropodicidal, and skin rejuvenating activities. Finally, limited toxicity studies have been conducted on members of Hieracium and Pilosella. Conclusion: Taxa belonging to Hieracium and Pilosella have been confirmed to exert diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects, which is in line with their long traditional use. Moreover, the above mentioned fields of application hint to the most promising routes for the development of new marketable products. Nonetheless, additional data from an in-depth research on bio-active specialised metabolites such as sesquiterpenoids, sesquiterpene lactones, and coumarines, their bioactivities and toxicity, and their biosynthesis are still warranted.Biotecnologí

    In vitro propagation and phytochemistry of thymol-producing plants from a horticultural form of Thymus x josephi-angeli Mansanet & Aguil. (Lamiaceae)

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    Thymus L. is of great interest in horticulture as ornamentals, spices, and medicinal plants, as well as in the extracts industry due to the richness in bioactive specialized metabolites. The natural hybrid T. x josephi-angeli Mansanet & Aguil. is produced in Spain, as its horticultural forms are very popular for domestic uses and gardening. However, its micropropagation and chemical composition have not been studied yet. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to develop a micropropagation procedure for T. x josephi-angeli, and to check whether the in vitro culture had an impact on the chemical profile of the plants. The results showed a high initiation rate (>91%) after two sterilization treatments were applied. Moreover, a micropropagation rate of around 21 new rooted explants per culture cycle was obtained in treatment M7 (Murashige and Skoog with 0.064 uM 6-(gamma,gamma-Dimethylallylamino)purine) when compared to the other 10 treatments performed. Acclimatization was successful in all three approaches tested (>75%), and all plants kept growing after 4 months of outdoor cultivation. Finally, 36 volatiles were identified, and the content of major compounds remained not statistically different in acclimatized plants when compared to the wild-type plants according to the analyses made by HS-SPME-GC/MS and SPME-GC/MS. This chemical stability points out the uniformity of the microplants and the suitability of the procedure applied in this study for T. xjosephi-angeli horticultural production using in vitro techniques

    Potencial ornamental de Lapiedra martinezii Lag. (Amaryllidaceae): implicaciones de su revalorización en xerojardinería y en su conservación ex-situ

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    Lapiedra martinezii Lag. (Amaryllidaceae) is an autumn-flowering geophyte that grows in coastal and sublittoral environments. The interest in this species has emerged during recent decades due to its bioactive alkaloid content and its conservational status. The aim of this work was to review the available information on L. martinezii and to assess whether it could be introduced as an ornamental plant in xero-gardening. Therefore, its aesthetic appeal was reviewed and compared to other cultivated and wild plants. Also, information on its ecological and propagation requirements were checked to discern whether it could be adapted under different production systems and culture conditions. In addition, other aspects were also analyzed to identify strengths and limitations of this species for its further revalorization as an ornamental plant. The results obtained suggest that L. martinezii could be a good choice as a foliage plant for growing in gardens as an alpine bulb or pot plant. Moreover, it might be quite well adapted under different production and culture conditions to dry and semi-arid regions. The horticultural traits related to its germination and in vitro multiplication are interesting strengths to bear in mind for its industrial propagation and early domestication. Finally, its introduction in xero-gardening could also help in its ex-situ conservation. However, a more in-depth study would be needed to definitively introduce it into the ornamental plant market.Lapiedra martinezii Lag. (Amaryllidaceae) es un geófito bulboso de floración otoñal que vive en ambientes costeros y sublitorales. El interés en esta especie ha crecido durante las últimas décadas debido a su contenido en alcaloides bioactivos y a su estado de conservación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue revisar la información disponible sobre L. martinezii y evaluar si podría ser introducido como planta ornamental en xerojardinería. Por tanto, los caracteres estéticos fueron analizados y comparados con otras plantas cultivadas y silvestres. También, se estudia la información disponible acerca de sus requerimientos ecológicos y de propagación para detector si podría ser adaptada en distintos sistemas de producción y condiciones de cultivo. Además, otros aspectos fueron analizados para identificar tanto las fortalezas como las limitaciones de esta especie en su posterior revalorización como planta ornamental. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que L. martinezii podría ser una buena opción como planta ornamental de follaje para su cultivo en jardines como bulbo de rocalla o planta de maceta. Además, podría adaptarse bastante bien a distintos sistemas de producción y condiciones de cultivo en regiones secas y semiáridas. Las características hortícolas relacionadas con la germinación y multiplicación in vitro son fortalezas interesantes para tener en cuenta en su puesta en cultivo a escala industrial y su domesticación preliminar. Finalmente, la introducción de esta especie en xerojardinería podría también ayudar a su conservación ex situ. Sin embargo, sería deseable una investigación más profunda para su inclusión en el mercado convencional de planta ornamental

    Effect of sucrose pre-culture on cryopreservation by vitrification of Sideritis leucantha Cav. subsp. leucantha seedlings produced in vitro

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    Sideritis leucantha Cav. subsp. leucantha es un endemismo valenciano con uso medicinal que tiene diversos problemas de conservación. Por tanto, el objetivo principal de este trabajo fue probar el efecto de un tratamiento de precultivo para la posterior criopreservación de brotes apicales de esta especie. Los resultados mostraron que el precultivo con sacarosa 0.3 M durante 24 horas resultó en una mayor supervivencia de los explantes y regeneración in vitro después de tres tratamientos de vitrificación ensayados. Estos resultados sugieren que el acondicionamiento de los explantes puede mejorar la supervivencia de los explantes de S. leucantha subps. leucantha cultivados in vitro tras la criopreservación.Sideritis leucantha Cav. subsp. leucantha is a Valencian endemic medicinal plant that faces some conservation constraints. Therefore, this work aimed to test a preconditioning treatment for the further cryopreservation of shoot tip explants of this species. The results showed that pre-culture in sucrose 0.3 M for 24 hours resulted in the highest explant survival and regeneration after three vitrification approaches. These findings point out that preconditioning of explants may enhance cryopreservation performance in tissue cultured plantlets of S. leucantha subps. leucantha.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias al proyecto de la Generalitat Valenciana GV04B-459. Además, J. E. R. L. obtuvo una beca de la Universidad de Alicante para la formación de doctores

    Jardinería popular en el norte de Alicante (L’Alcoiá y El Comtat): las plantas tradicionales de huertos, patios y balcones

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    We present a catalogue and the analitical data extracted from the popular ornamental flora of the North of Alicante, considering as ‘popular’ the flowerpots cultivated in balconies, doorways, terraces, small homegardens, etc. The total richness of this territory is two thirds higher from other nearby regions overpassing some villages 200 ornamental species and varieties. The autochtonous plants or from older introductions are clearly higher, although nowadays we found reversal sings in this trend. To maintain this tradicional grow, rich in phytogenetic resources, the women’ role is essential. Their experience in technics for vegetal propagation and cultivation allows to maintain the autochtonous rural landscape, confering a high patrimonial value, wich should remain as a identity and quality sign to enhance the tourism in these areas.Se presenta el catálogo y análisis de la flora ornamental popular del norte de Alicante, entendiendo por ello, las plantas dispuestas en macetas distribuidas por balcones, umbrales, terrazas, pequeños huertos, etc. La riqueza total del territorio es dos tercios superior, a la de otros estudios de comarcas próximas, superando algunas poblaciones las 200 especies y variedades ornamentales. El elemento autóctono y de introducción antigua es claramente mayoritario, aunque se han observado síntomas recientes de inversión de esta tendencia. Para el mantenimiento de este cultivo tradicional, rico en recursos fitogenéticos, ha quedado patente el papel fundamental de la mujer. Su experiencia acumulada en técnicas y modos de multiplicación y cultivo vegetal han permitido el mantenimiento del paisaje rural autóctono, confiriéndole un valor patrimonial elevado, que debería mantenerse como seña de identidad y calidad, para potenciar el turismo de interior.Ciencias Experimentale

    Effect of sucrose pre-culture on cryopreservation by vitrification of Sideritis leucantha Cav. subsp. leucantha seedlings produced in vitro

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    Sideritis leucantha Cav. subsp. leucantha es un endemismo valenciano con uso medicinal que tiene diversos problemas de conservación. Por tanto, el objetivo principal de este trabajo fue probar el efecto de un tratamiento de precultivo para la posterior criopreservación de brotes apicales de esta especie. Los resultados mostraron que el precultivo con sacarosa 0.3 M durante 24 horas resultó en una mayor supervivencia de los explantes y regeneración in vitro después de tres tratamientos de vitrificación ensayados. Estos resultados sugieren que el acondicionamiento de los explantes puede mejorar la supervivencia de los explantes de S. leucantha subps. leucanthacultivados in vitro tras la criopreservación.Sideritis leucantha Cav. subsp. leucantha is a Valencian endemic medicinal plant that faces some conservation constraints. Therefore, this work aimed to test a preconditioning treatment for the further cryopreservation of shoot tip explants of this species. The results showed that pre-culture in sucrose 0.3 M for 24 hours resulted in the highest explant survival and regeneration after three vitrification approaches. These findings point out that preconditioning of explants may enhance cryopreservation performance in tissue cultured plantlets of S. leucantha subps. leucantha.Ciencias Experimentale

    Conceptualización y diseño de una web para el BUFF Mountain Festival

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    El proyecto requiere de la conceptualización y diseño de una web para el Festival de Montaña, que pretende dar cabida a dos públicos muy diferenciados, tanto un público generalista como corredores profesionales, todos ellos amantes de la montaña que podrán disfrutar de diversas actividades.The project requires the conceptualization and design of a website for the Mountain Festival, which aims to accommodate two very different audiences, both a general public and professional riders, all lovers of the mountain that can enjoy various activities.El projecte requereix de la conceptualització i disseny d'una web per al Festival de Muntanya, que pretén donar cabuda a dos públics molt diferenciats, tant un públic generalista com a corredors professionals, tots ells amants de la muntanya que podran gaudir de diverses activitats

    Plantas atípicas de Cymbalaria aequitriloba (Viv.) A.Chev. cultivadas en la comarca del Matarraña (Teruel)

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    Cymbalaria aequitriloba (Viv.) A.Chev., es una planta endémica del área Tirrénica (Sicilia, Córcega, Cerdeña y algunos puntos de Italia peninsular), que también alcanza las Islas Baleares. Ha sido encontrada en Torre de Arcas (Teruel) como una planta cultivada o accidental, presente en jardineras de floración invernal, constituyendo un elemento muy particular de la jardinería popular del Matarraña aragonés. Que sepamos, es la primera vez que se cita esta especie en España peninsular. Presenta una gran variabilidad morfológica lo que dificulta su identificación, no obstante es fácilmente diferenciable de C. muralis, la especie más cultivada en la zona. En esta región, tienen por costumbre remover la tierra tras la floración pues la planta pierde belleza, luego vuelve a aparecer en la siguiente estación por renuevo vegetativo o algunas plantas de semilla, motivo que no nos ha permitido estudiar plantas en fructificación. Todo Aragón, pero especialmente el Matarraña, tuvieron estrechos lazos comerciales con Italia durante el s. XIV-XV (principalmente exportando la lana), hecho que pudo favorecer el intercambio de materiales vegetales, como ya se ha podido constatar previamente con otras plantas similares.Cymbalaria aequitriloba (Viv.) A.Chev., is an endemic plant of the Tyrrhenian area (Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and some points of Italian mainland), that also reaches the Balearic Islands. It has been found in Torre de Arcas (Teruel, Spain) as a growed or accidental plant, present in winter-flowering planters, being a very particular element in the popular gardening of the aragonese Matarraña. To our knowledge, this is the first citation of this specie in mainland Spain. It presents a great morphological variability which makes it difficult to identify. However it is easily distinguishable from C. muralis, the most cultivated specie of this genus in the area. In this region, people have the habit to disturbing the soil after flowering, because the plant loses beauty, reappearing at the next station by vegetative shoot or by seedlings. This reason has not allowed us to study fruiting plants. Aragon, but specially the Matarraña region, had close trade ties with Italy during the x. XIV-XV (mainly exporting wool). This fact could facilitate the exchange of plant material, as it has been shown previously with other similar plants.Instituto de Estudios Turolense