628 research outputs found

    Quality indicators in subtropical soils of Formosa, Argentina: Changes for agriculturization process

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    The agriculturization process has been defined as the advance of annual crops in different environments, in competition with traditional land uses such as agriculture rotations with pastures. In Argentina and other countries agriculturization has different degrees of impact on natural resources. In the northeast region of the province of Formosa, Argentina, agriculturization includes deforestation (clear cutting, slash burning and plowing), technological improvements and changes in land use. Because of these alterations, it is necessary to define the state of the soil to evaluate its sustainability. This can be done by means of indicators, which are not universal; they differ according to the use, management and type of soils, weather conditions and ecosystems. The objectives of this paper are: (1) To identify quality indicators for subtropical Argiudolls and Hapludolls; (2) To determine which indicators related to organic matter are most affected during agriculturization. The changes produced in the Typic Hapludolls and Typic Argiudolls after 25 years of continuously using native forests, agriculture, fruit plantations and pastures were analyzed. These changes were in pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, total nitrogen, structural stability, hydraulic conductivity, respiration and dehydrogenase and urease and enzyme activity. Variables with significant differences between diverse uses were evaluated by multivariate methods, Principal Component Analysis, and Correlation Analysis. The results of this study showed that total organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, structural stability and dehydrogenase activity are the quality indicators most affected by agriculturization. All are related to organic matter.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Relational and Overt Aggression in Preschool

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    This research was designed as an initial attempt to assess relational aggression in preschool-age children. Our goal was to develop reliable measures of relational aggression for young children and to use these instruments to address several important issues (e.g., the relation between this form of aggression and social–psychological adjustment). Results provide evidence that relationally aggressive behaviors appear in children\u27s behavioral repertoires at relatively young ages, and that these behaviors can be reliably distinguished from overtly aggressive behaviors in preschool-age children. Further, findings indicate that preschool girls are significantly more relationally aggressive and less overtly aggressive than preschool boys. Finally, results show that relational aggression is significantly related to social–psychological maladjustment (e.g., peer rejection) for both boys and girls

    Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Peer Maltreatment: Studies of Relational Victimization

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    Although many past studies of peer maltreatment have focused on physical victimization, the importance of an empirical focus on relational victimization has only recently been recognized. In relational victimization, the perpetrator attempts to harm the target through the manipulation of relationships, threat of damage to them, or both. We review what is currently known about relational victimization with three issues in mind: (a) developmental changes in the manifestation of relational victimization, (b) gender differences in the likelihood of being victimized, and (c) evidence that relational victimization is harmful

    Relational and Physical Forms of Peer Victimization in Preschool

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    Recent studies of peer victimization have demonstrated the importance of studying relational as well as physical forms of peer maltreatment for understanding children\u27s social-psychological adjustment problems. Studies in this area have been limited thus far by a focus on school-age children (9–12-year olds). Given the significance of early identification of children\u27s social difficulties for intervention and prevention efforts, this research was designed to assess relational and physical peer victimization among preschool-age children (3–5-year-olds). Results indicated that boys were significantly more physically victimized than girls whereas girls were more relationally victimized. Both relational and physical victims experienced greater adjustment problems than did their peers. Relational victimization contributed unique information about adjustment beyond that provided by physical victimization

    Quality indicators in subtropical soils of Formosa, Argentina: Changes for agriculturization process

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    The agriculturization process has been defined as the advance of annual crops in different environments, in competition with traditional land uses such as agriculture rotations with pastures. In Argentina and other countries agriculturization has different degrees of impact on natural resources. In the northeast region of the province of Formosa, Argentina, agriculturization includes deforestation (clear cutting, slash burning and plowing), technological improvements and changes in land use. Because of these alterations, it is necessary to define the state of the soil to evaluate its sustainability. This can be done by means of indicators, which are not universal; they differ according to the use, management and type of soils, weather conditions and ecosystems. The objectives of this paper are: (1) To identify quality indicators for subtropical Argiudolls and Hapludolls; (2) To determine which indicators related to organic matter are most affected during agriculturization. The changes produced in the Typic Hapludolls and Typic Argiudolls after 25 years of continuously using native forests, agriculture, fruit plantations and pastures were analyzed. These changes were in pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, total nitrogen, structural stability, hydraulic conductivity, respiration and dehydrogenase and urease and enzyme activity. Variables with significant differences between diverse uses were evaluated by multivariate methods, Principal Component Analysis, and Correlation Analysis. The results of this study showed that total organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, structural stability and dehydrogenase activity are the quality indicators most affected by agriculturization. All are related to organic matter.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Early parenting and children\u27s relational and physical aggression in the preschool and home contexts

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    This study investigated early parent- child relationships and how children\u27s use of relational and physical aggression varies with aspects of those relationships during the preschool years. Specifically, parenting styles, parents\u27 use of psychological control, and parents\u27 report of their children\u27s reunion behaviors were assessed. Analyses revealed significant associations between children\u27s use of both relational and physical aggression and parents\u27 reports of their own and their partner\u27s parenting style, psychological control behaviors, and indicators of the attachment relationship. The results highlight the importance of investigating both mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 parenting and the sex of the child in studies of potential links between parenting behaviors and young children’s relational and physical aggression. Findings were considered in the context of each perspective and suggestions for future research and implications for intervention and prevention are discussed

    Multicultural and Colorblind Ideology, Stereotypes, and Ethnocentrism among Black and White Americans

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    We examined Blacks’ and Whites’ perceptions of group variability and positivity as well as their beliefs about the extent to which multiculturalism and colorblindness would improve intergroup relations. In two studies, responses to questionnaires indicated that the tendency to endorse multiculturalism more than colorblindness was greater among Blacks than Whites; Blacks consistently endorsed multiculturalism more than colorblindness and Whites endorsed colorblindness more than did Blacks. Both studies also revealed evidence of out-group homogeneity and ethnocentrism. Stronger endorsement of multiculturalism relative to colorblindness predicted stronger stereotypes among Blacks, whereas stronger endorsement of colorblindness relative to multiculturalism predicted stronger stereotypes among Whites. In Study 2, stronger endorsement of multiculturalism relative to colorblindness predicted less ethnocentrism; this relationship did not depend on ethnicity

    Gravity and magnetic anomalies in the allochthonous Órdenes Complex (Variscan belt, northwest Spain): Assessing its internal structure and thickness

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    The Órdenes Complex is the largest Variscan allochthonous structure of NW Iberia, and preserves the suture of a long-standing Paleozoic ocean, probably the Rheic. Gravity and magnetic data, the latter specifically acquired on land for this study, show that the complex occupies the core of an open synform with a maximum depth of 9–10 km, which contrasts with the flat geometry of the lower crust and Moho discontinuity beneath. The maximum depth reached by the ophiolitic rocks marking the suture is around 7 km. The allochthonous units formed by basic and ultrabasic rocks are lens-shaped in section, and occur not only at the periphery of the complex, but form wide ribbons trending NE-SW to N-S. The Bouguer anomaly related with the longest of them, the Fornás Unit, previously used to support an autochthonous interpretation of the complexes, is modeled as a rootless, massive amphibolite body with a maximum thickness of 6 km located at the downthrown block of a large normal fault cutting across previous thrust faults and extensional detachments. The main magnetic anomalies are associated with ultrabasic rocks cropping out in the NW and SE, but a weak, wide anomaly in the central part of the complex is related with one or more thin layers of amphibolite partly mineralized with massive sulphides. The weakly arcuate geometry of this anomaly and of the Bouguer anomaly caused by the Fornás Unit may reflect the NE flank of the Central Iberian arc, an orocline whose core is occupied by the allochthonous complexes.FEDER, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Ramón y Cajal

    Multicultural and Colorblind Ideology, Stereotypes, and Ethnocentrism among Black and White Americans

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    We examined Blacks' and Whites' perceptions of group variability and positivity as well as their beliefs about the extent to which multiculturalism and colorblindness would improve intergroup relations. In two studies, responses to questionnaires indicated that the tendency to endorse multiculturalism more than colorblindness was greater among Blacks than Whites; Blacks consistently endorsed multiculturalism more than colorblindness and Whites endorsed colorblindness more than did Blacks. Both studies also revealed evidence of out-group homogeneity and ethnocentrism. Stronger endorsement of multiculturalism relative to colorblindness predicted stronger stereotypes among Blacks, whereas stronger endorsement of colorblindness relative to multiculturalism predicted stronger stereotypes among Whites. In Study 2, stronger endorsement of multiculturalism relative to colorblindness predicted less ethnocentrism; this relationship did not depend on ethnicity

    An observational study of delivered and received aggression, gender, and social-psychological adjustment in preschool: Abstract This White Crayon Doesn\u27t Work ...

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    A semi-structured observational study investigated gender differences in delivered and received relational, physical, verbal, and nonverbal aggression in a young preschool sample (N = 60). Findings revealed that gender differences in subtypes of aggression may be apparent as early as 3 years of age. Specifically, girls were found to deliver and receive more relational aggression than males, whereas boys tended, although not significantly, to deliver and significantly received more physical aggression than females. Relational and physical subtypes of delivered and received aggression were differentially associated with preschoolers\u27 social-psychological adjustment