9 research outputs found

    Fringe Pattern Denoising using U-Net based neural network

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    Fringe visibility and noise removal, are key success factors in interferometric techniques, where novel deep learning techniques can be applied. We test the use U-Net deep convolutional network applied to the obtained interference images, trained with an ad-hoc generated image dataset with complex fringe patterns, computed using high order Zernike polynomials

    Fringe Pattern Denoising using U-Net based neural network

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    Fringe visibility and noise removal, are key success factors in interferometric techniques, where novel deep learning techniques can be applied. We test the use U-Net deep convolutional network applied to the obtained interference images, trained with an ad-hoc generated image dataset with complex fringe patterns, computed using high order Zernike polynomials

    Detection of microbumps in aeronautic surfaces by means of an elastical Moire system

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    We provide a simple solution for the particular problem of the in-service inspection of aeronautic surfaces in order to detect bumps that otherwise it is made visually and usually less reliably. Bumps and other surface defects can be a symptom of a more serious internal damage. We have extended the use of the well know shadow Moire technique to be implemented in convex curved surfaces. The use of flexible Ronchi grating allows its adaptation to a convex general surface. The effect is the contrast enhancement of only the small defects sweeping-off other misleading height profile fringes. The result obtained are quite satisfactory compared to the use of flat reference gratings. The experimental set- up consists of a plastic foil with a printed Ronchi grating stretched between three points which adapts to nay cylindrical or conical convex surface independently of the relative grating-surface orientation. Static quantification of defects profiles is also possible by means of with an attached CCD camera. Visual detectability of local surface structures lye in the range of approximately 30 micrometers in depth

    Intraoperative intracardiac thrombosis in a liver transplant patient

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    A 66-year-old female with cryptogenic cirrhosis complicated by ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, variceal bleeding and malnutrition with MELD of 34 underwent orthotopic deceased donor liver transplantation performed with piggyback technique. Extensive eversion thromboendovenectomy was performed for a portal vein thrombus which resulted in an excellent portal vein flow. The liver graft was recirculated without any hemodynamic instability. Subsequently, the patient became hypotensive progressing to asystole. She was resuscitated and a transesophageal probe was inserted which revealed a mobile right atrial thrombus and an underfilled poorly contractile right ventricle. The patient was noted to be coagulopathic at the time. She became progressively more stable with a TEE showing complete resolution of the intracardiac thrombus

    Eficiency and tolerance of olanzapina vs risperidona and tipical antipsicotics study of 3 years

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    Objetivo: evaluar los resultados de salud y los costos relacionados con los antipsicóticos disponibles, con énfasis en la olanzapina, en entornos ambulatorios naturalistas. Métodos: 572 pacientes con esquizofrenia (CIE-10 o DSM-IV) que iniciaron o cambiaron a un antipsicótico oral se inscribieron en bloques de diez: 5 pacientes para olanzapina y 5 para otro antipsicótico, según prescripción en ese momento. La eficacia se midió mediante el cambio medio en la puntuación en la Escala de Impresión Clínica Global de Severidad de la Enfermedad (GCI-S). La "respuesta clínica" se definió como la disminución ≥ "2 puntos en el GCI-S si la puntuación inicial era ≥" 4 y la disminución ≥ "1 si la línea base era ≤" 3. "Mínimamente sintomático" se definió como alcanzar una puntuación de 1 o 2 en el GCI-S después de la línea de base. Se registraron los eventos adversos resultantes del tratamiento, junto con el uso de cualquier medicación concomitante y las causas de interrupción de la medicación. Resultados: La Región Andina del SOHO inscribió a 272, 97 y 65 pacientes en monoterapia con olanzapina, antipsicóticos típicos (TA) y risperidona respectivamente. Tanto la olanzapina como la risperidona fueron más eficaces que la AT para mejorar los síntomas generales, positivos y negativos a los 12, 24 y 36 meses, pero solo la olanzapina mostró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa frente a la AT en los síntomas depresivos y cognitivos. Menos pacientes que recibieron olanzapina desarrollaron síntomas extrapiramidales (SEP) y eventos sexuales adversos. Los pacientes tratados con olanzapina demostraron la tasa más baja de discinesia tardía a los 3 años. Más pacientes que recibieron olanzapina aumentaron de peso con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa frente a risperidona y TA. El aumento de peso medio con olanzapina fue de 5 kg y el mayor aumento se registró en los primeros 12 meses de tratamiento. Conclusiones: la olanzapina, pero no la risperidona, fue más efectiva que los típicos mejorando los síntomas depresivos y cognitivos con diferencia estadística. La olanzapina se toleró mejor en términos de EPS, discinesia tardía y deterioro de la función sexual. Se registró una mayor ganancia de peso con olanzapina; sin embargo, la tasa de interrupción debido a la intolerancia fue la más baja. Estos resultados apoyan los mayores beneficios de Atypicals en términos de efectividad y tolerabilidad. © INNN, 2007. Conclusiones: la olanzapina, pero no la risperidona, fue más efectiva que los típicos mejorando los síntomas depresivos y cognitivos con diferencia estadística. La olanzapina se toleró mejor en términos de EPS, discinesia tardía y deterioro de la función sexual. Se registró una mayor ganancia de peso con olanzapina; sin embargo, la tasa de interrupción debido a la intolerancia fue la más baja. Estos resultados apoyan los mayores beneficios de Atypicals en términos de efectividad y tolerabilidad. © INNN, 2007. Conclusiones: la olanzapina, pero no la risperidona, fue más efectiva que los típicos mejorando los síntomas depresivos y cognitivos con diferencia estadística. La olanzapina se toleró mejor en términos de EPS, discinesia tardía y deterioro de la función sexual. Se registró una mayor ganancia de peso con olanzapina; sin embargo, la tasa de interrupción debido a la intolerancia fue la más baja. Estos resultados apoyan los mayores beneficios de Atypicals en términos de efectividad y tolerabilidad.Objective: to evaluate the health results and the costs related to the available antipsychotics, with emphasis on olanzapine, in naturalistic outpatient settings. Methods: 572 patients with schizophrenia (ICD-10 or DSM-IV) who began or changed to an oral, antipsychotic were enrolled in blocks of ten: 5 patients for olanzapine and 5 for another antipsychotic, according to the prescription at that time. The effectiveness was measured by the mean change in score on the Global Clinical Impression of Severity of illness Scale (GCI-S). "Clinical response" was defined as the decrease ≥" 2 points on the GCI-S if the baseline score was ≥" 4 and the decrease ≥" 1 if the baseline was ≤" 3. "Minimally symptomatic" was defined as reaching a score of 1 or 2 on the GCI-S after the baseline. Adverse events resulting from the treatment were recorded, along with the use of any concomitant medication and the causes of discontinuation of the medication. Results: The SOHO Andean Region enrolled 272, 97 and 65 patients in monotherapy with olanzapine, typical antipsychotics (TA) and risperidone respectively. Both olanzapine and risperidone were more effective than the TA in improving the general, positive and negative symptoms at 12, 24, and 36 months, but only olanzapine showed a statistically significant difference vs TA in depressive and cognitive symptoms. Less patients on olanzapine developed extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) and adverse sexual events. The patients on olanzapine demonstrated the lowest rate of tardive dyskinesia at 3 years. More patients on olanzapine gained weight with a statistically significant difference vs risperidone and TA. The mean weight gain with olanzapine was 5 kg and the greatest increase was recorded in the first 12 months of treatment. Conclusions: olanzapine, but not risperidone, was more effective than typicals improving depressive and cognitive symptoms with statistical difference. Olanzapine was better tolerated in terms of EPS, tardive dyskinesia and sexual function impairment. A greater weight gain was recorded with olanzapine; however, the discontinuation rate due to intolerability was the lowest. These results support the greater benefits of Atypicals in terms of effectiveness and tolerability

    Reproducibility of fluorescent expression from engineered biological constructs in E. coli

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    We present results of the first large-scale interlaboratory study carried out in synthetic biology, as part of the 2014 and 2015 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competitions. Participants at 88 institutions around the world measured fluorescence from three engineered constitutive constructs in E. coli. Few participants were able to measure absolute fluorescence, so data was analyzed in terms of ratios. Precision was strongly related to fluorescent strength, ranging from 1.54-fold standard deviation for the ratio between strong promoters to 5.75-fold for the ratio between the strongest and weakest promoter, and while host strain did not affect expression ratios, choice of instrument did. This result shows that high quantitative precision and reproducibility of results is possible, while at the same time indicating areas needing improved laboratory practices.Peer reviewe

    EuReCa ONE⿿27 Nations, ONE Europe, ONE Registry

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