20 research outputs found

    Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico para Adolescentes (BIEPS-J) en una muestra mexicana

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    Psychological well-being refers to the satisfaction that individuals generally have regarding their life. This concept has been related to mental health and to the detection of factors that favor human development. The interest in their study in adolescents has increased in recent years due to physical, mental and social changes at this stage of development, so it is necessary valid and reliable instruments that allow their evaluation. The objective of this study was to evaluate psychometric properties of the Psychological Wellbeing Scale for Adolescents (BIEPS-J) in a Mexican sample of late adolescents and obtain evidence of their convergent and criterion validity. The BIEPS-J scale and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSS) were applied to 271 students of both sexes between 16 and 18 years old. A parallel analysis indicated two factors present in the BIEPS-J scale, which were structured by exploratory factor analysis (main components, oblique rotation) and that explained 54% of the variance. The factors were: 1) Relationship with self and with others, indicates satisfaction with their social relationships and self-acceptance; 2) Plans and personal control resources, indicates the sensation of the domain of their environment and self-competence as the presence of goals in their life. The global internal consistency (α > .80) and by factor (α > .70) was acceptable. The BIEPS-J scale showed convergent validity with the RSS (r = .44) and the level of psychological well-being was associated with the level of self-esteem (p < .001). The total score and by factor of the BIEPS-J scale did not differ between sexes (p > .05). The data indicate that the BIEPS-A scale is a valid and reliable instrument to assess psychological well-being in the Mexican adolescent population between 16 and 18 years of age.El bienestar psicológico se refiere a la satisfacción general que los individuos tienen respecto de su vida. Este concepto se ha relacionado con la salud mental y con la detección de factores favorables al desarrollo humano. El interés en su estudio en adolescentes se ha incrementado en los últimos años debido a los cambios físicos, mentales y sociales propios a esta etapa del desarrollo, por lo que son necesarios instrumentos válidos y confiables que permitan su evaluación. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico para Adolescentes (BIEPS-J) en una muestra mexicana de adolescentes tardíos y obtener evidencia de su validez convergente y de criterio. Se aplicó la escala BIEPS-J y la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAR) a 271 estudiantes de ambos sexos de entre 16 y 18 años. Un análisis paralelo indicó dos factores presentes en la escala BIEPS-J, estructurados mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio (componentes principales, rotación oblicua) y que explicaron el 54% de la varianza. Los factores fueron: 1) Relación con uno mismo y con terceros, satisfacción con sus relaciones sociales y la aceptación de sí mismo; 2) Planes y recursos personales de control, sensación del dominio de su entorno y auto-competencia, además de la presencia de metas en su vida. La consistencia interna global (α > .80) y por factor (α > .70) fue aceptable. La escala BIEPS-J mostró validez convergente con la EAR (r = .44) y el nivel de bienestar psicológico se asoció al nivel de autoestima (p < .001). El puntaje total y por factor de la escala BIEPS-J no difirió entre sexos (p > .05). Los datos indican que la escala BIEPS-A es un instrumento válido y confiable para evaluar el bienestar psicológico en población adolescente mexicana de entre 16 y 18 años

    Anafilaxia en niños y adultos: prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento

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    La anafilaxia es una condición que requiere asistencia inmediata para su resolución, se puede presentar en diferentes entornos: consultorio, hospital, escuela, hogar o en algún otro espacio público. La información aquí contenida forma parte de lineamientos conocidos sobre prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Se abordan aspectos epidemiológicos, desencadenantes, factores de riesgo y cofactores; se explican de una manera didáctica los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que se traducen en fenotipos de presentación. Se enfatiza el diagnóstico clínico con base en criterios ya establecidos, se mencionan clasificaciones para evaluar la gravedad de la reacción, así como el rol de las pruebas clínicas o de laboratorio. Como aspectos de relevancia, se abordan el tratamiento de primera elección con adrenalina, instrucciones sobre autoinyectores y diferentes elementos para el tratamiento complementario y de segunda elección. También se refieren aspectos a considerar al dar de alta a un paciente y medidas de seguimiento, con un énfasis preventivo en la comunidad. Finalmente, se menciona el abordaje en el consultorio de alergia para decidir sobre opciones de inmunomodulación. ABSTRACT Anaphylaxis is a condition that requires immediate assistance for its resolution, it can occur in different settings: office, hospital, school, home or some other public space. The information contained herein forms part of known guidelines on prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Epidemiological aspects, triggers, risk factors and co-factors are addressed; physiopathological mechanisms that are translated into presentation phenotypes are explained in a didactic way. Clinical diagnosis is emphasized based on established criteria, classifications are mentioned to evaluate the severity of the reaction, as well as the role of clinical or laboratory tests. As relevant aspects, the first choice treatment with adrenaline, instructions on auto-injectors and different elements for the complementary and second choice treatment are dealt with. They also refer to aspects to consider when discharging a patient and followup measures, with a preventive emphasis on the community. Finally, the allergy clinic approach to deciding on immunomodulation options is mentione

    Guía Mexicana para el Diagnóstico y el Tratamiento de la Urticaria

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    La urticaria es una enfermedad que padece una quinta parte de la población en algún momento de su vida. Las guías inter- nacionales recientes han propuesto unos cambios de fondo en su diagnóstico y tratamiento, por lo que había la necesidad de crear una guía nacional y multidisciplinaria, con base amplia en los gremios de especialistas y médicos de primer contacto en México. ABSTRACT Urticaria is a disease that a fifth of the population shall suffer once in a lifetime. Recent clinical guidelines have proposed some fundamental changes in the diagnosis and treatment of urticaria, making the development of a national, multidisciplinary guideline, with wide acceptability among different professional groups –both specialists and primary health care workers–, necessary in Mexico

    COVID-19 y el paciente asmático en el consultorio

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    Los síntomas de COVID-19 son muy similares a los de los pacientes asmáticos o alérgicos, se pueden llegar a confundir por la tos, la sensación de cansancio, la falta de aire o rinorrea; es importante mencionar que pueden coexistir dos padecimientos. La presencia de sibilancias y la respuesta al tratamiento es lo que marca la diferencia en un paciente asmático. Éste está en el grupo de mayor riesgo al tener una enfermedad pulmonar crónica, por lo que debe estar en constante comunicación con su médico especialista para evitar agentes desencadenantes de las crisis asmáticas.The symptoms of COVID-19 are very similar to those of asthmatic or allergic patients, they can be confused by coughing, feeling tired, shortness of breath or rhinorrhea, it is important to mention that two conditions can coexist. The presence of wheezing and the response to treatment is what makes the difference in an asthmatic patient. The asthmatic patient is in the highest risk group, having a chronic lung disease so he must be in constant communication with his specialist doctor to avoid triggers of asthmatic attacks

    Asma Asthma

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    Frequency of hand contact with hospital surfaces in hospitalized pediatric patients

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    Background: Hand hygiene (HH) is an important strategy for preventing health-care-associated infections (HAIs). Few programs focus on HH for family members and primary caregivers but fewer for patients. This study aimed to estimate the frequency with which hospitalized pediatric patients have hand contact with hospital surfaces. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive observational study consisting of three phases: the first was the creation of an observation and data collection tool, the second was the training of the monitors, and the third was the observational study of hand contact and HH opportunities in hospitalized pediatric patients. Results: Over 3600 minutes of observation, 2032 HH opportunities were detected, averaging 33.8/h (SD 4.7) as determined by hand contact with hospital surfaces of hospitalized pediatric patients. In our study, infants and preschool children had the highest frequency of hand contact. Conclusion: The high frequency of hand contact of hospital surfaces by children suggests that hourly hand disinfection of patients and caregivers, objects and surfaces around the patients may be prevention measures that could be incorporated to reduce HAIs in pediatric hospitals

    Radiographic changes in children with primary immunodeficiency

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    Background: Although we have epidemiological information on primary immunodeficiencies (PID), the available information is meager in Mexico. Objective: To provide epidemiological information on the delay in the diagnosis of PID and its correlation to chronic lung damage Material and method: A retrospective, analytical study was done in patients 0-18 year old age diagnosed with PID for 11 years at the HIMFG (Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez). The variables studied were: age at symptom onset, age at diagnosis, time from onset of symptoms to diagnosis, number of previous pneumonias and studies with radiographic chronic lung damage data. Results: 48 patients were obtained after meeting inclusion criteria; 33 showed lung damage at diagnosis, antibody deficiency being the most affected group. Relating age of onset of symptoms and the time difference of the onset of symptoms to diagnosis showed a strong correlation (p 0.80). A moderate correlation between the observed time difference vs number of pneumonias (p=0.005, Rho=0.495) and correlation between number of pneumonia and lung damage was highly significant (p <0.001, Rho=0.704). Conclusion: A strong relationship between the elapsed time from onset of symptoms and the number of pneumonia with lung injury time was found. So, the recurrent pneumonia (> 2) must make suspect the diagnosis of PID, as recommended in the literature

    Frequency of allergy to cow’s milk proteins and its association to other allergic diseases in patients of Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez

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    Background: The cow’s milk protein allergy is the most common food allergy among children under two years and is associated with other atopic diseases. Objective: To evaluate cow’s milk protein allergy frequency in patients sensitized to them, attended at the consultation of Immunology and Allergy in the Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, and its association with other atopic diseases. Material and method: A cross-sectional, analytical and descriptive study that reviewed medical records of patients aged 0-19 years, attended at the consultation of Immunology and Allergy in the Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, from January 2010 to January 2013, sensitized to the cow’s milk protein by in vitro or in vivo studies, mediated or not by IgE, to determine its association with other atopic diseases during the course of their clinical evolution. Results: We included 252 patients with symptoms suggestive of cow’s milk protein allergy, which was diagnosed only in 15.1% by oral challenge. In relation to respiratory symptoms, about two-thirds of patients had rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction and nasal itching. Regarding gastrointestinal symptoms, about a third had abdominal pain, diarrhea and abdominal distension, being statistically significant. The most common dermatologic symptom, statistically significant, was xerosis. The most frequently associated atopic diseases were food allergy (76.3%), allergic rhinitis (65.8%), asthma (47.4%) and atopic dermatitis (23%). Conclusions: The cow’s milk protein allergy can be associated with other atopic diseases, such as allergy to other foods, allergic rhinitis, asthma and atopic dermatitis

    Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico para Adolescentes (BIEPS-J) en una muestra mexicana

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    Psychological well-being refers to the satisfaction that individuals generally have regarding their life. This concept has been related to mental health and to the detection of factors that favor human development. The interest in their study in adolescents has increased in recent years due to physical, mental and social changes at this stage of development, so it is necessary valid and reliable instruments that allow their evaluation. The objective of this study was to evaluate psychometric properties of the Psychological Wellbeing Scale for Adolescents (BIEPS-J) in a Mexican sample of late adolescents and obtain evidence of their convergent and criterion validity. The BIEPS-J scale and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSS) were applied to 271 students of both sexes between 16 and 18 years old. A parallel analysis indicated two factors present in the BIEPS-J scale, which were structured by exploratory factor analysis (main components, oblique rotation) and that explained 54% of the variance. The factors were: 1) Relationship with self and with others, indicates satisfaction with their social relationships and self-acceptance; 2) Plans and personal control resources, indicates the sensation of the domain of their environment and self-competence as the presence of goals in their life. The global internal consistency (α > .80) and by factor (α > .70) was acceptable. The BIEPS-J scale showed convergent validity with the RSS (r = .44) and the level of psychological well-being was associated with the level of self-esteem (p .05). The data indicate that the BIEPS-A scale is a valid and reliable instrument to assess psychological well-being in the Mexican adolescent population between 16 and 18 years of age.El bienestar psicológico se refiere a la satisfacción general que los individuos tienen respecto de su vida. Este concepto se ha relacionado con la salud mental y con la detección de factores favorables al desarrollo humano. El interés en su estudio en adolescentes se ha incrementado en los últimos años debido a los cambios físicos, mentales y sociales propios a esta etapa del desarrollo, por lo que son necesarios instrumentos válidos y confiables que permitan su evaluación. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico para Adolescentes (BIEPS-J) en una muestra mexicana de adolescentes tardíos y obtener evidencia de su validez convergente y de criterio. Se aplicó la escala BIEPS-J y la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAR) a 271 estudiantes de ambos sexos de entre 16 y 18 años. Un análisis paralelo indicó dos factores presentes en la escala BIEPS-J, estructurados mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio (componentes principales, rotación oblicua) y que explicaron el 54% de la varianza. Los factores fueron: 1) Relación con uno mismo y con terceros, satisfacción con sus relaciones sociales y la aceptación de sí mismo; 2) Planes y recursos personales de control, sensación del dominio de su entorno y auto-competencia, además de la presencia de metas en su vida. La consistencia interna global (α > .80) y por factor (α > .70) fue aceptable. La escala BIEPS-J mostró validez convergente con la EAR (r = .44) y el nivel de bienestar psicológico se asoció al nivel de autoestima (p .05). Los datos indican que la escala BIEPS-A es un instrumento válido y confiable para evaluar el bienestar psicológico en población adolescente mexicana de entre 16 y 18 años