458 research outputs found

    O materialismo do final do século norteamericano nas Ecólogas y Urbanas de Jesús López Pacheco

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    The work of Jesús López Pacheco (1930-1997) has always been conscious of the environment surrounding his characters. It will be, however, in his last work during his lifetime, Ecólogas y Urbanas: Manual para evitar un fin de siglo siniestro (1996), where this concern is manifested in all its splendor. Behind this neologism (which combines “eclogue” and “ecology”) hides a lyrical activism that goes from personal to collective experience, and that tries to bring us back to sustainability as a paradigm for subsistence in the third millennium. From an ecological materialist perspective of North American origin, it analyzes human relations with other animal species, the critique of savage economic mercantilism and the environmental degradation of urban landscapes. Therefore, showing a sharp sense of humour linked with vis poietica, a possible postpastoral scenario is drawn, tinged with hope, as the only solution to humanity in the years to come.La obra de Jesús López Pacheco (1930-1997) siempre ha sido consciente del entorno que rodea a sus personajes. Sin embargo, será en su última obra en vida, Ecólogas y Urbanas: Manual para evitar un fin de siglo siniestro (1996), donde esta preocupación se manifieste en todo su esplendor. Tras este neologismo (que aúna “égloga” y “ecología”) se esconde un activismo lírico que va de la experiencia personal a la colectiva, y que intenta que volvamos a la sostenibilidad como paradigma para la subsistencia en el tercer milenio. Desde una perspectiva materialista ecológica de origen norteamericano se analizan, así, las relaciones humanas con las otras especies animales, la crítica al mercantilismo económico salvaje y la degradación ambiental de los paisajes urbanos. De este modo, uniendo un humor mordaz a la vis poética, se dibuja, esperanzado, un entorno postpastoral posible como única solución para la humanidad en los años venideros.O trabalho de Jesús López Pacheco (1930-1997) sempre esteve atento ao ambiente que envolve seus personagens. Entretanto, será em seu último trabalho durante sua vida, Ecólogas y Urbanas: Manual para evitar un fin de siglo siniestro (1996), onde esta preocupação se manifesta em todo seu esplendor. Por trás deste neologismo (que combina “écloga” e “ecologia”) está um ativismo lírico que vai da experiência pessoal à coletiva, e que tenta nos trazer de volta à sustentabilidade como um paradigma para a subsistência no terceiro milênio. De uma perspectiva materialista ecológica de origem norte-americana, as relações humanas com outras espécies animais, a crítica ao mercantilismo econômico selvagem e a degradação ambiental das paisagens urbanas são assim analisadas. Desta forma, combinando humor mordaz com visão poética, é traçado um quadro esperançoso de um possível ambiente pós-pastoral como a única solução para a humanidade nos próximos anos

    El "punto de vista" en los poemas de D.M. Thomas (II)

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    D.M. Thomas (Cornualles, 1935) es un caso particular de escritor inmerso primero en un mundo poético propio, que se adentra, más tarde, en el más extenso terreno de la narración. Ahora bien, ninguno de estos espacios es respetado por el autor, inestable y caprichoso, sometido psíquicamente a sus fijaciones, que construye la ficción como un universo de los sentidos donde las pasiones afloran desde el subconsciente. Tanto en sus poemas como en sus novelas se recrean los espacios físicos y mentales desde un punto de vista peculiar, cuya vis poietica será analizada profusamente en este artículo.D.M. Thomas (Cornwall, 1935) is a special case: a writer who was sooner immerse in a private poetic world, and who later tries the broader and more public scope of the narrative. However, none of these spaces is compartmentalized by this author, unstable and capricious, psychically submitted to his fixations; one who builds fiction as a universe of the senses where passions surge from the subconsciousness. Physical and mental scapes are recreated, both in his poems and in his novels, from a peculiar viewpoint whose vis poietica will be analysed in detail throughout this essay

    La creación postcolonial en el Pacífico asiático

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    "Homeless and Homesick": Exile and Bildungsroman in Shyam Selvadurai's Funny Boy

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    It is the purpose of this paper to analyze the literature of a Sri- Lankan writer who has been urged to emigrate because of the social and racial problems risen between Tamils and Sinhaleses in Sri-Lanka, in the last few decades. Shyam Selvadurai (Funny Boy), now living in Canada, a new novelist of the nineties, describes a paradisiac country in violent turmoil and writes about the decision to leave a seemingly impossible situation for a “promised” land. It will be interesting to examine the contradictions between these very different but enriching civilizations, the Eastern and the Western, specifically in the way they face religion, gender and race. Special attention would be paid to the notions of bildungsroman, the loss of innocence, the growingup of political conscience, the racial discrimination, and the literary metaphors of exile

    “Estancias desiertas”: la construcción femenina de la diáspora postcolonial angloindia

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    Los estudios de la construcción de la identidad se inscriben en las últimas tendencias críticas postcoloniales, dentro de las teorías de la subalternidad y de las intersecciones de clase, género y raza. En este caso se deconstruye la escritura de relatos de mujeres emigrantes del subcontinente indio, residentes en Canadá y Estados Unidos. Se analizan, pues, en este artículo las tensiones entre el primer mundo y el tercer mundo, la forma en que estas mujeres reescriben su propia historia para exorcizar los problemas sociales y raciales con que se encuentran, así como la desmitificación de su propia personalidad en quiebra para reconstruirla nuevamente de una forma más sólida y autoconsciente.The quests for the construction of an identity merge from the last critical tendencies on postcolonialism, inside the theories of subaltern and class/gender/race studies. In this case, there is a deconstruction of the short-story telling written by migrant women from the Indian subcontinent, living in Canada and the United States of America. Not only the tensions between the first world and the third world are studied in this essay, but also the way in which these women rewrite their own story to exorcize social and racial problems and, finally, the unveiling of their own broken personalities to reconstruct them again, in a more solid and self-conscious way

    Salman Rushdie, Grimus y su lenguaje: el "juego del orden"

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    Grimus (1975) is Salman Rushdie's first published novel. A very clever book, it combines myth and allegory, unreality and satire, delicacy and naturalism, logic and nonsense... Inscribed as Utopian science-fiction, it can be considered a ludicrous and witty mental game, whose language is a fireworks of puns, anagrams, acrostics, parodies and ambiguity. All these elements are analysed in detail, together with some other formal devices and the mental processes of its recreation

    Historia, discurso y género: la teoría postcolonial diez años después

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    Es reseña de: Against the Grain: Writing South East/Asia in English. Shirley Geok-Lin Lim. London : Skoob Books, 199

    "Parodia y pastiche en la obra de John Fowles"

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    The essay attempts to establish the figure of John Fowles as a parodie writer who, through pastiche and experiment, places himself as one of those so-called 'classic' postmodernist authors (like Doris Lessing or Angus Wilson in the sixties). They will influence a second generation of writers (like Salman Rushdie or D.M. Thomas) who use parody in a freer and more polemic way, in a decade that is beginning to be known as 'the golden time of imitation'

    El lenguaje de las novelas indostanas de Salman Rushdie

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    Salman Rushdie’s famous hits, Midnight’s Children (1981) and Shame (1983), form part of a literature of richness in language and technical innovation that regenerated the English literature of the eighties. A study of the technique, vocabulary and literary figures, the importance of colours, numbers, and sensations, of parody and metaphor is made in this paper, to highlight the fireworks of a language of magic realism and political fancy and satire