1,575 research outputs found

    Romanticism in Spain ..

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    Typewritten sheets in cover. Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University This item was digitized by the Internet Archive. Bibliography: p. 45-46

    Accelerated FRW Solutions in Chern-Simons Gravity

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    We consider a five-dimensional Einstein-Chern-Simons action which is composed of a gravitational sector and a sector of matter, where the gravitational sector is given by a Chern-Simons gravity action instead of the Einstein-Hilbert action and where the matter sector is given by the so called perfect fluid. It is shown that (i) the Einstein-Chern-Simons (EChS) field equations subject to suitable conditions can be written in a similar way to the Einstein-Maxwell field equations; (ii) these equations have solutions that describe accelerated expansion for the three possible cosmological models of the universe, namely, spherical expansion, flat expansion and hyperbolic expansion when α\alpha , a parameter of theory, is greater than zero. This result allow us to conjeture that this solutions are compatible with the era of Dark Energy and that the energy-momentum tensor for the field hah^{a}, a bosonic gauge field from the Chern-Simons gravity action, corresponds to a form of positive cosmological constant. It is also shown that the EChS field equations have solutions compatible with the era of matter: (i) In the case of an open universe, the solutions correspond to an accelerated expansion (α>0\alpha >0) with a minimum scale factor at initial time that, when the time goes to infinity, the scale factor behaves as a hyperbolic sine function. (ii) In the case of a flat universe, the solutions describing an accelerated expansion whose scale factor behaves as a exponencial function when time grows. \item In the case of a closed universe it is found only one solution for a universe in expansion, which behaves as a hyperbolic cosine function when time grows.Comment: 58 pages, 24 figure

    Evolving Lorentzian wormholes supported by phantom matter with constant state parameters

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    In this paper we study the possibility of sustaining an evolving wormhole via exotic matter made out of phantom energy. We show that this exotic source can support the existence of evolving wormhole spacetimes. Explicitly, a family of evolving Lorentzian wormholes conformally related to another family of zero-tidal force static wormhole geometries is found in Einstein gravity. Contrary to the standard wormhole approach, where first a convenient geometry is fixed and then the matter distribution is derived, we follow the conventional approach for finding solutions in theoretical cosmology. We derive an analytical evolving wormhole geometry by supposing that the radial tension (which is negative to the radial pressure) and the pressure measured in the tangential directions have barotropic equations of state with constant state parameters. At spatial infinity this evolving wormhole, supported by this anisotropic matter, is asymptotically flat, and its slices t=t= constant are spaces of constant curvature. During its evolution the shape of the wormhole expands with constant velocity, i.e without acceleration or deceleration, since the scale factor has strictly a linear evolution.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Eliciting mathematics educators’ professional knowledge on the didactical suitability of the integral calculus study process

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    II Congreso Internacional Virtual sobre el Enfoque Ontosemiótico del Conocimiento y la Instrucción Matemáticos (CIVEOS-2), 23-26 de marzo de 2017. [http://enfoqueontosemiotico.ugr.es/]A articulação entre os conhecimentos derivados das investigações acadêmicas e das práticas profissionais de professores-formadores de professores de matemática consiste em um tema de investigação relevante na área de Educação Matemática. Nesse sentido, desenvolvemos uma pesquisa qualitativa, baseada em um estudo de casos, com o objetivo de caracterizar os conhecimentos profissionais de professores-formadores sobre a idoneidade didática de processos de estudo do Cálculo Integral. Isto é feito através da articulação dos resultados da investigação em Didática do Cálculo com os conhecimentos de profissionais manifestados por uma amostra de professores-formadores, experts em didática do Cálculo Integral, que atuam na formação inicial e continuada de professores no Brasil. Entre os principais resultados, ressaltamos a potencialidade das ferramentas teóricas do Enfoque Ontosemiótico para a sistematização dos conhecimentos profissionais que emergiram das narrativas desses formadores.The articulation between the knowledge derived from academic research and the professional practices of mathematics teachers’ educatorsis a relevant research topic in Mathematics Education. In this paper we develop a qualitative research, based on a case study, with the objective of characterising the professional knowledge of mathematics teacher’s educator on the didactic suitability of theintegral calculus study processes. This study is carried out through the articulation of researchin didactics of calculus with the professional knowledge manifested by a sample of mathematics educators, experts in the didactics of integral calculus, who work in the initial and continuous training of teachers in Brazil. Among the main results, we highlight the potential of the Onto-semiotic Approach theoretical tools for systematising the professional knowledge that emerged from the narratives of these mathematics teachers’ educators

    Diseño del mejoramiento del servicio agua potable y unidades básicas de saneamiento del Barrio Churulla, Comunidad de Hercca, distrito de Sicuani, provincia de Canchis – Cusco

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    La construcción de un eficiente Sistema Integral de Agua y Saneamiento, es un ente primordial para los Gobiernos, en tal sentido se plantea el presente proyecto Diseño de mejoramiento del servicio agua potable y unidades básicas de saneamiento rural del Barrio Churulla, Comunidad de Hercca, Distrito de Sicuani, Provincia de Canchis – Cusco, con la finalidad que los habitantes mejoren su calidad de vida. El tipo de investigación es de tipo no experimental-transversal, que abastece a 235 habitantes. Se diseña el Sistema de Agua Potable y Unidades Básicas Saneamiento, compuesto por unas captaciones tipo ladera, línea de conducción, Reservorio rectangular apoyado con su caseta de cloración, redes de distribución con tuberías, cámaras rompe-presión CRP Tipo 6 el cual es empleada en línea de conducción cuya finalidad es únicamente de reducir la presión en la tubería y el CRP Tipo 7 es utilizada en la red de distribución, además de reducir la presión regula el abastecimiento mediante el accionamiento de la válvula flotadora. Sistema de saneamiento se cuenta con Unidades Básicas de Saneamiento con arrastre hidráulico, empleando biodigestores para las 63 viviendas y la Iglesia, con zanjas de infiltración para la deposición de las aguas, teniendo en cuenta los parámetros establecidos en el Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones en el rubro de Obras de Saneamiento. El proyecto tiene un costo final de S/. 1,144,634.61

    Appendix por el arcediano y canonigo de Tarazona, el dotor [sic] Ivan Sanz de Cortes ...

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    Copia digital : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos de tít. sacados de p.1, y mención de responsabilidad del final del textoFecha del final del texto 1649Sign.: A\p4\

    Por el Dotor Ivan Sanz de Cortes arcediano y canonigo de Tarazona, con Agustin Garcia de la Torre, en la declaracion que pide

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    Copia digital : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos de tít. tomados de p.1, y mención de responsabilidad del final del textoTexto fechado al final del mismo en 1649Sign.: A\p3\

    Instalación y configuración de Zentyal Server para implementar y administrar servicios en infraestructura de TI

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    Este documento consolida los resultados de la evaluación final actividad correspondiente al curso de profundización en Linux; en el cual cada uno de los alumnos selecciona un tema a desarrollar a través de GNU/ Servidor Linux Zentyal, y la implementación de diferentes servicios de infraestructura se lleva a cabo DNS, DHCP, Firewall y controladores de dominio, dando solución a los problemas planteados.This document consolidates the results of the final evaluation activity corresponding to the Linux deepening course; in which each student selects a topic to develop through GNU / Zentyal Linux Server, and the implementation of different infrastructure services is carried out DNS, DHCP, Firewall and domain controllers, providing solutions to the problems raised

    Preclinical Evaluation of the Safety and Immunological Action of Allogeneic ADSC-Collagen Scaffolds in the Treatment of Chronic Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

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    The use of allogeneic adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (alloADSCs) represents an attractive approach for treating myocardial infarction (MI). Furthermore, adding a natural support improves alloADSCs engraftment and survival in heart tissues, leading to a greater therapeutic effect. We aimed to examine the safety and immunological reaction induced by epicardial implantation of a clinical-grade collagen scaffold (CS) seeded with alloADSCs for its future application in humans. Thus, cellularized scaffolds were myocardially or subcutaneously implanted in immunosuppressed rodent models. The toxicological parameters were not significantly altered, and tumor formation was not found over the short or long term. Furthermore, biodistribution analyses in the infarcted immunocompetent rats displayed cell engraftment in the myocardium but no migration to other organs. The immunogenicity of alloADSC-CS was also evaluated in a preclinical porcine model of chronic MI; no significant humoral or cellular alloreactive responses were found. Moreover, CS cellularized with human ADSCs cocultured with human allogeneic immune cells produced no alloreactive response. Interestingly, alloADSC-CS significantly inhibited lymphocyte responses, confirming its immunomodulatory action. Thus, alloADSC-CS is likely safe and does not elicit any alloreactive immunological response in the host. Moreover, it exerts an immunomodulatory action, which supports its translation to a clinical setting
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