121 research outputs found

    Viaje Alucinante (1966): un acercamiento atractivo al estudio de la Anatomía, mediante un recorrido por el interior del cuerpo humano

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    [ES] Viaje Alucinante es una película de ciencia ficción que transcurre por el interior del organismo, presentándose a mitad de camino entre documental científico y fantasía. En ella un científico, dueño de una valiosa información para la seguridad del Estado, es víctima de un atentado terrorista que le deja en una situación de coma y al borde de la muerte. Para salvarse es necesario intervenir una zona del cerebro a la que no existe acceso mediante cirugía convencional. Gracias a los avances científicos logrados, se miniaturiza un submarino nuclear con una tripulación de neurocirujanos, que serán introducidos en el torrente sanguíneo del paciente, por vía intravenosa. Su misión será llegar hasta el cerebro, a través del sistema circulatorio y tratar de sanar la lesión. Un verdadero viaje fantástico. Destino el cerebro. La originalidad de su argumento hace que sea una película destacada entre los títulos de su género. Esta película constituye un recurso útil para la valoración crítica y análisis de conceptos sobre la anatomía corporal. [EN] Fantastic Voyage is a science-fiction film that develops its action inside the human body, standing halfway between scientific documentary and fantasy. In its plot, a scientific possessing a valuable information for the State security suffers from a terrorist attack which leaves him in comma at death’s door. To save his life, it is necessary to carry out an operation in a part of his brain to which there is no access through conventional surgery. Thanks to scientific advances achieved, a nuclear submarine is miniaturized with a crew of neurosurgeons inside, who will be incorporated into the patient’s bloodstream intravenously. Its mission will be that of reaching the brain, through the circulatory system, and try to cure the lesion. A real amazing journey. Destination: the brain. The originality of its plot makes this film be an outstanding title among those of its genre. This film also constitutes a very useful resource for critical value and analysis of concepts on human anatomy

    Pandemies in Cinema: Arguments that Have Gone Viral

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    Pandemics have always been one of the great concerns of humanity since at some point in history they have plagued the world population./nThe current situation due to by the coronavirus, has made the films about infections, epidemics, pandemics, etc., have been the most viewed on different streaming platforms, due to the confinement we have had to suffer. This paper aims to make an overview of the main and most striking films that deal with different aspects of viral infection pathologies. This type of film has always shown great interest in the population, being generally very profitable economically for films production companies. The aim of these films is to contribute to raising the awareness of the world population and to be able to disseminate and promote hygienic-sanitary measures.Las pandemias siempre han sido una de las grandes preocupaciones de la humanidad dado que en algún momento de la historia han azotado a la población mundial./nLa situación actual generada por el coronavirus, ha hecho que las películas sobre infecciones, epidemias, pandemias, etc., hayan sido las más visionadas en diferentes plataformas de streaming, debido al confinamiento que hemos tenido que padecer. Este trabajo pretende hacer una visión general de las principales y más llamativas películas que tratan sobre distintos aspectos de patologías por contagios virales. Este tipo de películas siempre ha mostrado gran interés en la población, siendo por lo general muy rentables económicamente para las productoras cinematográficas. Con la visualización de estas películas se busca contribuir, a una sensibilización de la población mundial y poder difundir y promover medidas higiénico-sanitarias

    El chip prodigioso (1987): un argumento cinematográfico para una discusión reflexiva en el aula con los alumnos, sobre anatomía humana

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    [ES] Un seminario, de carácter voluntario, realizado al final de curso, basado en el visionado previo por los alumnos, de la película El Chip prodigioso, nos sirve para analizar, discutir y reflexionar conjuntamente sobre los conocimientos adquiridos en las clases presenciales y tras el estudio de toda la materia de anatomía humana. El carácter cómico, de la película hace que sea fácil de seguir, y resulte atractiva para el estudiante. Una abundante lista de errores anatómicos que aparecen en la película, hace que se pueda llevar a cabo una buena discusión, que motive al alumno a razonar el por qué no son posibles algunas escenas de esta película, y descubrir que solo desde la fantasía es factible navegar por el interior del organismo, por algunos de los trayectos corporales por los que discurre. [EN] A voluntary seminar was conducted, before the end of the academic year, for the analysis and discussion of the movie entitled “Innerspace” according to the contents covered in the human anatomy course. It is a comic movie, which makes it easy for students to engage and enjoy. A numeorus list of anatomical mistakes along the movie are pointed out and discussed in deep by students and professor. Students realized that ony from the fantasy is possible to navegate thoughout the organism and some of the body itineraries

    Despierto (2007): toda una pesadilla en el quirófano, durante un trasplante de corazón

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    [ES]El director y guionista de la película Despierto (2007), Joby Harold, plantea algo aterrador y con infinitas posibilidades para el cine de género: la posibilidad de que, durante una operación quirúrgica, el paciente sea consciente de lo que le hacen. Es una gran idea que se lleva al terreno del thriller sobrenatural, y a partir de la que organiza todo un juego perceptivo irregular, pero con lances irresistibles. Esta película presenta una de las secuencias más angustiosas del cine fantástico reciente, situada en un intermedio entre el horror más físico y el más cerebral. La película muestra la reacción del protagonista, anestesiado en la mesa de operaciones, al tomar conciencia de lo que le va a suceder. Durante el transcurso de toda la argumentación cinematográfica se suceden una serie de actuaciones médico quirúrgicas que nos permiten lleva a cabo una reflexión crítica sobre diversos aspectos que merecen su comentario clínico.[EN]The director and screenwriter of the film Awake (2007), Joby Harold, raises something frightening and with endless possibilities for movies of this genre: the possibility that, during surgery, the patient become aware of what he is going through. It is a great idea within the field of the supernatural thriller, and from here, he organizes an irregular perceptual game, but with irresistible settings. This movie has one of the most harrowing sequences of recent fantasy films. It is located between between the most physical horror and the cerebral one. The film shows the reaction of the protagonist, anesthetized in the operating table, when he becomes aware of what is going to happen. During the course of the entire movie, a number of surgical medical operations take place, and allow us to successfully perform a critical reflection on various aspects that deserve further clinical comments

    Fostering Student’s Engagement and Active Learning in Neuroscience Education

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    [EN] Neurophobia is a term coined to describe university students’ fear of neuroscience, which negatively affect learning. The implementation of new technologies in higher education, such as new response systems, provide an opportunity to improve neurosciences learning and teaching by engaging students. However, most response systems rely on student devices such as clickers. The aim of this study is to illustrate the application of a new digital application for collection of real-time formative assessment data in higher education. Results of this study support the utility paper-based response cards to foster engagement and active learning in higher education, even with complex neuroscience topics, providing real-time formative assessment data without the need for student devices

    Technological advances and teaching innovation applied to health science education

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    [EN]In recent years, computer application development has experienced exponential growth, not only in number but also regarding the fields that have benefitted from its use. In health science training and medicine in particular, the progressive incorporation of technological developments has transformed the teaching and learning process, resulting in true “educational technology”, which this track focuses on given its repercussion and current dissemination. One of the most representative examples within educational technology has been the development of new content visualization systems, more complete and realistic than traditional learning material on paper. These applications are true learning environments aimed toward maximizing the student’s work outside the classroom and the interaction with the contents given, an important support or complement to traditional teaching. The technological application development with teaching purposes in Heath Science is paying increasing attention to mobile phones, smartphones and tablets due to their portability, economic accessibility and Internet access, maximizing the dissemination and availability of developed applications. These changes in health science teaching pose a challenge for teachers and institutions when designing, developing, implementing and evaluating these technological applications, as well as an effort on behalf of students to adapt. Thus, it is fitting to provide a space to gather and reflect upon these practices in an event like the International Conference on Technology Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturalism. Nowadays, a growing number of studies have directed their attention to the effectiveness evaluation of these applications with increasingly sophisticated designs. The results are encouraging and signal a promising future for the development of computer applications in health science. The purpose of this track is twofold: to offer a general vision on the contribution of medical informatics and related fields in health science; and to provide an excellent opportunity to promote and exchange innovative teaching experiences, especially those based on the application of new technologies