6,006 research outputs found

    On the coupling of vector fields to the Gauss-Bonnet invariant

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    Inflationary models including vector fields have attracted a great deal of attention over the past decade. Such an interest owes to the fact that they might contribute to, or even be fully responsible for, the curvature perturbation imprinted in the CMB. However, the necessary breaking of the vector field's conformal invariance during inflation is not without problems. In recent years it has been realized that a number of instabilities endangering the consistency of the theory arise when the conformal invariance is broken by means of a non-minimal coupling to gravity. In this paper we consider a massive vector field non-minimally coupled to gravity through the Gauss-Bonnet invariant, and investigate whether the vector can obtain a nearly scale-invariant perturbation spectrum while evading the emergence of perturbative instabilities. We find that the strength of the coupling must be extremely small if the vector field is to have a chance to contribute to the total curvature perturbation.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Surface composition and taxonomic classification of a group of near-Earth and Mars-crossing asteroids

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    In the past, constraining the surface composition of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) has been difficult due to the lack of high quality near-IR spectral data (0.7-2.5 microns) that contain mineralogically diagnostic absorption bands. Here we present visible (0.43-0.95 microns) and near-infrared (0.7-2.5 microns) spectra of nine NEAs and five Mars-crossing asteroids (MCs). The studied NEAs are: 4055 Magellan, 19764 (2000 NF5), 89830 (2002 CE), 138404 (2000 HA24), 143381 (2003 BC21), 159609 (2002 AQ3), 164121 (2003 YT1), 241662 (2000 KO44) and 2007 ML13. The studied MCs are: 1656 Suomi, 2577 Litva, 5407 (1992 AX), 22449 Ottijeff and 47035 (1998 WS). The observations were conducted with the NTT at La Silla, Chile, the 2.2 m telescope at Calar Alto, Spain, and the IRTF on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i. The taxonomic classification (Bus system) of asteroids showed that all observed MC asteroids belong to the S-complex, including the S, Sr and Sl classes. Seven of the NEAs belong to the S-complex, including the S, Sa, Sk and Sl classes, and two NEAs were classified as V-types. The classification of the NEA 164121 (2003 YT1) as a V-type was made on the basis of its near-infrared spectrum since no visible spectrum is available for this asteroid. A mineralogical analysis was performed on six of the asteroids (those for which near-IR spectra were obtained or previously available). We found that three asteroids (241662 (2000 KO44), 19764 (2000 NF5), 138404 (2000 HA24)) have mafic silicate compositions consistent with ordinary chondrites, while three others (4055 Magellan, 164121 (2003 YT1), 5407 (1992 AX)) are pyroxene-dominated basaltic achondrite assemblages. In the case of 5407 (1992 AX) we found that its basaltic surface composition contrasts its taxonomic classification as a S-type.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Icaru

    Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Directed Small-World Networks

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    Many social, biological, and economic systems can be approached by complex networks of interacting units. The behaviour of several models on small-world networks has recently been studied. These models are expected to capture the essential features of the complex processes taking place on real networks like disease spreading, formation of public opinion, distribution of wealth, etc. In many of these systems relations are directed, in the sense that links only act in one direction (outwards or inwards). We investigate the effect of directed links on the behaviour of a simple spin-like model evolving on a small-world network. We show that directed networks may lead to a highly nontrivial phase diagram including first and second-order phase transitions out of equilibrium.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX format, 4 postscript figs, uses eps

    The responses of small and large firms to tight credit shocks : the case of 2008 through the lens of Gertler and Gilchrist (1994)

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    Do large firms and small firms behave differently when credit becomes more costly or harder to obtain? Past research has found that small firms are more likely to be credit-constrained and thus tend to be affected more negatively than large firms during such times. Recent findings from the 2007-2009 recession, however, raise questions about the roles of small and large firms during periods of tight creditBusiness cycles ; Recessions

    Automating decision making to help establish norm-based regulations

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    Norms have been extensively proposed as coordination mechanisms for both agent and human societies. Nevertheless, choosing the norms to regulate a society is by no means straightforward. The reasons are twofold. First, the norms to choose from may not be independent (i.e, they can be related to each other). Second, different preference criteria may be applied when choosing the norms to enact. This paper advances the state of the art by modeling a series of decision-making problems that regulation authorities confront when choosing the policies to establish. In order to do so, we first identify three different norm relationships -namely, generalisation, exclusivity, and substitutability- and we then consider norm representation power, cost, and associated moral values as alternative preference criteria. Thereafter, we show that the decision-making problems faced by policy makers can be encoded as linear programs, and hence solved with the aid of state-of-the-art solvers

    Management System for Harvest Scheduling: The Case of Horticultural Production in Southeast Spain

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    horticultural farmer, optimization, planning, mathematical programming, marketing, cooperative, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use,

    Phase Angle Effects on 3-micron Absorption Band on Ceres: Implications for Dawn Mission

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    Phase angle-induced spectral effects are important to characterize since they affect spectral band parameters such as band depth and band center, and therefore skew mineralogical interpretations of planetary bodies via reflectance spectroscopy. Dwarf planet (1) Ceres is the next target of NASA's Dawn mission, which is expected to arrive in March 2015. The visible and near-infrared mapping spectrometer (VIR) onboard Dawn has the spatial and spectral range to characterize the surface between 0.25-5.0 microns. Ceres has an absorption feature at 3.0 microns due to hydroxyl- and/or water-bearing minerals (e.g. Lebofsky et al. 1981, Rivkin et al. 2003). We analyzed phase angle-induced spectral effects on the 3-micron absorption band on Ceres using spectra measured with the long-wavelength cross-dispersed (LXD: 1.9-4.2 microns) mode of the SpeX spectrograph/imager at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF). Ceres LXD spectra were measured at different phase angles ranging from 0.7o to 22o. We found that the band center slightly increases from 3.06 microns at lower phase angles (0.7o and 6o) to 3.07 microns at higher phase angles (11 o and 22o), the band depth decreases by ~20% from lower phase angles to higher phase angles, and the band area decreases by ~25% from lower phase angles to higher phase angles. Our results will have implications for constraining the abundance of OH on the surface of Ceres from VIR spectral data, which will be acquired by Dawn starting spring 2015.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Concurrent Geometric Multicasting

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    We present MCFR, a multicasting concurrent face routing algorithm that uses geometric routing to deliver a message from source to multiple targets. We describe the algorithm's operation, prove it correct, estimate its performance bounds and evaluate its performance using simulation. Our estimate shows that MCFR is the first geometric multicast routing algorithm whose message delivery latency is independent of network size and only proportional to the distance between the source and the targets. Our simulation indicates that MCFR has significantly better reliability than existing algorithms
