14 research outputs found

    Quantitative bone ultrasound in pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis

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    Treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism does not affect bone mass as determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, peripheral quantitative computed tomography and quantitative bone ultrasound in Spanish women.

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    INTRODUCTION: The results of studies examining the influence of subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) and levothyroxine (L-T4) replacement therapy on bone have generated considerable interest but also controversy. The present research aims to evaluate the effects of L-T4 treatment on different skeletal sites in women. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A group of 45 premenopausal (mean age: 43.62 ±6.65 years) and 180 postmenopausal (mean age: 59.51 ±7.90 years) women with SCH who were undergoing L-T4 replacement therapy for at least 6 months were compared to 58 pre- and 180 postmenopausal women with SCH (untreated) matched for age. The mean doses of L-T4 were 90.88 ±42.59 ”g/day in the premenopausal women and 86.35 ±34.11 ”g/day in the postmenopausal women. Bone measurements were obtained using quantitative bone ultrasound (QUS) for the phalanx, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for the lumbar spine and hip, and peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) for the non-dominant distal forearm. RESULTS: No differences were observed between patients and untreated controls in these bone measurements except in the bone mineral density (BMD) of the spine (p = 0.0214) in postmenopausal women, which was greater in treated women than in untreated controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that adequate metabolic control through replacement treatment with L-T4 in pre- and postmenopausal women does not affect bone mass

    Health-related quality of life in spanish women with eating disorders

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    People with eating disorders show impaired health-related quality of life (HRQoL). We aimed to investigate the relative role of physical and mental factors and stage of change as possible predictors of HRQoL in a group of Spanish women (n = 124) with eating disorders. For this purpose, initial and follow-up data were obtained after 6 months from patients attending an outpatient treatment unit for eating disorders. The determinants of the physical and mental domains of the Medical Outcomes Survey Short-form Health Survey (SF-36) questionnaire were investigated in the total sample and separately based on the eating disorder diagnosis by multiple linear regression. Lower scores in the physical component of the SF-36 questionnaire were associated with the presence of a higher body mass index (BMI) at follow-up as well as a higher score in the “action” component of the Attitudes towards Change in Eating Disorders Questionnaire (ACTA). Conversely, a higher index in the EuroQoL-5D overall quality of life questionnaire (EQ-5D) and the presence of obsessive compulsive disorder were associated with a higher score in the physical dimension. The instrument used demonstrated the ability to assess changes associated with the physical component of these patients over the period studied, and the analysis provided more information and specific data on different aspects of HRQoL, thus allowing a more detailed analysis of the information.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Olive Oil Consumption and Bone Microarchitecture in Spanish Women

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    Olive oil has been demonstrated to enhance various cardiometabolic risk factors. However, to our knowledge, the association between olive oil intake and cortical and trabecular bone microarchitecture has never been evaluated in Spanish women. We aimed to examine the association between olive oil intake and cortical and trabecular bone microarchitecture. We analyzed 523 women aged 50 (9) year, range (23–81) year. Participants underwent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and peripheral quantitative computed tomography scans. Dietary intake of calcium, vitamin D, energy and olive oil (g/day) were assessed by a self-administered food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). After adjustment for potential confounding factors (calcium (mg/day), vitamin D (μg/day) energy (Kcal/day), age, body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2), menopausal status, and osteoporotic diagnosis (normal, osteopenia, or osteoporosis)), there were significant increases in volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) (mg/cm3) (p < 0.01) in the group with a higher intake of olive oil. Total, trabecular and cortical bone density were positively correlated with olive oil intake. The dietary intake of olive oil was significantly associated with vBMD in multiple regression analysis; total density: olive oil intake (g/day) standardized β = 0.185 (p < 0.001), trabecular density: olive oil intake (g/day) standardized β = 0.186 (p < 0.001) and cortical density olive oil intake (g/day) standardized β = 0.114 (p = 0.008). We conclude that the dietary intake of olive oil is positively associated with a better vBMD in Spanish women

    Hormonal Relationships to Bone Mass in Elderly Spanish Men as Influenced by Dietary Calcium and Vitamin D

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    We aim to evaluate whether calcium and vitamin D intake is associated with 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH-Vitamin D3) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) serum concentrations or is associated with either the phalangeal dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (pDXA) or the quantitative bone ultrasound (QUS) in independent elderly men. Serum PTH and 25-OH-Vitamin D3 were measured in 195 healthy elderly men (mean age: 73.31 ± 5.10 year). Food intake was quantified using a dietetic scale. Participants with 25-OH-Vitamin D3 levels ≄ 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L) and a calcium intake of 800–1200 mg/day exhibited the lowest PTH levels (41.49 ± 16.72 ng/mL). The highest PTH levels (75.60 ± 14.16 ng/mL) were observed in the <30 ng/mL group 25-OH-Vitamin D3 with a calcium intake >1200 mg/day. No significant differences in the serum PTH levels based on the serum 25-OH-Vitamin D3 levels were observed among participants with a calcium intake of 800–1200 mg/day. Serum PTH was inversely correlated with serum 25-OH-Vitamin D3 in the entire patient sample (r = −0.288, p = 0.019). No differences in any of the three densitometry techniques were observed between any of the age groups in the 800–1200 mg/day and >1200 mg/day calcium intake groups. PTH levels correlate negatively with serum 25-OH-Vitamin D3 levels, and neither calcium nor vitamin D intake exert a strong influence on either of the two parameters

    Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and Bone Mineral Density in Spanish Premenopausal Women

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    The Mediterranean diet (MD) has been associated with an improvement in health and an increase in longevity. Certain components of a MD can play a role in the prevention of osteoporosis and/or hip fracture. We investigated the association between the degree of adherence to a MD and bone mineral density (BMD) measured in several bone areas in a population of Spanish premenopausal women. We analyzed 442 premenopausal women aged 42.73 ± 6.67 years. Bone measurements were obtained using quantitative bone ultrasound (QUS) for the phalanx, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for the lumbar spine, Ward’s triangle, trochanter, and hip, and peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) for the non-dominant distal forearm. MD adherence was evaluated with MedDietScore. Amplitude-dependent speed of sound (Ad-SOS), BMD, and volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) (total, trabecular, and cortical bone density) were positively associated with higher adherence to the MD (p < 0.05). Adherence to the MD was significantly associated with QUS, BMD, and vBMD in multiple regression analysis; QUS: Ad-SOS (m/s) β = 0.099 (p = 0.030); BMD (g/cm2): femur neck β = 0.114 (p = 0.010) and Ward’s triangle β = 0.125 (p = 0.006); vBMD (mg/cm3): total density β = 0.119 (p = 0.036), trabecular density β = 0.120 (p = 0.035), and cortical density β = 0.122 (p = 0.032). We conclude that the adherence to the MD was positively associated with better bone mass in Spanish premenopausal women

    Dietary Habits, Nutrients and Bone Mass in Spanish Premenopausal Women: The Contribution of Fish to Better Bone Health

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    The moderate consumption of fish is recommended for a healthy diet and is also a feature of the Mediterranean diet. Fish is a major food group in diets throughout the world, and studies show that fish consumption is associated with a lower risk of a number of conditions. Spain has one of the highest annual per capita consumptions of fish worldwide. As fish is a source of high quality protein; n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids; vitamins, such as A and D; and minerals, such as selenium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, copper and zinc, nutrients that have positive effects on bone characteristics, it has been proposed that its consumption could improve bone health. In this cross-sectional study, we have investigated the relationship between dietary habits and nutrient intake of 151 Spanish premenopausal women and analyzed the association of fish consumption on bone mass measured by quantitative ultrasound of the phalanges. A higher (P < 0.05) bone mass and vitamin D intake (P < 0.05) was observed in the group with a fish intake of 5–7 servings/week. We conclude that increased fish consumption is helpful in maintaining an adequate bone mass in Spanish premenopausal women

    Dietary Habits, Nutrients and Bone Mass in Spanish Premenopausal Women: The Contribution of Fish to Better Bone Health

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    The moderate consumption of fish is recommended for a healthy diet and is also a feature of the Mediterranean diet. Fish is a major food group in diets throughout the world, and studies show that fish consumption is associated with a lower risk of a number of conditions. Spain has one of the highest annual per capita consumptions of fish worldwide. As fish is a source of high quality protein; n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids; vitamins, such as A and D; and minerals, such as selenium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, copper and zinc, nutrients that have positive effects on bone characteristics, it has been proposed that its consumption could improve bone health. In this cross-sectional study, we have investigated the relationship between dietary habits and nutrient intake of 151 Spanish premenopausal women and analyzed the association of fish consumption on bone mass measured by quantitative ultrasound of the phalanges. A higher (P < 0.05) bone mass and vitamin D intake (P < 0.05) was observed in the group with a fish intake of 5–7 servings/week. We conclude that increased fish consumption is helpful in maintaining an adequate bone mass in Spanish premenopausal women

    Changes of BMD and QUS in relation to VDR rs1544410 genotype (mean ± SD) Bonferroni post-ANOVA TEST.

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    <p><sup>a</sup> Adjusted for age, weight, height, percentage weight change per year, baseline BMD and calcium intake.</p><p>Changes of BMD and QUS in relation to VDR rs1544410 genotype (mean ± SD) Bonferroni post-ANOVA TEST.</p