229 research outputs found

    The effect of different housing systems on the performance of crossbreds

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    Forty pigs were used in the trials to determine the effect of different housing systems on the performance of two-way (LWxELW) and three–way [(LWxSY)xELW] crossbred pigs. The studies were conducted with four analogous group of 10 animals. Pigs in Group 1 (LWxELW) and Group 2 [(LWxSY)xELW] were fattened in a pigsty and analogous Group 3 (LWxELW) and Group 4 [(LWxSY)xELW] were raised outdoors in enclosures with fitted sheds on 8.5 area. The study indicated that crossbred pigs fattened both indoors and outdoors gained weight similarly. There were no significant differences for the growth rate, carcass and meat quality traits between three-way [(LWxSY)xELW] and two-way (LWxELW) crossbred pigs raised both indoors and outdoors, however, cooking losses of three-way crossbred pig meat were 3.99% (0.047) higher and tryptophan : oxyprolin ratio was 0.95 (P0.016) lower compared with two-way crossbred pig meat

    Laser beam optical focusing method for measurement of angular sensor glass scale quality parameters

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    This paper introduces alternative to existing, glass scale quality parameters measurement method based on optical focusing, which is used in optical disk data reading. Using relatively simple data processing algorithms we were able to detect possible errors and position of the errors on the glass scale. Research showed that measurement method could be used for quality parameters evaluation, but requires usage of the laser pick up heads with known parameter

    Bipolar transport of charge carriers in blends of organic materials

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    Etniniai ir politiniai pokyčiai buvusios Sovietų Sąjungos respublikose

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    The collapse of the USSR resulted in a decline of institutions which had supported the dominance of ethnic Russians throughout the periphery of the country. In their place new institutions and mechanisms have been developed to regulate the access of people of different nationalities to power, resources and prestige. This paper provides a comparative analysis of ethnic transformation in 10 of the 14 successor states of the former Soviet Union. The analysis identified five types of ethnic transformation in the successor states. In the Baltics the attempts of titular ethnic groups to secure predominance over ethnic Russians and radically transform institutions of the Soviet state resulted in the creation of exclusive ethnic democracies. In Central Asia an elite-negotiated transformation led to t h e emergence of ethnocracies in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, while the regimes formed in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan were characterized by a mixture of ethnocratic and consociationalist features. In Moldova a failed attempt at unification with Romania eventuated in policies directed toward the creation of a Moldovan ethno-territorial federation. Finally, in Ukraine gradual reforms and attempts to abolish any ethnic hierarchy have led to the creation of consociationalism, in which ethnic Russians and Ukrainians, Russophones and Ukrainophones share power over the state.Žlugus komunistiniam režimui Maskvoje, sunyko ir socialiniai institutai, daug prisidėję įteisinant rusų dominavimą buvusioje Sovietų Sąjungoje. Suirus Sovietų Sąjungai, pradėjo formuotis nauji institutai, paskirstantys turtą, valdžią ir prestižą tarp skirtingos etninės kilmės žmonių. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojami etniniai-politiniai pokyčiai dešimtyje iš penkiolikos buvusių sovietinių respublikų. Čia aprašomi penki etninių-politinių pokyčių tipai. Baltijos šalyse pagrindinės etninės grupės siekė subordinuoti čia gyvenančius rusus, o kartu radikaliai pertvarkyti sovietinės valstybės institutus. Šitaip šiame regione buvo sukurti "išskirtinės demokratijos" režimai. Centrinėje Azijoje etninius-politinius pokyčius inicijavo elito grupės, kurios sudarė tarpusavio koalicijas ir susitarimus. Šitaip etnokratiniai režimai buvo sukurti Turkmenijoje, Tadžikistane ir Uzbekijoje. Kirgizijoje ir Kazachstane susikūrusios valstybės įgavo etnokratinių ir konsocionalizmo bruožų. Nepavykusios Moldovos pastangos susivienyti su Rumunija 1991-1992-aisiais metais parodė, jog šitas uždavinys vėliau buvo pertvarkytas į siekimą sukurti etninę-teritorinę federaciją. Ukrainoje privilegijuotą rusų padėtį pakeitė konsocionalizmo principai, kai rusai ir ukrainai tolygiai pasidalijo valdžią šalyje

    Lietuvos Baltosios Senojo Tipo (Lithuanian White) Pig

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    Lietuvos Baltosios senojo tipo pigs are remaining purebred pigs of local Lithuanian pig breed (Lietuvos Baltosios) adapted to the specific local environment and locally available feedstuffs. Although previously Lietuvos Baltosios was the main dam pig breed in Lithuania, regarding scientific substantiation, their performances and products are, as in the case of Lietuvos Baltosios remains (senojo tipo-old type) pigs, practically untapped. Thus, the present chapter aims to present history and current status of Lietuvos Baltosios senojo tipo pig breed, its exterior phenotypic characteristics, geographical location, production system and main products from this Lithuanian breed of pigs, one of the local pig breeds investigated in the project TREASURE. Moreover, a collection and review of available literature data, available until August 2017, on reproductive and productive traits of Lietuvos Baltosios senojo tipo pig breed were carried out. Reproductive and growth performance, and feed intake in different stages was estimated. Lean meat content was measured by ultrasonic equipment Piglog on the side of live pigs at the position of 12 ribs. Measurements of backfat thickness were taken with a ruler on the left side of carcasses at dorsal line of the mid-back at the last rib and loin area at the 1/2 lumbar vertebra by digital camera EX-Z110 and, afterwards, were planimetrically measured by means of the “SCAN-STAR K” planimetrical system. Meat quality traits of the longissimus muscle were evaluated using pH at 45 min and 24 h after slaughter, objective colour (CIE L*, a*, b*) and intramuscular fat content

    Extraction of photogenerated charge carriers by linearly increasing voltage in the case of Langevin recombination

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    Charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage (CELIV) is a powerful and widely used technique for studying charge transport physics, particularly in disordered systems such as organic semiconductors. In this article, we show that CELIV photocurrent transients are strongly dependent on experimental conditions, such as the light intensity and absorption profile. With this in mind, we introduce a universal correction factor that qualitatively extends previously derived CELIV equations, allowing carrier mobility to be estimated at various photogenerated carrier concentrations and, most importantly, photogeneration profiles. In addition, we demonstrate how the CELIV technique can be conveniently used to determine precisely the presence of Langevin bimolecular carrier recombination

    Lietuvos Vietinė (Lithuanian Indigenous Wattle) Pig

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    Lietuvos vietinė pigs were developed in Lithuanian ethnic lands following natural selection and introduction of some imported pigs. Earlier, no purposeful selection was carried out for this old Lithuanian pig breed. Lietuvos vietinė pigs as other local pig breeds are adapted to the specific local environment and could be fed with various locally available feedstuffs. So besides their genetic merit for agro-biodiversity, they represent the basis for sustainable local pork chains. The present chapter aims to present history and current status of Lietuvos vietinė pig breed, its exterior phenotypic characteristics, geographical location, production system and main products from this Lithuanian autochthonous breed of pigs, one of the local pig breeds investigated in the project TREASURE. Moreover, a collection and review of available literature data, available until August 2017, on reproductive and productive traits of Lietuvos vietinė pig breed were carried out. Reproductive and growth performance was estimated in different stages. Lean meat content was measured by ultrasonic equipment Piglog on the side of live pigs at the position of 12 ribs. Measurements of backfat thickness were taken with a ruler on the left side of carcasses at the dorsal line of the mid-back at the last rib and loin area at the 1/2 lumbar vertebra by digital camera EX-Z110 and afterwards were planimetrically measured by means of the “SCAN-STAR K” planimetrical system. Meat quality traits of the longissimus muscle were evaluated by means of pH at 45 min and 24 hours after slaughter

    Exclusion from work and impoverishment in post-communist societies: the case of „unattached males“ in Lithuania

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    This article investigates the emergence of a phenomenon new to post-communist societies – the sociodemographic group of „unattached males.“ This group constitutes a growing number of young males with poor skills and little education who 1) detach themselves from the labor force even in the presence of jobs, 2) are not marrying, and 3) are increasingly plagued by a variety of social pathologies and health problems. These pathologies include crime, alcoholism, drug abuse and depression that, in turn, contribute to this group’s silent withdrawal from society. A conceptualization of the „unattached male“ as an adaptive strategy is presented along with a typology. Reintegration of these ‘unattached males’ represents a significant issue for social policy and potential focus for considerable social work practice.Straipsnyje analizuojamas naujas reiškinys postkomunistinėse šalyse – sparčiai besiformuojanti „nereikalingų žmonių“ socialinė–demografinė grupė. Šio sluoksnio daugumą Lietuvoje sudaro palyginti jauni (25–35 metų), menko išsilavinimo vyrai. Jie ilgą laiką neturi darbo, netgi esant galimybei įsidarbinti dažnai vengia dirbti, nesituokia ir nekuria šeimų ir pasižymi socialiai destruktyviu elgesiu (nusikalstamumu, girtavimu, valkatavimu, depresija, ir savižudybėmis). Straipsnyje pateikiama šio reiškinio koncepcinė analizė ir pabrėžiama, kad „nereikalingų žmonių“ integracija į „normalią visuomenę“ turėtų tapti svarbia socialinės politikos ir socialinio darbo praktikos dalimi