7 research outputs found
L'Ăşs de l'evidència cientĂfica a l'Ă mbit de la taxonomia: rèplica a “Sobre la detecciĂł d'una incongruència en l'alçada de la closca de l'holotip d'Iberellus colladoi Juárez-Ruiz & Altaba, 2022. Implicacions taxonòmiques”
El gasteròpode terrestre fòssil Iberellus colladoi Juárez-Ruiz & Altaba, 2022 ha estat recentment descrit del ZancleĂ
del sud de Mallorca (Balears, Mediterrani occidental) i és amb escreix l'espècie identificada més antiga del grup
d'helĂcids endèmics de l'arxipèlag.
La seva validesa ha estat qüestionada per Quintana & Pons (2023), els quals proposen anomenar-lo “Allognathus
sp.”. Llurs arguments no tenen, al nostre parer, gens de justificació. Llur comparació mitjançant un simple grà fic
bivariant, sense fer cap anĂ lisi discriminant, a partir de mesures fetes sobre un dibuix esquemĂ tic i sense ni tan
sols haver examinat el material tipus, no pot tenir cap implicació taxonòmica.
L'espècie fòssil és và lida a tots els efectes i no hi ha cap justificació per ignorar-la o ubicar-la en un altre gènere.The fossil land snail Iberellus colladoi Juárez-Ruiz & Altaba, 2022 has recently been described from the Zanclean of
southern Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean), being by far the oldest identified species among
the archipelago's endemic helicids.
Its validity has been questioned by Quintana & Pons (2023), who propose to call it “Allognathus sp.”. In our opinion, their arguments are unjustified. Their comparison through a simple bivariate plot without any discriminant analysis, on the basis of measurements taken from a schematic drawing and without even having examined
the type material cannot have any taxonomic implications.
The fossil species is valid in every sense and there is no justification for ignoring it or transferring it to another
Early evidence of the genus Iberellus Hesse, 1908 (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Helicidae: Allognathini) in the Lower Pliocene of Mallorca, with a description of Iberellus colladoi sp. nov.
El gènere Iberellus Hesse, 1908 (Gastropoda: Helicoidea: Helicidae: Allognathini) és un remarcable endemisme
de les Balears, distribuït per la prà ctica totalitat de l’arxipèlag. S’ha documentat a nombrosos jaciments del
Plistocè superior, però el seu registre és fragmentari pel que fa a intervals més antics del Quaternari. En aquest
treball es constata per primera vegada la presència d’aquest tà xon al Pliocè (Zanclià inferior), on és representat
per Iberellus colladoi sp. nov. Aquesta troballa permet contrastar les diferents hipòtesis emeses sobre l’evolució
d’aquest gènere amb dades paleontològiques, paleogeogrà fiques i paleoecològiques.The genus Iberellus Hesse, 1908 (Gastropoda: Helicoidea; Helicidae: Allognathini) is a remarkable endemism from
the Balearics, dispersed across almost all of the archipelago. Although it has been documented from numerous
Upper Pleistocene outcrops, its record is more fragmentary in older periods of the Quaternary. The oldest known
fossil record of a land snail related to the existing Balearic endemic fauna is documented herein and named as
Iberellus colladoi sp. nov. This species, which constitutes the first Pliocene record of the genus (Lower Zanclean),
allows us to contrast the different hypotheses about the evolution of the genus with phylogenetic, palaeogeographical and palaeoecological data
Constituency and convergence in the Americas
This volume brings together studies on morphosyntactic and phonological constituency from a host of languages across the Americas. The study expands on previous multivariate typological work on phonological domains by simultaneously coding the results of morphosyntactic constituency tests. The descriptions are geared towards developing a typology of constituency and linguistic levels in both morphosyntactic and phonological domains. The multivariate approach adopted in this volume deconstructs constituency tests and phonological domains into cross-linguistically comparable variables applying and extending autotypology method to the domain of constituent structure. Current methodologies for establishing constituents have been criticized for containing an in-built selection bias, where the results and interpretation of tests are chosen or sampled in such a fashion that specific analyses are prejudged to be correct or false in a non-rigorous fashion. The papers of this volume develop novel methodology for reporting and coding constituency variables for language description and comparison that seeks to reign in selection bias allowing theories concerning the relationship between morphosyntactic and phonological constituent structure to be more severely tested
Constituency and convergence in the Americas
This volume brings together studies on morphosyntactic and phonological constituency from a host of languages across the Americas. The study expands on previous multivariate typological work on phonological domains by simultaneously coding the results of morphosyntactic constituency tests. The descriptions are geared towards developing a typology of constituency and linguistic levels in both morphosyntactic and phonological domains. The multivariate approach adopted in this volume deconstructs constituency tests and phonological domains into cross-linguistically comparable variables applying and extending autotypology method to the domain of constituent structure. Current methodologies for establishing constituents have been criticized for containing an in-built selection bias, where the results and interpretation of tests are chosen or sampled in such a fashion that specific analyses are prejudged to be correct or false in a non-rigorous fashion. The papers of this volume develop novel methodology for reporting and coding constituency variables for language description and comparison that seeks to reign in selection bias allowing theories concerning the relationship between morphosyntactic and phonological constituent structure to be more severely tested
Constituency and convergence in the Americas
This volume brings together studies on morphosyntactic and phonological constituency from a host of languages across the Americas. The study expands on previous multivariate typological work on phonological domains by simultaneously coding the results of morphosyntactic constituency tests. The descriptions are geared towards developing a typology of constituency and linguistic levels in both morphosyntactic and phonological domains. The multivariate approach adopted in this volume deconstructs constituency tests and phonological domains into cross-linguistically comparable variables applying and extending autotypology method to the domain of constituent structure. Current methodologies for establishing constituents have been criticized for containing an in-built selection bias, where the results and interpretation of tests are chosen or sampled in such a fashion that specific analyses are prejudged to be correct or false in a non-rigorous fashion. The papers of this volume develop novel methodology for reporting and coding constituency variables for language description and comparison that seeks to reign in selection bias allowing theories concerning the relationship between morphosyntactic and phonological constituent structure to be more severely tested
Constituency and convergence in the Americas
This volume brings together studies on morphosyntactic and phonological constituency from a host of languages across the Americas. The study expands on previous multivariate typological work on phonological domains by simultaneously coding the results of morphosyntactic constituency tests. The descriptions are geared towards developing a typology of constituency and linguistic levels in both morphosyntactic and phonological domains. The multivariate approach adopted in this volume deconstructs constituency tests and phonological domains into cross-linguistically comparable variables applying and extending autotypology method to the domain of constituent structure. Current methodologies for establishing constituents have been criticized for containing an in-built selection bias, where the results and interpretation of tests are chosen or sampled in such a fashion that specific analyses are prejudged to be correct or false in a non-rigorous fashion. The papers of this volume develop novel methodology for reporting and coding constituency variables for language description and comparison that seeks to reign in selection bias allowing theories concerning the relationship between morphosyntactic and phonological constituent structure to be more severely tested