215 research outputs found

    Conduction velocities in amphibian skeletal muscle fibres exposed to hyperosmotic extracellular solutions

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    Early quantitative analyses of conduction velocities in unmyelinated nerve studied in a constantly iso-osmotic volume conductor were extended to an analysis of the effects of varying extracellular osmolarities on conduction velocities of surface membrane action potentials in Rana esculenta skeletal muscle fibres. Previous papers had reported that skeletal muscle fibres exposed to a wide range of extracellular sucrose concentrations resemble perfect osmometers with increased extracellular osmolarity proportionally decreasing fibre volume and therefore diminishing fibre radius, a. However, classical electrolyte theory (Robinson and Stokes 1959, Electrolyte solutions 2nd edn. Butterworth & Co. pp 41–42) would then predict that the consequent increases in intracellular ionic strength would correspondingly decrease sarcoplasmic resistivity, Ri. An extension of the original cable analysis then demonstrated that the latter would precisely offset its expected effect of alterations in a on the fibre axial resistance, ri, and leave action potential conduction velocity constant. In contrast, other reports (Hodgkin and Nakajima J Physiol 221:105–120, 1972) had suggested that Riincreased with extracellular osmolarity, owing to alterations in cytosolic viscosity. This led to a prediction of a decreased conduction velocity. These opposing hypotheses were then tested in muscle fibres subject to just-suprathreshold stimulation at a Vaseline seal at one end and measuring action potentials and their first order derivatives, dV/dt, using 5–20 MΩ, 3 M KCl glass microelectrodes at defined distances away from the stimulus sites. Exposures to hyperosmotic, sucrose-containing, Ringer solutions then reversibly reduced both conduction velocity and maximum values of dV/dt. This was compatible with an increase in Ri in the event that conduction depended upon a discharge of membrane capacitance by propagating local circuit currents through initially passive electrical elements. Conduction velocity then showed graded decreases with increasing extracellular osmolarity from 250–750 mOsm. Action potential waveforms through these osmolarity changes remained similar, including both early surface and the late after-depolarisation events reflecting transverse tubular activation. Quantitative comparisons of reduced-χ 2 values derived from a comparison of these results and the differing predictions from the two hypotheses strongly favoured the hypothesis in which Riincreased rather than decreased with hyperosmolarity

    Role of Ca2+ in the rapid cooling-induced Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum in ferret cardiac muscles

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    Rapid lowering of the solution temperature (rapid cooling, RC) from 24 to 3°C within 3 s releases considerable amounts of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in mammalian cardiac muscles. In this study, we investigated the intracellular mechanism of RC-induced Ca2+ release, especially the role of Ca2+, in ferret ventricular muscle. Saponin-treated skinned trabeculae were placed in a glass capillary, and the amount of Ca2+ released from the SR by RC and caffeine (50 mM) was measured with fluo-3. It was estimated that in the presence of ATP about 45% of the Ca2+ content in the SR was released by RC. The amount of SR Ca2+ released by RC was unchanged by the replacement of ATP by AMP-PCP (a non-hydrolysable ATP analogue and agonist for the ryanodine receptor but not for the Ca2+ pump of SR), suggesting that the suppression of the Ca2+ pump of SR at low temperature might not be a major mechanism in RC-induced Ca2+ release. The free Ca2+ concentration of the solution used for triggering RC-induced Ca2+ release was estimated to be only about 20 nM with fluo-3 or aequorin. When this solution was applied to the preparation at 3°C, only a small amount of Ca2+ was released from SR presumably by the Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) mechanism. Thus, in mammalian cardiac muscles, RC releases a part of the (<50%) stored Ca2+ contained in the SR, and the mechanism of RC-induced Ca2+ release may differ from that of CICR, which is thought to play a role in frog skeletal muscle fibres that express ryanodine receptors of different types

    Electrical modalities beyond pacing for the treatment of heart failure

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    In this review, we report on electrical modalities, which do not fit the definition of pacemaker, but increase cardiac performance either by direct application to the heart (e.g., post-extrasystolic potentiation or non-excitatory stimulation) or indirectly through activation of the nervous system (e.g., vagal or sympathetic activation). The physiological background of the possible mechanisms of these electrical modalities and their potential application to treat heart failure are discussed

    Electrophysiological responses of cardiac muscle to isoproterenol covalently linked to glass beads.

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    Relaxation properties of mammalian atrial muscle.

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