42 research outputs found

    Kontschania tetragyra n. gen. & sp. from Laos (Gastropoda: Cyclophoroidea: Diplommatinidae)

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    Analyses and solutions on technical and economical aspects of rapid prototyping technology

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    Ovaj članak se bavi osnovnim karakteristikama i problemima u području tehnologije brze izrade prototipa, koriÅ”tenjem 3D printanja. Ta tehnologija spada u progresivne metode stvaranja modela na temelju geometrije dobivene u CAD okruženju, s mogućnosti primjene u različitim područjima. Poglavlja su usmjerena na optimizaciju procesa 3D printanja. Tu je također algoritam koji prikazuje izbor optimalnih postavki. Upotreba algoritma je objaÅ”njena na primjeru printanja s UPrint uređajem i Catalyst softverom, sustavom stvorenim za uprabu tehnologije modeliranja taložnim sraŔćivanjem. Postoje izlazi u obliku grafova i tablica s puno informacija koje izravno prikazuju ekonomsku isplativost printanja. Zaključak donosi ideje o mogućem daljnjem napretku u ovom području, koje će uključivati bazu podataka s pohranjenim informacijama o prethodnim rezultatima.This article deals with basic characteristics and problems in the area of technology of Rapid Prototyping using layered manufacturing technology. It belongs to progressive methods of model creation based on geometry obtained from CAD environment with application possibilities in different industrial spheres. Chapters are focused on optimization of Rapid Prototyping preparation process. There is also an algorithm that leads to the selection of suitable settings. Utilization of the algorithm is explained on a case of printing with the use of UPrint device and Catalyst software, a system created for the utilization of Fused Deposition Modelling technology. There are outputs in the form of graphs and tables accumulating information directly affecting economical aspects of printing. Conclusion brings ideas on possible further progress in this area that would include a solution for the generation of database with stored information about previous printing results

    A Georgian and an Iranian new species of Renea G. Nevill, 1880 enormously extend the genusā€™s distribution (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Aciculidae)

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    Renea caucasica n. sp. and R. nemethi n. sp. are described from Georgia and northern Iran, respectively. Since the genus Renea has been reported from an area between south-eastern France and southern Albania, these two species extend the distribution of Renea eastwards enormously

    Use of alternative scanning devices for creation of 3D models of machine parts

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    Snimanje 3D informacija bilo koje povrŔine i danas je joŔ uvijek veliki izazov. Neke komercijalne tehnike i tehnologije snimanja u uporabi su nekoliko godina, ali je potreban hardver i softver koji je joŔ uvijek preskup za korisnike. Ovaj članak daje nekoliko jeftinijijih alternativnih postupaka snimanja povrŔine, na temelju "open source" elemenata za komercijalnu uporabu beskontaktnih 3D skenera i dokazuje da su dobiveni podaci pogodni ne samo za hobi prostornu digitalizaciju, nego i za uporabu u industriji. U dijelu rada ukratko je opisan proces digitalizacije s nekoliko freeware i shareware programa.Capturing of 3D information about any kind of surface is currently a big challenge. A few proven commercial techniques and technologies are in use for a couple of years, but needed hardware and software are still too expensive for ordinary users of PC. This article provides a few cheaper alternatives based on open source elements to commercial non-contact 3D scanners and proves that the obtained data are suitable not only for hobby home spatial digitization but also for requisites in the industry. In various parts of the contribution there is a brief description of digitization process with mentioned freeware and shareware applications

    Application of FDM rapid prototyping technology in experimental gearbox development process

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    Ovaj rad u svom teorijskom dijelu prikazuje osnovne i napredne metode tehnologije brze izrade prototipa s posebnim naglaskom na modeliranje taloženjem (FDM), postupkom koji su koristili autori s Fakulteta proizvodnih tehnologija Tehničkog sveučiliŔta u KoŔicama sa sjediŔtem u PreŔovu (Slovačka). Opisan je princip FDM postupka brze izrade prototipa i materijali koji se koriste za izradu modela i proizvoda s tim postupkom. Praktični dio ovog rada opisuje proces razvoja eksperimentalne mjenjačke kutije od 3D modeliranja pojedinih dijelova, preko realizacije montaže mjenjačke kutije, do primjene FDM postupka za proizvodnju dijelova mjenjačke kutije i konačnu montažu proizvoda.This paper in its theoretical part presents basic and advanced methods of Rapid Prototyping (RP) technology with a special focus on Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) method used by authors on Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies of Technical University of KoŔice with a seat in PreŔov (Slovakia). Principles of FDM technology and materials used for production of models and products are described. Practical part of the paper describes development process of experimental gearbox from 3D modelling of particular parts, through the realization of gearbox assembly, to application of FDM technology for production of gearbox parts and final assembly of the product

    Virtools and its Application in MOCAP and Creation of the Scripts for Animation of Models

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    In this progress period technicians and companies very often need to simulate some events such as people walking or moving some objects from one place to another. This contribution is focused on one kind of virtual reality (VR) - MOCAP (Motion Capture) and on the creation of graphical scripts for the animation of models. VR is used also in the process of workplace design. Firstly, the workplace is designed and prior to its real building there are different conditions simulated. Once the manufactory is optimally designed, the realization of its building starts. VR has a very important role in these stages, because it can bring significant financial savings. The result of this simulation is a workplace, which makes provision for ergonomic requirements as badly designed workplace increases additional costs and assembling time. Currently, most companies try to prepare the projects of new products by simulations and analyses rather than assumptions or conjecture

    ļ»æFive times over: 42 new Angustopila species highlight Southeast Asia's rich biodiversity (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Hypselostomatidae).

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    The Southeast Asian genus Angustopila, currently comprising 13 nominal species, encompasses the world's tiniest land snails. This work shows that there are far more species than previously suspected, and that this genus is in fact, a very speciose group of tiny snails widely distributed in Southeast Asia. Angustopila is revised based on type material of known species as well as 211 samples newly collected in China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. Altogether, 53 species and one subspecies are recognised, of which 42 species and subspecies are new to science: A.akrodon PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.apiaria PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.apiostoma PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.apokritodon PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.antidomedon PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.babel PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.bathyodon PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.bidentata PƔll-Gergely & Jochum, sp. nov., A.cavicola PƔll-Gergely & Dumrongrojwattana, sp. nov., A.cicatricosa PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.coprologosuninodus PƔll-Gergely & Grego, ssp. nov., A.erawanica PƔll-Gergely & Dumrongrojwattana, sp. nov., A.fratermajor PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.fraterminor PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.gracilis PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.halongensis PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.hyron PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.maasseni PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.majuscula PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.margaritarion PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.megastoma PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.occidentalis PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.oostoma PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.papaver PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.parallela PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.prolixa PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.pusilla PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.pustulata PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.quadridens PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.rara PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.reticulata PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.somsaki PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.steffeki PƔll-Gergely & Grego, sp. nov., A.tetradon PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.thersites PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.tonkinospiroides PƔll-Gergely & Vermeulen, sp. nov., A.tridentata PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.tweediei PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.uvula PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.vandevenderi PƔll-Gergely & Jochum, sp. nov., A.vitrina PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.vomer PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov., A.werneri PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. nov. Angustopilasubelevata PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, 2015 is moved to the synonymy of Angustopilaelevata (F. G. Thompson & Upatham, 1997), and A.singuladentis Inkhavilay & Panha, 2016 is a junior synonym of A.fabella PƔll-Gergely & Hunyadi, 2015. Three species, namely A.elevata, A.fabella and A.szekeresi, are widespread over several hundred kilometres while some other species (A.huoyani, A.parallelasp. nov., A.cavicolasp. nov.) are known from just two sites a few hundred kilometres apart. All others are small range or single-site endemics. The reproductive anatomy of A.erawanicasp. nov. is described

    Omecamtiv mecarbil in chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, GALACTICā€HF: baseline characteristics and comparison with contemporary clinical trials

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    Aims: The safety and efficacy of the novel selective cardiac myosin activator, omecamtiv mecarbil, in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) is tested in the Global Approach to Lowering Adverse Cardiac outcomes Through Improving Contractility in Heart Failure (GALACTICā€HF) trial. Here we describe the baseline characteristics of participants in GALACTICā€HF and how these compare with other contemporary trials. Methods and Results: Adults with established HFrEF, New York Heart Association functional class (NYHA)ā€‰ā‰„ā€‰II, EF ā‰¤35%, elevated natriuretic peptides and either current hospitalization for HF or history of hospitalization/ emergency department visit for HF within a year were randomized to either placebo or omecamtiv mecarbil (pharmacokineticā€guided dosing: 25, 37.5 or 50ā€‰mg bid). 8256 patients [male (79%), nonā€white (22%), mean age 65ā€‰years] were enrolled with a mean EF 27%, ischemic etiology in 54%, NYHA II 53% and III/IV 47%, and median NTā€proBNP 1971ā€‰pg/mL. HF therapies at baseline were among the most effectively employed in contemporary HF trials. GALACTICā€HF randomized patients representative of recent HF registries and trials with substantial numbers of patients also having characteristics understudied in previous trials including more from North America (n = 1386), enrolled as inpatients (n = 2084), systolic blood pressureā€‰<ā€‰100ā€‰mmHg (n = 1127), estimated glomerular filtration rate <ā€‰30ā€‰mL/min/1.73 m2 (n = 528), and treated with sacubitrilā€valsartan at baseline (n = 1594). Conclusions: GALACTICā€HF enrolled a wellā€treated, highā€risk population from both inpatient and outpatient settings, which will provide a definitive evaluation of the efficacy and safety of this novel therapy, as well as informing its potential future implementation