17 research outputs found

    Fenologia, crescimento vegetativo e rendimento de figueira no Sudeste do Brasil

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the phenological patterns, vegetative growth, and yield characteristics of fig (Ficus carica)varieties in Southeastern Brazil. The 'Roxo de Valinhos', White Genova, PI-189, and Troyano varieties were distributed in a randomized complete block design and evaluated in the field. The following characteristics were assessed: number of days between pruning and the beginning of sprouting; leaf chlorophyll content; number of shoots on each branch; length, diameter, and number of internodes on each branch; number of leaves per plant; leaf area; number of fruit per plant; mass, length, and diameter of fruit; production and yield; and duration (days) of each phenological stage, such as thermal requirement models. 'Roxo de Valinhos' and White Genova sprouted the fastest and showed the largest number of shoots. Troyano obtained the greatest branch length and diameter, as well as the greatest number of fruit per plant, which had the shortest diameter and length and the lowest mass of fruit. Furthermore, Troyano showed the latest harvest, besides the thermal requirement of 4,577.31 degree-days. 'Roxo de Valinhos' and White Genova produced fruit with the greatest average mass and diameter and the longest length. Troyano shows better vegetative growth and produces more fruit per plant than 'Roxo de Valinhos', but both genotypes show similar yields.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os padrões fenológicos, o crescimento vegetativo e as características de rendimento de variedades de figueira (Ficus carica) no Sudeste brasileiro. As variedades 'Roxo de Valinhos', White Genova, PI-189 e Troyano foram distribuídas em delineamento de blocos ao acaso e avaliadas em campo. As seguintes características foram avaliadas: número de dias entre a poda e o início da brotação; teor de clorofila das folhas; número de brotos por ramo; comprimento, diâmetro e número de entrenós de cada ramo; número de folhas por planta; área foliar; número de frutos por planta; massa, comprimento e diâmetro dos frutos; produção e produtividade; e duração (dias) de cada estágio fenológico, tais como modelos de requerimento térmico. 'Roxo de Valinhos' e White Genova brotaram mais rapidamente e apresentaram maior número de brotações. Troyano obteve os maiores diâmetro e comprimento dos ramos, assim como maior número de frutos por planta, os quais tiveram os menores diâmetro, comprimento e massa. Além disso, Troyano apresentou colheita mais tardia e necessidade térmica de 4.577,31 graus-dia. 'Roxo de Valinhos' e White Genova apresentaram frutos com maior massa, diâmetro e comprimento. Troyano apresenta melhor desenvolvimento vegetativo e produz mais frutos por planta do que 'Roxo de Valinhos', mas os rendimentos de ambos os genótipos são similares

    Giberelic acid does not promote positive effect on seedlings of 'Okinawa' peach rootstock

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    The quality of seedlings is essential for a successful crop cycle, since they are the basis of the orchard; and directly linked to its future performance. In peaches, obtaining rootstock is one step process for the production of the plants, which can be often increased by using plant growth regulators. In this way, this study aimed to evaluate the response of gibberellic acid to grow ‘Okinawa’ peach seedlings rootstock. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, consisting of four treatments (0, 25, 50 and 75 mg L-1 GA3); three subplots (30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting the seedlings) in 10 repetitions with 30 plants per treatment. All the experiment was conducted in the nursery with shade cloth (70%).  Evaluations consisted of plant height (cm); root length (cm); stem diameter (mm); leaf area; specific area and leaf number; leaf matter; fresh and dry stem matter (g); fresh and dry root matter (g). Thereby, doses of gibberellic acid did not present any statistical significance on the growth of ‘Okinawa’ peach seedlings rootstock; thus it should be considered future evaluation of this phytoregulator at higher doses

    Use of plant growth regulators in fig tree seedlings ‘Roxo de Valinhos’

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    The application of plant growth regulators can promote better development of the seedlings, essential for the success of fruit growing. The current study aims to evaluate the use of plant growth regulators in fig tree seedlings ‘Roxo de Valinhos’. The experiment was carried out in a suspended nursery covered with plastic, using rooted cuttings of the cultivar Roxo de Valinhos. Four applications were made with a commercial product, known as Stimulate®, at doses of 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 mL L-1. Using a randomized block experimental design, the study was subdivided into plots (doses X days of the last application [after 0, 7, 14 and 21]). The following traits were evaluated: stem and root length; stem diameter; root volume; leaf number; leaf area; stem, leaf and root dry mass; specific leaf area, leaf weight ratio; leaf area ratio; and chlorophyll total. Results indicated that the product promoted greater seedlings development at a dose range from 100 to 150 mL L-1. Different dose levels did not vary according to the days after product application. Furthermore, using such technique enabled seedlings of higher quality and vigour

    Produtividade, sazonalidade e análises tecnológicas de frutos de cultivares de mangueira em condições subtropicais

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    A fruticultura permite ao produtor maiores rendimentos por unidade de área e assim destaca-se no cenário agrícola, sendo de suma importância o estudo da adaptação de diferentes cultivares de frutíferas aos locais de cultivo. Com o intuito de auxiliar e fortalecer a mangicultura paulista, através da avaliação da adaptação de cultivares, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade, sazonalidade e análises tecnológicas dos frutos das cultivares Palmer, Parwin, Tommy Atkins e Haden, enxertados sobre o porta-enxerto ‘Espada’ e conduzidas no espaçamento 5,0 m entre linhas e 4,5 m entre plantas (417 plantas.ha-1). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, constando de 4 tratamentos (cultivares), 8 repetições e uma planta útil por repetição, com duas plantas bordadura. O presente trabalho foi realizado avaliando-se dois ciclos de produção: 2011/2012 e 2012/2013, na Fazenda Experimental São Manuel da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, localizada no município de São Manuel - SP. De acordo com os resultados obtidos é possível concluir que, a cultivar Parwin apresentou maior número médio de produtividade e produção, portanto pode ser indicada como opção de diversificação varietal para a região. As cultivares Haden e Tommy Atkins foram mais precoces e Palmer e Parwin mais tardias. Todas as cultivares avaliadas obtiveram elevado rendimento de polpa (>70%). Os frutos da cultivar Palmer apresentaram valores superiores de massa média e relação diâmetro longitudinal/diâmetro equatorial. Os frutos das cultivares Palmer (486,80N) e Parwin (337,08N) apresentaram valores superiores de firmeza. A cultivar Palmer apresentou, nos dois ciclos de avaliação...The fruit allows the producer to higher yields per unit area and thus stands in agricultural scenario, which is extremely important to study the adaptation of different cultivars to fruit cultivation sites. In order to support and strengthen mango São Paulo, through the evaluation of the adaptation of cultivars, the aim of this study was to evaluate yield, seasonality and technological advances of fruit cultivars Palmer, Parwin, Tommy Atkins and Haden, grafted on rootstock 'Sword' and conducted at 5,0 m spacing between rows and 4,5 m between plants (417 plants.ha-1). The experimental design was completely randomized, consisting of 4 treatments (cultivars), 8 replicates and one plant per replicate, with two plants surround. This study was conducted evaluating two cycles of production: 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 in São Manuel Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu Campus, located in the municipality of San Manuel - SP. According to the results, we conclude that, to cultivate Parwin showed higher average productivity and output, so it can be displayed as varietal diversification option for the region. The cultivars Haden and Tommy Atkins and Palmer were earlier and the later Parwin. All cultivars had higher pulp yield (>70%). The fruits of cultivar Palmer showed higher values of average mass and relative longitudinal diameter / equatorial diameter. The fruits of cultivars Palmer (486,80 N) and Parwin (337,08 N) showed higher values of firmness. Cultivar Palmer presented in two evaluation cycles, higher content of vitamin C... (Complete abstract click electronic access below

    Caracterização física e química dos frutos nos diferentes quadrantes da planta e germinação de sementes do portaenxerto cítrico tangerineira ‘sunki’

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    The tangerine 'Sunki' are highly relevant for the Brazilian citrus industry by presenting important traits for genetic improvement and to be considered a great portaenxento. In this context, the objective of the present work to study the characterization of the fruits of citrus rootstock 'Sunki', depending on the position on the plan and also the germination of their seeds. The physical characteristics evaluated were fruit weight, longitudinal and equatorial diameters of the fruit longitudinal diameter / equatorial diameter, number of buds per fruit, weight of buds and bark and number of viable seeds per fruit. As for the chemical characterization was evaluated titratable, acidity, soluble solid, "Ratio", pH and vitamin C. For the evaluation of these variables, the fruits were obtained from the northeast, southwest, northwest and southeast quadrants. Regarding the evaluation of seed germination, different doses of gibberellic acid and Stimulate were used. The seeds extracted from ripe fruit, washed, dried in the shade and stored in BOD. Immediately after, they were treated for 24 hours with plant growth regulators. After soaking, the seeds were placed in a germinator in germitest paper. After initiation of the germination process, the evaluations were performed daily until the thirty- fourth day. Fruits of 'Sunki'mandarin with uneven as the fruit position within the canopy, the use of gibberellic acid and growth promoter is promising for commercial use on seed germination of this rootstock.A tangerineira ‘Sunki’ apresenta grande relevância para a citricultura brasileira por apresentar importantes características para o melhoramento genético e por ser considerada um ótimo portaenxento. Neste contexto, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho estudar a caracterização dos frutos do portaenxerto cítrico ‘Sunki’, em função da posição dos mesmos na planta e também, avaliar a germinação de suas sementes. As características físicas avaliadas foram massa do fruto, diâmetros longitudinal e equatorial dos frutos, relação diâmetro longitudinal/diâmetro equatorial, número de gomos por frutos, massa de gomos e de casca e número de sementes viáveis por fruto. Quanto à caracterização química, foi avaliado acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, “Ratio”, pH e vitamina C. Para a avaliação dessas variáveis, os frutos foram obtidos dos quadrantes nordeste, sudoeste, noroeste e sudeste. Com relação à avaliação da germinação das sementes, foram utilizadas diferentes doses de ácido giberélico e Stimulate. As sementes, extraídas de frutos maduros, foram lavadas, secadas à sombra e armazenadas em BOD. Logo após, estas foram tratadas com biorreguladores por 24 horas. Depois da embebição, as sementes foram colocadas no germinador em papel germitest. Após o inicio do processo germinativo, as avaliações foram realizadas diariamente até o trigésimo quarto dia. Frutos da tangerineira ‘Sunki’ apresentam boa uniformidade quanto à posição dos frutos na copa; o uso de ácido giberélico e de bioestimulante é promissor para uso comercial na germinação de sementes desse portaenxerto

    Chemical quality parameters and bioactive compound content of brazilian berries

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    There is a growing consumer demand for higher healthy foods such as berries which are a rich source of phenolic compounds. The current work evaluated blackberry cultivars: Cherokee, Tupy and Xavante; raspberry cultivars: Heritage, Fallgold and Black; and the hybrid Boysenberry. All berries were grown under homogenous subtropical conditions in Brazil. Black raspberry, Cherokee and Tupy blackberry cultivars showed the highest ratio between soluble solid contents and titratable acidity, and Fallgold and Heritage raspberry showed the highest titratable acidity. Total phenolic content ranged from 2.03 to 5.33 g kg–1 fresh weight and total anthocyanin content registered values from 0.41 to 1.81 g kg–1 fresh weight. The most common phenolic acids were gallic, p-coumaric and ellagic, and for anthocyanins: cyanidin-3-glucoside and malvinidin-3-glucoside. Antioxidant capacity ranged from 14.13 to 21.51 mol equivalent trolox kg–1 fresh weight. Black raspberry, all blackberry cultivars and the Boysenberry hybrid are appropriate to be consumed fresh, while Fallgold and Heritage raspberries are recommended to the food industry. Due to their phenolic richness and antioxidant properties, these fruits are of great interest to the fresh fruit market and to pharmaceutical industries. These results could help breeders and growers when planning the cultivar selection according to their foreseeable destination


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    As recomendações de adubação potássica para a cultura do meloeiro variam de região para região, sendo essas recomendações influenciadas principalmente pelas condições de clima, solo, e condições de cultivo. Portanto, o objetivo foi avaliar doses de potássio sobre a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos de duas cultivares de meloeiro produzidas em céu aberto no município de Cassilândia-MS. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 2x5 (cultivares x doses de potássio), utilizando-se duas cultivares, o híbrido Amarelo Giorgio (Cucumis melo var. inodorus), e o híbrido Cantaloupe Rafael (Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis) e cinco doses de potássio (0, 60, 120, 180 e 240 kg ha-1 de K2O) aplicadas no plantio e em cobertura na forma de grânulos. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: produtividade, massa, comprimento e diâmetro médio dos frutos, espessura da casca, ºBrix e pH da polpa, e porcentagem de frutos comerciais. A dose de potássio estimada que proporcionou a maior produtividade do meloeiro foi de 136,75 kg de K2O ha-1. Dentre as cultivares estudadas em cultivo a céu aberto no município de Cassilândia-MS, o híbrido Amarelo Giorgio produziu frutos que atendem os padrões de comercialização em níveis adequados

    Phenological cycles, thermal time and growth curves of mango fruit cultivars in subtropical conditions

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    There are many mango cultivars available in different regions. It is about time we analysed their productive behavior in these areas, as well as their phenological performance. This study aimed to evaluate: phenological cycles, thermal time and growth curves of mango fruit cultivars in subtropical conditions. For this study we used the following cultivars: Espada Vermelha, Keitt and Palmer. All the experiments were done at UNESP experimental farm in Sao Manuel (SP), during the agricultural cycle from 2012 to 2013. It was selected 15 branches in each plant, which provided 150 per cultivar. It was determined the number of days of phenological cycles of flowering to fruit ripening, as well as the total number of days to flowering and harvesting. The thermal time was evaluated to each phenological cycle and expressed in accumulation of degree-days. The measurement of the longitudinal diameters (LD) and transverse diameters (TD) of the fruitwere performed in a 12 day’s intervals, from the tenth day after the flowers anthesis, to evaluate the growth curve. Based on the data, it was found that Keitt cultivar requires more days for the fruit to reach physiological maturity and greater accumulation of degree-days to complete its production cycle. The growth curves of the three varieties of fruits have a simple sigmoidal model in function of the days after anthesis

    Uso de reguladores vegetais na germinação das sementes de citrumelo 'Swingle'

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    The citrumeleiro ' Swingle ' is of great importance for the Brazilian citrus rootstock. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of different plant regulator on seed germination of ' Swingle citrumelo '. For evaluation of germination were used different doses of gibberellic acid (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg.L-1 ) and biostimulant Stimulate ™ (0, 100, 150 and 200 mL L-1 ). After the beginning of the germinative process evaluations were performed daily until the thirty-fourth (34th) day. through the statistical analysis of the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that the fruits of citrumelo ' Swingle feature good uniformity and that the use of gibberellic acid is promising for commercial use with this rootstock.O citrumeleiro ‘Swingle’ é de grande importância para a citricultura brasileira como porta- enxerto. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do uso de diferentes reguladores vegetais na germinação de sementes de citrumelo ‘Swingle’. Para avaliação da germinação foram utilizadas diferentes doses de ácido giberélico (0, 25, 50, 75 e 100 mg.L-1 ) e do bioestimulante Stimulate™ (0, 100, 150 e 200 mL.L-1 ). Após o inicio do processo germinativo, as avaliações foram realizadas diariamente até o trigésimo quarto (34º) dia. Através da análise estatística dos resultados obtidos, foi possível concluir que os frutos de citrumelo ‘Swingle’ apresentam boa uniformidade e que o uso de ácido giberélico é promissor para uso comercial com esse porta-enxerto