8 research outputs found

    Mineral potential in fruit "citrus" residue and estimate of bioaccessibility of calcium, iron and magnesium

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    Orientador: Juliana Azevedo Lima PalloneDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: A maioria das frutas cítricas do Brasil é beneficiada em suco, gerando resíduos, utilizados para extrair outros subprodutos de valor. O resíduo possui baixo valor agregado, sendo comercializado como pellets para ração. Seu aproveitamento na alimentação humana é uma alternativa, agregando valor e contribuindo com nutrientes necessários a saúde. Este trabalho objetivou verificar o potencial de minerais de importância para a saúde humana em resíduo de frutas cítricas, sua bioacessibilidade e avaliar se existem diferenças desses nutrientes durante os meses de safra. Foi realizada a otimização e validação de um método para a determinação de cálcio, ferro, zinco e magnésio em resíduo de laranja (pêra e hamlin), limão (taiti e siciliano) e misturas (laranja pêra, hamlin e limão taiti), por espectroscopia de absorção atômica com chama (FAAS). Determinou-se a composição centesimal dos resíduos, realizou-se tratamento térmico nessas amostras e avaliou-se as frações bioacessíveis nas amostras cruas e cozidas. A otimização foi realizada por planejamento experimental e a melhor condição de mineralização foi: 6g de amostra e 8mL de HNO3. Todas as condições estudadas na validação do método foram atendidas. Os teores médios de cálcio, ferro, magnésio e zinco foram 6827,60µg/g, 116,37µg/g, 915,49µg/g e 7,37µg/g, respectivamente. Portanto, uma porção de 100g de bagaço fornece 68,27%, 35,21%, 83,12% e 10% da IDR de cálcio, magnésio, ferro e zinco, respectivamente, sendo assim o bagaço de citrus pode ser considerado fonte de Ca, Fe e Mg. A PCA realizada mostrou que apesar das diferenças na composição de minerais das amostras de diferentes safras, não há uma separação entre laranjas, limões e misturas quanto a composição de macronutrientes. Na avaliação da composição centesimal, as amostras de resíduo de laranja, limão e mistura apresentaram em média 9,3g/100g de umidade, 5,51g/100g de proteínas, 2,92g/100g de cinzas, 2,87g/100g de lipídios, 55g/100g de fibras totais e 23,25g/100g de carboidratos. As frações de fitatos não foram detectados. O percentual de ferro solúvel variou de 19,36-77,33% nas amostras cruas, e de 52,80-68,42% nas amostras cozidas. O ferro dialisado variou de 5,59-25,26% em amostras cruas e de 13,06-69,06% em amostras cozidas. O Ca solúvel foi de 33,34-40,16% nas amostras cruas e de 38,99-55,50% nas amostras cozidas; o Ca dialisado nas amostras cruas foi de 19,32-26,13%, enquanto nas cozidas o percentual foi de 14,71-21,44%. O Mg solúvel variou de 29,95- 85,38% em amostras cruas e de 63,10-94,20% nas cozidas, já o Mg dialisado variou de 46,29-54,08% em amostras cruas e de 34,42-62,51% nas cozidas. O cozimento aumentou a solubilidade de Fe no limão e o Fe dialisado na mistura e no limão; aumentou a solubilidade do Ca, mas diminuiu a fração de Ca dialisada. No Mg foi observado aumento na fração solúvel e dialisável durante o cozimento, exceto para a amostra de laranja cozida que teve um decréscimo na fração dialisada. A avaliação das características físico-químicas do resíduo de citrus e dos minerais bioacessíveis indicando potencial para ser usado na alimentação humana ou ser incorporado a outros produtos, contribuindo com nutrientes para a dieta e agregando valor a esse subprodutoAbstract: Most citrus fruits in Brazil is benefited in juice, generating waste used to extract other valuable by-products. The residue has low added value, being marketed as pellets to feed. Its use in food is an alternative, adding value and contributing nutrients necessary for health. This study aimed to verify the importance of mineral potential for human health residue of citrus fruits, its bioaccessibility and evaluate whether there are differences of these nutrients during the months of harvest. Optimization and validation of a method for the determination of calcium was carried out, iron, zinc and magnesium as an orange residue (pear and hamlin), lemon (taiti and sicilian) and mixtures (orange pear, hamlin and lime tahiti) spectroscopy of flame atomic absorption (FAAS). It was determined the chemical composition of the waste, there was heat treated in these samples and evaluated the bioaccessibility in raw and cooked samples. The optimization was conducted by the experimental design and condition the best mineralization was 6g sample and 8ml of HNO3. All conditions studied in method validation were met. The average levels of calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc were 6827,60?g/g, 116,37?g/g, 915,49?g/g and 7,37?g/g, respectively. Therefore, a portion 100g pomace gives 68.27%, 35.21%, 83.12% and 10% RDI of calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, respectively, thus the citrus pulp can be considered source Ca, Fe, and Mg. The PCA performed showed that despite the differences in the mineral composition of samples of different vintages, there is a separation of oranges, lemons and mixtures as macronutrient composition. In assessing the chemical composition, the orange residue samples, and lemon mixture had an average 9,3g/100g of moisture, 5,51g/100g of protein, 2,92g/100g ash, 2.87g/100g of lipids, 55g/100g of fiber and total 23,25g/100g of carbohydrates. The phytate fractions were not detected. The iron soluble percentage ranged from 19.36 to 77.33% in the raw samples, and 52.80 to 68.42% in cooked samples. The dialysate iron ranged from 5.59 to 25.26% in raw samples and from 13.06 to 69.06% in baked samples. The soluble Ca was 33.34 to 40.16% in the raw samples and from 38.99 to 55.50% in cooked samples; Ca dialysate in the raw samples was 19.32 to 26.13%, while in cooked the percentage was 14.71 to 21.44%. The soluble Mg ranged from 85.38% in raw samples and boiled at 63.10 to 94.20%, as Mg dialysate ranged from 46.29 to 54.08% in raw samples and 34, 42 to 62.51% in cooked. Cooking increased the Fe solubility in lemon and Fe dialysate in the mix and lemon; increased solubility of Ca but decreased the fraction of Ca dialyzed. In Mg was observed increase in the soluble fraction and dialyzed during cooking, except for the baked orange sample had a decrease in the dialyzed fraction. The evaluation of the physico-chemical characteristics of citrus residue and bioaccessibility of minerals indicating the potential to be used as food or be incorporated into other products, contributing nutrients to the diet and adding value to this by-productMestradoCiência de AlimentosMestra em Ciência de Alimentos145659/2014-3CNP

    Bioaccessibility of calcium, iron and magnesium in residues of citrus and characterization of macronutrients

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    The aim of this study was to estimate bioaccessibility of Ca, Fe and Mg in residues of orange, lime, and their mixture, in order to evaluate the effects of cooking in water on mineral bioaccessibility and also to determine the composition of macronutrients and myo-inositol phosphate content. The citrus samples contained on average 9.53 g/100 g moisture, 6.09 g/100 g protein, 3.23 g/100 g ash, 3.15 g/100 g lipids, 34.26 g/100 g insoluble fiber, 27.88 g/100 g soluble fiber and 25.64 g/100 g carbohydrates. The percentage of soluble and dialyzable minerals ranged from 19.36 to 77.33% and from 5.59 to 69.06% for Fe, from 33.34 to 60.84% and 14.71 to − 26.13% for Ca, and from 29.95 to 94.20% and 34.42 to 62.51%, for Mg, respectively. It was verified that cooking influenced the minerals bioaccessibility and increased the dialyzable fraction of Fe and Mg, but decreased the fraction of Ca dialysate, except to orange. No myoinositol phosphate esters were detected. The Principal Component Analysis allowed the separation of different types of citrus residues, but did not discriminate the raw and cooked samples. This study pointed the potential of citrus residue to be used for human consumption and contribute to the necessary dietary minerals and macronutrients, with high content of soluble and insoluble fibers97162169CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES145659/2014-3Sem informaçã

    Optimization and validation of a simple method for mineral potential evaluation in citrus residue

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    The aim of this study was to optimize and validate a simple method for determination of the potential of important minerals for health (calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium) in residue from orange and lemon juice industries and determine whether there are differences concerning these nutrients during the months when these fruits were harvested. The mineralization was optimized using an experimental design and then validated. Dried residue samples of Pera orange, Hamlin orange, Tahiti lime, Sicilian lemon, and a mixture composed of oranges and lemons were digested and analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS). Citrus fruit samples, harvested in different months, were also analyzed. The most appropriate condition for mineralization was the use of the highest values of sample mass (0.6 g) and nitric acid volume (8.0 mL). All the parameters of validation were met. The average mineral content levels found were 6.8 mg/g for calcium and 116.4, 915.5, and 7.4 μg/g for iron, magnesium, and zinc, respectively. Thus, a portion of 100 g of residue can provide 68.3% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for calcium, 35.2% for magnesium, 83.1% for iron, and 10.6% for zinc. The principal component analysis showed no clear separation among oranges, lemons, and the mixture as for their composition. The mineral content levels found indicate that citrus residue has nutritional potential for use in human food and can contribute significantly to the achievement of the RDIs, especially for calcium and iron, since their deficiencies are considered major public health problems1018991908CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESSem informaçãoSem informaçã

    Análise de agrotóxicos em água usando extração líquido-líquido com partição em baixa temperatura por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência

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    This study optimized and validated the liquid-liquid extraction technique with partition at low temperature (LLE-PLT) for identification and quantification of four pesticides (chlorpyrifos, λ-cyhalothrin, permethrin, bifenthrin) in water samples. Analyses were performed by HPLC-UV. The technique was efficient for pesticide recovery with extraction exceeding 86%. Chromatographic response was linear for the four compounds in the 10-45 µg L-1 range, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.99. Limits of detection and quantitation were less than 3.5 µg L-1 and equal to 10 µg L-1, respectively. The proposed method was applied to 29 water samples from the Jaíba Project in northern Minas Gerais

    In vitro digestion effect on mineral bioaccessibility and antioxidant bioactive compounds of plant-based beverages

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    Consumption of plant-based beverages (PBB) is a growing trend; and have been used as viable substitutes for dairy based products. To date, no study has comparatively analyzed mineral composition and effect of in vitro digestion on the bioaccessibility of different PBB. The aim of this research was to investigate the content of essential minerals (calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn)) and to estimate the effect of in vitro digestion in plant-based beverages, and their antioxidant bioactive compounds (phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity). Moreover, the presence of antinutritional factors, such as myo-inositol phosphates fractions, were evaluated. Samples of PBB (rice, cashew nut, almond, peanut, coconut, oat, soy, blended or not with another ingredients, fortified with minerals or naturally present) and milk for comparison were evaluated. TPC ranged from 0.2 mg GAEq/L for coconut to 12.4 mg GAEq/L for rice and, the antioxidant capacity (DPPH) ranged from 3.1 to 306.5 µmol TE/L for samples containing peanut and oat, respectively. Only a few samples presented myo-inositol phosphates fractions in their composition, mostly IP5 and IP6, especially cashew nut beverages. Mineral content showed a wide range for Ca, ranging from 10 to 1697.33 mg/L for rice and coconut, respectively. The Mg content ranged from 6.29 to 251.23–268.43 mg/L for rice and cashew nut beverages, respectively. Fe content ranged from 0.76 mg/L to 12.89 mg/L for the samples of rice. Zinc content ranged from 0.57 mg/L to 8.13 mg/L for samples of oat and soy, respectively. Significant variation was observed for Ca (8.2–306.6 mg/L) and Mg (1.9–107.4 mg/L) dialyzed between the beverages, with lower concentrations of Fe (1.0 mg/L) and Zn (0.5 mg/L) in dialyzed fractions. This study provides at least 975 analytically determined laboratory results, providing important information for characterization and comparison of different plant-based beverages130CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP142415/2016-2; 142414/2016-688881.188691/2018-012018/09759-

    A comprehensive characterization of solanum lycocarpum St. Hill and solanum oocarpum sendtn: chemical composition and antioxidant properties

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    A comprehensive characterization of Solanum lycocarpum St. Hill and Solanum oocarpum Sendtn : chemical composition and antioxidant properties

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    In this study we evaluated the proximate composition of two Solanaceae fruits from Brazilian Cerrado, their mineral content, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), phenolic compounds profile, and antioxidant capacity employing Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) assay, for each part of the fruits (pulp, peel and seeds). Our results showed that the pulp has a high moisture content (74.62-85.40 g/100 g) and soluble fiber (L29-2.06 g/100 g) content, and low fat, protein, and ash content. The peel exhibited high levels of carbohydrates and total fibers (6.55-11.39 and 12.35-13.12 g/100 g, respectively), while the seed presented high content of fat, protein, and insoluble fiber (10.14-12.62, 9.14-13.24 and 19.84-23.15 g/100 g). Potassium is the main mineral found in both fruits. It is the first time that the carbohydrate profile, volatile components, and phenolic compounds of the fruta-do-lobo and jud-acu are reported. 1-Kestose (GF2) and nystose (GF3) were found in both fruits. The main VOCs of jud-acu were esters, while in fruta-do-lobo, aldehydes were the major components. UPLC-Q-ToF fraction analysis of jud-acu and fruta-do-lobo revealed 24 phenolic compounds, most being hydroxycinnamic acids derivatives in jua-acu, and chlorogenic acids in fruta-do-lobo. The antioxidant capacity (ORAC) of the fruits ranged from 1.35 to 11.51 mu mol TE/100 mL of extract. These results indicate that Solarium genus can be interesting for the Brazilian fruit market, and that it has potential to be exploited for agroindustry for diversification of fruit products1246169CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP141980/2016-8não tem2015/50333; 12015/50333-1; 2017/10753-712th Latin American symposium on food science (SLACA) : food science and its impact on a changing worl