4 research outputs found

    Microstructural differences in the thalamus and thalamic radiations in the congenitally deaf

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    There is evidence of both crossmodal and intermodal plasticity in the deaf brain. Here, we investigated whether sub-cortical plasticity, specifically of the thalamus, contributed to this reorganisation. We contrasted diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging data from 13 congenitally deaf and 13 hearing participants, all of whom had learnt British Sign Language after 10 years of age. Connectivity based segmentation of the thalamus revealed changes to mean and radial diffusivity in occipital and frontal regions, which may be linked to enhanced peripheral visual acuity, and differences in how visual attention is deployed in the deaf group. Using probabilistic tractography, tracts were traced between the thalamus and its cortical targets, and microstructural measurements were extracted from these tracts. Group differences were found in microstructural measurements of occipital, frontal, somatosensory, motor and parietal thalamo-cortical tracts. Our findings suggest there is sub-cortical plasticity in the deaf brain, and that white matter alterations can be found throughout the deaf brain, rather than being restricted to, or focussed in auditory cortex

    Genomic and Phenotypic Analysis of Salmonella enterica Bacteriophages Identifies Two Novel Phage Species

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    Bacteriophages (phages) are potential alternatives to chemical antimicrobials against pathogens of public health significance. Understanding the diversity and host specificity of phages is important for developing effective phage biocontrol approaches. Here, we assessed the host range, morphology, and genetic diversity of eight Salmonella enterica phages isolated from a wastewater treatment plant. The host range analysis revealed that six out of eight phages lysed more than 81% of the 43 Salmonella enterica isolates tested. The genomic sequences of all phages were determined. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data revealed that phage genome sizes ranged from 41 to 114 kb, with GC contents between 39.9 and 50.0%. Two of the phages SB13 and SB28 represent new species, Epseptimavirus SB13 and genera Macdonaldcampvirus, respectively, as designated by the International Committee for the Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) using genome-based taxonomic classification. One phage (SB18) belonged to the Myoviridae morphotype while the remaining phages belonged to the Siphoviridae morphotype. The gene content analyses showed that none of the phages possessed virulence, toxin, antibiotic resistance, type I–VI toxin–antitoxin modules, or lysogeny genes. Three (SB3, SB15, and SB18) out of the eight phages possessed tailspike proteins. Whole-genome-based phylogeny of the eight phages with their 113 homologs revealed three clusters A, B, and C and seven subclusters (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1, and C2). While cluster C1 phages were predominantly isolated from animal sources, cluster B contained phages from both wastewater and animal sources. The broad host range of these phages highlights their potential use for controlling the presence of S. enterica in foods