10 research outputs found

    Автоимун Хашимото тироидитис асоциран со автоимун хепатитис

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    So far, the literature data have presented a combination of several autoimmune triggered disease in patients, but the research is scarce and very limited. In this context we present a rare case of autoimmune thyroiditis with a concomitant autoimmune hepatitis. Hashimoto thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder in which immune cells lead to impairment, destruction of the thyroid hormone producing cells and tissue fibrosis with consecutive primary hypothyroidism. Autoimmune hepatitis is a chronic liver disease with unknown etiology, which is assumed to be T cell mediated condition where immune cells produce autoantibodies responsible for inflammation, destruction and fibrosis of the hepatic parenchyma. In this case report, we discuss the possible correlation in the spectrum of autoimmune diseases concerning Hashimoto thyroiditis and autoimmune hepatitis.До сега, во литературата се среќаваат податоци за комбинација од неколку автоимуни болести кај различни пациенти, но студиите од ова поле на истражување се оскудни и ограничени. Во овој приказ на случај, претставуваме редок случај на автоимун тироидитис со истовремен авотимун хепатитис. Хашимото тироидитис е автоимуно заболување во кое клетките на имуниот систем доведуваат до оштетување и уништување на клетките коишто го произведуваат хормонот на тироидната жлезда и ткивна фиброза со последователен примарен хипотироидизам. Автоимуниот хепатитис е хронично заболување на црниот дроб со непозната етиологија, за кое се претпоставува дека е состојба посредувана од Т-клетките каде што имуните клетки произведуваат автоантитела одговорни за воспаление, уништување и фиброза на хепаталниот паренхим. Во овој приказ на случај ја дискутираме можната корелација во спектарот на автоимуни болести кои се однесуваат на Хашимото тироидитисот и автоимуниот хепатити

    Вентрикуларна фибрилација по ендоскопска ретроградна холангиопанкреатографија кај пациент со вграден уред за лево вентрикуларна асистенција – приказ на случај

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    Congestive heart failure is a growing global health problem. Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) is a method used to extend the life of patients with congestive heart failure as a definitive treatment or to “bypass” the period until heart transplantation. Ventricular arrhythmias in patients with LVAD are not uncommon. The aim of this paper is to present the case of a patient with an already implanted LVAD and the need for appropriate interdisciplinary medical treatment. Case report: We present the case of a 54-year old patient, A. D., with implanted LVAD - HeartMate 3 due to severe congestive heart failure. The patient was admitted with jaundice at the PHIU Clinic for Gastroenterohepatology with performed endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)) procedure and a stent was placed in the choledochus duct. Immeasurable blood pressure and pulse were recorded in this patient. The ECG was approaching VF (ventricular fibrillation) and it was all asymptomatic by the patient.  LVAD mechanical pump leads to continuous blood flow, which means that patients with LVAD not infrequently have no pulse or measurable blood pressure. Also, in patients with LVAD, ECG pulses are with electrical disturbances. VF and ventricular tachycardia (VT) are ventricular arrhythmias that are often seen on ECG in patients with implanted LVAD. Usually these arrhythmias occur with unknown duration and terminate spontaneously. Conclusion: Patients with LVAD are prone to cardiac arrhythmias. The continuous development of medical devices leads to a continuous educational and clinical approach to patients.                                                                        Конгестивната срцева слабост е растечки глобален здравствен проблем. Уредот за лево вентрикуларна асистенција (LVAD) се користи за продолжување на животот на пациентите со конгестивна срцева слабост како дефинитивен третман или за премостување на периодот до трансплантација на срце. Вентрикуларните аритмии кај пациентите со LVAD не се невообичаени. Целта на овој труд е да се прикаже случајот на пациент со веќе вграден LVAD и потребата од соодветен интердисциплинарен медицински третман. Приказ на случај: Ви претставуваме случај на 54-годишен пациент, А. Д., со вграден LVAD - HeartMate 3 поради тешка конгестивна срцева слабост. Пациентот е примен со иктерус на ЈЗУ Клиниката за гастроентерохепатологија по што е извршена ендоскопска ретроградна холангиопанкреатографија (ERCP)) и е поставен стент во холедохусниот канал. Кај овој пациент е регистрирано немерлив крвен притисок и пулс. На ЕКГ е регистрирана VF вентрикуларна фибрилација (VF) и сето тоа беше асимптоматски од страна на пациентот. Механичката пумпа на LVAD води до континуиран проток на крв, што значи дека пациентите со LVAD не ретко немаат пулс или мерлив крвен притисок. Исто така, кај пациентите со LVAD, ЕКГ импулсите се со електрични нарушувања. VF и вентрикуларна тахикардија (VT) се вентрикуларни аритмии кои често се гледаат на ЕКГ кај пациентите со имплантиран LVAD. Најчесто овие аритмии се јавуваат со непознато времетраење и спонтано завршуваат. Заклучок: Пациентите со ЛВАД се склони кон срцеви аритмии. Континуираниот развој на медицинските помагала води кон континуиран едукативен и клинички пристап во третманот на пациентите

    Survey of Current Difficult Airway Management Practice

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    BACKGROUND: Even for the most experienced anesthesiologists “can’t ventilate can’t intubate†scenario in difficult airway management is challenging, and although rare it is life-threatening. AIM: The aim of this survey was to analyse the current practice of difficult airway management at our University teaching hospital. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A ten-question-survey was conducted in the Tertiary University Teaching Hospital “Mother Theresaâ€, Clinic for Anesthesia, Reanimation and Intensive Care. The survey included demographic data, experience in training anaesthesia, practice in management of anticipated and non-anticipated difficult airway scenario, preferable equipment and knowledge of guidelines and protocols. Responses were noted, evaluated and analysed with the SPSS statistical program. RESULTS: The overall response rate was very good; 94.5% answered the survey. During the assessment of the level of comfort with diverse airway equipment, there was diversity of answers due the experience of anaesthesia training, although the most frequent technique among all responders for anticipated difficult intubation was video laryngoscopy (48%). As for non-anticipated difficult intubation when conventional techniques failed to secure the airway most of the responders answered that they used supra-gothic airway device – laryngeal mask (38%) as a rescue measure. CONCLUSION: Airway assessment, adequate training, experience, and availability of essential equipment are the pillars of successful airway management


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    Background and objectives: In this era of minimally invasive surgeries, at the University Clinic for Urologic Surgery in Skopje, the laparoscopic radical cystectomy (LRS) was performed in 11 patients for the first time. In this paper, we have evaluated and summarized the anesthesia management, features and complications of LRC. Material and method: In a retrospective manner, we evaluated all patents who underwent LRC at our Clinic over a one-year period. We noted and analyzed the following parameters: patients’ demographic data, preoperatively and postoperatively, laboratory data, intraoperative fluid volume, estimated blood loss, allogeneic transfusion requirements. Respiratory parameters including arterial blood gas data, anesthesia time, surgical time, time of oral intake, admission to ICU, hospital stay and any adverse events during the whole period of hospitalization were also analyzed. Results: This evaluation included 11 patients who were successfully operated and their data were analyzed. Patients had similar demographic characteristics. Estimated intraoperative blood loss was 472 ml and decreased transfusion requirement was noticed. Due to prolonged surgical time and CO2 pneumoperitoneum, hypercarbia was observed in few patients. Patients had shorter period of bowel dysfunction and rapid oral intake, shorter hospital stay and fewer complications. Conclusion: We believe that these data from our initial experience with newly performed minimally invasive radical cystectomy will reflect to our daily routine practice in radical cystectomy surgery towards laparoscopy. However, some larger prospective evaluation is to be made for summarizing the overall conclusions. Key words: anesthesia consideration, laparoscopy, radical cystectom

    Prediction value of oxygenation index as predictor for postoperative pulmonary complications in urologic surgery

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    Introduction: It is believed that pressure/flow (P/F) ratio (arterial oxygen to inspired oxygen fraction) Does not give the best expression of oxygenation status in mechanically ventilated patients. Therefore, a new oxygenation index (OI) where the mean airway pressure (MAP) is incorporated (PaO2/FiOxMAP) Is showed as superior to P/F in expression of the lung oxygenation status. In this article we wanted to assess the prediction value of OI calculated during urological surgeries as a predictive marker for Developing postoperative pulmonary complications (PPC). Material and methods: We evaluated all elective urologic patients operated in general endotracheal anesthesia, aged 18 to 65 years, without any known history of respiratory disease for the period from January till December 2017. We calculated the P/F ratio and the OI at three time points: after induction in general endotracheal anesthesia in the beginning of mechanical ventilation, 1 hour after induction in Anesthesia, and at the end of the surgery before weaning the mechanical ventilation. The primary Outcomes were PPC defined by European Society of Anesthesia. The second outcomes were: length of Hospital stay, admission to intensive care unit (ICU) and mortality. Results: A total of 240 patients who met the inclusion criteria were included in this evaluation and finally analyzed. PPC was diagnosed in 25% of patients and respectively 75% were without Complications. The postoperative hospital stay was longer in PPC group no matter they were operated laparoscopically or with classic open surgery (PPC laparoscopy 4.9 ± 2.2 vs. non PPC laparoscopy 3.3 ± 1.7, PPC laparotomy 6.8 ± 5.2 vs. non PPC 5.6 ± 2.1 laparotomy). Ten patients were admitted to ICU, 8 from PPC group and 2 from non PPC group. In PPC group patients were admitted to ICU for mean 3.7 ± 2.4 days, and in non PPC group patients were hospitalized in ICU only for 2 days. All evaluated patients were discharged from the hospital and no mortality was observed in the 30 postoperative days. In the univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis neither OI nor P/F were significantly associated with PPC. Conclusion: This study does not offer a conclusive answer to the prediction value of OI for PPC. It would be fruitful to pursue further research about predictive variables for pulmonary complications. Keywords: oxygenation index, pressure/flow ratio, mean airway pressure, postoperative pulmonary complications

    Impact of size of the tumor, persistence of estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, HER2neu receptors and Ki67 values on positivity of axillar lymph nodes at patients with early breast cancer with clinically negative axillar examination

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to identify factors that influence the positivity on axillar status at patients with early breast cancer with clinical negative axilla, at which were done radical surgery to breast but also radical lymphadenectomy of axillar lymph nodes.Material and methods: In the study were included 81 surgically treated patients with early breast cancer during 08-2015 to 05-2017 year. All the cases have been analyzed by standard histological analysis including macroscopic and microscopic analysis on standard H&E staining. For determining of molecular receptors immunostaining by PT LINK immunoperoxidase has been done for HER2neu, ER, PR, p53 and Ki67.   Results: Patients age ranged between 31-73 years, average of 56.86 years. The mean size of the primary tumor in the surgically treated patient was 20.33 + 6.0 mm. On dissection from the axilary pits there were taken out 5 to 32 lymph nodes, an average of 14. Metastases have been found in 1 to 7 lymph nodes, an average 0.7. In only 26 (32.1%) of the patients have been found metastases in the axillary lymph nodes. The univariant regression analysis showed that the size of tumor and presence of HER2 neu receptors on cancer cell influence on the positivity of the axillary lymph nodes. The presence of the estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors  showed that they do not have influence on the positivity for metastatic deposits in axillary lymph nodes. Multivariant model and logistic regression analysis as independent significant factors or predictors of positivity of the axillary lymph nodes is influenced from the tumor size only.Conclusion: Our study showed that the involving of the axillary lymph nodes is mainly influenced from the size of the tumor and presence of HER2neu receptors  in the univariant analysis points the important influence of positivity in the axillary lymph nodes but only size of the tumor in multivariate regressive analysis

    Evaluation of Anesthesia Profile in Pediatric Patients after Inguinal Hernia Repair with Caudal Block or Local Wound Infiltration

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    AIM: The aim of this study is to evaluate anesthesia and recovery profile in pediatric patients after inguinal hernia repair with caudal block or local wound infiltration.MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this prospective interventional clinical study, the anesthesia and recovery profile was assessed in sixty pediatric patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair. Enrolled children were randomly assigned to either Group Caudal or Group Local infiltration. For caudal blocks, Caudal Group received 1 ml/kg of 0.25% bupivacaine; Local Infiltration Group received 0.2 ml/kg 0.25% bupivacaine. Investigator who was blinded to group allocation provided postoperative care and assessments. Postoperative pain was assessed. Motor functions and sedation were assessed as well.RESULTS: The two groups did not differ in terms of patient characteristic data and surgical profiles and there weren’t any hemodynamic changes between groups. Regarding the difference between groups for analgesic requirement there were two major points - on one hand it was statistically significant p < 0.05 whereas on the other hand time to first analgesic administration was not statistically significant p = 0.40. There were significant differences in the incidence of adverse effects in caudal and local group including: vomiting, delirium and urinary retention.CONCLUSIONS: Between children undergoing inguinal hernia repair, local wound infiltration insures safety and satisfactory analgesia for surgery. Compared to caudal block it is not overwhelming. Caudal block provides longer analgesia, however complications are rather common

    Postoperative complications in patients undergoing thyroid surgery

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    Background and objectives: Postoperative complications from thyroid surgery are numerous and may be shown on different levels. Some of these complications may be detrimental for patients, so minimization of the risks should be always considered. We evaluated the postoperative complications in patients after surgery of the thyroid gland at the Clinic for Thoracic Surgery, Skopje. Material and method: In retrospective manner, all patients undergoing thyroid surgery during the one-year period (1. January- 31. December 2017) were evaluated. Patients were divided into two groups, whereas group ST included patients who underwent goiter removal and subtotal thyroidectomy while group TT included patients in who total thyroidectomy was done. In both groups we analyzed the demographic data and the occurrence of postoperative (in the first 48 hours) complications (stridor, hoarseness, hemorrhage, nerve dysfunction, tracheomalacia, hypocalcemia and the need for reintubation and tracheostomy). Results: Total data from 197 patients was evaluated. 120 patients had subtotal thyroidectomy while total thyroidectomy had 77 patients. Postoperative complications occurred in significantly larger number of patients in the TT group (64.9 vs. 40%). Hoarseness (8.4% vs. 18.5%), stridor (18.3% vs. 9.2%) tracheomalacia (5% vs. 1.2%) and hematoma (2.5% vs. 3.8%) occurred in respect to the groups. Hypocalcaemia occurred in significantly larger number of patients in TT group. Permanent nerve injury was found in one patient in the same group and tracheotomy was done only in one patient. Conclusion: Overall results from our study show that the complications after thyroid surgery occur in all patients who undergo thyroid surgery. However, more severe complications and outnumbered are complications in patients who undergo total thyroidectomy. Key words: complications, occurrence, thyroid surgery, total thyroidectomy

    Major abdominal surgery for Jehovah’s Witnesses: Challenge while practicing bloodless medicine in a middle income country

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    We present a 59-year-old female Jehovah’s Witness patient transferred from another facility to our tertiary center as an emergency case owing to anemia due to gastrointestinal bleeding. A computed tomography scan and gastroscopy confirmed an invasion of the duodenum by a malignant process. The patient underwent a Whipple procedure and a right hemicolectomy refusing blood transfusion. On the 17th postoperative day, the patient was discharged following a successful surgery. This article’s objectives are to first highlight the moral and ethical quandary and then share our surgical experiences with this particular patient population. In conclusion, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ management of major abdominal surgery poses considerable clinical, moral, and legal difficulties. Despite them, doctors must put the patients’ needs first while also honoring their religious convictions. However, urgent situations continue to arise, forcing medical professionals to weigh their religious convictions against the need to save a patient’s life