33 research outputs found
Produkcija makrozoobentosa u reci Rači uzvodno i nizvodno od pastrmskog ribnjaka
Biomasa (produkcija) makrozoobentosa je odabrana kao osnovni pokazatelj za praćenje promena kvantitativnog sastava naselja dna na lokalitetima uzvodno i nizvodno od pastrmskog ribnjaka u reci Rači.
Istraživanje sekundarne produkcije makrozoobentosa reke Rače sa sedam lokaliteta, obavljeno je u periodu 2011. (april, jun, septembar, oktobar, decembar) i 2012. godine (februar i maj). Dominantne grupe u biomasi makrozoobentosa su Hirudinea (Annelida), Mollusca, Gammaridae (Crustacea) i Trichoptera (Insecta).
Vrednosti biomase zoobentosa kretale su se u svim mesecima istraživanja u intervalu od 3,2001 g/m2, na lokalitetu RČ2 (u februaru) ,do 216,7120 g/m2, na lokalitetu RČ3 (u februaru).
Biomasa faune dna najveća je u svim mesecima istraživanja na lokalitetu RČ3, koji je lociran nizvodno od pastrmskog ribnjaka. Na ovom lokalitetu biomasa makroinvertebrata se kretala od 87,8643 g/m2 (u aprilu 2011. godine) do 216,7120 g/m2 (u februaru 2012. godine)
Improvement of natural grassland as a factor of rural development in lower Danube Region
The aim of this paper is presenting of importance of natural grasslands (meadows and pastures) in rural development of Lower Danube region. Production of efficient quantities of food for domestic animals and preservation
of environment is strategically important for economic prosperity and animation of local population, as an aim to stay in rural areas and to develop their agricultural productivity. Lower Danube region have possibilities for development of agricultural production, because it possessed enough quantity of natural resources with highest quality. The territory of Lower Danube region make following municipalities: Golubac, Majdanpek, Negotin, Kladovo and Kučevo. In this municipalities land under meadows and pastures is on the second place, just behind arable land. Due to the presence of NP Đerdap on the territory of Lower Danube region is concluded that there are no obstacles for rural development, from the aspect of natural resources. But the following problems: fragmentation of land, the extensiveness of use, inadequate intake of organic matter and degradation processes caused by the action of man, affected the quality of natural grassland (meadows and pasture) and the production of forage crops in general. Because of that one of the most important tasks of rural development of these municipalities is proper using of grassland, which going to enabled development of this kind of agricultural production and protection of important plant species
Possible role of TGF-B pathways in schizophrenia
© 2016, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All Rights Reserved. The phenomenological uniqueness of each patient with schizophrenia is determined by complex symptomatology, particularly the overlapping of symptoms and their prominence in certain phases of this mental disorder. Establishing biological markers is an important step in the further objectivisation and quantification of schizophrenia. Identifying the cytokine profiles that precede a psychotic episode could direct the strategies for relapse prevention and be useful in predicting disease progression and treatment response. In the context of inflammation, TGF-β exerts potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive functions by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokine synthesis, but it can also have pro-inflammatory functions through its stimulatory effects on inflammatory 17 cells. It has been shown that the T helper cell type-1 and type-17 responses are reduced and type-2 response is increased in patients with schizophrenia. Both data from the literature and our results also indicate the presence of an anti-inflammatory response through production of the TGF-β regulatory cytokine. A meta-analysis of plasma cytokine alterations suggested that TGF-β is the state marker for acute exacerbation of schizophrenia, and we showed that TGF-β can also be a valuable marker for psychosis. Hyperactivity of TGF-β signalling pathways in schizophrenia may be both a neuroprotective mechanism and a possible therapeutic target
Intezivna pojava žute rđe pšenice (Puccinia Striiformis Westend ) na području grada Bihaća
Wheat rust (Puccinia striiformis) is the most important plant disease which we encounter for many years. Development of yellow rust on wheat depends on the weather conditions, primarily on increased rainfall and lower temperatures. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the connection between climate changes with the emergence of specific diseases such as rust of wheat, which intensively occurs in areas with colder climate. This paper deals with the occurrence of rust on wheat for three consecutive years: 2014, 2015 and 2016 on the varieties of wheat that are commonly used in the Una Sana Canton, a types Bosanka and Novosadska S 40. The highest level of disease was observed in 2014 on the mentioned varieties. During 2015 there has not been occurrence of rust on wheat, whereas in 2016 on the wheat variet Bosanka occurrence of rust was observed again, less pronounced than it was in 2014.Rđa pšenice (Puccinia striiformis) je značajno oboljenje sa kojim se susrećemo duži niz godina. Razvoj žute rđe na pšenici ovisi o vremenskim uvetima, prvenstveno o povećanoj količini padavina i nižim temperaturama. Cilj ovog rada bio je dokazivanje povezanosti klimatskih promena sa pojavom specifičnih bolesti kao što je rđa pšenice koja se intenzivnije javlja u područjima sa hladnijim klimatom. U ovom radu praćena je pojava rđe na pšenici tokom tri uzastopne godine: 2014., 2015. i 2016. na sortama pšenice koje se najčešće koriste na području Unsko sanskog kantona, Bosanka i NS 40S. Najveći intenzitet bolesti primećen je tokom 2014. godine na pomenutim sortama. Tokom 2015. godine nije došlo do pojave rđe na pšenici dok je 2016. godine na sorti pšenice Bosanka ponovo primećena pojava rđe manjeg intenziteta nego što je to bilo 2014. godine
Uticaj brzine obrtanja pužnice ekstrudera na fizičke karaktreistike hrane za pastrmke
Upotreba ekstrudera u tehnologiji proizvodnje svih vrsta hrane za ribe ubrzano se širi u celom svetu, što je u poslednje vreme evidentno i u domaćoj industriji. Danas se hrana za ribe uglavnom proizvodi u obliku ekstrudata čije fizičke karakteristike, pored ostalog, zavise od sastava hrane, ali i od procesnih parametara tokom ekstrudiranja, od kojih su najznačajniji: temperatura u cevi ekstrudera, geometrija matrice, površina otvora na matrici, tip ekstrudera, geometrija pužnice i brzina obrtanja pužnice. Sposobnost ekstrudata da pluta ili tone (brzina tonjenja) često je najkritičnija funkcionalna karakteristika hrane za ribe, jer utiče kako na ishranu riba i ostalih vodenih životinja, tako i na zagađenje vode koja predstavlja njihovo životno stanište. Plutajuće/tonuće karakteristike zavise od gustine ekstrudata, a gustina se reguliše upravo uslovima ekstrudiranja. U zavisnosti od vrste kojoj je namenjena, hrana za ribe se proizvodi kao: plutajuća (šaran, tilapia, som), sporo-tonuća (pastrmka, losos) i tonuća (grgeč, škampi).
Pastrmka je salmonidna vrsta ribe za čiji je opstanak neophodna sveža tekuća voda, a pripada porodici Salmonidae. Kako je grabljivica, “hvata” hranu dok sporo pada kroz vodu, pa je za njenu ishranu neophodno proizvesti sporo-tonuću hranu. S obzirom da slabo i teško vari skrob, osnovni izvori energije kod pastrmke su prvenstveno masti, a potom i proteini. Da bi se zadovoljili nutritivni zahtevi pastrmke, uz istovremeno obezbeđenje neophodnih fizičkih karakteristika hrane, uslovi ekstrudiranja se moraju strogo definisati i kontrolisati tokom čitavog procesa.
Brzina obrtanja pužnice, kako je već navedeno, predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih parametara ekstrudiranja. Stoga se ovaj rad bavi ispitivanjem uticaja pomenute karakteristike procesa na kvalitet hrane za pastrmke. Na standardni sastav hrane za pastrmke primenjene su tri različite brzine obrtanja pužnice od 180, 300 i 420 obrtaja u minuti. Pri ekstrudiranju su upotrebljenje dve matrice sa ukupnom površinom otvora od 50 mm2 i 100 mm2. Tokom procesa, praćene su promene parametara: temperatura i pritisak u cevi ekstrudera, potrošnja energije, gubitak vode na izlazu iz ekstrudera i fizičkih karakteristika: nasipna masa i sposobnost absorpcije vode ekstrudata. Specijalna pažnja posvećena je promeni brzine tonjenja, veličini od naročitog značaja za ishranu pastrmke. Dobijeni rezultati brzine tonjenja izraženi su kao srednje vrednosti merenja za petnaest slučajnih uzoraka i upotrebljeni za izračunavanje jednostavnog linearnog modela zavisnosti brzine tonjenja hrane za pastrmke od brzine obrtanja pužnice ekstrudera i ukupne površine otvora upotrebljene matrice. Visoka vrednost koeficijenta determinacije (R2 = 0.93) ukazuje na to da dobijena jednačina dobro opisuje gore pomenutu zavisnost
Korišćenje savremenih tehnoloških postupaka u proizvodnji hrane za ribe različitih fizičkih karakteristika
In order to produce fish feed which can satisfy the nutritive requirements and the ever stricter legislation on environment protection, it is necessary to maintain appropriate physical properties of the finished product. When referring to the physical properties of fish feed, we usually think about shape, particle size, their specific weight or bulk density and water stability. Technological production methods are the decisive factor for obtaining these properties, in addition to the well balanced nutritive demands and the adequate quality of raw materials. The goal of this paper is to point out the most important parameters of technological procedures for fish feed processing which are immediately related to the physical properties of the feed. This is presented through examples of specific products which are used by the “FSH Komponenta” company from Ćuprija in Serbia in order to offer potential solutions for certain demands in the fish feed industry
Demographic and socioeconomic factors associated with cervical cancer screening among women in Serbia
ObjectivesEffective reduction of cervical cancer incidence and mortality requires strategic measures encompassing the implementation of a cost-effective screening technology. Serbia has made significant strides, introducing organized cervical cancer screening in 2012. However, various impediments to screening implementation persist. The aim of the study was to estimate the socioeconomic factors associated with cervical cancer screening among women in Serbia.MethodsData from 2019 National Health Survey of the population of Serbia were used in this study. The study is cross sectional survey on a representative sample of the population of Serbia. Present total number of participants analyzed in survey 6,747.ResultsIn Serbia, 67.2% of women have done a Pap test at any time during their lives, of which 46.1% of women have undergone cervical cancer screening in the past 3 years. About a quarter of women have never undergone a Pap test in their life (24.3%). The probability of never having a Pap test have: the youngest age group (15–24 years) is 1.3 times more likely than the oldest age group (OR = 1.31), unmarried women 0.3 times more often than married women (OR = 0.37), respondents with basic education 0.9 times more often than married women (OR = 0.98), the women of lower socioeconomic status 0.5 times more often than respondents of high socioeconomic status (OR = 0.56).ConclusionEnhancement of the existing CCS would be the appropriate public health approach to decrease the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in the Republic of Serbia
Stanje ekosistema za uzgoj pastrmke sa aspekta mikrobiološkog rizika
Control of microbiological status of ponds and a fish itself is of great importance while the aim of control is to detect indicators of faecal pollution and to evaluate the potential risk of consumption of contaminated aquacultural products. In this paper we investigated microbiological population of rainbow trout ponds, in trout itself and in sludge. Investigations were performed at the beginning of autumn, end of autumn and at the beginning of winter. Results indicated that microbiological status of the pond ecosystem was mainly satisfactory, although there were some sporadic cases of A.hydrophila on trout skin at the beginning of autumn
Survival of Advanced Stage High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer Patients in the Republic of Macedonia
AIM: The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the overall survival of women with advanced stage (Stage IIIA-IV) high-grade serous ovarian cancer in MacedoniaMATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was a cross-sectional medical record review of patients diagnosed with advanced stage HGSC. Patients were deemed eligible for inclusion if they were diagnosed with an advanced stage (Stage IIIA-IV) HGSC of the ovary, fallopian tube or peritoneum between 2009 and 2015. The data were analyzed in a descriptive fashion and summary statistics were provided, as appropriate. Survival was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method.RESULTS: A total of 81 eligible patients were identified and included in the study. The average overall survival in the studied cohort was 46.59 months (95%CI = 39.11-54.06). Patients that were optimally debulked and patients that had a platinum-free interval larger than 12 months had significantly longer survival in the current series (p < 0.001).CONCLUSION: the average overall survival of advanced stage HGSC patients in the studied series was 46.59 months (95%CI = 39.11-54.06). Patients aged 65 years or younger tended to live approximately ten months longer than patients older than 65 years, but this difference was not statistically significant. There was no difference in HGSC survival in the groups of patients with grade 2 and grade 3 disease. However, optimal surgical debulking and platinum sensitivity were associated with significantly better overall survival
IL-33/ST2 Pathway and Galectin-3 as a New Analytes in Pathogenesis and Cardiometabolic Risk Evaluation in Psychosis
Schizophrenia and treatment of this disorder are often accompanied with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular issues. Alterations in the serum level of innate immune mediators, such as interleukin-33 (IL-33) and its receptor IL-33R (ST2) and Galectin-3 (Gal-3) were observed in these conditions. Moreover, these parameters are potential prognostic and therapeutic markers. There is also accumulating evidence that these molecules play a role in neuroinflammation. Therefore, in this study we have investigated the serum level of Gal-3, IL-33 and soluble ST2 (sST2) in different stages of schizophrenia. Gal-3 levels were elevated in remission and lower in schizophrenia exacerbation in comparison with controls. Levels of IL-33 and sST2 are higher in schizophrenia exacerbation in comparison with controls and patients in remission. This initial analysis of new markers of neuroinflammation suggested their involvement in schizophrenia pathophysiology and/or cardiometabolic comorbidity