30 research outputs found

    Application of Blockchain in EU Organic Agriculture

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    In recent years Blockchain emerges as a promising technology for agriculture. Blockchain is applied in cryptocurrencies, but in recent years it has also been successfully implemented in the food supply chain. This paper aims to facilitate an understanding of the application of blockchain in organic agriculture. Within the EU where data records in the organic supply chain are in a paper form inaccessible to consumers, there are no uniform data records, etc. These structural shortcomings were the motive for analyzing blockchain as a solution to remove barriers in the supply chain. We rely on intensive literature research, consultations with organic farmers, retail chain representatives, organic products processors, organic certification bodies and experts in the field of production and marketing of organic foodstuff. The results show positive effects of applying blockchain to the organic food supply chain, such as strengthening organic production control systems, increasing consumer trust and reducing administrative and transaction costs

    Analysis of influence of value indicators agricultural production on gross value added in Serbian agriculture

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    The subject of research is the analysis of the influence value of produced agricultural goods and provided services on gross value added (abbr. GVA) in agriculture of Serbia in the period from 2007 until 2020. The aim of writing the paper is to establish which agricultural branch (plant production, livestock production, or agricultural service) has the most contribution to the creation of GVA of agriculture. The set goal was achieved by using multiple regression methods and in a starting model are given achieved values of plant and livestock production, while the value of agricultural services is excluded due to its low share in the total value of agricultural production (2.5% per average year). The results of the regression model were shown that the highest contribution to the creation of GVA of agriculture gives plant production, which by its importance stands out from crop production until the value of livestock production contributes creation of GVA of agriculture in significantly lowes share (value of standardized beta coefficient amounts 0.671 for plant production, ie 0.402 for livestock production). Methods for assessments of the presence of multicollinearity between independent variables (The Tolerance level, VIF value, and Eigen values) have shown that in the frame of plant and livestock production exists a low level of multicollinearity, as a consequence of the influence of livestock production, until in frame of plant production weak multicollinearity as consequences of the influence of fruit-growing and viticulture production

    Impact of row spacing and seed rate on the production characteristics of the perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and their valorisation

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    In this paper are shown the results of the production characteristics of the perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cv. `Naki', which grown in rows with different row spacing and seed rate in the agroecological conditions of central Serbia in three successive analysed years. Four levels of two observed factors were used in the experiment: row spacing (12.5; 25; 37.5 and 50 cm) and seed rate (9, 16, 23 and 30 kg ha(-1)). Due to the analyses, the height of the tiller, the length of the spike and the number of spikelets per spike gave better results by sowing in wider rows (37.5 and 50 cm) using lower seed rate (9 and 16 kg ha(-1)). Seed yield and harvest index responded favourably to sowing in rows at a wider row spacing (37.5 and 50 cm) in combination with a lower seed rate (9 and 16 kg ha(-1)), while shoot dry weight gave better results by sowing in narrower rows (12.5 cm) with lower seed rate (9 and 16 kg ha(-1)). Using the appropriate row spacing in sowing and the optimum of seed rate provides the highest results of the production characteristics of the perennial ryegrass that can be applied to further production

    Protein content in bean grain grown according to sustanable ecological principles

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    The research has been conducted during a three-year period in order to determine the protein content in bean grains grown by organic principles and to choose more suitable variety for farming in organic production. The field experiment was set by a split-plot design in 4 repetitions on calcareous chernozem. The large plots were cropped with varieties Maksa and Zlatko, while control subplot was treated by agro-technical treatments permitted in organic production. In the research, the starting hypothesis was that the protein content in bean grains will depend on variety and applied agro-technics in organic bean growing technology. The protein content in bean grain was statistically significantly dependent on agro-ecological conditions during the production year, variety and applied agro-technics. For the production of bean by organic principles, Maksa variety is recommended. It is possible to achieve high protein content in beans grown in accordance with the principles of sustainable ecological development

    Land use regimes of agricultural soils in mountainous areas of southwest Serbia

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    In order to raise primary agricultural production to an economically viable level, the Republic of Serbia adopted the number of documents, strategies and laws regulating important issues related to agriculture and rural areas. This documentation would create conditions for achieving the economic, ecological and social goals of sustainable development adopted by the United Nations for the period 2015ā€“2030. When it comes to the development of rural areas of Serbia, the main goals would be to: 1/ stop the migration of the rural population by creating the prerequisites for the modernization of primary agricultural production to increase the production of health-safe and functional food in areas where sustainable and organic agriculture can be organized 2/ production of health-safe and functional organic food. The holders of these projects, with the help of scientists from the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun, increased the volume of primary plant and animal production on surfaces that were neglicted for many years and covered with perennial weeds

    Načini koriŔćenja poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta brdsko-planinskog područja jugozapadne Srbije

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    In order to raise primary agricultural production to an economically viable level, the Republic of Serbia adopted the number of documents, strategies and laws regulating important issues related to agriculture and rural areas. This documentation would create conditions for achieving the economic, ecological and social goals of sustainable development adopted by the United Nations for the period 2015ā€“2030. When it comes to the development of rural areas of Serbia, the main goals would be to: 1/ stop the migration of the rural population by creating the prerequisites for the modernization of primary agricultural production to increase the production of health-safe and functional food in areas where sustainable and organic agriculture can be organized 2/ production of health-safe and functional organic food. The holders of these projects, with the help of scientists from the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun, increased the volume of primary plant and animal production on surfaces that were neglected for many years and covered with perennial weeds.Da bi podigli primarnu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju na ekonomski isplativ nivo u Republici Srbiji je usvojen značajan broj dokumenata, strategija i zakona kojima se reguliÅ”u značajna pitanja vezana za poljoprivredu i ruralna područja. Ovom dokumentacijom stvorili bi se uslovi za ostvarivanje ekonomskih, ekoloÅ”kih i socijalnih ciljeva održivog razvoja usvojine od Ujedinjenih nacija za period 2015ā€“2030. Kada je u pitanju razvijanje ruralnih područja u Srbiji, osnovni ciljevi bili bi: kako da se zaustavi migracija seoskog stanovniÅ”tva stvaranjem preduslova da se osavremenjavanjem primarne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, povećanjem zdravstveno bezbedne i funkcionalne hrane u predelima gde se može organizovati održiva i organska poljoprivreda, i proizvoditi organska zdravstveno bezbedna hrana. Nosioci ovih projekata, uz pomoć naučnih radnika Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Zemunu, povećali su obim primarne biljne i stočarske proizvodnje na povrÅ”inama koje su bile duži niz godina zapuÅ”tene i obrasle viÅ”egodiÅ”njim korovima

    Effects of autumn and spring soybean fertilization on grain yield and oil content

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    Tokom 2017., 2018. i 2019. godine ispitivana je primena NPK i N đubriva u jesenjem i prolećnom periodu na prinos, sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje i prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Jesenja primena NPK đubriva uz predsetvenu primenu azotnog đubriva AN ima najveći pozitivan efekat na prinos zrna i prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Predsetvena primena azotnih đubriva, bez primene NPK đubriva ima mali efekat na povećanje prinosa zrna i ulja soje. Prolećna primena NPK đubriva i azotnog đubriva AN povećava sadržaj ulja u zrnu, ali smanjuje prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine i prinos zrna, u odnosu na jesenju primenu NPK đubriva.During the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, application of NPK and N fertilizers was examined in autumn and spring periods, as well as itā€™s influence on yield, soybean grain oil content and oil yield per area unit. Applying NPK fertilizer in autumn along with a pre-sowing treatment with nitrogenous fertilizer AN has the greatest positive effect on grain and oil yield per area unit. Pre-sowing application of nitrogenous fertilizers without the use of NPK fertilizer has a small effect on the increasement of soybean grain and oil yields. Spring application of NPK fertilizers and nitrogenous fertilizer AN increases grain oil content, but decreases oil yield per area unit and grain yield, when compared to autmn application of NPK fertilizers

    Effects of autumn and spring soybean fertilization on grain yield and oil content

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    Tokom 2017., 2018. i 2019. godine ispitivana je primena NPK i N đubriva u jesenjem i prolećnom periodu na prinos, sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje i prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Jesenja primena NPK đubriva uz predsetvenu primenu azotnog đubriva AN ima najveći pozitivan efekat na prinos zrna i prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Predsetvena primena azotnih đubriva, bez primene NPK đubriva ima mali efekat na povećanje prinosa zrna i ulja soje. Prolećna primena NPK đubriva i azotnog đubriva AN povećava sadržaj ulja u zrnu, ali smanjuje prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine i prinos zrna, u odnosu na jesenju primenu NPK đubriva.During the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, application of NPK and N fertilizers was examined in autumn and spring periods, as well as itā€™s influence on yield, soybean grain oil content and oil yield per area unit. Applying NPK fertilizer in autumn along with a pre-sowing treatment with nitrogenous fertilizer AN has the greatest positive effect on grain and oil yield per area unit. Pre-sowing application of nitrogenous fertilizers without the use of NPK fertilizer has a small effect on the increasement of soybean grain and oil yields. Spring application of NPK fertilizers and nitrogenous fertilizer AN increases grain oil content, but decreases oil yield per area unit and grain yield, when compared to autumn application of NPK fertilizers

    The impact of agroecological conditions, sowing rate and nitrogen on seed germination of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)

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    Engleski ljulj (Lolium perenne L.) pripada porodici bokorastih trava (Poaceae) i sa agronomskog aspekta predstavlja najvažniju vrstu trava za paÅ”njake u umerenoj klimi. Ogledi sa engleskim ljuljom izvedeni su u agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima Å umadije na lokalitetu Darosava, u trogodiÅ”njem periodu, 2012-2014 godina. U ispitivanom vremenskom periodu, prosečna klijavost semena iznosila je 66%. Najveća prosečna vrednost ukupne klijavosti semena tokom eksperimenta postignuta je 2013. godine (93,6%) dok je najmanja ukupna klijavost semena zabeležena u 2014. godini (66,1%). Na ovaj parametar snažan uticaj imale su količine padavina. Druga godina ispitivanja bila je najpovoljnija za semensku proizvodnju engleskog ljulja. Razmak redova i prolećno đubrenje azotom značajno su uticali na ukupnu klijavost semena engleskog ljulja. Sa povećanjem udaljenosti ili količine upotrebljenog đubriva, vrednost ukupnog klijanja semena je rasla tokom svih testiranih godina. Uticaj setvene norme je bio suprotan, sa povećanjem količine semena dolazilo je do smanjenja ukupne klijavosti u sve tri godine.Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) belongs to the family of bunchgrasses (Poaceae) and from the agronomical point of view it represents most important type of grass for pastures in temperate climates. Experiments with perennial ryegrass were performed in agroecological conditions of Å umadija, locality Darosava in period of three years (2012-2014). The examined period, the highest average seed germination was 66%. Highest average value of total seed germination during the experiment is achieved in 2013th (93.6%), until lowest total seed germination is noticed in 2014th (66.1%). Precipitation parameters had a strong influence on this parameter. Second year of experiment was the most favorable for perennial grass seed production. Distance between rows and spring fertilization of nitrogen had a significant influence on total seed germination of perennial ryegrass. With increasing of distances or quantity of used fertilizer, value of total seed germination has grown during all testing years. The impact of sowing rate was the opposite, with increasing of seed quantity there was a decrease in total germination in all three years